- Dec 07, 2015
Davies Liu authored
Currently, the current line is not cleared by Cltr-C After this patch ``` >>> asdfasdf^C Traceback (most recent call last): File "~/spark/python/pyspark/context.py", line 225, in signal_handler raise KeyboardInterrupt() KeyboardInterrupt ``` It's still worse than 1.5 (and before). Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #10134 from davies/fix_cltrc.
Sun Rui authored
This PR: 1. Suppress all known warnings. 2. Cleanup test cases and fix some errors in test cases. 3. Fix errors in HiveContext related test cases. These test cases are actually not run previously due to a bug of creating TestHiveContext. 4. Support 'testthat' package version 0.11.0 which prefers that test cases be under 'tests/testthat' 5. Make sure the default Hadoop file system is local when running test cases. 6. Turn on warnings into errors. Author: Sun Rui <rui.sun@intel.com> Closes #10030 from sun-rui/SPARK-12034.
Davies Liu authored
Currently, the order of joins is exactly the same as SQL query, some conditions may not pushed down to the correct join, then those join will become cross product and is extremely slow. This patch try to re-order the inner joins (which are common in SQL query), pick the joins that have self-contain conditions first, delay those that does not have conditions. After this patch, the TPCDS query Q64/65 can run hundreds times faster. cc marmbrus nongli Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #10073 from davies/reorder_joins.
Burak Yavuz authored
We need to make sure that the last entry is indeed the last entry in the queue. Author: Burak Yavuz <brkyvz@gmail.com> Closes #10110 from brkyvz/batch-wal-test-fix.
- Dec 06, 2015
Josh Rosen authored
Currently, `dev/scalastyle` invokes SBT four times, but these invocations can be replaced with a single invocation, saving about one minute of build time. Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #10151 from JoshRosen/speed-up-scalastyle.
gatorsmile authored
When \u appears in a comment block (i.e. in /**/), code gen will break. So, in Expression and CodegenFallback, we escape \u to \\u. yhuai Please review it. I did reproduce it and it works after the fix. Thanks! Author: gatorsmile <gatorsmile@gmail.com> Closes #10155 from gatorsmile/escapeU.
gcc authored
Author: gcc <spark-src@condor.rhaag.ip> Closes #10101 from rh99/master.
Yanbo Liang authored
1, Add ```isNaN``` to ```Column``` for SparkR. ```Column``` should has three related variable functions: ```isNaN, isNull, isNotNull```. 2, Replace ```DataFrame.isNaN``` with ```DataFrame.isnan``` at SparkR side. Because ```DataFrame.isNaN``` has been deprecated and will be removed at Spark 2.0. <del>3, Add ```isnull``` to ```DataFrame``` for SparkR. ```DataFrame``` should has two related functions: ```isnan, isnull```.<del> cc shivaram sun-rui felixcheung Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #10037 from yanboliang/spark-12044.
- Dec 05, 2015
Yanbo Liang authored
[SPARK-12115][SPARKR] Change numPartitions() to getNumPartitions() to be consistent with Scala/Python Change ```numPartitions()``` to ```getNumPartitions()``` to be consistent with Scala/Python. <del>Note: If we can not catch up with 1.6 release, it will be breaking change for 1.7 that we also need to explain in release note.<del> cc sun-rui felixcheung shivaram Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #10123 from yanboliang/spark-12115.
felixcheung authored
Need to match existing method signature Author: felixcheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #9680 from felixcheung/rcorr.
Sun Rui authored
Author: Sun Rui <rui.sun@intel.com> Closes #9804 from sun-rui/SPARK-11774.
Sean Owen authored
Update JPMML pmml-model to 1.2.7 Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #9972 from srowen/SPARK-11988.
Antonio Murgia authored
[SPARK-11994][MLLIB] Word2VecModel load and save cause SparkException when model is bigger than spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max Author: Antonio Murgia <antonio.murgia2@studio.unibo.it> Closes #9989 from tmnd1991/SPARK-11932.
Yuhao Yang authored
jira: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-12096 word2vec now can handle much bigger vocabulary. The old constraint vocabSize.toLong * vectorSize < Ine.max / 8 should be removed. new constraint is vocabSize.toLong * vectorSize < max array length (usually a little less than Int.MaxValue) I tested with vocabsize over 18M and vectorsize = 100. srowen jkbradley Sorry to miss this in last PR. I was reminded today. Author: Yuhao Yang <hhbyyh@gmail.com> Closes #10103 from hhbyyh/w2vCapacity.
- Dec 04, 2015
Shixiong Zhu authored
`ByteBuffer` doesn't guarantee all contents in `ByteBuffer.array` are valid. E.g, a ByteBuffer returned by `ByteBuffer.slice`. We should not use the whole content of `ByteBuffer` unless we know that's correct. This patch fixed all places that use `ByteBuffer.array` incorrectly. Author: Shixiong Zhu <shixiong@databricks.com> Closes #10083 from zsxwing/bytebuffer-array.
rotems authored
Author: rotems <roter> Closes #10078 from Botnaim/KryoMultipleCustomRegistrators.
meiyoula authored
Using Dynamic Allocation function, when a new AM is starting, and ExecutorAllocationManager send RequestExecutor message to AM. If the container allocator is not ready, the whole app will hang on Author: meiyoula <1039320815@qq.com> Closes #10138 from XuTingjun/patch-1.
Josh Rosen authored
We should upgrade to SBT 0.13.9, since this is a requirement in order to use SBT's new Maven-style resolution features (which will be done in a separate patch, because it's blocked by some binary compatibility issues in the POM reader plugin). I also upgraded Scalastyle to version 0.8.0, which was necessary in order to fix a Scala 2.10.5 compatibility issue (see https://github.com/scalastyle/scalastyle/issues/156). The newer Scalastyle is slightly stricter about whitespace surrounding tokens, so I fixed the new style violations. Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #10112 from JoshRosen/upgrade-to-sbt-0.13.9.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #10147 from vanzin/SPARK-11314.
Burak Yavuz authored
Python tests require access to the `KinesisTestUtils` file. When this file exists under src/test, python can't access it, since it is not available in the assembly jar. However, if we move KinesisTestUtils to src/main, we need to add the KinesisProducerLibrary as a dependency. In order to avoid this, I moved KinesisTestUtils to src/main, and extended it with ExtendedKinesisTestUtils which is under src/test that adds support for the KPL. cc zsxwing tdas Author: Burak Yavuz <brkyvz@gmail.com> Closes #10050 from brkyvz/kinesis-py.
Dmitry Erastov authored
This replaces https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/9696 Invoke Checkstyle and print any errors to the console, failing the step. Use Google's style rules modified according to https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SPARK/Spark+Code+Style+Guide Some important checks are disabled (see TODOs in `checkstyle.xml`) due to multiple violations being present in the codebase. Suggest fixing those TODOs in a separate PR(s). More on Checkstyle can be found on the [official website](http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/). Sample output (from [build 46345](https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/job/SparkPullRequestBuilder/46345/consoleFull)) (duplicated because I run the build twice with different profiles): > Checkstyle checks failed at following occurrences: [ERROR] src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/UnsafeRowParquetRecordReader.java:[217,7] (coding) MissingSwitchDefault: switch without "default" clause. > [ERROR] src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/SpecificParquetRecordReaderBase.java:[198,10] (modifier) ModifierOrder: 'protected' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. > [ERROR] src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/UnsafeRowParquetRecordReader.java:[217,7] (coding) MissingSwitchDefault: switch without "default" clause. > [ERROR] src/main/java/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/SpecificParquetRecordReaderBase.java:[198,10] (modifier) ModifierOrder: 'protected' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. > [error] running /home/jenkins/workspace/SparkPullRequestBuilder2/dev/lint-java ; received return code 1 Also fix some of the minor violations that didn't require sweeping changes. Apologies for the previous botched PRs - I finally figured out the issue. cr: JoshRosen, pwendell > I state that the contribution is my original work, and I license the work to the project under the project's open source license. Author: Dmitry Erastov <derastov@gmail.com> Closes #9867 from dskrvk/master.
Nong authored
When the spillable sort iterator was spilled, it was mistakenly keeping the last page in memory rather than the current page. This causes the current record to get corrupted. Author: Nong <nong@cloudera.com> Closes #10142 from nongli/spark-12089.
kaklakariada authored
These links make it easier for new developers to work with Spark in their IDE. Author: kaklakariada <kaklakariada@users.noreply.github.com> Closes #10104 from kaklakariada/readme-developing-ide-gettting-started.
Tathagata Das authored
[SPARK-12122][STREAMING] Prevent batches from being submitted twice after recovering StreamingContext from checkpoint Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #10127 from tdas/SPARK-12122.
- Dec 03, 2015
Sun Rui authored
Author: Sun Rui <rui.sun@intel.com> Closes #10118 from sun-rui/SPARK-12104.
Carson Wang authored
Resubmit #9297 and #9991 On the live web UI, there is a SQL tab which provides valuable information for the SQL query. But once the workload is finished, we won't see the SQL tab on the history server. It will be helpful if we support SQL UI on the history server so we can analyze it even after its execution. To support SQL UI on the history server: 1. I added an onOtherEvent method to the SparkListener trait and post all SQL related events to the same event bus. 2. Two SQL events SparkListenerSQLExecutionStart and SparkListenerSQLExecutionEnd are defined in the sql module. 3. The new SQL events are written to event log using Jackson. 4. A new trait SparkHistoryListenerFactory is added to allow the history server to feed events to the SQL history listener. The SQL implementation is loaded at runtime using java.util.ServiceLoader. Author: Carson Wang <carson.wang@intel.com> Closes #10061 from carsonwang/SqlHistoryUI.
Anderson de Andrade authored
TaskAttemptContext's constructor will clone the configuration instead of referencing it. Calling setConf after creating TaskAttemptContext makes any changes to the configuration made inside setConf unperceived by RecordReader instances. As an example, Titan's InputFormat will change conf when calling setConf. They wrap their InputFormat around Cassandra's ColumnFamilyInputFormat, and append Cassandra's configuration. This change fixes the following error when using Titan's CassandraInputFormat with Spark: *java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException: Required field 'keyspace' was not present! Struct: set_key space_args(keyspace:null)* There's a discussion of this error here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/aureliusgraphs/4zpwyrYbGAE Author: Anderson de Andrade <adeandrade@verticalscope.com> Closes #10046 from adeandrade/newhadooprdd-fix.
felixcheung authored
and add tests. Spark submit expects comma-separated list Author: felixcheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #10034 from felixcheung/sparkrinitdoc.
Tathagata Das authored
Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #10124 from tdas/InputStreamSuite-flaky-test.
Nicholas Chammas authored
I haven't created a JIRA. If we absolutely need one I'll do it, but I'm fine with not getting mentioned in the release notes if that's the only purpose it'll serve. cc marmbrus - We should include this in 1.6-RC2 if there is one. I can open a second PR against branch-1.6 if necessary. Author: Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.chammas@gmail.com> Closes #10109 from nchammas/spark-ec2-versions.
Yanbo Liang authored
Use ```coefficients``` replace ```weights```, I wish they are the last two. mengxr Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #10065 from yanboliang/coefficients.
Andrew Or authored
**Problem.** Event logs in 1.6 were much bigger than 1.5. I ran page rank and the event log size in 1.6 was almost 5x that in 1.5. I did a bisect to find that the RDD callsite added in #9398 is largely responsible for this. **Solution.** This patch removes the long form of the callsite (which is not used!) from the event log. This reduces the size of the event log significantly. *Note on compatibility*: if this patch is to be merged into 1.6.0, then it won't break any compatibility. Otherwise, if it is merged into 1.6.1, then we might need to add more backward compatibility handling logic (currently does not exist yet). Author: Andrew Or <andrew@databricks.com> Closes #10115 from andrewor14/smaller-event-logs.
Shixiong Zhu authored
`SynchronousQueue` cannot cache any task. This issue is similar to #9978. It's an easy fix. Just use the fixed `ThreadUtils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool`. Author: Shixiong Zhu <shixiong@databricks.com> Closes #10108 from zsxwing/fix-threadpool.
jerryshao authored
Downgrade to warning log for unexpected state transition. andrewor14 please review, thanks a lot. Author: jerryshao <sshao@hortonworks.com> Closes #10091 from jerryshao/SPARK-12059.
Steve Loughran authored
This is purely the yarn/src/main and yarn/src/test bits of the YARN ATS integration: the extension model to load and run implementations of `SchedulerExtensionService` in the yarn cluster scheduler process —and to stop them afterwards. There's duplication between the two schedulers, yarn-client and yarn-cluster, at least in terms of setting everything up, because the common superclass, `YarnSchedulerBackend` is in spark-core, and the extension services need the YARN app/attempt IDs. If you look at how the the extension services are loaded, the case class `SchedulerExtensionServiceBinding` is used to pass in config info -currently just the spark context and the yarn IDs, of which one, the attemptID, will be null when running client-side. I'm passing in a case class to ensure that it would be possible in future to add extra arguments to the binding class, yet, as the method signature will not have changed, still be able to load existing services. There's no functional extension service here, just one for testing. The real tests come in the bigger pull requests. At the same time, there's no restriction of this extension service purely to the ATS history publisher. Anything else that wants to listen to the spark context and publish events could use this, and I'd also consider writing one for the YARN-913 registry service, so that the URLs of the web UI would be locatable through that (low priority; would make more sense if integrated with a REST client). There's no minicluster test. Given the test execution overhead of setting up minicluster tests, it'd probably be better to add an extension service into one of the existing tests. Author: Steve Loughran <stevel@hortonworks.com> Closes #9182 from steveloughran/stevel/feature/SPARK-1537-service.
felixcheung authored
shivaram Author: felixcheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #10119 from felixcheung/rdocdplyrmasked.
microwishing authored
this is to fix some typo in external/kafka/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/kafka/OffsetRange.scala Author: microwishing <wei.zhu@kaiyuandao.com> Closes #10121 from microwishing/master.
Jeff Zhang authored
\cc mengxr Author: Jeff Zhang <zjffdu@apache.org> Closes #10093 from zjffdu/mllib_typo.
Huaxin Gao authored
In Java Spec java.sql.Connection, it has boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLException Throws: SQLException - if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed connection So if conn.getAutoCommit is called on a closed connection, a SQLException will be thrown. Even though the code catch the SQLException and program can continue, I think we should check conn.isClosed before calling conn.getAutoCommit to avoid the unnecessary SQLException. Author: Huaxin Gao <huaxing@oc0558782468.ibm.com> Closes #10095 from huaxingao/spark-12088.
- Dec 02, 2015
Yin Huai authored
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-12109 The change of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11596 exposed the problem. In the sql plan viz, the filter shows  After changes in this PR, the viz is back to normal.  Author: Yin Huai <yhuai@databricks.com> Closes #10111 from yhuai/SPARK-12109.