- Dec 14, 2016
Cheng Lian authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Currently, the full console output page of a Spark Jenkins PR build can be as large as several megabytes. It takes a relatively long time to load and may even freeze the browser for quite a while. This PR makes the build script to post the test report page link to GitHub instead. The test report page is way more concise and is usually the first page I'd like to check when investigating a Jenkins build failure. Note that for builds that a test report is not available (ongoing builds and builds that fail before test execution), the test report link automatically redirects to the build page. ## How was this patch tested? N/A. Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Closes #16163 from liancheng/jenkins-test-report.
Imran Rashid authored
There is a small race in SchedulerIntegrationSuite. The test assumes that the taskscheduler thread processing that last task will finish before the DAGScheduler processes the task event and notifies the job waiter, but that is not 100% guaranteed. ran the test locally a bunch of times, never failed, though admittedly it never failed locally for me before either. However I am nearly 100% certain this is what caused the failure of one jenkins build https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/job/SparkPullRequestBuilder/68694/consoleFull (which is long gone now, sorry -- I fixed it as part of https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/14079 initially) Author: Imran Rashid <irashid@cloudera.com> Closes #16270 from squito/sched_integ_flakiness.
Nattavut Sutyanyong authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Move the checking of GROUP BY column in correlated scalar subquery from CheckAnalysis to Analysis to fix a regression caused by SPARK-18504. This problem can be reproduced with a simple script now. Seq((1,1)).toDF("pk","pv").createOrReplaceTempView("p") Seq((1,1)).toDF("ck","cv").createOrReplaceTempView("c") sql("select * from p,c where p.pk=c.ck and c.cv = (select avg(c1.cv) from c c1 where c1.ck = p.pk)").show The requirements are: 1. We need to reference the same table twice in both the parent and the subquery. Here is the table c. 2. We need to have a correlated predicate but to a different table. Here is from c (as c1) in the subquery to p in the parent. 3. We will then "deduplicate" c1.ck in the subquery to `ck#<n1>#<n2>` at `Project` above `Aggregate` of `avg`. Then when we compare `ck#<n1>#<n2>` and the original group by column `ck#<n1>` by their canonicalized form, which is #<n2> != #<n1>. That's how we trigger the exception added in SPARK-18504. ## How was this patch tested? SubquerySuite and a simplified version of TPCDS-Q32 Author: Nattavut Sutyanyong <nsy.can@gmail.com> Closes #16246 from nsyca/18814.
- Dec 13, 2016
Wenchen Fan authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? `OverwriteOptions` was introduced in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/15705, to carry the information of static partitions. However, after further refactor, this information becomes duplicated and we can remove `OverwriteOptions`. ## How was this patch tested? N/A Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #15995 from cloud-fan/overwrite.
wm624@hotmail.com authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? While adding vignettes for kstest, I found some errors in the example: 1. There is a typo of kstest; 2. print.summary.KStest doesn't work with the example; Fix the example errors; Add a new unit test for print.summary.KStest; ## How was this patch tested? Manual test; Add new unit test; Author: wm624@hotmail.com <wm624@hotmail.com> Closes #16259 from wangmiao1981/ks.
Shixiong Zhu authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Disable KafkaSourceStressForDontFailOnDataLossSuite for now. ## How was this patch tested? Jenkins Author: Shixiong Zhu <shixiong@databricks.com> Closes #16275 from zsxwing/ignore-flaky-test.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #16257 from vanzin/SPARK-18752.2.
Weiqing Yang authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Add implicit encoders for BigDecimal, timestamp and date. ## How was this patch tested? Add an unit test. Pass build, unit tests, and some tests below . Before: ``` scala> spark.createDataset(Seq(new java.math.BigDecimal(10))) <console>:24: error: Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset. Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported by importing spark.implicits._ Support for serializing other types will be added in future releases. spark.createDataset(Seq(new java.math.BigDecimal(10))) ^ scala> ``` After: ``` scala> spark.createDataset(Seq(new java.math.BigDecimal(10))) res0: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[java.math.BigDecimal] = [value: decimal(38,18)] ``` Author: Weiqing Yang <yangweiqing001@gmail.com> Closes #16176 from weiqingy/SPARK-18746.
Xiangrui Meng authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Mention `spark.randomForest` and `spark.gbt` in vignettes. Keep the content minimal since users can type `?spark.randomForest` to see the full doc. cc: jkbradley Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #16264 from mengxr/SPARK-18793.
Tathagata Das authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? - Changed `StreamingQueryProgress.watermark` to `StreamingQueryProgress.queryTimestamps` which is a `Map[String, String]` containing the following keys: "eventTime.max", "eventTime.min", "eventTime.avg", "processingTime", "watermark". All of them UTC formatted strings. - Renamed `StreamingQuery.timestamp` to `StreamingQueryProgress.triggerTimestamp` to differentiate from `queryTimestamps`. It has the timestamp of when the trigger was started. ## How was this patch tested? Updated tests Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #16258 from tdas/SPARK-18834.
Alex Bozarth authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? When I added a visibility check for the logs column on the executors page in #14382 the method I used only ran the check on the initial DataTable creation and not subsequent page loads. I moved the check out of the table definition and instead it runs on each page load. The jQuery DataTable functionality used is the same. ## How was this patch tested? Tested Manually No visible UI changes to screenshot. Author: Alex Bozarth <ajbozart@us.ibm.com> Closes #16256 from ajbozarth/spark18816.
Anthony Truchet authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? CostFun used to send a dense vector of zeroes as a closure in a treeAggregate call. To avoid that, we replace treeAggregate by mapPartition + treeReduce, creating a zero vector inside the mapPartition block in-place. ## How was this patch tested? Unit test for module mllib run locally for correctness. As for performance we run an heavy optimization on our production data (50 iterations on 128 MB weight vectors) and have seen significant decrease in terms both of runtime and container being killed by lack of off-heap memory. Author: Anthony Truchet <a.truchet@criteo.com> Author: sethah <seth.hendrickson16@gmail.com> Author: Anthony Truchet <AnthonyTruchet@users.noreply.github.com> Closes #16037 from AnthonyTruchet/ENG-17719-lbfgs-only.
actuaryzhang authored
The AIC calculation in Binomial GLM seems to be off when the response or weight is non-integer: the result is different from that in R. This issue arises when one models rates, i.e, num of successes normalized over num of trials, and uses num of trials as weights. In this case, the effective likelihood is weight * label ~ binomial(weight, mu), where weight = number of trials, and weight * label = number of successes and mu = is the success rate. srowen sethah yanboliang HyukjinKwon zhengruifeng ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? I suggest changing the current aic calculation for the Binomial family from ``` -2.0 * predictions.map { case (y: Double, mu: Double, weight: Double) => weight * dist.Binomial(1, mu).logProbabilityOf(math.round(y).toInt) }.sum() ``` to the following which generalizes to the case of real-valued response and weights. ``` -2.0 * predictions.map { case (y: Double, mu: Double, weight: Double) => val wt = math.round(weight).toInt if (wt == 0){ 0.0 } else { dist.Binomial(wt, mu).logProbabilityOf(math.round(y * weight).toInt) } }.sum() ``` ## How was this patch tested? I will write the unit test once the community wants to include the proposed change. For now, the following modifies existing tests in weighted Binomial GLM to illustrate the issue. The second label is changed from 0 to 0.5. ``` val datasetWithWeight = Seq( (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5.0), (0.5, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0), (1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0), (0.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0) ).toDF("y", "w", "x1", "x2") val formula = (new RFormula() .setFormula("y ~ x1 + x2") .setFeaturesCol("features") .setLabelCol("label")) val output = formula.fit(datasetWithWeight).transform(datasetWithWeight).select("features", "label", "w") val glr = new GeneralizedLinearRegression() .setFamily("binomial") .setWeightCol("w") .setFitIntercept(false) .setRegParam(0) val model = glr.fit(output) model.summary.aic ``` The AIC from Spark is 17.3227, and the AIC from R is 15.66454. Author: actuaryzhang <actuaryzhang10@gmail.com> Closes #16149 from actuaryzhang/aic.
jerryshao authored
[SPARK-18840][YARN] Avoid throw exception when getting token renewal interval in non HDFS security environment ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Fix `java.util.NoSuchElementException` when running Spark in non-hdfs security environment. In the current code, we assume `HDFS_DELEGATION_KIND` token will be found in Credentials. But in some cloud environments, HDFS is not required, so we should avoid this exception. ## How was this patch tested? Manually verified in local environment. Author: jerryshao <sshao@hortonworks.com> Closes #16265 from jerryshao/SPARK-18840.
jiangxingbo authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Change the statement `SHOW TABLES [EXTENDED] [(IN|FROM) database_name] [[LIKE] 'identifier_with_wildcards'] [PARTITION(partition_spec)]` to the following statements: - SHOW TABLES [(IN|FROM) database_name] [[LIKE] 'identifier_with_wildcards'] - SHOW TABLE EXTENDED [(IN|FROM) database_name] LIKE 'identifier_with_wildcards' [PARTITION(partition_spec)] After this change, the statements `SHOW TABLE/SHOW TABLES` have the same syntax with that HIVE has. ## How was this patch tested? Modified the test sql file `show-tables.sql`; Modified the test suite `DDLSuite`. Author: jiangxingbo <jiangxb1987@gmail.com> Closes #16262 from jiangxb1987/show-table-extended.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
This avoids issues during maven tests because of shading. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #16260 from vanzin/SPARK-18835.
Shixiong Zhu authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Some places in SQL may call `RpcEndpointRef.askWithRetry` (e.g., ParquetFileFormat.buildReader -> SparkContext.broadcast -> ... -> BlockManagerMaster.updateBlockInfo -> RpcEndpointRef.askWithRetry), which will finally call `Await.result`. It may cause `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: spark.sql.execution.id is already set` when running in Scala ForkJoinPool. This PR includes the following changes to fix this issue: - Remove `ThreadUtils.awaitResult` - Rename `ThreadUtils. awaitResultInForkJoinSafely` to `ThreadUtils.awaitResult` - Replace `Await.result` in RpcTimeout with `ThreadUtils.awaitResult`. ## How was this patch tested? Jenkins Author: Shixiong Zhu <shixiong@databricks.com> Closes #16230 from zsxwing/fix-SPARK-13747.
Wenchen Fan authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Before hive 1.1, when inserting into a table, hive will create the staging directory under a common scratch directory. After the writing is finished, hive will simply empty the table directory and move the staging directory to it. After hive 1.1, hive will create the staging directory under the table directory, and when moving staging directory to table directory, hive will still empty the table directory, but will exclude the staging directory there. In `InsertIntoHiveTable`, we simply copy the code from hive 1.2, which means we will always create the staging directory under the table directory, no matter what the hive version is. This causes problems if the hive version is prior to 1.1, because the staging directory will be removed by hive when hive is trying to empty the table directory. This PR copies the code from hive 0.13, so that we have 2 branches to create staging directory. If hive version is prior to 1.1, we'll go to the old style branch(i.e. create the staging directory under a common scratch directory), else, go to the new style branch(i.e. create the staging directory under the table directory) ## How was this patch tested? new test Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #16104 from cloud-fan/hive-0.13.
Jacek Laskowski authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? I **believe** that I _only_ removed duplicated code (that adds nothing but noise). I'm gonna remove the comment after Jenkins has built the changes with no issues and Spark devs has agreed to include the changes. Remove explicit `RDD` and `Partition` overrides (that turn out code duplication) ## How was this patch tested? Local build. Awaiting Jenkins. …cation) Author: Jacek Laskowski <jacek@japila.pl> Closes #16145 from jaceklaskowski/rdd-overrides-removed.
Andrew Ray authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Fixes compile errors in generated code when user has case class with a `scala.collections.immutable.Map` instead of a `scala.collections.Map`. Since ArrayBasedMapData.toScalaMap returns the immutable version we can make it work with both. ## How was this patch tested? Additional unit tests. Author: Andrew Ray <ray.andrew@gmail.com> Closes #16161 from aray/fix-map-codegen.
wm624@hotmail.com authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? spark.logit is added in 2.1. We need to update spark-vignettes to reflect the changes. This is part of SparkR QA work. ## How was this patch tested? Manual build html. Please see attached image for the result.  Author: wm624@hotmail.com <wm624@hotmail.com> Closes #16222 from wangmiao1981/veg.
Shixiong Zhu authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Major change in this PR: - Add `pendingQueryNames` and `pendingQueryIds` to track that are going to start but not yet put into `activeQueries` so that we don't need to hold a lock when starting a query. Minor changes: - Fix a potential NPE when the user sets `checkpointLocation` using SQLConf but doesn't specify a query name. - Add missing docs in `StreamingQueryListener` ## How was this patch tested? Jenkins Author: Shixiong Zhu <shixiong@databricks.com> Closes #16220 from zsxwing/SPARK-18796.
- Dec 12, 2016
Marcelo Vanzin authored
This change moves the logic that translates Spark configuration to commons-crypto configuration to the network-common module. It also extends TransportConf and ConfigProvider to provide the necessary interfaces for the translation to work. As part of the change, I removed SystemPropertyConfigProvider, which was mostly used as an "empty config" in unit tests, and adjusted the very few tests that required a specific config. I also changed the config keys for AES encryption to live under the "spark.network." namespace, which is more correct than their previous names under "spark.authenticate.". Tested via existing unit test. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #16200 from vanzin/SPARK-18773.
Felix Cheung authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Support overriding the download url (include version directory) in an environment variable, `SPARKR_RELEASE_DOWNLOAD_URL` ## How was this patch tested? unit test, manually testing - snapshot build url - download when spark jar not cached - when spark jar is cached - RC build url - download when spark jar not cached - when spark jar is cached - multiple cached spark versions - starting with sparkR shell To use this, ``` SPARKR_RELEASE_DOWNLOAD_URL=http://this_is_the_url_to_spark_release_tgz R ``` then in R, ``` library(SparkR) # or specify lib.loc sparkR.session() ``` Author: Felix Cheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #16248 from felixcheung/rinstallurl.
Yuming Wang authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Cloudera put `/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/15000-hive-HIVEMETASTORE/hive-site.xml` as the configuration file for the Hive Metastore Server, where `hive.metastore.try.direct.sql=false`. But Spark isn't reading this configuration file and get default value `hive.metastore.try.direct.sql=true`. As mallman said, we should use `getMetaConf` method to obtain the original configuration from Hive Metastore Server. I have tested this method few times and the return value is always consistent with Hive Metastore Server. ## How was this patch tested? The existing tests. Author: Yuming Wang <wgyumg@gmail.com> Closes #16122 from wangyum/SPARK-18681.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
The value of the "isSrcLocal" parameter passed to Hive's loadTable and loadPartition methods needs to be set according to the user query (e.g. "LOAD DATA LOCAL"), and not the current code that tries to guess what it should be. For existing versions of Hive the current behavior is probably ok, but some recent changes in the Hive code changed the semantics slightly, making code that sets "isSrcLocal" to "true" incorrectly to do the wrong thing. It would end up moving the parent directory of the files into the final location, instead of the file themselves, resulting in a table that cannot be read. I modified HiveCommandSuite so that existing "LOAD DATA" tests are run both in local and non-local mode, since the semantics are slightly different. The tests include a few new checks to make sure the semantics follow what Hive describes in its documentation. Tested with existing unit tests and also ran some Hive integration tests with a version of Hive containing the changes that surfaced the problem. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #16179 from vanzin/SPARK-18752.
meknio authored
The problem is if it is run with no fix throws an exception and causes the following error: "Cannot specify a column width on data type bit." The problem stems from the fact that the "java.sql.types.BIT" type is mapped as BIT[n] that really must be mapped as BIT. This concerns the type Boolean. As for the type String with maximum length of characters it must be mapped as VARCHAR (MAX) instead of TEXT which is a type deprecated in SQLServer. Here is the list of mappings for SQL Server: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms378878(v=sql.110).aspx Closes #13944 from meknio/master.
Steve Loughran authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? During history server startup, the spark configuration is examined. If security.authentication is set, log at debug and set the value to false, so that {{SecurityManager}} can be created. ## How was this patch tested? A new test in `HistoryServerSuite` sets the `spark.authenticate` property to true, tries to create a security manager via a new package-private method `HistoryServer.createSecurityManager(SparkConf)`. This is the method used in `HistoryServer.main`. All other instantiations of a security manager in `HistoryServerSuite` have been switched to the new method, for consistency with the production code. Author: Steve Loughran <stevel@apache.org> Closes #13579 from steveloughran/history/SPARK-15844-security.
Bill Chambers authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR clarifies where accumulators will be displayed. ## How was this patch tested? No testing. Please review http://spark.apache.org/contributing.html before opening a pull request. Author: Bill Chambers <bill@databricks.com> Author: anabranch <wac.chambers@gmail.com> Author: Bill Chambers <wchambers@ischool.berkeley.edu> Closes #16180 from anabranch/improve-acc-docs.
Tyson Condie authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Instead of only keeping the minimum number of offsets around, we should keep enough information to allow us to roll back n batches and reexecute the stream starting from a given point. In particular, we should create a config in SQLConf, spark.sql.streaming.retainedBatches that defaults to 100 and ensure that we keep enough log files in the following places to roll back the specified number of batches: the offsets that are present in each batch versions of the state store the files lists stored for the FileStreamSource the metadata log stored by the FileStreamSink marmbrus zsxwing ## How was this patch tested? The following tests were added. ### StreamExecution offset metadata Test added to StreamingQuerySuite that ensures offset metadata is garbage collected according to minBatchesRetain ### CompactibleFileStreamLog Tests added in CompactibleFileStreamLogSuite to ensure that logs are purged starting before the first compaction file that proceeds the current batch id - minBatchesToRetain. Please review http://spark.apache.org/contributing.html before opening a pull request. Author: Tyson Condie <tcondie@gmail.com> Closes #16219 from tcondie/offset_hist.
- Dec 11, 2016
krishnakalyan3 authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Updated Scala param and Python param to have quotes around the options making it easier for users to read. ## How was this patch tested? Manually checked the docstrings Author: krishnakalyan3 <krishnakalyan3@gmail.com> Closes #16242 from krishnakalyan3/doc-string.
Brian O'Neill authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Upgrading KCL version from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2. Without this upgrade, Spark cannot consume from a stream that includes aggregated records. This change was already commited against an older version of Spark. We need to apply the same thing to master. ## How was this patch tested? Manual testing using dump.py: https://gist.github.com/boneill42/020dde814346c6b4ad0ba28406c3ea10 Please review http://spark.apache.org/contributing.html before opening a pull request. Author: Brian O'Neill <bone@alumni.brown.edu> Closes #16236 from boneill42/master.
Wenchen Fan authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? After https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/15620 , all of the Maven-based 2.0 Jenkins jobs time out consistently. As I pointed out in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/15620#discussion_r91829129 , it seems that the regression test is an overkill and may hit constants pool size limitation, which is a known issue and hasn't been fixed yet. Since #15620 only fix the code size limitation problem, we can simplify the test to avoid hitting constants pool size limitation. ## How was this patch tested? test only change Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #16244 from cloud-fan/minor.
- Dec 10, 2016
wangzhenhua authored
[SPARK-18815][SQL] Fix NPE when collecting column stats for string/binary column having only null values ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? During column stats collection, average and max length will be null if a column of string/binary type has only null values. To fix this, I use default size when avg/max length is null. ## How was this patch tested? Add a test for handling null columns Author: wangzhenhua <wangzhenhua@huawei.com> Closes #16243 from wzhfy/nullStats.
hyukjinkwon authored
[SPARK-18803][TESTS] Fix JarEntry-related & path-related test failures and skip some tests by path length limitation on Windows ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR proposes to fix some tests being failed on Windows as below for several problems. ### Incorrect path handling - FileSuite ``` [info] - binary file input as byte array *** FAILED *** (500 milliseconds) [info] "file:/C:/projects/spark/target/tmp/spark-e7c3a3b8-0a4b-4a7f-9ebe-7c4883e48624/record-bytestream-00000.bin" did not contain "C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\spark-e7c3a3b8-0a4b-4a7f-9ebe-7c4883e48624\record-bytestream-00000.bin" (FileSuite.scala:258) [info] org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: [info] at org.scalatest.Assertions$class.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:500) ... ``` ``` [info] - Get input files via old Hadoop API *** FAILED *** (1 second, 94 milliseconds) [info] Set("/C:/projects/spark/target/tmp/spark-cf5b1f8b-c5ed-43e0-8d17-546ebbfa8200/output/part-00000", "/C:/projects/spark/target/tmp/spark-cf5b1f8b-c5ed-43e0-8d17-546ebbfa8200/output/part-00001") did not equal Set("C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\spark-cf5b1f8b-c5ed-43e0-8d17-546ebbfa8200\output/part-00000", "C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\spark-cf5b1f8b-c5ed-43e0-8d17-546ebbfa8200\output/part-00001") (FileSuite.scala:535) [info] org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: [info] at org.scalatest.Assertions$class.newAssertionFailedException(Assertions.scala:500) ... ``` ``` [info] - Get input files via new Hadoop API *** FAILED *** (313 milliseconds) [info] Set("/C:/projects/spark/target/tmp/spark-12bc1540-1111-4df6-9c4d-79e0e614407c/output/part-00000", "/C:/projects/spark/target/tmp/spark-12bc1540-1111-4df6-9c4d-79e0e614407c/output/part-00001") did not equal Set("C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\spark-12bc1540-1111-4df6-9c4d-79e0e614407c\output/part-00000", "C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\spark-12bc1540-1111-4df6-9c4d-79e0e614407c\output/part-00001") (FileSuite.scala:549) [info] org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: ... ``` - TaskResultGetterSuite ``` [info] - handling results larger than max RPC message size *** FAILED *** (1 second, 579 milliseconds) [info] 1 did not equal 0 Expect result to be removed from the block manager. (TaskResultGetterSuite.scala:129) [info] org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: [info] ... [info] Cause: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in path at index 12: string:///C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\spark-93c485af-68da-440f-a907-aac7acd5fc25\repro\MyException.java [info] at java.net.URI$Parser.fail(URI.java:2848) [info] at java.net.URI$Parser.checkChars(URI.java:3021) ... ``` ``` [info] - failed task deserialized with the correct classloader (SPARK-11195) *** FAILED *** (0 milliseconds) [info] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in path at index 12: string:///C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\spark-93c485af-68da-440f-a907-aac7acd5fc25\repro\MyException.java [info] at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:852) ... ``` - SparkSubmitSuite ``` [info] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in path at index 12: string:///C:\projects\spark\target\tmp\1481210831381-0\870903339\MyLib.java [info] at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:852) [info] at org.apache.spark.TestUtils$.org$apache$spark$TestUtils$$createURI(TestUtils.scala:112) ... ``` ### Incorrect separate for JarEntry After the path fix from above, then `TaskResultGetterSuite` throws another exception as below: ``` [info] - failed task deserialized with the correct classloader (SPARK-11195) *** FAILED *** (907 milliseconds) [info] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: repro.MyException [info] at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381) ... ``` This is because `Paths.get` concatenates the given paths to an OS-specific path (Windows `\` and Linux `/`). However, for `JarEntry` we should comply ZIP specification meaning it should be always `/` according to ZIP specification. See `4.4.17 file name: (Variable)` in https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT ### Long path problem on Windows Some tests in `ShuffleSuite` via `ShuffleNettySuite` were skipped due to the same reason with SPARK-18718 ## How was this patch tested? Manually via AppVeyor. **Before** - `FileSuite`, `TaskResultGetterSuite`,`SparkSubmitSuite` https://ci.appveyor.com/project/spark-test/spark/build/164-tmp-windows-base (please grep each to check each) - `ShuffleSuite` https://ci.appveyor.com/project/spark-test/spark/build/157-tmp-windows-base **After** - `FileSuite` https://ci.appveyor.com/project/spark-test/spark/build/166-FileSuite - `TaskResultGetterSuite` https://ci.appveyor.com/project/spark-test/spark/build/173-TaskResultGetterSuite - `SparkSubmitSuite` https://ci.appveyor.com/project/spark-test/spark/build/167-SparkSubmitSuite - `ShuffleSuite` https://ci.appveyor.com/project/spark-test/spark/build/176-ShuffleSuite Author: hyukjinkwon <gurwls223@gmail.com> Closes #16234 from HyukjinKwon/test-errors-windows.
Michal Senkyr authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? The API documentation build was failing when using Java 8 due to incorrect character `>` in Javadoc. Replace `>` with literals in Javadoc to allow the build to pass. ## How was this patch tested? Documentation was built and inspected manually to ensure it still displays correctly in the browser ``` cd docs && jekyll serve ``` Author: Michal Senkyr <mike.senkyr@gmail.com> Closes #16201 from michalsenkyr/javadoc8-gt-fix.
gatorsmile authored
### What changes were proposed in this pull request? Currently, when users use Python UDF in Filter, BatchEvalPython is always generated below FilterExec. However, not all the predicates need to be evaluated after Python UDF execution. Thus, this PR is to push down the determinisitc predicates through `BatchEvalPython`. ```Python >>> df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "1"), (2, "2"), (1, "2"), (1, "2")], ["key", "value"]) >>> from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col >>> from pyspark.sql.types import BooleanType >>> my_filter = udf(lambda a: a < 2, BooleanType()) >>> sel = df.select(col("key"), col("value")).filter((my_filter(col("key"))) & (df.value < "2")) >>> sel.explain(True) ``` Before the fix, the plan looks like ``` == Optimized Logical Plan == Filter ((isnotnull(value#1) && <lambda>(key#0L)) && (value#1 < 2)) +- LogicalRDD [key#0L, value#1] == Physical Plan == *Project [key#0L, value#1] +- *Filter ((isnotnull(value#1) && pythonUDF0#9) && (value#1 < 2)) +- BatchEvalPython [<lambda>(key#0L)], [key#0L, value#1, pythonUDF0#9] +- Scan ExistingRDD[key#0L,value#1] ``` After the fix, the plan looks like ``` == Optimized Logical Plan == Filter ((isnotnull(value#1) && <lambda>(key#0L)) && (value#1 < 2)) +- LogicalRDD [key#0L, value#1] == Physical Plan == *Project [key#0L, value#1] +- *Filter pythonUDF0#9: boolean +- BatchEvalPython [<lambda>(key#0L)], [key#0L, value#1, pythonUDF0#9] +- *Filter (isnotnull(value#1) && (value#1 < 2)) +- Scan ExistingRDD[key#0L,value#1] ``` ### How was this patch tested? Added both unit test cases for `BatchEvalPythonExec` and also add an end-to-end test case in Python test suite. Author: gatorsmile <gatorsmile@gmail.com> Closes #16193 from gatorsmile/pythonUDFPredicatePushDown.
WangTaoTheTonic authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? When we search applications in HistoryServer, it will include all contents between <td> tag, which including useless elemtns like "<span title...", "a href" and making results confused. We should remove those to make it clear. ## How was this patch tested? manual tests. Before:  After:  Author: WangTaoTheTonic <wangtao111@huawei.com> Closes #16031 from WangTaoTheTonic/span.
Dongjoon Hyun authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? According to the notice of the following Wiki front page, we can remove the obsolete wiki pointer safely in `README.md` and `docs/index.md`, too. These two lines are the last occurrence of that links. ``` All current wiki content has been merged into pages at http://spark.apache.org as of November 2016. Each page links to the new location of its information on the Spark web site. Obsolete wiki content is still hosted here, but carries a notice that it is no longer current. ``` ## How was this patch tested? Manual. - `README.md`: https://github.com/dongjoon-hyun/spark/tree/remove_wiki_from_readme - `docs/index.md`: ``` cd docs SKIP_API=1 jekyll build ```  Author: Dongjoon Hyun <dongjoon@apache.org> Closes #16239 from dongjoon-hyun/remove_wiki_from_readme.
Huaxin Gao authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? 1. In SparkStrategies.canBroadcast, I will add the check plan.statistics.sizeInBytes >= 0 2. In LocalRelations.statistics, when calculate the statistics, I will change the size to BigInt so it won't overflow. ## How was this patch tested? I will add a test case to make sure the statistics.sizeInBytes won't overflow. Author: Huaxin Gao <huaxing@us.ibm.com> Closes #16175 from huaxingao/spark-17460.