- Nov 25, 2015
Reynold Xin authored
Also added show methods to Dataset. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #9964 from rxin/SPARK-11981.
gatorsmile authored
Except inner join, maybe the other join types are also useful when users are using the joinWith function. Thus, added the joinType into the existing joinWith call in Dataset APIs. Also providing another joinWith interface for the cartesian-join-like functionality. Please provide your opinions. marmbrus rxin cloud-fan Thank you! Author: gatorsmile <gatorsmile@gmail.com> Closes #9921 from gatorsmile/joinWith.
Tathagata Das authored
[SPARK-11979][STREAMING] Empty TrackStateRDD cannot be checkpointed and recovered from checkpoint file This solves the following exception caused when empty state RDD is checkpointed and recovered. The root cause is that an empty OpenHashMapBasedStateMap cannot be deserialized as the initialCapacity is set to zero. ``` Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 6.0 failed 1 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.0 in stage 6.0 (TID 20, localhost): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Invalid initial capacity at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:233) at org.apache.spark.streaming.util.OpenHashMapBasedStateMap.<init>(StateMap.scala:96) at org.apache.spark.streaming.util.OpenHashMapBasedStateMap.<init>(StateMap.scala:86) at org.apache.spark.streaming.util.OpenHashMapBasedStateMap.readObject(StateMap.scala:291) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeReadObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:1017) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1893) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1798) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1350) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1990) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1915) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1798) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1350) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:370) at org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaDeserializationStream.readObject(JavaSerializer.scala:76) at org.apache.spark.serializer.DeserializationStream$$anon$1.getNext(Serializer.scala:181) at org.apache.spark.util.NextIterator.hasNext(NextIterator.scala:73) at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$13.hasNext(Iterator.scala:371) at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:727) at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1157) at scala.collection.generic.Growable$class.$plus$plus$eq(Growable.scala:48) at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.$plus$plus$eq(ArrayBuffer.scala:103) at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.$plus$plus$eq(ArrayBuffer.scala:47) at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.to(TraversableOnce.scala:273) at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.to(Iterator.scala:1157) at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.toBuffer(TraversableOnce.scala:265) at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.toBuffer(Iterator.scala:1157) at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.toArray(TraversableOnce.scala:252) at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.toArray(Iterator.scala:1157) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$collect$1$$anonfun$12.apply(RDD.scala:921) at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$collect$1$$anonfun$12.apply(RDD.scala:921) at org.apache.spark.SparkContext$$anonfun$runJob$5.apply(SparkContext.scala:1858) at org.apache.spark.SparkContext$$anonfun$runJob$5.apply(SparkContext.scala:1858) at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(ResultTask.scala:66) at org.apache.spark.scheduler.Task.run(Task.scala:88) at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$TaskRunner.run(Executor.scala:214) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744) ``` Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #9958 from tdas/SPARK-11979.
- Nov 24, 2015
Reynold Xin authored
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #9948 from rxin/SPARK-10621.
Burak Yavuz authored
There is a race condition in `FileBasedWriteAheadLog.close()`, where if delete's of old log files are in progress, the write ahead log may close, and result in a `RejectedExecutionException`. This is okay, and should be handled gracefully. Example test failures: https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/job/Spark-1.6-SBT/AMPLAB_JENKINS_BUILD_PROFILE=hadoop1.0,label=spark-test/95/testReport/junit/org.apache.spark.streaming.util/BatchedWriteAheadLogWithCloseFileAfterWriteSuite/BatchedWriteAheadLog___clean_old_logs/ The reason the test fails is in `afterEach`, `writeAheadLog.close` is called, and there may still be async deletes in flight. tdas zsxwing Author: Burak Yavuz <brkyvz@gmail.com> Closes #9953 from brkyvz/flaky-ss.
Reynold Xin authored
Also fixed some documentation as I saw them. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #9930 from rxin/SPARK-11947.
Reynold Xin authored
This patch makes it consistent to use varargs in all DataFrameReader methods, including Parquet, JSON, text, and the generic load function. Also added a few more API tests for the Java API. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #9945 from rxin/SPARK-11967.
gatorsmile authored
This PR is to provide two common `coalesce` and `repartition` in Dataset APIs. After reading the comments of SPARK-9999, I am unclear about the plan for supporting re-partitioning in Dataset APIs. Currently, both RDD APIs and Dataframe APIs provide users such a flexibility to control the number of partitions. In most traditional RDBMS, they expose the number of partitions, the partitioning columns, the table partitioning methods to DBAs for performance tuning and storage planning. Normally, these parameters could largely affect the query performance. Since the actual performance depends on the workload types, I think it is almost impossible to automate the discovery of the best partitioning strategy for all the scenarios. I am wondering if Dataset APIs are planning to hide these APIs from users? Feel free to reject my PR if it does not match the plan. Thank you for your answers. marmbrus rxin cloud-fan Author: gatorsmile <gatorsmile@gmail.com> Closes #9899 from gatorsmile/coalesce.
Cheng Lian authored
When using remote Hive metastore, `hive.metastore.uris` is set to the metastore URI. However, it overrides `javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL` unexpectedly, thus the execution Hive client connects to the actual remote Hive metastore instead of the Derby metastore created in the temporary directory. Cleaning this configuration for the execution Hive client fixes this issue. Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Closes #9895 from liancheng/spark-11783.clean-remote-metastore-config.
Reynold Xin authored
Davies Liu authored
After calling spill() on SortedIterator, the array inside InMemorySorter is not needed, it should be freed during spilling, this could help to join multiple tables with limited memory. Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #9793 from davies/free_array.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
In the default Spark distribution, there are currently two separate log4j config files, with different default values for the root logger, so that when running the shell you have a different default log level. This makes the shell more usable, since the logs don't overwhelm the output. But if you install a custom log4j.properties, you lose that, because then it's going to be used no matter whether you're running a regular app or the shell. With this change, the overriding of the log level is done differently; the log level repl's main class (org.apache.spark.repl.Main) is used to define the root logger's level when running the shell, defaulting to WARN if it's not set explicitly. On a somewhat related change, the shell output about the "sc" variable was changed a bit to contain a little more useful information about the application, since when the root logger's log level is WARN, that information is never shown to the user. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #9816 from vanzin/shell-logging.
Reynold Xin authored
Currently pivot's signature looks like ```scala scala.annotation.varargs def pivot(pivotColumn: Column, values: Column*): GroupedData scala.annotation.varargs def pivot(pivotColumn: String, values: Any*): GroupedData ``` I think we can remove the one that takes "Column" types, since callers should always be passing in literals. It'd also be more clear if the values are not varargs, but rather Seq or java.util.List. I also made similar changes for Python. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #9929 from rxin/SPARK-11946.
tedyu authored
This is continuation of SPARK-11761 Andrew suggested adding this protection. See tail of https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/9741 Author: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com> Closes #9852 from tedyu/master.
Wenchen Fan authored
Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #9909 from cloud-fan/get-struct.
Yuhao Yang authored
Add read/write support to LDA, similar to ALS. save/load for ml.LocalLDAModel is done. For DistributedLDAModel, I'm not sure if we can invoke save on the mllib.DistributedLDAModel directly. I'll send update after some test. Author: Yuhao Yang <hhbyyh@gmail.com> Closes #9894 from hhbyyh/ldaMLsave.
Joseph K. Bradley authored
Doc for 1.6 that the summaries mostly ignore the weight column. To be corrected for 1.7 CC: mengxr thunterdb Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph@databricks.com> Closes #9927 from jkbradley/linregsummary-doc.
Yanbo Liang authored
Remove duplicate ml examples (only for ml). mengxr Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #9933 from yanboliang/SPARK-11685.
Wenchen Fan authored
we should pass in resolved encodera to logical `CoGroup` and bind them in physical `CoGroup` Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #9928 from cloud-fan/cogroup.
Jungtaek Lim authored
…parent class loader Without patch, two additional tests of ExecutorClassLoaderSuite fails. - "resource from parent" - "resources from parent" Detailed explanation is here, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11818?focusedCommentId=15011202&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-15011202 Author: Jungtaek Lim <kabhwan@gmail.com> Closes #9812 from HeartSaVioR/SPARK-11818.
Daoyuan Wang authored
Currently, `spark-sql` would not flush command history when exiting. Author: Daoyuan Wang <daoyuan.wang@intel.com> Closes #9563 from adrian-wang/jline.
huangzhaowei authored
`SessionManager` will set the `operationLog` if the configuration `hive.server2.logging.operation.enabled` is true in version of hive 1.2.1. But the spark did not adapt to this change, so no matter enabled the configuration or not, spark thrift server will always log the warn message. PS: if `hive.server2.logging.operation.enabled` is false, it should log the warn message (the same as hive thrift server). Author: huangzhaowei <carlmartinmax@gmail.com> Closes #9056 from SaintBacchus/SPARK-11043.
Forest Fang authored
When there are speculative tasks in the stage, running progress bar could overflow and goes hidden on a new line:  3 completed / 2 running (including 1 speculative) out of 4 total tasks This is a simple fix by capping the started tasks at `total - completed` tasks  I should note my preferred way to fix it is via css style ```css .progress { display: flex; } ``` which shifts the correction burden from driver to web browser. However I couldn't get selenium test to measure the position/dimension of the progress bar correctly to get this unit tested. It also has the side effect that the width will be calibrated so the running occupies 2 / 5 instead of 1 / 4.  All in all, since this cosmetic bug is minor enough, I suppose the original simple fix should be good enough. Author: Forest Fang <forest.fang@outlook.com> Closes #9896 from saurfang/progressbar.
Xiu Guo authored
Author: Xiu Guo <xguo27@gmail.com> Closes #9918 from xguo27/SPARK-11897.
Mikhail Bautin authored
Author: Mikhail Bautin <mbautin@gmail.com> Closes #9308 from mbautin/SPARK-10707.
Nicholas Chammas authored
Per [pwendell's comments on SPARK-11903](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11903?focusedCommentId=15021511&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-15021511) I'm removing this dead code. If we are concerned about preserving compatibility, I can instead leave the option in and add a warning. For example: ```sh echo "Warning: '--skip-java-test' is deprecated and has no effect." ;; ``` cc pwendell, srowen Author: Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.chammas@gmail.com> Closes #9924 from nchammas/make-distribution.
Reynold Xin authored
Based on feedback from Matei, this is more consistent with mapPartitions in Spark. Also addresses some of the cleanups from a previous commit that renames the type variables. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #9919 from rxin/SPARK-11933.
- Nov 23, 2015
Stephen Samuel authored
Author: Stephen Samuel <sam@sksamuel.com> Closes #9377 from sksamuel/master.
Bryan Cutler authored
[SPARK-10560][PYSPARK][MLLIB][DOCS] Make StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSGD Python API equal to Scala one This is to bring the API documentation of StreamingLogisticReressionWithSGD and StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGC in line with the Scala versions. -Fixed the algorithm descriptions -Added default values to parameter descriptions -Changed StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSGD regParam to default to 0, as in the Scala version Author: Bryan Cutler <bjcutler@us.ibm.com> Closes #9141 from BryanCutler/StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSGD-python-api-sync.
Josh Rosen authored
This patch attempts to speed up VersionsSuite by storing fetched Hive JARs in an Ivy cache that persists across tests runs. If `SPARK_VERSIONS_SUITE_IVY_PATH` is set, that path will be used for the cache; if it is not set, VersionsSuite will create a temporary Ivy cache which is deleted after the test completes. Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #9624 from JoshRosen/SPARK-9866.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
This change abstracts the code that serves jars / files to executors so that each RpcEnv can have its own implementation; the akka version uses the existing HTTP-based file serving mechanism, while the netty versions uses the new stream support added to the network lib, which makes file transfers benefit from the easier security configuration of the network library, and should also reduce overhead overall. The change includes a small fix to TransportChannelHandler so that it propagates user events to downstream handlers. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #9530 from vanzin/SPARK-11140.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
There's a very narrow race here where it would be possible for the timeout handler to close a channel after the client factory verified that the channel was still active. This change makes sure the client is marked as being recently in use so that the timeout handler does not close it until a new timeout cycle elapses. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #9853 from vanzin/SPARK-11865.
Luciano Resende authored
Author: Luciano Resende <lresende@apache.org> Closes #9892 from lresende/SPARK-11910.
Davies Liu authored
They should use the existing SQLContext. Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #9914 from davies/create_udf.
Josh Rosen authored
This patch removes `spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts=true` from our test configuration. The multiple SparkContexts check was originally disabled because certain tests suites in SQL needed to create multiple contexts. As far as I know, this configuration change is no longer necessary, so we should remove it in order to make it easier to find test cleanup bugs. Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #9865 from JoshRosen/SPARK-4424.
Mortada Mehyar authored
this currently breaks for python3 because `string` module doesn't have `letters` anymore, instead `ascii_letters` should be used Author: Mortada Mehyar <mortada.mehyar@gmail.com> Closes #9797 from mortada/python3_fix.
Yanbo Liang authored
[SPARK-11920][ML][DOC] ML LinearRegression should use correct dataset in examples and user guide doc ML ```LinearRegression``` use ```data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt``` as dataset in examples and user guide doc, but it's actually classification dataset rather than regression dataset. We should use ```data/mllib/sample_linear_regression_data.txt``` instead. The deeper causes is that ```LinearRegression``` with "normal" solver can not solve this dataset correctly, may be due to the ill condition and unreasonable label. This issue has been reported at [SPARK-11918](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11918). It will confuse users if they run the example code but get exception, so we should make this change which can clearly illustrate the usage of ```LinearRegression``` algorithm. Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #9905 from yanboliang/spark-11920.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
This way the timeout handling code can correctly close "hung" channels that are processing streams. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #9747 from vanzin/SPARK-11762.
jerryshao authored
Add label expression support for AM to restrict it runs on the specific set of nodes. I tested it locally and works fine. sryza and vanzin please help to review, thanks a lot. Author: jerryshao <sshao@hortonworks.com> Closes #9800 from jerryshao/SPARK-7173.
Wenchen Fan authored
Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #9898 from cloud-fan/agg.