- Aug 06, 2014
DB Tsai authored
to ensure that the return object is itself. Author: DB Tsai <dbtsai@alpinenow.com> Closes #1796 from dbtsai/dbtsai-kmeans and squashes the following commits: 658989e [DB Tsai] Alpine Data Labs
- Aug 05, 2014
Michael Giannakopoulos authored
Related to Jira Issue: [SPARK-2550](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2550?jql=project%20%3D%20SPARK%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20priority%20%3D%20Major%20ORDER%20BY%20key%20DESC) Author: Michael Giannakopoulos <miccagiann@gmail.com> Closes #1775 from miccagiann/linearMethodsReg and squashes the following commits: cb774c3 [Michael Giannakopoulos] MiniBatchFraction added in related PythonMLLibAPI java stubs. 81fcbc6 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Fixing a typo-error. 8ad263e [Michael Giannakopoulos] Adding regularizer type and intercept parameters to LogisticRegressionWithSGD and SVMWithSGD.
Xiangrui Meng authored
It also moves the model to local in order to map `RDD[String]` to `RDD[Vector]`. Ishiihara Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1790 from mengxr/word2vec-fix and squashes the following commits: a87146c [Xiangrui Meng] add setters and make a default constructor e5c923b [Xiangrui Meng] fix random seed in word2vec; move model to local
- Aug 04, 2014
Liquan Pei authored
This is a pull request regarding SPARK-2510 at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2510. Word2Vec creates vector representation of words in a text corpus. The algorithm first constructs a vocabulary from the corpus and then learns vector representation of words in the vocabulary. The vector representation can be used as features in natural language processing and machine learning algorithms. To make our implementation more scalable, we train each partition separately and merge the model of each partition after each iteration. To make the model more accurate, multiple iterations may be needed. To investigate the vector representations is to find the closest words for a query word. For example, the top 20 closest words to "china" are for 1 partition and 1 iteration : taiwan 0.8077646146334014 korea 0.740913304563621 japan 0.7240667798885471 republic 0.7107151279078352 thailand 0.6953217332072862 tibet 0.6916782118129544 mongolia 0.6800858715972612 macau 0.6794925677480378 singapore 0.6594048695593799 manchuria 0.658989931844148 laos 0.6512978726001666 nepal 0.6380792327845325 mainland 0.6365469459587788 myanmar 0.6358614338840394 macedonia 0.6322366180313249 xinjiang 0.6285291551708028 russia 0.6279951236068411 india 0.6272874944023487 shanghai 0.6234544135576999 macao 0.6220588462925876 The result with 10 partitions and 5 iterations is: taiwan 0.8310495079388313 india 0.7737171315919039 japan 0.756777901233668 korea 0.7429767187102452 indonesia 0.7407557427278356 pakistan 0.712883426985585 mainland 0.7053379963140822 thailand 0.696298191073948 mongolia 0.693690656871415 laos 0.6913069680735292 macau 0.6903427690029617 republic 0.6766381604813666 malaysia 0.676460699141784 singapore 0.6728790997360923 malaya 0.672345232966194 manchuria 0.6703732292753156 macedonia 0.6637955686322028 myanmar 0.6589462882439646 kazakhstan 0.657017801081494 cambodia 0.6542383836451932 Author: Liquan Pei <lpei@gopivotal.com> Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Author: Liquan Pei <liquanpei@gmail.com> Closes #1719 from Ishiihara/master and squashes the following commits: 2ba9483 [Liquan Pei] minor fix for Word2Vec test e248441 [Liquan Pei] minor style change 26a948d [Liquan Pei] Merge pull request #1 from mengxr/Ishiihara-master c14da41 [Xiangrui Meng] fix styles 384c771 [Xiangrui Meng] remove minCount and window from constructor change model to use float instead of double e93e726 [Liquan Pei] use treeAggregate instead of aggregate 1a8fb41 [Liquan Pei] use weighted sum in combOp 7efbb6f [Liquan Pei] use broadcast version of vocab in aggregate 6bcc8be [Liquan Pei] add multiple iteration support 720b5a3 [Liquan Pei] Add test for Word2Vec algorithm, minor fixes 2e92b59 [Liquan Pei] modify according to feedback 57dc50d [Liquan Pei] code formatting e4a04d3 [Liquan Pei] minor fix 0aafb1b [Liquan Pei] Add comments, minor fixes 8d6befe [Liquan Pei] initial commit
- Aug 03, 2014
DB Tsai authored
SPARK-2272 [MLlib] Feature scaling which standardizes the range of independent variables or features of data Feature scaling is a method used to standardize the range of independent variables or features of data. In data processing, it is generally performed during the data preprocessing step. In this work, a trait called `VectorTransformer` is defined for generic transformation on a vector. It contains one method to be implemented, `transform` which applies transformation on a vector. There are two implementations of `VectorTransformer` now, and they all can be easily extended with PMML transformation support. 1) `StandardScaler` - Standardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance using column summary statistics on the samples in the training set. 2) `Normalizer` - Normalizes samples individually to unit L^n norm Author: DB Tsai <dbtsai@alpinenow.com> Closes #1207 from dbtsai/dbtsai-feature-scaling and squashes the following commits: 78c15d3 [DB Tsai] Alpine Data Labs
Joseph K. Bradley authored
Bug fix: Before, when an RDD was created in Java and passed to DecisionTree.train(), the fake class tag caused problems. * Fix: DecisionTree: Used new RDD.retag() method to allow passing RDDs from Java. Other improvements to Decision Trees for easy-of-use with Java: * impurity classes: Added instance() methods to help with Java interface. * Strategy: Added Java-friendly constructor --> Note: I removed quantileCalculationStrategy from the Java-friendly constructor since (a) it is a special class and (b) there is only 1 option currently. I suspect we will redo the API before the other options are included. CC: mengxr Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph.kurata.bradley@gmail.com> Closes #1740 from jkbradley/dt-java-new and squashes the following commits: 0805dc6 [Joseph K. Bradley] Changed Strategy to use JavaConverters instead of JavaConversions 519b1b7 [Joseph K. Bradley] * Organized imports in JavaDecisionTreeSuite.java * Using JavaConverters instead of JavaConversions in DecisionTreeSuite.scala f7b5ca1 [Joseph K. Bradley] Improvements to make it easier to run DecisionTree from Java. * DecisionTree: Used new RDD.retag() method to allow passing RDDs from Java. * impurity classes: Added instance() methods to help with Java interface. * Strategy: Added Java-friendly constructor ** Note: I removed quantileCalculationStrategy from the Java-friendly constructor since (a) it is a special class and (b) there is only 1 option currently. I suspect we will redo the API before the other options are included. d78ada6 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into dt-java 320853f [Joseph K. Bradley] Added JavaDecisionTreeSuite, partly written 13a585e [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into dt-java f1a8283 [Joseph K. Bradley] Added old JavaDecisionTreeSuite, to be updated later 225822f [Joseph K. Bradley] Bug: In DecisionTree, the method sequentialBinSearchForOrderedCategoricalFeatureInClassification() indexed bins from 0 to (math.pow(2, featureCategories.toInt - 1) - 1). This upper bound is the bound for unordered categorical features, not ordered ones. The upper bound should be the arity (i.e., max value) of the feature.
- Aug 02, 2014
Joseph K. Bradley authored
Added experimental Python API for Decision Trees. API: * class DecisionTreeModel ** predict() for single examples and RDDs, taking both feature vectors and LabeledPoints ** numNodes() ** depth() ** __str__() * class DecisionTree ** trainClassifier() ** trainRegressor() ** train() Examples and testing: * Added example testing classification and regression with batch prediction: examples/src/main/python/mllib/tree.py * Have also tested example usage in doc of python/pyspark/mllib/tree.py which tests single-example prediction with dense and sparse vectors Also: Small bug fix in python/pyspark/mllib/_common.py: In _linear_predictor_typecheck, changed check for RDD to use isinstance() instead of type() in order to catch RDD subclasses. CC mengxr manishamde Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph.kurata.bradley@gmail.com> Closes #1727 from jkbradley/decisiontree-python-new and squashes the following commits: 3744488 [Joseph K. Bradley] Renamed test tree.py to decision_tree_runner.py Small updates based on github review. 6b86a9d [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new affceb9 [Joseph K. Bradley] * Fixed bug in doc tests in pyspark/mllib/util.py caused by change in loadLibSVMFile behavior. (It used to threshold labels at 0 to make them 0/1, but it now leaves them as they are.) * Fixed small bug in loadLibSVMFile: If a data file had no features, then loadLibSVMFile would create a single all-zero feature. 67a29bc [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new cf46ad7 [Joseph K. Bradley] Python DecisionTreeModel * predict(empty RDD) returns an empty RDD instead of an error. * Removed support for calling predict() on LabeledPoint and RDD[LabeledPoint] * predict() does not cache serialized RDD any more. aa29873 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new bf21be4 [Joseph K. Bradley] removed old run() func from DecisionTree fa10ea7 [Joseph K. Bradley] Small style update 7968692 [Joseph K. Bradley] small braces typo fix e34c263 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new 4801b40 [Joseph K. Bradley] Small style update to DecisionTreeSuite db0eab2 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge branch 'decisiontree-bugfix2' into decisiontree-python-new 6873fa9 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new 225822f [Joseph K. Bradley] Bug: In DecisionTree, the method sequentialBinSearchForOrderedCategoricalFeatureInClassification() indexed bins from 0 to (math.pow(2, featureCategories.toInt - 1) - 1). This upper bound is the bound for unordered categorical features, not ordered ones. The upper bound should be the arity (i.e., max value) of the feature. 93953f1 [Joseph K. Bradley] Likely done with Python API. 6df89a9 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new 4562c08 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new 665ba78 [Joseph K. Bradley] Small updates towards Python DecisionTree API 188cb0d [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge branch 'decisiontree-bugfix' into decisiontree-python-new 6622247 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new b8fac57 [Joseph K. Bradley] Finished Python DecisionTree API and example but need to test a bit more. 2b20c61 [Joseph K. Bradley] Small doc and style updates 1b29c13 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge branch 'decisiontree-bugfix' into decisiontree-python-new 584449a [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new dab0b67 [Joseph K. Bradley] Added documentation for DecisionTree internals 8bb8aa0 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix 978cfcf [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix 6eed482 [Joseph K. Bradley] In DecisionTree: Changed from using procedural syntax for functions returning Unit to explicitly writing Unit return type. 376dca2 [Joseph K. Bradley] Updated meaning of maxDepth by 1 to fit scikit-learn and rpart. * In code, replaced usages of maxDepth <-- maxDepth + 1 * In params, replace settings of maxDepth <-- maxDepth - 1 e06e423 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge branch 'decisiontree-bugfix' into decisiontree-python-new bab3f19 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new 59750f8 [Joseph K. Bradley] * Updated Strategy to check numClassesForClassification only if algo=Classification. * Updates based on comments: ** DecisionTreeRunner *** Made dataFormat arg default to libsvm ** Small cleanups ** tree.Node: Made recursive helper methods private, and renamed them. 52e17c5 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix f5a036c [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge branch 'decisiontree-bugfix' into decisiontree-python-new da50db7 [Joseph K. Bradley] Added one more test to DecisionTreeSuite: stump with 2 continuous variables for binary classification. Caused problems in past, but fixed now. 8e227ea [Joseph K. Bradley] Changed Strategy so it only requires numClassesForClassification >= 2 for classification cd1d933 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge branch 'decisiontree-bugfix' into decisiontree-python-new 8ea8750 [Joseph K. Bradley] Bug fix: Off-by-1 when finding thresholds for splits for continuous features. 8a758db [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge branch 'decisiontree-bugfix' into decisiontree-python-new 5fe44ed [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-python-new 2283df8 [Joseph K. Bradley] 2 bug fixes. 73fbea2 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix 5f920a1 [Joseph K. Bradley] Demonstration of bug before submitting fix: Updated DecisionTreeSuite so that 3 tests fail. Will describe bug in next commit. f825352 [Joseph K. Bradley] Wrote Python API and example for DecisionTree. Also added toString, depth, and numNodes methods to DecisionTreeModel.
Patrick Wendell authored
This reverts commit adc83032.
GuoQiang Li authored
Author: GuoQiang Li <witgo@qq.com> Closes #1369 from witgo/SPARK-1470_new and squashes the following commits: 66a1641 [GuoQiang Li] IncompatibleResultTypeProblem 73a89ba [GuoQiang Li] Use the scala-logging wrapper instead of the directly sfl4j api.
Burak authored
[SPARK-2801][MLlib]: DistributionGenerator renamed to RandomDataGenerator. RandomRDD is now of generic type The RandomRDDGenerators used to only output RDD[Double]. Now RandomRDDGenerators.randomRDD can be used to generate a random RDD[T] via a class that extends RandomDataGenerator, by supplying a type T and overriding the nextValue() function as they wish. Author: Burak <brkyvz@gmail.com> Closes #1732 from brkyvz/SPARK-2801 and squashes the following commits: c94a694 [Burak] [SPARK-2801][MLlib] Missing ClassTags added 22d96fe [Burak] [SPARK-2801][MLlib]: DistributionGenerator renamed to RandomDataGenerator, generic types added for RandomRDD instead of Double
- Aug 01, 2014
Tor Myklebust authored
Continue the work from #493. Closes #493 and Closes #593 Author: Tor Myklebust <tmyklebu@gmail.com> Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1731 from mengxr/tmyklebu-alscost and squashes the following commits: 9b56a8b [Xiangrui Meng] updated API and added a simple test 68a3229 [Xiangrui Meng] merge master 217bd1d [Tor Myklebust] Documentation and choleskies -> subproblems. 8cbb718 [Tor Myklebust] Braces get spaces. 0455cd4 [Tor Myklebust] Parens for collectAsMap. 2b2febe [Tor Myklebust] Use `makeLinkRDDs` when estimating costs. 2ab7a5d [Tor Myklebust] Reindent estimateCost's declaration and make it return Seqs. 8b21e6d [Tor Myklebust] Fix overlong lines. 8cbebf1 [Tor Myklebust] Rename and clean up the return format of cost estimator. 6615ed5 [Tor Myklebust] It's more useful to give per-partition estimates. Do that. 5530678 [Tor Myklebust] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/apache/spark into alscost 6c31324 [Tor Myklebust] Make it actually build... a1184d1 [Tor Myklebust] Mark ALS.evaluatePartitioner DeveloperApi. 657a71b [Tor Myklebust] Simple-minded estimates of computation and communication costs in ALS. dcf583a [Tor Myklebust] Remove the partitioner member variable; instead, thread that needle everywhere it needs to go. 23d6f91 [Tor Myklebust] Stop making the partitioner configurable. 495784f [Tor Myklebust] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/apache/spark 674933a [Tor Myklebust] Fix style. 40edc23 [Tor Myklebust] Fix missing space. f841345 [Tor Myklebust] Fix daft bug creating 'pairs', also for -> foreach. 5ec9e6c [Tor Myklebust] Clean a couple of things up using 'map'. 36a0f43 [Tor Myklebust] Make the partitioner private. d872b09 [Tor Myklebust] Add negative id ALS test. df27697 [Tor Myklebust] Support custom partitioners. Currently we use the same partitioner for users and products. c90b6d8 [Tor Myklebust] Scramble user and product ids before bucketing. c774d7d [Tor Myklebust] Make the partitioner a member variable and use it instead of modding directly.
Michael Giannakopoulos authored
Related to issue: [SPARK-2550](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2550?jql=project%20%3D%20SPARK%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20priority%20%3D%20Major%20ORDER%20BY%20key%20DESC). Author: Michael Giannakopoulos <miccagiann@gmail.com> Closes #1624 from miccagiann/new-branch and squashes the following commits: c02e5f5 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Merge cleanly with upstream/master. 8dcb888 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Putting the if/else if statements in brackets. fed8eaa [Michael Giannakopoulos] Adding a space in the message related to the IllegalArgumentException. 44e6ff0 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Adding a blank line before python class LinearRegressionWithSGD. 8eba9c5 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Change function signatures. Exception is thrown from the scala component and not from the python one. 638be47 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Modified code to comply with code standards. ec50ee9 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Shorten the if-elif-else statement in regression.py file b962744 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Replaced the enum classes, with strings-keywords for defining the values of 'regType' parameter. 78853ec [Michael Giannakopoulos] Providing intercept and regualizer functionallity for linear methods in only one function. 3ac8874 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Added support for regularizer and intercection parameters for linear regression method.
Jeremy Freeman authored
This PR implements a streaming linear regression analysis, in which a linear regression model is trained online as new data arrive. The design is based on discussions with tdas and mengxr, in which we determined how to add this functionality in a general way, with minimal changes to existing libraries. __Summary of additions:__ _StreamingLinearAlgorithm_ - An abstract class for fitting generalized linear models online to streaming data, including training on (and updating) a model, and making predictions. _StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD_ - Class and companion object for running streaming linear regression _StreamingLinearRegressionTestSuite_ - Unit tests _StreamingLinearRegression_ - Example use case: fitting a model online to data from one stream, and making predictions on other data __Notes__ - If this looks good, I can use the StreamingLinearAlgorithm class to easily implement other analyses that follow the same logic (Ridge, Lasso, Logistic, SVM). Author: Jeremy Freeman <the.freeman.lab@gmail.com> Author: freeman <the.freeman.lab@gmail.com> Closes #1361 from freeman-lab/streaming-mllib and squashes the following commits: 775ea29 [Jeremy Freeman] Throw error if user doesn't initialize weights 4086fee [Jeremy Freeman] Fixed current weight formatting 8b95b27 [Jeremy Freeman] Restored broadcasting 29f27ec [Jeremy Freeman] Formatting 8711c41 [Jeremy Freeman] Used return to avoid indentation 777b596 [Jeremy Freeman] Restored treeAggregate 74cf440 [Jeremy Freeman] Removed static methods d28cf9a [Jeremy Freeman] Added usage notes c3326e7 [Jeremy Freeman] Improved documentation 9541a41 [Jeremy Freeman] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into streaming-mllib 66eba5e [Jeremy Freeman] Fixed line lengths 2fe0720 [Jeremy Freeman] Minor cleanup 7d51378 [Jeremy Freeman] Moved streaming loader to MLUtils b9b69f6 [Jeremy Freeman] Added setter methods c3f8b5a [Jeremy Freeman] Modified logging 00aafdc [Jeremy Freeman] Add modifiers 14b801e [Jeremy Freeman] Name changes c7d38a3 [Jeremy Freeman] Move check for empty data to GradientDescent 4b0a5d3 [Jeremy Freeman] Cleaned up tests 74188d6 [Jeremy Freeman] Eliminate dependency on commons 50dd237 [Jeremy Freeman] Removed experimental tag 6bfe1e6 [Jeremy Freeman] Fixed imports a2a63ad [freeman] Makes convergence test more robust 86220bc [freeman] Streaming linear regression unit tests fb4683a [freeman] Minor changes for scalastyle consistency fd31e03 [freeman] Changed logging behavior 453974e [freeman] Fixed indentation c4b1143 [freeman] Streaming linear regression 604f4d7 [freeman] Expanded private class to include mllib d99aa85 [freeman] Helper methods for streaming MLlib apps 0898add [freeman] Added dependency on streaming
Joseph K. Bradley authored
Bug: In DecisionTree, the method sequentialBinSearchForOrderedCategoricalFeatureInClassification() indexed bins from 0 to (math.pow(2, featureCategories.toInt - 1) - 1). This upper bound is the bound for unordered categorical features, not ordered ones. The upper bound should be the arity (i.e., max value) of the feature. Added new test to DecisionTreeSuite to catch this: "regression stump with categorical variables of arity 2" Bug fix: Modified upper bound discussed above. Also: Small improvements to coding style in DecisionTree. CC mengxr manishamde Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph.kurata.bradley@gmail.com> Closes #1720 from jkbradley/decisiontree-bugfix2 and squashes the following commits: 225822f [Joseph K. Bradley] Bug: In DecisionTree, the method sequentialBinSearchForOrderedCategoricalFeatureInClassification() indexed bins from 0 to (math.pow(2, featureCategories.toInt - 1) - 1). This upper bound is the bound for unordered categorical features, not ordered ones. The upper bound should be the arity (i.e., max value) of the feature.
Doris Xin authored
Author: Doris Xin <doris.s.xin@gmail.com> Closes #1713 from dorx/pythonCorrelation and squashes the following commits: 5f1e60c [Doris Xin] reviewer comments. 46ff6eb [Doris Xin] reviewer comments. ad44085 [Doris Xin] style fix e69d446 [Doris Xin] fixed missed conflicts. eb5bf56 [Doris Xin] merge master cc9f725 [Doris Xin] units passed. 9141a63 [Doris Xin] WIP2 d199f1f [Doris Xin] Moved correlation names into a public object cd163d6 [Doris Xin] WIP
Xiangrui Meng authored
breeze-0.8.1 causes dependency issues, as discussed in #940 . Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1718 from mengxr/revert-breeze and squashes the following commits: 99c4681 [Xiangrui Meng] downgrade breeze version to 0.7
witgo authored
`breeze 0.8.1` dependent on `scala-logging-slf4j 2.1.1` The relevant code on #1369 Author: witgo <witgo@qq.com> Closes #940 from witgo/breeze-8.0.1 and squashes the following commits: 65cc65e [witgo] update breeze to version 0.8.1
Sean Owen authored
Right now, `MatrixFactorizationModel` can only predict a score for one or more `(user,product)` tuples. As a comment in the file notes, it would be more useful to expose a recommend method, that computes top N scoring products for a user (or vice versa – users for a product). (This also corrects some long lines in the Java ALS test suite.) As you can see, it's a little messy to access the class from Java. Should there be a Java-friendly wrapper for it? with a pointer about where that should go, I could add that. Author: Sean Owen <srowen@gmail.com> Closes #1687 from srowen/SPARK-2768 and squashes the following commits: b349675 [Sean Owen] Additional review changes c9edb04 [Sean Owen] Updates from code review 7bc35f9 [Sean Owen] Add recommend methods to MatrixFactorizationModel
- Jul 31, 2014
Doris Xin authored
getRanks computes the wrong rank when numPartition >= size in the input RDDs before this patch. added units to address this bug. Author: Doris Xin <doris.s.xin@gmail.com> Closes #1710 from dorx/correlationBug and squashes the following commits: 733def4 [Doris Xin] bugs and reviewer comments. 31db920 [Doris Xin] revert unnecessary change 043ff83 [Doris Xin] bug fix for spearman corner case
Xiangrui Meng authored
Now the factors are persisted in memory only. If they get kicked off by later jobs, we might have to start the computation from very beginning. A better solution is changing the storage level to `MEMORY_AND_DISK`. srowen Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1700 from mengxr/als-level and squashes the following commits: c103d76 [Xiangrui Meng] change ALS factors storage level to MEMORY_AND_DISK
Joseph K. Bradley authored
(1) Inconsistent aggregate (agg) indexing for unordered features. (2) Fixed gain calculations for edge cases. (3) One-off error in choosing thresholds for continuous features for small datasets. (4) (not a bug) Changed meaning of tree depth by 1 to fit scikit-learn and rpart. (Depth 1 used to mean 1 leaf node; depth 0 now means 1 leaf node.) Other updates, to help with tests: * Updated DecisionTreeRunner to print more info. * Added utility functions to DecisionTreeModel: toString, depth, numNodes * Improved internal DecisionTree documentation Bug fix details: (1) Indexing was inconsistent for aggregate calculations for unordered features (in multiclass classification with categorical features, where the features had few enough values such that they could be considered unordered, i.e., isSpaceSufficientForAllCategoricalSplits=true). * updateBinForUnorderedFeature indexed agg as (node, feature, featureValue, binIndex), where ** featureValue was from arr (so it was a feature value) ** binIndex was in [0,…, 2^(maxFeatureValue-1)-1) * The rest of the code indexed agg as (node, feature, binIndex, label). * Corrected this bug by changing updateBinForUnorderedFeature to use the second indexing pattern. Unit tests in DecisionTreeSuite * Updated a few tests to train a model and test its training accuracy, which catches the indexing bug from updateBinForUnorderedFeature() discussed above. * Added new test (“stump with categorical variables for multiclass classification, with just enough bins”) to test bin extremes. (2) Bug fix: calculateGainForSplit (for classification): * It used to return dummy prediction values when either the right or left children had 0 weight. These were incorrect for multiclass classification. It has been corrected. Updated impurities to allow for count = 0. This was related to the above bug fix for calculateGainForSplit (for classification). Small updates to documentation and coding style. (3) Bug fix: Off-by-1 when finding thresholds for splits for continuous features. * Exhibited bug in new test in DecisionTreeSuite: “stump with 1 continuous variable for binary classification, to check off-by-1 error” * Description: When finding thresholds for possible splits for continuous features in DecisionTree.findSplitsBins, the thresholds were set according to individual training examples’ feature values. * Fix: The threshold is set to be the average of 2 consecutive (sorted) examples’ feature values. E.g.: If the old code set the threshold using example i, the new code sets the threshold using exam * Note: In 4 DecisionTreeSuite tests with all labels identical, removed check of threshold since it is somewhat arbitrary. CC: mengxr manishamde Please let me know if I missed something! Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph.kurata.bradley@gmail.com> Closes #1673 from jkbradley/decisiontree-bugfix and squashes the following commits: 2b20c61 [Joseph K. Bradley] Small doc and style updates dab0b67 [Joseph K. Bradley] Added documentation for DecisionTree internals 8bb8aa0 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix 978cfcf [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix 6eed482 [Joseph K. Bradley] In DecisionTree: Changed from using procedural syntax for functions returning Unit to explicitly writing Unit return type. 376dca2 [Joseph K. Bradley] Updated meaning of maxDepth by 1 to fit scikit-learn and rpart. * In code, replaced usages of maxDepth <-- maxDepth + 1 * In params, replace settings of maxDepth <-- maxDepth - 1 59750f8 [Joseph K. Bradley] * Updated Strategy to check numClassesForClassification only if algo=Classification. * Updates based on comments: ** DecisionTreeRunner *** Made dataFormat arg default to libsvm ** Small cleanups ** tree.Node: Made recursive helper methods private, and renamed them. 52e17c5 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix da50db7 [Joseph K. Bradley] Added one more test to DecisionTreeSuite: stump with 2 continuous variables for binary classification. Caused problems in past, but fixed now. 8ea8750 [Joseph K. Bradley] Bug fix: Off-by-1 when finding thresholds for splits for continuous features. 2283df8 [Joseph K. Bradley] 2 bug fixes. 73fbea2 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decisiontree-bugfix 5f920a1 [Joseph K. Bradley] Demonstration of bug before submitting fix: Updated DecisionTreeSuite so that 3 tests fail. Will describe bug in next commit.
Doris Xin authored
RandomRDDGenerators but without support for randomRDD and randomVectorRDD, which take in arbitrary DistributionGenerator. `randomRDD.py` is named to avoid collision with the built-in Python `random` package. Author: Doris Xin <doris.s.xin@gmail.com> Closes #1628 from dorx/pythonRDD and squashes the following commits: 55c6de8 [Doris Xin] review comments. all python units passed. f831d9b [Doris Xin] moved default args logic into PythonMLLibAPI 2d73917 [Doris Xin] fix for linalg.py 8663e6a [Doris Xin] reverting back to a single python file for random f47c481 [Doris Xin] docs update 687aac0 [Doris Xin] add RandomRDDGenerators.py to run-tests 4338f40 [Doris Xin] renamed randomRDD to rand and import as random 29d205e [Doris Xin] created mllib.random package bd2df13 [Doris Xin] typos 07ddff2 [Doris Xin] units passed. 23b2ecd [Doris Xin] WIP
Xiangrui Meng authored
This is roughly the TF-IDF implementation used in the Databricks Cloud Demo: http://databricks.com/cloud/ . Both `HashingTF` and `IDF` are implemented as transformers, similar to scikit-learn. Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1671 from mengxr/tfidf and squashes the following commits: 7d65888 [Xiangrui Meng] use JavaConverters._ 5fe9ec4 [Xiangrui Meng] fix unit test 6e214ec [Xiangrui Meng] add apache header cfd9aed [Xiangrui Meng] add Java-friendly methods move classes to mllib.feature 3814440 [Xiangrui Meng] add HashingTF and IDF
- Jul 30, 2014
Sean Owen authored
Per discussion at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2341 , this is a look at deprecating the multiclass parameter. Thoughts welcome of course. Author: Sean Owen <srowen@gmail.com> Closes #1663 from srowen/SPARK-2341 and squashes the following commits: 8a3abd7 [Sean Owen] Suppress MIMA error for removed package private classes 18a8c8e [Sean Owen] Updates from review 83d0092 [Sean Owen] Deprecated methods with multiclass, and instead always parse target as a double (ie. multiclass = true)
Sean Owen authored
SPARK-2749 [BUILD]. Spark SQL Java tests aren't compiling in Jenkins' Maven builds; missing junit:junit dep The Maven-based builds in the build matrix have been failing for a few days: https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/view/Spark/ On inspection, it looks like the Spark SQL Java tests don't compile: https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/view/Spark/job/Spark-Master-Maven-pre-YARN/hadoop.version=1.0.4,label=centos/244/consoleFull I confirmed it by repeating the command vs master: `mvn -Dhadoop.version=1.0.4 -Dlabel=centos -DskipTests clean package` The problem is that this module doesn't depend on JUnit. In fact, none of the modules do, but `com.novocode:junit-interface` (the SBT-JUnit bridge) pulls it in, in most places. However this module doesn't depend on `com.novocode:junit-interface` Adding the `junit:junit` dependency fixes the compile problem. In fact, the other modules with Java tests should probably depend on it explicitly instead of happening to get it via `com.novocode:junit-interface`, since that is a bit SBT/Scala-specific (and I am not even sure it's needed). Author: Sean Owen <srowen@gmail.com> Closes #1660 from srowen/SPARK-2749 and squashes the following commits: 858ff7c [Sean Owen] Add explicit junit dep to other modules with Java tests for robustness 9636794 [Sean Owen] Add junit dep so that Spark SQL Java tests compile
GuoQiang Li authored
Author: GuoQiang Li <witgo@qq.com> Author: witgo <witgo@qq.com> Closes #929 from witgo/improve_als and squashes the following commits: ea25033 [GuoQiang Li] checkpoint products 3,6,9 ... 154dccf [GuoQiang Li] checkpoint products only c5779ff [witgo] Improve ALS algorithm resource usage
Sean Owen authored
In a few places in MLlib, an expression of the form `log(1.0 + p)` is evaluated. When p is so small that `1.0 + p == 1.0`, the result is 0.0. However the correct answer is very near `p`. This is why `Math.log1p` exists. Similarly for one instance of `exp(m) - 1` in GraphX; there's a special `Math.expm1` method. While the errors occur only for very small arguments, given their use in machine learning algorithms, this is entirely possible. Also note the related PR for Python: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1652 Author: Sean Owen <srowen@gmail.com> Closes #1659 from srowen/SPARK-2748 and squashes the following commits: c5926d4 [Sean Owen] Use log1p, expm1 for better precision for tiny arguments
- Jul 29, 2014
Xiangrui Meng authored
In `reduce` and `aggregate`, the driver node spends linear time on the number of partitions. It becomes a bottleneck when there are many partitions and the data from each partition is big. SPARK-1485 (#506) tracks the progress of implementing AllReduce on Spark. I did several implementations including butterfly, reduce + broadcast, and treeReduce + broadcast. treeReduce + BT broadcast seems to be right way to go for Spark. Using binary tree may introduce some overhead in communication, because the driver still need to coordinate on data shuffling. In my experiments, n -> sqrt(n) -> 1 gives the best performance in general, which is why I set "depth = 2" in MLlib algorithms. But it certainly needs more testing. I left `treeReduce` and `treeAggregate` public for easy testing. Some numbers from a test on 32-node m3.2xlarge cluster. code: ~~~ import breeze.linalg._ import org.apache.log4j._ Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.OFF) for (n <- Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000)) { val vv = sc.parallelize(0 until 1024, 1024).map(i => DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)) var start = System.nanoTime(); vv.treeReduce(_ + _, 2); println((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e9) start = System.nanoTime(); vv.reduce(_ + _); println((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e9) } ~~~ out: | n | treeReduce(,2) | reduce | |---|---------------------|-----------| | 10 | 0.215538731 | 0.204206899 | | 100 | 0.278405907 | 0.205732582 | | 1000 | 0.208972182 | 0.214298272 | | 10000 | 0.194792071 | 0.349353687 | | 100000 | 0.347683285 | 6.086671892 | | 1000000 | 2.589350682 | 66.572906702 | CC: @pwendell This is clearly more scalable than the default implementation. My question is whether we should use this implementation in `reduce` and `aggregate` or put them as separate methods. The concern is that users may use `reduce` and `aggregate` as collect, where having multiple stages doesn't reduce the data size. However, in this case, `collect` is more appropriate. Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1110 from mengxr/tree and squashes the following commits: c6cd267 [Xiangrui Meng] make depth default to 2 b04b96a [Xiangrui Meng] address comments 9bcc5d3 [Xiangrui Meng] add depth for readability 7495681 [Xiangrui Meng] fix compile error 142a857 [Xiangrui Meng] merge master d58a087 [Xiangrui Meng] move treeReduce and treeAggregate to mllib 8a2a59c [Xiangrui Meng] Merge branch 'master' into tree be6a88a [Xiangrui Meng] use treeAggregate in mllib 0f94490 [Xiangrui Meng] add docs eb71c33 [Xiangrui Meng] add treeReduce fe42a5e [Xiangrui Meng] add treeAggregate
- Jul 28, 2014
Cheng Lian authored
JIRA issue: [SPARK-2410](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2410) Another try for #1399 & #1600. Those two PR breaks Jenkins builds because we made a separate profile `hive-thriftserver` in sub-project `assembly`, but the `hive-thriftserver` module is defined outside the `hive-thriftserver` profile. Thus every time a pull request that doesn't touch SQL code will also execute test suites defined in `hive-thriftserver`, but tests fail because related .class files are not included in the assembly jar. In the most recent commit, module `hive-thriftserver` is moved into its own profile to fix this problem. All previous commits are squashed for clarity. Author: Cheng Lian <lian.cs.zju@gmail.com> Closes #1620 from liancheng/jdbc-with-maven-fix and squashes the following commits: 629988e [Cheng Lian] Moved hive-thriftserver module definition into its own profile ec3c7a7 [Cheng Lian] Cherry picked the Hive Thrift server
DB Tsai authored
Floating point math is not exact, and most floating-point numbers end up being slightly imprecise due to rounding errors. Simple values like 0.1 cannot be precisely represented using binary floating point numbers, and the limited precision of floating point numbers means that slight changes in the order of operations or the precision of intermediates can change the result. That means that comparing two floats to see if they are equal is usually not what we want. As long as this imprecision stays small, it can usually be ignored. Based on discussion in the community, we have implemented two different APIs for relative tolerance, and absolute tolerance. It makes sense that test writers should know which one they need depending on their circumstances. Developers also need to explicitly specify the eps, and there is no default value which will sometimes cause confusion. When comparing against zero using relative tolerance, a exception will be raised to warn users that it's meaningless. For relative tolerance, users can now write assert(23.1 ~== 23.52 relTol 0.02) assert(23.1 ~== 22.74 relTol 0.02) assert(23.1 ~= 23.52 relTol 0.02) assert(23.1 ~= 22.74 relTol 0.02) assert(!(23.1 !~= 23.52 relTol 0.02)) assert(!(23.1 !~= 22.74 relTol 0.02)) // This will throw exception with the following message. // "Did not expect 23.1 and 23.52 to be within 0.02 using relative tolerance." assert(23.1 !~== 23.52 relTol 0.02) // "Expected 23.1 and 22.34 to be within 0.02 using relative tolerance." assert(23.1 ~== 22.34 relTol 0.02) For absolute error, assert(17.8 ~== 17.99 absTol 0.2) assert(17.8 ~== 17.61 absTol 0.2) assert(17.8 ~= 17.99 absTol 0.2) assert(17.8 ~= 17.61 absTol 0.2) assert(!(17.8 !~= 17.99 absTol 0.2)) assert(!(17.8 !~= 17.61 absTol 0.2)) // This will throw exception with the following message. // "Did not expect 17.8 and 17.99 to be within 0.2 using absolute error." assert(17.8 !~== 17.99 absTol 0.2) // "Expected 17.8 and 17.59 to be within 0.2 using absolute error." assert(17.8 ~== 17.59 absTol 0.2) Authors: DB Tsai <dbtsaialpinenow.com> Marek Kolodziej <marekalpinenow.com> Author: DB Tsai <dbtsai@alpinenow.com> Closes #1425 from dbtsai/SPARK-2479_comparing_floating_point and squashes the following commits: 8c7cbcc [DB Tsai] Alpine Data Labs
- Jul 27, 2014
Patrick Wendell authored
This reverts commit f6ff2a61.
Doris Xin authored
Utilities for generating random RDDs. RandomRDD and RandomVectorRDD are created instead of using `sc.parallelize(range:Range)` because `Range` objects in Scala can only have `size <= Int.MaxValue`. The object `RandomRDDGenerators` can be transformed into a generator class to reduce the number of auxiliary methods for optional arguments. Author: Doris Xin <doris.s.xin@gmail.com> Closes #1520 from dorx/randomRDD and squashes the following commits: 01121ac [Doris Xin] reviewer comments 6bf27d8 [Doris Xin] Merge branch 'master' into randomRDD a8ea92d [Doris Xin] Reviewer comments 063ea0b [Doris Xin] Merge branch 'master' into randomRDD aec68eb [Doris Xin] newline bc90234 [Doris Xin] units passed. d56cacb [Doris Xin] impl with RandomRDD 92d6f1c [Doris Xin] solution for Cloneable df5bcff [Doris Xin] Merge branch 'generator' into randomRDD f46d928 [Doris Xin] WIP 49ed20d [Doris Xin] alternative poisson distribution generator 7cb0e40 [Doris Xin] fix for data inconsistency 8881444 [Doris Xin] RandomRDDGenerator: initial design
Cheng Lian authored
(This is a replacement of #1399, trying to fix potential `HiveThriftServer2` port collision between parallel builds. Please refer to [these comments](https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1399#issuecomment-50212572) for details.) JIRA issue: [SPARK-2410](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2410) Merging the Hive Thrift/JDBC server from [branch-1.0-jdbc](https://github.com/apache/spark/tree/branch-1.0-jdbc). Thanks chenghao-intel for his initial contribution of the Spark SQL CLI. Author: Cheng Lian <lian.cs.zju@gmail.com> Closes #1600 from liancheng/jdbc and squashes the following commits: ac4618b [Cheng Lian] Uses random port for HiveThriftServer2 to avoid collision with parallel builds 090beea [Cheng Lian] Revert changes related to SPARK-2678, decided to move them to another PR 21c6cf4 [Cheng Lian] Updated Spark SQL programming guide docs fe0af31 [Cheng Lian] Reordered spark-submit options in spark-shell[.cmd] 199e3fb [Cheng Lian] Disabled MIMA for hive-thriftserver 1083e9d [Cheng Lian] Fixed failed test suites 7db82a1 [Cheng Lian] Fixed spark-submit application options handling logic 9cc0f06 [Cheng Lian] Starts beeline with spark-submit cfcf461 [Cheng Lian] Updated documents and build scripts for the newly added hive-thriftserver profile 061880f [Cheng Lian] Addressed all comments by @pwendell 7755062 [Cheng Lian] Adapts test suites to spark-submit settings 40bafef [Cheng Lian] Fixed more license header issues e214aab [Cheng Lian] Added missing license headers b8905ba [Cheng Lian] Fixed minor issues in spark-sql and start-thriftserver.sh f975d22 [Cheng Lian] Updated docs for Hive compatibility and Shark migration guide draft 3ad4e75 [Cheng Lian] Starts spark-sql shell with spark-submit a5310d1 [Cheng Lian] Make HiveThriftServer2 play well with spark-submit 61f39f4 [Cheng Lian] Starts Hive Thrift server via spark-submit 2c4c539 [Cheng Lian] Cherry picked the Hive Thrift server
Doris Xin authored
Added a set of serializer/deserializer for Double in _common.py and PythonMLLibAPI in MLLib. Author: Doris Xin <doris.s.xin@gmail.com> Closes #1581 from dorx/doubleSerDe and squashes the following commits: 86a85b3 [Doris Xin] Merge branch 'master' into doubleSerDe 2bfe7a4 [Doris Xin] Removed magic byte ad4d0d9 [Doris Xin] removed a space in unit a9020bc [Doris Xin] units passed 7dad9af [Doris Xin] WIP
Xiangrui Meng authored
We saw task serialization problems with large feature dimension, which could be avoid if we don't serialize data directly into task but use broadcast variables. This PR uses broadcast in both training and prediction and adds tests to make sure the task size is small. Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1427 from mengxr/broadcast-new and squashes the following commits: b9a1228 [Xiangrui Meng] style update b97c184 [Xiangrui Meng] minimal change to LBFGS 9ebadcc [Xiangrui Meng] add task size test to RowMatrix 9427bf0 [Xiangrui Meng] add task size tests to linear methods e0a5cf2 [Xiangrui Meng] add task size test to GD 28a8411 [Xiangrui Meng] add test for NaiveBayes 380778c [Xiangrui Meng] update KMeans test bccab92 [Xiangrui Meng] add task size test to LBFGS 02103ba [Xiangrui Meng] remove print e73d68e [Xiangrui Meng] update tests for k-means 174cb15 [Xiangrui Meng] use local-cluster for test with a small akka.frameSize 1928a5a [Xiangrui Meng] add test for KMeans task size e00c2da [Xiangrui Meng] use broadcast in GD, KMeans 010d076 [Xiangrui Meng] modify NaiveBayesModel and GLM to use broadcast
- Jul 25, 2014
Michael Armbrust authored
This reverts commit 06dc0d2c. #1399 is making Jenkins fail. We should investigate and put this back after its passing tests. Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #1594 from marmbrus/revertJDBC and squashes the following commits: 59748da [Michael Armbrust] Revert "[SPARK-2410][SQL] Merging Hive Thrift/JDBC server"
Cheng Lian authored
JIRA issue: - Main: [SPARK-2410](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2410) - Related: [SPARK-2678](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2678) Cherry picked the Hive Thrift/JDBC server from [branch-1.0-jdbc](https://github.com/apache/spark/tree/branch-1.0-jdbc). (Thanks chenghao-intel for his initial contribution of the Spark SQL CLI.) TODO - [x] Use `spark-submit` to launch the server, the CLI and beeline - [x] Migration guideline draft for Shark users ---- Hit by a bug in `SparkSubmitArguments` while working on this PR: all application options that are recognized by `SparkSubmitArguments` are stolen as `SparkSubmit` options. For example: ```bash $ spark-submit --class org.apache.hive.beeline.BeeLine spark-internal --help ``` This actually shows usage information of `SparkSubmit` rather than `BeeLine`. ~~Fixed this bug here since the `spark-internal` related stuff also touches `SparkSubmitArguments` and I'd like to avoid conflict.~~ **UPDATE** The bug mentioned above is now tracked by [SPARK-2678](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2678). Decided to revert changes to this bug since it involves more subtle considerations and worth a separate PR. Author: Cheng Lian <lian.cs.zju@gmail.com> Closes #1399 from liancheng/thriftserver and squashes the following commits: 090beea [Cheng Lian] Revert changes related to SPARK-2678, decided to move them to another PR 21c6cf4 [Cheng Lian] Updated Spark SQL programming guide docs fe0af31 [Cheng Lian] Reordered spark-submit options in spark-shell[.cmd] 199e3fb [Cheng Lian] Disabled MIMA for hive-thriftserver 1083e9d [Cheng Lian] Fixed failed test suites 7db82a1 [Cheng Lian] Fixed spark-submit application options handling logic 9cc0f06 [Cheng Lian] Starts beeline with spark-submit cfcf461 [Cheng Lian] Updated documents and build scripts for the newly added hive-thriftserver profile 061880f [Cheng Lian] Addressed all comments by @pwendell 7755062 [Cheng Lian] Adapts test suites to spark-submit settings 40bafef [Cheng Lian] Fixed more license header issues e214aab [Cheng Lian] Added missing license headers b8905ba [Cheng Lian] Fixed minor issues in spark-sql and start-thriftserver.sh f975d22 [Cheng Lian] Updated docs for Hive compatibility and Shark migration guide draft 3ad4e75 [Cheng Lian] Starts spark-sql shell with spark-submit a5310d1 [Cheng Lian] Make HiveThriftServer2 play well with spark-submit 61f39f4 [Cheng Lian] Starts Hive Thrift server via spark-submit 2c4c539 [Cheng Lian] Cherry picked the Hive Thrift server
Matei Zaharia authored
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2657 Our current code uses ArrayBuffers for each group of values in groupBy, as well as for the key's elements in CoGroupedRDD. ArrayBuffers have a lot of overhead if there are few values in them, which is likely to happen in cases such as join. In particular, they have a pointer to an Object[] of size 16 by default, which is 24 bytes for the array header + 128 for the pointers in there, plus at least 32 for the ArrayBuffer data structure. This patch replaces the per-group buffers with a CompactBuffer class that can store up to 2 elements more efficiently (in fields of itself) and acts like an ArrayBuffer beyond that. For a key's elements in CoGroupedRDD, we use an Array of CompactBuffers instead of an ArrayBuffer of ArrayBuffers. There are some changes throughout the code to deal with CoGroupedRDD returning Array instead. We can also decide not to do that but CoGroupedRDD is a `DeveloperAPI` so I think it's okay to change it here. Author: Matei Zaharia <matei@databricks.com> Closes #1555 from mateiz/compact-groupby and squashes the following commits: 845a356 [Matei Zaharia] Lower initial size of CompactBuffer's vector to 8 07621a7 [Matei Zaharia] Review comments 0c1cd12 [Matei Zaharia] Don't use varargs in CompactBuffer.apply bdc8a39 [Matei Zaharia] Small tweak to +=, and typos f61f040 [Matei Zaharia] Fix line lengths 59da88b0 [Matei Zaharia] Fix line lengths 197cde8 [Matei Zaharia] Make CompactBuffer extend Seq to make its toSeq more efficient 775110f [Matei Zaharia] Change CoGroupedRDD to give (K, Array[Iterable[_]]) to avoid wrappers 9b4c6e8 [Matei Zaharia] Use CompactBuffer in CoGroupedRDD ed577ab [Matei Zaharia] Use CompactBuffer in groupByKey 10f0de1 [Matei Zaharia] A CompactBuffer that's more memory-efficient than ArrayBuffer for small buffers
- Jul 24, 2014
Xiangrui Meng authored
Allow small errors in comparison. @dbtsai , this unit test blocks https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1562 . I may need to merge this one first. We can change it to use the tools in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1425 after that PR gets merged. Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1576 from mengxr/fix-binary-metrics-unit-tests and squashes the following commits: 5076a7f [Xiangrui Meng] fix binary metrics unit tests
- Jul 23, 2014
Xiangrui Meng authored
The name `preservesPartitioning` is ambiguous: 1) preserves the indices of partitions, 2) preserves the partitioner. The latter is correct and `preservesPartitioning` should really be called `preservesPartitioner` to avoid confusion. Unfortunately, this is already part of the API and we cannot change. We should be clear in the doc and fix wrong usages. This PR 1. adds notes in `maPartitions*`, 2. makes `RDD.sample` preserve partitioner, 3. changes `preservesPartitioning` to false in `RDD.zip` because the keys of the first RDD are no longer the keys of the zipped RDD, 4. fixes some wrong usages in MLlib. Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1526 from mengxr/preserve-partitioner and squashes the following commits: b361e65 [Xiangrui Meng] update doc based on pwendell's comments 3b1ba19 [Xiangrui Meng] update doc 357575c [Xiangrui Meng] fix unit test 20b4816 [Xiangrui Meng] Merge branch 'master' into preserve-partitioner d1caa65 [Xiangrui Meng] add doc to explain preservesPartitioning fix wrong usage of preservesPartitioning make sample preserse partitioning