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  1. Sep 20, 2016
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-17611][YARN][TEST] Make shuffle service test really test auth. · 7e418e99
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      Currently, the code is just swallowing exceptions, and not really checking
      whether the auth information was being recorded properly. Fix both problems,
      and also avoid tests inadvertently affecting other tests by modifying the
      shared config variable (by making it not shared).
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #15161 from vanzin/SPARK-17611.
  2. Sep 14, 2016
    • Kishor Patil's avatar
      [SPARK-17511] Yarn Dynamic Allocation: Avoid marking released container as Failed · ff6e4cbd
      Kishor Patil authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Due to race conditions, the ` assert(numExecutorsRunning <= targetNumExecutors)` can fail causing `AssertionError`. So removed the assertion, instead moved the conditional check before launching new container:
      java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed
              at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:156)
              at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.YarnAllocator$$anonfun$runAllocatedContainers$$apache$spark$deploy$yarn$YarnAllocator$$anonfun$$updateInternalState$1(YarnAllocator.scala:489)
              at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.YarnAllocator$$anonfun$runAllocatedContainers$1$$anon$
              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
      ## How was this patch tested?
      This was manually tested using a large ForkAndJoin job with Dynamic Allocation enabled to validate the failing job succeeds, without any such exception.
      Author: Kishor Patil <>
      Closes #15069 from kishorvpatil/SPARK-17511.
  3. Sep 09, 2016
    • Thomas Graves's avatar
      [SPARK-17433] YarnShuffleService doesn't handle moving credentials levelDb · a3981c28
      Thomas Graves authored
      The secrets leveldb isn't being moved if you run spark shuffle services without yarn nm recovery on and then turn it on.  This fixes that.  I unfortunately missed this when I ported the patch from our internal branch 2 to master branch due to the changes for the recovery path.  Note this only applies to master since it is the only place the yarn nm recovery dir is used.
      Unit tests ran and tested on 8 node cluster.  Fresh startup with NM recovery, fresh startup no nm recovery, switching between no nm recovery and recovery.  Also tested running applications to make sure wasn't affected by rolling upgrade.
      Author: Thomas Graves <>
      Author: Tom Graves <>
      Closes #14999 from tgravescs/SPARK-17433.
  4. Sep 07, 2016
    • Liwei Lin's avatar
      [SPARK-17359][SQL][MLLIB] Use ArrayBuffer.+=(A) instead of... · 3ce3a282
      Liwei Lin authored
      [SPARK-17359][SQL][MLLIB] Use ArrayBuffer.+=(A) instead of ArrayBuffer.append(A) in performance critical paths
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      We should generally use `ArrayBuffer.+=(A)` rather than `ArrayBuffer.append(A)`, because `append(A)` would involve extra boxing / unboxing.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Author: Liwei Lin <>
      Closes #14914 from lw-lin/append_to_plus_eq_v2.
  5. Sep 06, 2016
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-15891][YARN] Clean up some logging in the YARN AM. · 0bd00ff2
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      To make the log file more readable, rework some of the logging done
      by the AM:
      - log executor command / env just once, since they're all almost the same;
        the information that changes, such as executor ID, is already available
        in other log messages.
      - avoid printing logs when nothing happens, especially when updating the
        container requests in the allocator.
      - print fewer log messages when requesting many unlocalized executors,
        instead of repeating the same message multiple times.
      - removed some logs that seemed unnecessary.
      In the process, I slightly fixed up the wording in a few log messages, and
      did some minor clean up of method arguments that were redundant.
      Tested by running existing unit tests, and analyzing the logs of an
      application that exercises dynamic allocation by forcing executors
      to be allocated and be killed in waves.
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #14943 from vanzin/SPARK-15891.
  6. Sep 02, 2016
    • Thomas Graves's avatar
      [SPARK-16711] YarnShuffleService doesn't re-init properly on YARN rolling upgrade · e79962f2
      Thomas Graves authored
      The Spark Yarn Shuffle Service doesn't re-initialize the application credentials early enough which causes any other spark executors trying to fetch from that node during a rolling upgrade to fail with "java.lang.NullPointerException: Password cannot be null if SASL is enabled".  Right now the spark shuffle service relies on the Yarn nodemanager to re-register the applications, unfortunately this is after we open the port for other executors to connect. If other executors connected before the re-register they get a null pointer exception which isn't a re-tryable exception and cause them to fail pretty quickly. To solve this I added another leveldb file so that it can save and re-initialize all the applications before opening the port for other executors to connect to it.  Adding another leveldb was simpler from the code structure point of view.
      Most of the code changes are moving things to common util class.
      Patch was tested manually on a Yarn cluster with rolling upgrade was happing while spark job was running. Without the patch I consistently get the NullPointerException, with the patch the job gets a few Connection refused exceptions but the retries kick in and the it succeeds.
      Author: Thomas Graves <>
      Closes #14718 from tgravescs/SPARK-16711.
  7. Sep 01, 2016
    • Angus Gerry's avatar
      [SPARK-16533][CORE] resolve deadlocking in driver when executors die · a0aac4b7
      Angus Gerry authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This pull request reverts the changes made as a part of #14605, which simply side-steps the deadlock issue. Instead, I propose the following approach:
      * Use `scheduleWithFixedDelay` when calling `ExecutorAllocationManager.schedule` for scheduling executor requests. The intent of this is that if invocations are delayed beyond the default schedule interval on account of lock contention, then we avoid a situation where calls to `schedule` are made back-to-back, potentially releasing and then immediately reacquiring these locks - further exacerbating contention.
      * Replace a number of calls to `askWithRetry` with `ask` inside of message handling code in `CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend` and its ilk. This allows us queue messages with the relevant endpoints, release whatever locks we might be holding, and then block whilst awaiting the response. This change is made at the cost of being able to retry should sending the message fail, as retrying outside of the lock could easily cause race conditions if other conflicting messages have been sent whilst awaiting a response. I believe this to be the lesser of two evils, as in many cases these RPC calls are to process local components, and so failures are more likely to be deterministic, and timeouts are more likely to be caused by lock contention.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing tests, and manual tests under yarn-client mode.
      Author: Angus Gerry <>
      Closes #14710 from angolon/SPARK-16533.
  8. Aug 30, 2016
    • Ferdinand Xu's avatar
      [SPARK-5682][CORE] Add encrypted shuffle in spark · 4b4e329e
      Ferdinand Xu authored
      This patch is using Apache Commons Crypto library to enable shuffle encryption support.
      Author: Ferdinand Xu <>
      Author: kellyzly <>
      Closes #8880 from winningsix/SPARK-10771.
  9. Aug 24, 2016
    • Sean Owen's avatar
      [SPARK-16781][PYSPARK] java launched by PySpark as gateway may not be the same... · 0b3a4be9
      Sean Owen authored
      [SPARK-16781][PYSPARK] java launched by PySpark as gateway may not be the same java used in the spark environment
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Update to py4j 0.10.3 to enable JAVA_HOME support
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Pyspark tests
      Author: Sean Owen <>
      Closes #14748 from srowen/SPARK-16781.
  10. Aug 17, 2016
    • Steve Loughran's avatar
      [SPARK-16736][CORE][SQL] purge superfluous fs calls · cc97ea18
      Steve Loughran authored
      A review of the code, working back from Hadoop's `FileSystem.exists()` and `FileSystem.isDirectory()` code, then removing uses of the calls when superfluous.
      1. delete is harmless if called on a nonexistent path, so don't do any checks before deletes
      1. any `FileSystem.exists()`  check before `getFileStatus()` or `open()` is superfluous as the operation itself does the check. Instead the `FileNotFoundException` is caught and triggers the downgraded path. When a `FileNotFoundException` was thrown before, the code still creates a new FNFE with the error messages. Though now the inner exceptions are nested, for easier diagnostics.
      Initially, relying on Jenkins test runs.
      One troublespot here is that some of the codepaths are clearly error situations; it's not clear that they have coverage anyway. Trying to create the failure conditions in tests would be ideal, but it will also be hard.
      Author: Steve Loughran <>
      Closes #14371 from steveloughran/cloud/SPARK-16736-superfluous-fs-calls.
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-16930][YARN] Fix a couple of races in cluster app initialization. · e3fec51f
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      There are two narrow races that could cause the ApplicationMaster to miss
      when the user application instantiates the SparkContext, which could cause
      app failures when nothing was wrong with the app. It was also possible for
      a failing application to get stuck in the loop that waits for the context
      for a long time, instead of failing quickly.
      The change uses a promise to track the SparkContext instance, which gets
      rid of the races and allows for some simplification of the code.
      Tested with existing unit tests, and a new one being added to test the
      timeout code.
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #14542 from vanzin/SPARK-16930.
  11. Aug 11, 2016
  12. Aug 10, 2016
    • jerryshao's avatar
      [SPARK-14743][YARN] Add a configurable credential manager for Spark running on YARN · ab648c00
      jerryshao authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Add a configurable token manager for Spark on running on yarn.
      ### Current Problems ###
      1. Supported token provider is hard-coded, currently only hdfs, hbase and hive are supported and it is impossible for user to add new token provider without code changes.
      2. Also this problem exits in timely token renewer and updater.
      ### Changes In This Proposal ###
      In this proposal, to address the problems mentioned above and make the current code more cleaner and easier to understand, mainly has 3 changes:
      1. Abstract a `ServiceTokenProvider` as well as `ServiceTokenRenewable` interface for token provider. Each service wants to communicate with Spark through token way needs to implement this interface.
      2. Provide a `ConfigurableTokenManager` to manage all the register token providers, also token renewer and updater. Also this class offers the API for other modules to obtain tokens, get renewal interval and so on.
      3. Implement 3 built-in token providers `HDFSTokenProvider`, `HiveTokenProvider` and `HBaseTokenProvider` to keep the same semantics as supported today. Whether to load in these built-in token providers is controlled by configuration "${service}.enabled", by default for all the built-in token providers are loaded.
      ### Behavior Changes ###
      For the end user there's no behavior change, we still use the same configuration `${service}.enabled` to decide which token provider is enabled (hbase or hive).
      For user implemented token provider (assume the name of token provider is "test") needs to add into this class should have two configurations:
      1. `` to true
      2. `` to the full qualified class name.
      So we still keep the same semantics as current code while add one new configuration.
      ### Current Status ###
      - [x] token provider interface and management framework.
      - [x] implement built-in token providers (hdfs, hbase, hive).
      - [x] Coverage of unit test.
      - [x] Integrated test with security cluster.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Unit test and integrated test.
      Please suggest and review, any comment is greatly appreciated.
      Author: jerryshao <>
      Closes #14065 from jerryshao/SPARK-16342.
  13. Aug 08, 2016
    • Holden Karau's avatar
      [SPARK-16779][TRIVIAL] Avoid using postfix operators where they do not add... · 9216901d
      Holden Karau authored
      [SPARK-16779][TRIVIAL] Avoid using postfix operators where they do not add much and remove whitelisting
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Avoid using postfix operation for command execution in SQLQuerySuite where it wasn't whitelisted and audit existing whitelistings removing postfix operators from most places. Some notable places where postfix operation remains is in the XML parsing & time units (seconds, millis, etc.) where it arguably can improve readability.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing tests.
      Author: Holden Karau <>
      Closes #14407 from holdenk/SPARK-16779.
  14. Jul 27, 2016
    • KevinGrealish's avatar
      [SPARK-16110][YARN][PYSPARK] Fix allowing python version to be specified per... · b14d7b5c
      KevinGrealish authored
      [SPARK-16110][YARN][PYSPARK] Fix allowing python version to be specified per submit for cluster mode.
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This fix allows submit of pyspark jobs to specify python 2 or 3.
      Change ordering in setup for application master environment so env vars PYSPARK_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON can be overridden by spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.* conf settings. This applies to YARN in cluster mode. This allows them to be set per submission without needing the unset the env vars (which is not always possible - e.g. batch submit with LIVY only exposes the arguments to spark-submit)
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Manual and existing unit tests.
      Author: KevinGrealish <>
      Closes #13824 from KevinGrealish/SPARK-16110.
  15. Jul 19, 2016
  16. Jul 14, 2016
  17. Jul 13, 2016
    • sharkd's avatar
      [MINOR][YARN] Fix code error in yarn-cluster unit test · 3d6f679c
      sharkd authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Fix code error in yarn-cluster unit test.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Use exist tests
      Author: sharkd <>
      Closes #14166 from sharkdtu/master.
  18. Jul 12, 2016
    • sharkd's avatar
      [SPARK-16414][YARN] Fix bugs for "Can not get user config when calling... · d513c99c
      sharkd authored
      [SPARK-16414][YARN] Fix bugs for "Can not get user config when calling SparkHadoopUtil.get.conf on yarn cluser mode"
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      The `SparkHadoopUtil` singleton was instantiated before `ApplicationMaster` in `ApplicationMaster.main` when deploying spark on yarn cluster mode, the `conf` in the `SparkHadoopUtil` singleton didn't include user's configuration.
      So, we should load the properties file with the Spark configuration and set entries as system properties before `SparkHadoopUtil` first instantiate.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Add a test case
      Author: sharkd <>
      Author: sharkdtu <>
      Closes #14088 from sharkdtu/master.
  19. Jul 11, 2016
    • Reynold Xin's avatar
      [SPARK-16477] Bump master version to 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT · ffcb6e05
      Reynold Xin authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      After SPARK-16476 (committed earlier today as #14128), we can finally bump the version number.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Author: Reynold Xin <>
      Closes #14130 from rxin/SPARK-16477.
  20. Jul 01, 2016
  21. Jun 29, 2016
    • jerryshao's avatar
      [SPARK-15990][YARN] Add rolling log aggregation support for Spark on yarn · 272a2f78
      jerryshao authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Yarn supports rolling log aggregation since 2.6, previously log will only be aggregated to HDFS after application is finished, it is quite painful for long running applications like Spark Streaming, thriftserver. Also out of disk problem will be occurred when log file is too large. So here propose to add support of rolling log aggregation for Spark on yarn.
      One limitation for this is that log4j should be set to change to file appender, now in Spark itself uses console appender by default, in which file will not be created again once removed after aggregation. But I think lots of production users should have changed their log4j configuration instead of default on, so this is not a big problem.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Manually verified with Hadoop 2.7.1.
      Author: jerryshao <>
      Closes #13712 from jerryshao/SPARK-15990.
  22. Jun 24, 2016
    • peng.zhang's avatar
      [SPARK-16125][YARN] Fix not test yarn cluster mode correctly in YarnClusterSuite · f4fd7432
      peng.zhang authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Since SPARK-13220(Deprecate "yarn-client" and "yarn-cluster"), YarnClusterSuite doesn't test "yarn cluster" mode correctly.
      This pull request fixes it.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Unit test
      (If this patch involves UI changes, please attach a screenshot; otherwise, remove this)
      Author: peng.zhang <>
      Closes #13836 from renozhang/SPARK-16125-test-yarn-cluster-mode.
  23. Jun 23, 2016
    • Ryan Blue's avatar
      [SPARK-13723][YARN] Change behavior of --num-executors with dynamic allocation. · 738f134b
      Ryan Blue authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This changes the behavior of --num-executors and spark.executor.instances when using dynamic allocation. Instead of turning dynamic allocation off, it uses the value for the initial number of executors.
      This changes was discussed on [SPARK-13723]( I highly recommend using it while we can change the behavior for 2.0.0. In practice, the 1.x behavior causes unexpected behavior for users (it is not clear that it disables dynamic allocation) and wastes cluster resources because users rarely notice the log message.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      This patch updates tests and adds a test for Utils.getDynamicAllocationInitialExecutors.
      Author: Ryan Blue <>
      Closes #13338 from rdblue/SPARK-13723-num-executors-with-dynamic-allocation.
    • Ryan Blue's avatar
      [SPARK-15725][YARN] Ensure ApplicationMaster sleeps for the min interval. · a410814c
      Ryan Blue authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Update `ApplicationMaster` to sleep for at least the minimum allocation interval before calling `allocateResources`. This prevents overloading the `YarnAllocator` that is happening because the thread is triggered when an executor is killed and its connections die. In YARN, this prevents the app from overloading the allocator and becoming unstable.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Tested that this allows the an app to recover instead of hanging. It is still possible for the YarnAllocator to be overwhelmed by requests, but this prevents the issue for the most common cause.
      Author: Ryan Blue <>
      Closes #13482 from rdblue/SPARK-15725-am-sleep-work-around.
    • Peter Ableda's avatar
      [SPARK-16138] Try to cancel executor requests only if we have at least 1 · 5bf2889b
      Peter Ableda authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Adding additional check to if statement
      ## How was this patch tested?
      I built and deployed to internal cluster to observe behaviour. After the change the invalid logging is gone:
      16/06/22 08:46:36 INFO yarn.YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 1 executor(s).
      16/06/22 08:46:36 INFO yarn.YarnAllocator: Canceling requests for 1 executor container(s) to have a new desired total 1 executors.
      16/06/22 08:46:36 INFO yarn.YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 0 executor(s).
      16/06/22 08:47:36 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster$AMEndpoint: Driver requested to kill executor(s) 1.
      Author: Peter Ableda <>
      Closes #13850 from peterableda/patch-2.
  24. Jun 21, 2016
  25. Jun 15, 2016
  26. Jun 14, 2016
    • Sean Owen's avatar
      [MINOR] Clean up several build warnings, mostly due to internal use of old accumulators · 6151d264
      Sean Owen authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Another PR to clean up recent build warnings. This particularly cleans up several instances of the old accumulator API usage in tests that are straightforward to update. I think this qualifies as "minor".
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Author: Sean Owen <>
      Closes #13642 from srowen/BuildWarnings.
  27. Jun 13, 2016
  28. Jun 09, 2016
  29. Jun 03, 2016
    • Subroto Sanyal's avatar
      [SPARK-15754][YARN] Not letting the credentials containing hdfs delegation... · 61d729ab
      Subroto Sanyal authored
      [SPARK-15754][YARN] Not letting the credentials containing hdfs delegation tokens to be added in current user credential.
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      The credentials are not added to the credentials of UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(). Further if the client has possibility to login using keytab then the updateDelegationToken thread is not started on client.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      ran dev/run-tests
      Author: Subroto Sanyal <>
      Closes #13499 from subrotosanyal/SPARK-15754-save-ugi-from-changing.
  30. May 29, 2016
    • Sean Owen's avatar
      [MINOR] Resolve a number of miscellaneous build warnings · ce1572d1
      Sean Owen authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This change resolves a number of build warnings that have accumulated, before 2.x. It does not address a large number of deprecation warnings, especially related to the Accumulator API. That will happen separately.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Author: Sean Owen <>
      Closes #13377 from srowen/BuildWarnings.
  31. May 26, 2016
  32. May 24, 2016
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-15405][YARN] Remove unnecessary upload of config archive. · a313a5ae
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      We only need one copy of it. The client code that was uploading the
      second copy just needs to be modified to update the metadata in the
      cache, so that the AM knows where to find the configuration.
      Tested by running app on YARN and verifying in the logs only one archive
      is uploaded.
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #13232 from vanzin/SPARK-15405.
  33. May 20, 2016
    • tedyu's avatar
      [SPARK-15273] YarnSparkHadoopUtil#getOutOfMemoryErrorArgument should respect... · 06c9f520
      tedyu authored
      [SPARK-15273] YarnSparkHadoopUtil#getOutOfMemoryErrorArgument should respect OnOutOfMemoryError parameter given by user
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      As Nirav reported in this thread:
      YarnSparkHadoopUtil#getOutOfMemoryErrorArgument previously specified 'kill %p' unconditionally.
      We should respect the parameter given by user.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing tests
      Author: tedyu <>
      Closes #13057 from tedyu/master.
  34. May 17, 2016
  35. May 13, 2016
  36. May 12, 2016
    • bomeng's avatar
      [SPARK-14897][SQL] upgrade to jetty 9.2.16 · 81bf8708
      bomeng authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Since Jetty 8 is EOL (end of life) and has critical security issue [], I think upgrading to 9 is necessary. I am using latest 9.2 since 9.3 requires Java 8+.
      `javax.servlet` and `derby` were also upgraded since Jetty 9.2 needs corresponding version.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Manual test and current test cases should cover it.
      Author: bomeng <>
      Closes #12916 from bomeng/SPARK-14897.
  37. May 10, 2016
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-11249][LAUNCHER] Throw error if app resource is not provided. · 0b9cae42
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      Without this, the code would build an invalid spark-submit command line,
      and a more cryptic error would be presented to the user. Also, expose
      a constant that allows users to set a dummy resource in cases where
      they don't need an actual resource file; for backwards compatibility,
      that uses the same "spark-internal" resource that Spark itself uses.
      Tested via unit tests, run-example, spark-shell, and running the
      thrift server with mixed spark and hive command line arguments.
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #12909 from vanzin/SPARK-11249.