Alex Ellis authoredAlex Ellis authored
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OpenFaaS Community
Welcome to the OpenFaaS community page where you can find:
- Events
- Blog posts and write-ups
- Repos - projects / samples / use cases
There are three main Github repos
- FaaS - the main OpenFaaS repo for the Docker Swarm integration, samples and documentation
- FaaS-netes - the Kubernetes back-end for FaaS
- FaaS-cli - the user-facing CLI for templating and deploying functions
It would be great to hear from you especially if you have any of the above and want to share it with the rest of the community. Pull Request or submit a Github Issue.
Events 2017
Industry awards and mentions
Award/Mention | Author(s) | Source | Date |
OpenFaaS added to CNCF Cloud Native Landscape - Serverless/Event-based | Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) | Github | 23-Oct-2017 |
OpenFaaS: Package any Binary or Code as a Serverless Function | Joab Jackson | The New Stack | 9-Oct-2017 |
Functions-as-a-Service Landscape | Astasia Myers | Redpoint Ventures | 4-Oct-2017 |
Martin Heller, Andrew C. Oliver and Serdar Yegulalp | InfoWorld (from IDG) | 27-Sep-2017 |
Open source project uses Docker for serverless computing | Serdar Yegulalp | InfoWorld (from IDG) | 27-Mar-2017 |
Blog posts and write-ups
Third-party integrations / OpenFaaS providers
Project name and description | Author | Site | Status |
faas-netes - Kubernetes provider | OpenFaaS | github.com | Supported |
faas-nomad - Nomad provider | Hashicorp | github.com | Incubation |
faas-rancher - Rancher/Cattle provider | Ken Fukuyama | github.com | Incubation |
faas-hyper - Hyper.sh provider | Hyper | github.com | Incubation |
faas-guardian - Guardian provider | Nigel Wright | github.com | Inception |
faas-ecs - Huawei | Xicheng Chang | github.com | Inception |
faas-dcos - DCOS provider | Alberto Quario | github.com | Inception |
Repos - projects / samples / use cases
You can also find cool projects or submit your own to the faas-and-furious organisation. Contact Alex for details on how.
Project name and description | Author | Site | Date |
Kafka-connector for OpenFaaS | King Chung Huang | ucalgary/ftrigger | 13-October-2017 |
Azure Storage and Azure Service Bus Queues Trigger for OpenFaaS on Kubernetes | Daniele Antonio Maggio | github.com/danigian/Azure-Queues-Trigger-OpenFaaS | 24-September-2017 |
faas-pipeline - OpenFaaS function composition | Ivan Erceg | github.com | 23-September-2017 |
Github - Reverse geocoding | Luc Juggery | github.com | 14-September-2017 |
QR Code | John McCabe | github.com | 18-August-2017 |
Img2ANSI - GIF/PNG/JPG to ANSI art converter | John McCabe | github.com | 10-August-2017 |
FaaS-netes - Kubernetes backend for FaaS | Alex Ellis | github.com | 25-Jul-2017 |
Twitter, Elastic Search and Alexa stack of functions | Alex Ellis | github.com | 24-Apr-2017 |
Dockercon FaaS demos including Alexa/Github | Alex Ellis | github.com | 14-Apr-2017 |
Docker Birthday voting app ported to FaaS | Alex Ellis | github.com | 14-Apr-2017 |
Github-Airtable Bug Tracker integration | Austin Frey | github.com/aafrey/faas-demo | 10-April-2017 |
Github - ascii art generator | Finnian Anderson | developius/faas-node-ascii | 17-April-2017 |
Github - URL Shortener | Finnian Anderson | developius/faas-node-url-shortener | 19-April-2017 |
Github - fibonacci numbers up to N | Finnian Anderson | developius/faas-python-fib/ | 19-April-2017 |