## OpenFaaS Community Welcome to the OpenFaaS community page where you can find: * Events * Blog posts and write-ups * Repos - projects / samples / use cases There are three main Github repos * FaaS - the main OpenFaaS repo for the Docker Swarm integration, samples and documentation * [FaaS-netes](http://github.com/openfaas/faas-netes) - the Kubernetes back-end for FaaS * [FaaS-cli](http://github.com/openfaas/faas-cli) - the user-facing CLI for templating and deploying functions > It would be great to hear from you especially if you have any of the above and want to share it with the rest of the community. Pull Request or submit a Github Issue. ### Events 2017 | Event name and description | Speaker | Location | Date | |---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|----------|-------------| | [OpenFaaS @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon](https://kccncna17.sched.com/event/CU6s/faas-and-furious-0-to-serverless-in-60-seconds-anywhere-alex-ellis-adp) | Alex Ellis | Austin, USA | 07-Dec-2017 | | [OpenFaaS presentation + Demo on Kubernetes @ Paris Serverless Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Paris-Serverless-Architecture-Meetup/) | [Laurent Grangeau](https://twitter.com/laurentgrangeau) | Paris, France | 14-Nov-2017 | | [OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple @ Docker Cambridge Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/docker-cambridge/events/243206434/) | Alex Ellis | Cambridge, UK | 20-Nov-2017 | | [OpenFaaS Demo at APIOps Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/APIOps-Tampere/) | [Sakari Hoisko](https://twitter.com/Chaggeus) | Tampere, Finland | 14-Nov-2017 | | [SecTalks Canberra: OpenFaaS + Security workshop](https://www.meetup.com/SecTalks-Canberra/events/241579721/) | Glenn Grant | Australia | 14-Nov-2017 | | [Docker Belfast Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Belfast/) | John McCabe | Belfast, Northern Ireland | 31-Oct-2017 | | [Belfast Gophers Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Belfast-Gophers/) | John McCabe | Belfast, Northern Ireland | 26-Oct-2017 | | [Introduction to Serverless with OpenFaaS - Moby Summit](https://europe-2017.dockercon.com/moby-summit/) | Alex Ellis | Copenhagen | 19-Oct-2017 | | [Repainting the Past with Distributed Machine Learning and Docker - DockerCon EU](https://europe-2017.dockercon.com/agenda/#tab_title6) | Finnian Anderson & Oli Callaghan | Copenhagen | 18-Oct-2017 | | [Zero to Serverless in 60 secs - Dockercon EU](https://europe-2017.dockercon.com/agenda/#tab_title6) | Alex Ellis | Copenhagen | 17-Oct-2017 | | [Tech Weekly @ UNiDAYS - Alex Young introduces OpenFaaS](https://speakerdeck.com/nullseed/tech-weekly-at-unidays-alex-young-introduces-openfaas) | Alex Young | Nottingham, UK | 12-Oct-2017 | | [OpenFaaS @ JeffConf Milan](https://milan.jeffconf.com/speakers) | Alex Ellis | Milan, Italy | 29-Sept-2017 | | [Zero to Serverless in 60 secs - Open Source Summit North America](http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-source-summit-north-america/program/schedule) | Alex Ellis | LA, USA | 11-14 Sept 2017 | | [FaaS and Furious - CloudNativeLon (Vimeo)](https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/10813-faas-and-furious-0-to-serverless-in-60-seconds-anywhere) | Alex Ellis | London, UK | 06 Sept 2017 | | [From Zero to Serverless with FaaS - Fusion meet-up](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fusion-meetup-birmingham-june-2017-tickets-35370655583?aff=es2) | Alex Ellis | Birmingham, UK | 20 June 2017 | | [TechXLR8 - XLR8 your cloud with Docker and Serverless FaaS](https://www.slideshare.net/AlexEllis11/techxlr8-xlr8-your-cloud-with-docker-and-serverless-faas) | Alex Ellis | London, UK | 13-June-2017 | | [Whaleless!](http://gluecon.com/#agenda) ([slides](https://speakerdeck.com/amirmc/whaleless-doing-serverless-with-docker)) | Amir Chaudhry | GlueCon, CO | 26-May-2017 | | [MakerShift: Build Your own Serverless functions w/ FaaS](https://www.makershift.io/)| Austin Frey | Harrisburg, PA | 06-May-2017 | | [Dockercon closing keynote - Cool Hacks](https://blog.docker.com/2017/04/dockercon-2017-mobys-cool-hack-sessions/) | Alex Ellis | Dockercon, Austin | 20-April-2017 | | [TechLancaster](http://techlancaster.com/meetup)| Austin Frey | Lancaster, PA | 18-April-2017 | | [ETH Polymese](https://www.polymesse.ch/current-presentations.html)| Brian Christner | Zürich | 04-April-2017 | | [Operationalizing Containers](http://www.rackspace-inform.eu/dispatcher/action?wlmsac=t1ejSDdh1hygBurJJANV)| Brian Christner | Zürich | 5-April-2017 | | [FaaS on Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13920588)| Alex Ellis | Online | 22-Mar-2017 | ### Industry awards and mentions | Award/Mention | Author(s) | Source | Date | |---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|----------|-------------| | [OpenFaaS added to CNCF Cloud Native Landscape - Serverless/Event-based](https://github.com/cncf/landscape/blob/master/landscape/CloudNativeLandscape_latest.jpg) | [Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)](https://www.cncf.io/) | Github | 23-Oct-2017 | | [OpenFaaS: Package any Binary or Code as a Serverless Function](https://thenewstack.io/openfaas-put-serverless-function-container/) | Joab Jackson | The New Stack | 9-Oct-2017 | | [Functions-as-a-Service Landscape](https://medium.com/memory-leak/this-year-gartner-added-serverless-to-its-hype-cycle-of-emerging-technologies-reflecting-the-5dfe43d818f0) | Astasia Myers | Redpoint Ventures | 4-Oct-2017 | | 🏆 [Bossie Award for Cloud Computing 2017](https://www.infoworld.com/article/3227920/cloud-computing/bossie-awards-2017-the-best-cloud-computing-software.html#slide7) | Martin Heller, Andrew C. Oliver and Serdar Yegulalp| InfoWorld (from IDG) | 27-Sep-2017 | | [Open source project uses Docker for serverless computing](http://www.infoworld.com/article/3184757/open-source-tools/open-source-project-uses-docker-for-serverless-computing.html#tk.twt_ifw)| Serdar Yegulalp | InfoWorld (from IDG) | 27-Mar-2017 | ### Blog posts and write-ups | Blog/repo name and description | Author | Site | Date | |---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|----------|-------------| | [Unleash the Artist within you with Docker, Tensorflow and OpenFaaS](http://jmkhael.io/unleash-the-artist-within-tensorflow-and-openfaas/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 22-Nov-2017 | [How to Deploy OpenFaaS Serverless PHP Functions](http://blog.gaiterjones.com/how-to-deploy-open-faas-serverless-php-functions/) | Gaiter Jones | gaiterjones.com | 20-Nov-2017 | [Getting started with OpenFaaS on minikube](https://medium.com/@alexellisuk/getting-started-with-openfaas-on-minikube-634502c7acdf) | Alex Ellis | medium.com | 18-Nov-2017 | [OpenFaaS November Contributor Highlights](https://blog.alexellis.io/openfaas-contributors-highlights/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 15-Nov-2017 | | [How to start with OpenFaaS](http://panosgeorgiadis.com/blog/2017/11/08/how-to-start-with-openfaas/) | Panos Georgiadis | panosgeorgiadis.com | 08-Nov-2017 | | [Build a Kubernetes Cluster w/ Raspberry Pi & .NET Core on OpenFaas](https://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToBuildAKubernetesClusterWithARMRaspberryPiThenRunNETCoreOnOpenFaas.aspx) | Scott Hanselman | hanselman.com | 31-Oct-2017 | [Kubernetes + OpenFaaS + runV + ARM64 Packet.net](https://medium.com/@resouer/kubernetes-openfaas-runv-arm64-packet-net-ea4c7b61c88f) | Harry Zhang | medium.com | 31-Oct-2017 | | [Build a Serverless Memes Function with OpenFaaS](https://medium.com/@mlabouardy/build-a-serverless-memes-function-with-openfaas-f4210a53abe8) | Mohamed Labouardy | medium.com/@mlabouardy | 24-Oct-2017 | | [Repainting the Past with Machine Learning and OpenFaaS](http://olicallaghan.com/post/repainting-the-past-with-machine-learning-and-openfaas) | Oli Callaghan | olicallaghan.com | 23-Oct-2017 | | [An Introduction to Serverless DevOps with OpenFaaS](https://hackernoon.com/an-introduction-to-serverless-devops-with-openfaas-b978ab0eb2b) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 22-Oct-2017 | | [Colourising Video with OpenFaaS Serverless Functions](https://finnian.io/blog/colourising-video-with-openfaas-serverless-functions/) | Finnian Anderson | finnian.io | 21-Oct-2017 | | [My First Pull Request To OpenFaaS](https://hackernoon.com/my-first-pull-request-to-openfaas-a-major-open-source-project-d0c823790691) | Burton Rheutan | hackernoon.com/@rheutan7 | 10-Oct-2017 | | [Deploying a Serverless Youtube-To-Gif Telegram bot with OpenFaaS](https://medium.com/@ericstoekl/deploying-a-serverless-youtube-to-gif-telegram-bot-with-openfaas-2b78d1e9ae6) | Eric Stoekl | medium.com/@ericstoekl | 25-Sep-2017 | | [A Serverless GraphQL Blog in 60 Seconds with OpenFaaS](https://medium.com/@kenfdev/a-serverless-graphql-blog-in-60-seconds-with-openfaas-aaedd566b1f3) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 24-Sep-2017 | | [Create your own DownNotifier with OpenFaaS](http://jmkhael.io/downnotifier-site-pinger/)| Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 22-Sep-2017| | [Get OpenFaaS running on Azure Container Service with Kubernetes](https://gist.github.com/danigian/e6097fad36f03c476a69e6c44fde074f) | Daniele Antonio Maggio | twitter.com/danigian | 21-Sep-2017 | | [OpenFaaS on Azure (Swarm)](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/livedevopsinjapan/2017/09/21/openfaas-on-azure-swarm/) | Tsuyoshi Ushio | technet.microsoft.com | 21-Sep-2017 | | [OpenFaaS on ACS (Kubernetes)](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/livedevopsinjapan/2017/09/19/open-faas-on-acs-kubernetes/) | Tsuyoshi Ushio | technet.microsoft.com | 19-Sep-2017 | | [OpenFaaS on Civo (Kubernetes)](https://www.civo.com/learn/kubernetes-and-openfaas-using-terraform) | Andy Jeffries | civo.com | 18-Sep-2017 | | [Integrating OpenFaaS and GraphQL](https://medium.com/@kenfdev/integrating-openfaas-and-graphql-experimental-1870bd22f2a) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 10-Sep-2017 | | [Morning coffee with the OpenFaaS CLI](https://blog.alexellis.io/quickstart-openfaas-cli/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 05-Sep-2017 | | [OpenFaaS on Rancher](https://medium.com/cloud-academy-inc/openfaas-on-rancher-684650cc078e) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 02-Sep-2017 | | [OpenFaaS accelerates serverless Java with AfterBurn](https://blog.alexellis.io/openfaas-serverless-acceleration/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 01-Sep-2017 | | [OpenFaaS presents to CNCF Serverless workgroup](https://blog.alexellis.io/openfaas-cncf-workgroup/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 29-Aug-2017 | | [Your Serverless Raspberry Pi cluster with Docker](https://blog.alexellis.io/your-serverless-raspberry-pi-cluster/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 20-Aug-2017 | | [Your first serverless .NET function with OpenFaaS](https://medium.com/@rorpage/your-first-serverless-net-function-with-openfaas-27573017dedb) | Rob Page | medium.com | 19-Aug-2017 | | [Your first serverless Python function with OpenFaaS](https://blog.alexellis.io/first-faas-python-function/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 11-Aug-2017 | | [Introducing Functions as a Service - OpenFaaS](https://blog.alexellis.io/introducing-functions-as-a-service/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 08-Aug-2017 | | [Time2Code: Functions as Service and Code as a Function](https://medium.com/@JockDaRock/time2code-functions-as-service-and-code-as-a-function-3d9125fc49fb) | Jock Reed | medium.com/@JockDaRock | 4-Aug-2017| | [FaaS complete walk-through on Kubernetes (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DbrLsUvaso) | Alex Ellis | youtube.com | 28-Jul-2017 | | [Kittens vs Tarsiers - an introduction to serverless machine learning](http://jmkhael.io/kittens-vs-tarsiers-an-introduction-to-serverless-machine-learning/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 24-Jul-2017| | [Old and new - ASCII art and serverless](http://jmkhael.io/create-a-serverless-ascii-banner-with-faas/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 29-Jun-2017| | [Sysdig newsletter](http://go.sysdig.com/webmail/231542/29878667/a2cfc2b92d460d3516188054c1f63e6ecdd7eac458f992f37bbe96acb8d83a78) | Sysdig | sysdig.com | 28-Jun-2017| | [Ship Serverless FaaS functions with ease](http://blog.alexellis.io/build-and-deploy-with-faas/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 25-Jun-2017 | | [Functions as a Service - deploying functions to Docker Swarm via CLI](https://dev.to/developius/functions-as-a-service---deploying-functions-to-docker-swarm-via-a-cli) | Finnian Anderson | dev.to | 18 May 2017 | | [Create a Morse Code serverless FaaS function in Quick Basic](http://jmkhael.io/code-a-morse-serverless-function-in-quick-basic-with-faas-and-docker/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 8 May 2017 | | ["Serverless"? On my own servers?](http://jmkhael.io/serverless-and-on-my-own-servers/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 4 May 2017 | [Ship Serverless Functions to your Docker Swarm with FaaS](https://finnian.io/blog/ship-serverless-functions-to-your-docker-swarm-with-faas/) | Finnian Anderson | finnian.io | 2 May 2017 | | [Docker + Serverless = FaaS (Functions As A Service)](http://lukeangel.co/cross-platform/docker-servless-faas-functions-as-a-service/) | Luke Angel | lukeangel.co | 28-Apr-2017 | | [Serverless for private clouds](https://medium.com/@pfernandom/serverless-for-private-clouds-or-managing-the-server-for-a-serverless-app-f9321e45a910) | Pedro Fernando Marquez Soto | medium.com | 30-Apr-2017 | | [O’Reilly Systems Engineering and Operations newsletter](http://post.oreilly.com/form/oreilly/viewhtml/9z1zlu60fomtoiq41cigtigddvnejvh4vjjfm0i1sh8) | O'Reilly | oreilly.com | 11-Apr-2017 | | [Test Driving Docker Functions as a Service (FaaS)](https://www.brianchristner.io/test-driving-docker-function-as-a-service-faas/) | Brian Christner | brianchristner.io | 10-Apr-2017 | | [[cncf-toc] The Cloud-Nativity of Serverless](https://lists.cncf.io/pipermail/cncf-toc/2017-March/000781.html) | CNCF mailing-list | cncf.io | 31-May 2017 | [Docker-awesome curated projects](https://github.com/veggiemonk/awesome-docker#serverless) | Julien Bisconti | Github.com | 23-Mar-2017 | | [Functions as a Service (FaaS) in French](http://blog.alexellis.io/fonction-service/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 13-Jan-2017 | | [Functions as a Service (FaaS)](http://blog.alexellis.io/functions-as-a-service/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 4-Jan-2017 | ### Third-party integrations / OpenFaaS providers | Project name and description | Author | Site | Status | |----------------------------------------------------------------------|------------|-----------|-------------| | [faas-netes](https://github.com/openfaas/faas-netes) - Kubernetes provider | OpenFaaS | github.com | Supported | | [faas-nomad](https://github.com/hashicorp/faas-nomad) - Nomad provider | Hashicorp | github.com | Incubation | | [faas-rancher](https://github.com/kenfdev/faas-rancher) - Rancher/Cattle provider | Ken Fukuyama | github.com | Incubation | | [faas-hyper](https://github.com/hyperhq/faas-hyper) - Hyper.sh provider | Hyper | github.com | Incubation | | [faas-guardian](https://github.com/nwright-nz/openfaas-guardian-backend) - Guardian provider | Nigel Wright | github.com | Inception | | [faas-ecs](https://github.com/stack360/faas-ecs) - Huawei | Xicheng Chang | github.com | Inception | | [faas-dcos](https://github.com/realbot/faas-dcos) - DCOS provider | Alberto Quario | github.com | Inception | ### Repos - projects / samples / use cases You can also find cool projects or submit your own to the [faas-and-furious organisation](https://github.com/faas-and-furious). Contact Alex for details on how. | Project name and description | Author | Site | Date | |----------------------------------------------------------------------|------------|-----------|-------------| | [Kafka-connector for OpenFaaS](https://github.com/ucalgary/ftrigger) | King Chung Huang | [ucalgary/ftrigger](https://github.com/ucalgary/ftrigger) | 13-October-2017 | [Azure Storage and Azure Service Bus Queues Trigger for OpenFaaS on Kubernetes](https://github.com/danigian/Azure-Queues-Trigger-OpenFaaS) | Daniele Antonio Maggio | github.com/danigian/Azure-Queues-Trigger-OpenFaaS | 24-September-2017 | | [faas-pipeline](https://github.com/getlazy/faas-pipeline) - OpenFaaS function composition | Ivan Erceg | github.com | 23-September-2017 | | [Github - Reverse geocoding](https://github.com/lucj/faas-reverse-geocoding) | Luc Juggery | github.com | 14-September-2017 | | [QR Code](https://github.com/faas-and-furious/qrcode) | John McCabe | github.com | 18-August-2017 | | [Img2ANSI - GIF/PNG/JPG to ANSI art converter](https://github.com/johnmccabe/faas-img2ansi/) | John McCabe | github.com | 10-August-2017 | | [FaaS-netes - Kubernetes backend for FaaS](https://github.com/openfaas/faas-netes) | Alex Ellis | github.com | 25-Jul-2017 | | [Twitter, Elastic Search and Alexa stack of functions](https://github.com/alexellis/journey-expert/tree/master/tweetstash) | Alex Ellis | github.com | 24-Apr-2017 | | [Dockercon FaaS demos including Alexa/Github](https://github.com/alexellis/faas-dockercon) | Alex Ellis | github.com | 14-Apr-2017 | | [Docker Birthday voting app ported to FaaS](https://github.com/alexellis/faas-example-voting-app) | Alex Ellis | github.com | 14-Apr-2017 | | [Github-Airtable Bug Tracker integration](https://github.com/aafrey/faas-demo) | Austin Frey | github.com/aafrey/faas-demo | 10-April-2017 | | [Github - ascii art generator](https://github.com/developius/faas-node-ascii) | Finnian Anderson | [developius/faas-node-ascii](https://github.com/developius/faas-node-ascii) | 17-April-2017 | | [Github - URL Shortener](https://github.com/developius/faas-node-url-shortener) | Finnian Anderson | [developius/faas-node-url-shortener](https://github.com/developius/faas-node-url-shortener) | 19-April-2017 | | [Github - fibonacci numbers up to N](https://github.com/developius/faas-python-fib/) | Finnian Anderson | [developius/faas-python-fib/](https://github.com/developius/faas-python-fib/) | 19-April-2017 |