This is an assembly module for Spark project. It creates a single tar.gz file that includes all needed dependency of the project except for org.apache.hadoop.* jars that are supposed to be available from the deployed Hadoop cluster. This module is off by default. To activate it specify the profile in the command line -Pbigtop-dist If you need to build an assembly for a different version of Hadoop the hadoop-version system property needs to be set as in this example: -Dhadoop.version=2.0.6-alpha
Cheng Lian
JIRA issue: [SPARK-2410]( Another try for #1399 & #1600. Those two PR breaks Jenkins builds because we made a separate profile `hive-thriftserver` in sub-project `assembly`, but the `hive-thriftserver` module is defined outside the `hive-thriftserver` profile. Thus every time a pull request that doesn't touch SQL code will also execute test suites defined in `hive-thriftserver`, but tests fail because related .class files are not included in the assembly jar. In the most recent commit, module `hive-thriftserver` is moved into its own profile to fix this problem. All previous commits are squashed for clarity. Author: Cheng Lian <> Closes #1620 from liancheng/jdbc-with-maven-fix and squashes the following commits: 629988e [Cheng Lian] Moved hive-thriftserver module definition into its own profile ec3c7a7 [Cheng Lian] Cherry picked the Hive Thrift server