- Oct 21, 2015
nitin goyal authored
Push conjunctive predicates though Aggregate operators when their references are a subset of the groupingExpressions. Query plan before optimisation :- Filter ((c#138L = 2) && (a#0 = 3)) Aggregate [a#0], [a#0,count(b#1) AS c#138L] Project [a#0,b#1] LocalRelation [a#0,b#1,c#2] Query plan after optimisation :- Filter (c#138L = 2) Aggregate [a#0], [a#0,count(b#1) AS c#138L] Filter (a#0 = 3) Project [a#0,b#1] LocalRelation [a#0,b#1,c#2] Author: nitin goyal <nitin.goyal@guavus.com> Author: nitin.goyal <nitin.goyal@guavus.com> Closes #9167 from nitin2goyal/master.
Pravin Gadakh authored
Using Option instead of Some in getCatalystType method. Author: Pravin Gadakh <prgadakh@in.ibm.com> Closes #9195 from pravingadakh/master.
Jeff Zhang authored
…rint in python No test needed. Verify it manually in pyspark shell Author: Jeff Zhang <zjffdu@apache.org> Closes #9177 from zjffdu/SPARK-11205.
- Oct 20, 2015
felixcheung authored
Currently the documentation for `lit` is inconsistent with doc format, references "Scala symbol" and has no example. Fixing that. shivaram Author: felixcheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #9187 from felixcheung/rlit.
Xiangrui Meng authored
Without an empty line, sphinx will treat doctest as docstring. holdenk ~~~ /Users/meng/src/spark/python/pyspark/ml/feature.py:docstring of pyspark.ml.feature.CountVectorizer:3: ERROR: Undefined substitution referenced: "label|raw |vectors | +-----+---------------+-------------------------+ |0 |[a, b, c] |(3,[0,1,2],[1.0,1.0,1.0])". /Users/meng/src/spark/python/pyspark/ml/feature.py:docstring of pyspark.ml.feature.CountVectorizer:3: ERROR: Undefined substitution referenced: "1 |[a, b, b, c, a]|(3,[0,1,2],[2.0,2.0,1.0])". ~~~ Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #9188 from mengxr/py-count-vec-doc-fix.
Xiangrui Meng authored
* `>=0` => `>= 0` * print `i`, `j` in the log message MechCoder Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #9189 from mengxr/SPARK-10082.
Cheng Lian authored
Due to PARQUET-251, `BINARY` columns in existing Parquet files may be written with corrupted statistics information. This information is used by filter push-down optimization. Since Spark 1.5 turns on Parquet filter push-down by default, we may end up with wrong query results. PARQUET-251 has been fixed in parquet-mr 1.8.1, but Spark 1.5 is still using 1.7.0. This affects all Spark SQL data types that can be mapped to Parquet {{BINARY}}, namely: - `StringType` - `BinaryType` - `DecimalType` (But Spark SQL doesn't support pushing down filters involving `DecimalType` columns for now.) To avoid wrong query results, we should disable filter push-down for columns of `StringType` and `BinaryType` until we upgrade to parquet-mr 1.8. Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Closes #9152 from liancheng/spark-11153.workaround-parquet-251. (cherry picked from commit 0887e5e8) Signed-off-by:
Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com>
Holden Karau authored
Namely "." shows up in some places in the template when using the param docstring and not in others Author: Holden Karau <holden@pigscanfly.ca> Closes #9017 from holdenk/SPARK-10767-Make-pyspark-shared-params-codegen-more-consistent.
MechCoder authored
Given row_ind should be less than the number of rows Given col_ind should be less than the number of cols. The current code in master gives unpredictable behavior for such cases. Author: MechCoder <manojkumarsivaraj334@gmail.com> Closes #8271 from MechCoder/hash_code_matrices.
noelsmith authored
Duplicated the since decorator from pyspark.sql into pyspark (also tweaked to handle functions without docstrings). Added since to methods + "versionadded::" to classes derived from the file history. Note - some methods are inherited from the regression module (i.e. LinearModel.intercept) so these won't have version numbers in the API docs until that model is updated. Author: noelsmith <mail@noelsmith.com> Closes #8626 from noel-smith/SPARK-10269-since-mlib-classification.
Tijo Thomas authored
Author: Tijo Thomas <tijoparacka@gmail.com> Author: tijo <tijo@ezzoft.com> Closes #8554 from tijoparacka/SPARK-10261-2.
noelsmith authored
Duplicated the since decorator from pyspark.sql into pyspark (also tweaked to handle functions without docstrings). Added since to public methods + "versionadded::" to classes (derived from the git file history in pyspark). Note - I added also the tags to MultilabelMetrics even though it isn't declared as public in the __all__ statement... if that's incorrect - I'll remove. Author: noelsmith <mail@noelsmith.com> Closes #8628 from noel-smith/SPARK-10272-since-mllib-evalutation.
Davies Liu authored
This PR improve the performance by: 1) Generate an Iterator that take Iterator[CachedBatch] as input, and call accessors (unroll the loop for columns), avoid the expensive Iterator.flatMap. 2) Use Unsafe.getInt/getLong/getFloat/getDouble instead of ByteBuffer.getInt/getLong/getFloat/getDouble, the later one actually read byte by byte. 3) Remove the unnecessary copy() in Coalesce(), which is not related to memory cache, found during benchmark. The following benchmark showed that we can speedup the columnar cache of int by 2x. ``` path = '/opt/tpcds/store_sales/' int_cols = ['ss_sold_date_sk', 'ss_sold_time_sk', 'ss_item_sk','ss_customer_sk'] df = sqlContext.read.parquet(path).select(int_cols).cache() df.count() t = time.time() print df.select("*")._jdf.queryExecution().toRdd().count() print time.time() - t ``` Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #9145 from davies/byte_buffer.
Davies Liu authored
Currently, we use CartesianProduct for join with null-safe-equal condition. ``` scala> sqlContext.sql("select * from t a join t b on (a.i <=> b.i)").explain == Physical Plan == TungstenProject [i#2,j#3,i#7,j#8] Filter (i#2 <=> i#7) CartesianProduct LocalTableScan [i#2,j#3], [[1,1]] LocalTableScan [i#7,j#8], [[1,1]] ``` Actually, we can have an equal-join condition as `coalesce(i, default) = coalesce(b.i, default)`, then an partitioned join algorithm could be used. After this PR, the plan will become: ``` >>> sqlContext.sql("select * from a join b ON a.id <=> b.id").explain() TungstenProject [id#0L,id#1L] Filter (id#0L <=> id#1L) SortMergeJoin [coalesce(id#0L,0)], [coalesce(id#1L,0)] TungstenSort [coalesce(id#0L,0) ASC], false, 0 TungstenExchange hashpartitioning(coalesce(id#0L,0),200) ConvertToUnsafe Scan PhysicalRDD[id#0L] TungstenSort [coalesce(id#1L,0) ASC], false, 0 TungstenExchange hashpartitioning(coalesce(id#1L,0),200) ConvertToUnsafe Scan PhysicalRDD[id#1L] ``` Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #9120 from davies/null_safe.
Wenchen Fan authored
We can't parse `NOT` operator with comparison operations like `SELECT NOT TRUE > TRUE`, this PR fixed it. Takes over https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/6326. Author: Wenchen Fan <cloud0fan@outlook.com> Closes #8617 from cloud-fan/not.
vundela authored
Currently log4j.properties file is not uploaded to executor's which is leading them to use the default values. This fix will make sure that file is always uploaded to distributed cache so that executor will use the latest settings. If user specifies log configurations through --files then executors will be picking configs from --files instead of $SPARK_CONF_DIR/log4j.properties Author: vundela <vsr@cloudera.com> Author: Srinivasa Reddy Vundela <vsr@cloudera.com> Closes #9118 from vundela/master.
Holden Karau authored
Upgrade to Py4j0.9 Author: Holden Karau <holden@pigscanfly.ca> Author: Holden Karau <holden@us.ibm.com> Closes #8615 from holdenk/SPARK-10447-upgrade-pyspark-to-py4j0.9.
Daoyuan Wang authored
PromotePrecision is not necessary after HiveTypeCoercion done. Jira: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-10463 Author: Daoyuan Wang <daoyuan.wang@intel.com> Closes #8621 from adrian-wang/promoterm.
Jakob Odersky authored
`transient` annotations on class parameters (not case class parameters or vals) causes compilation errors during compilation with Scala 2.11. I understand that transient *parameters* make no sense, however I don't quite understand why the 2.10 compiler accepted them. Note: in case it is preferred to keep the annotations in case someone would in the future want to redefine them as vals, it would also be possible to just add `val` after the annotation, e.g. `class Foo(transient x: Int)` becomes `class Foo(transient private val x: Int)`. I chose to remove the annotation as it also reduces needles clutter, however please feel free to tell me if you prefer the second option and I'll update the PR Author: Jakob Odersky <jodersky@gmail.com> Closes #9126 from jodersky/sbt-scala-2.11.
Jean-Baptiste Onofré authored
Author: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <jbonofre@apache.org> Closes #9059 from jbonofre/SPARK-10876.
- Oct 19, 2015
Cheng Lian authored
`DataSourceStrategy.mergeWithPartitionValues` is essentially a projection implemented in a quite inefficient way. This PR optimizes this method with `UnsafeProjection` to avoid unnecessary boxing costs. Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Closes #9104 from liancheng/spark-11088.faster-partition-values-merging.
Ryan Williams authored
I also added some information to container-failure error msgs about what host they failed on, which would have helped me identify the problem that lead me to this JIRA and PR sooner. Author: Ryan Williams <ryan.blake.williams@gmail.com> Closes #9147 from ryan-williams/dyn-exec-failures.
Chris Bannister authored
[SPARK-9708][MESOS] Spark should create local temporary directories in Mesos sandbox when launched with Mesos This is my own original work and I license this to the project under the project's open source license Author: Chris Bannister <chris.bannister@swiftkey.com> Author: Chris Bannister <chris.bannister@swiftkey.net> Closes #8358 from Zariel/mesos-local-dir.
Davies Liu authored
Also added SQLContext.newSession() Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #9122 from davies/py_create.
Liang-Chi Hsieh authored
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11051 When a `RDD` is materialized and checkpointed, its partitions and dependencies are cleared. If we allow local checkpointing on it and assign `LocalRDDCheckpointData` to its `checkpointData`. Next time when the RDD is materialized again, the error will be thrown. Author: Liang-Chi Hsieh <viirya@appier.com> Closes #9072 from viirya/no-localcheckpoint-after-checkpoint.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
Because the registration RPC was not really an RPC, but a bunch of disconnected messages, it was possible for other messages to be sent before the reply to the registration arrived, and that would confuse the Worker. Especially in local-cluster mode, the worker was succeptible to receiving an executor request before it received a message from the master saying registration succeeded. On top of the above, the change also fixes a ClassCastException when the registration fails, which also affects the executor registration protocol. Because the `ask` is issued with a specific return type, if the error message (of a different type) was returned instead, the code would just die with an exception. This is fixed by having a common base trait for these reply messages. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #9138 from vanzin/SPARK-11131.
zsxwing authored
[SPARK-11063] [STREAMING] Change preferredLocations of Receiver's RDD to hosts rather than hostports The format of RDD's preferredLocations must be hostname but the format of Streaming Receiver's scheduling executors is hostport. So it doesn't work. This PR converts `schedulerExecutors` to `hosts` before creating Receiver's RDD. Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #9075 from zsxwing/SPARK-11063.
Rishabh Bhardwaj authored
Added support for boolean types in fill and replace methods Author: Rishabh Bhardwaj <rbnext29@gmail.com> Closes #9166 from rishabhbhardwaj/master.
Wenchen Fan authored
The purpose of this PR is to keep the unsafe format detail only inside the unsafe class itself, so when we use them(like use unsafe array in unsafe map, use unsafe array and map in columnar cache), we don't need to understand the format before use them. change list: * unsafe array's 4-bytes numElements header is now required(was optional), and become a part of unsafe array format. * w.r.t the previous changing, the `sizeInBytes` of unsafe array now counts the 4-bytes header. * unsafe map's format was `[numElements] [key array numBytes] [key array content(without numElements header)] [value array content(without numElements header)]` before, which is a little hacky as it makes unsafe array's header optional. I think saving 4 bytes is not a big deal, so the format is now: `[key array numBytes] [unsafe key array] [unsafe value array]`. * w.r.t the previous changing, the `sizeInBytes` of unsafe map now counts both map's header and array's header. Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #9131 from cloud-fan/unsafe.
lewuathe authored
…2 regularization if the number of features is small Author: lewuathe <lewuathe@me.com> Author: Lewuathe <sasaki@treasure-data.com> Author: Kai Sasaki <sasaki@treasure-data.com> Author: Lewuathe <lewuathe@me.com> Closes #8884 from Lewuathe/SPARK-10668.
Alex Angelini authored
Includes: https://github.com/irmen/Pyrolite/pull/23 which fixes datetimes with timezones. JoshRosen https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-9643 Author: Alex Angelini <alex.louis.angelini@gmail.com> Closes #7950 from angelini/upgrade_pyrolite_up.
Jacek Laskowski authored
…redNodeLocationData Author: Jacek Laskowski <jacek.laskowski@deepsense.io> Closes #8976 from jaceklaskowski/SPARK-10921.
zsxwing authored
The unit test added in #9132 is flaky. This is a follow up PR to add `listenerBus.waitUntilEmpty` to fix it. Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #9163 from zsxwing/SPARK-11126-follow-up.
Brennon York authored
This commit refactors the `run-tests-jenkins` script into Python. This refactoring was done by brennonyork in #7401; this PR contains a few minor edits from joshrosen in order to bring it up to date with other recent changes. From the original PR description (by brennonyork): Currently a few things are left out that, could and I think should, be smaller JIRA's after this. 1. There are still a few areas where we use environment variables where we don't need to (like `CURRENT_BLOCK`). I might get around to fixing this one in lieu of everything else, but wanted to point that out. 2. The PR tests are still written in bash. I opted to not change those and just rewrite the runner into Python. This is a great follow-on JIRA IMO. 3. All of the linting scripts are still in bash as well and would likely do to just add those in as follow-on JIRA's as well. Closes #7401. Author: Brennon York <brennon.york@capitalone.com> Closes #9161 from JoshRosen/run-tests-jenkins-refactoring.
- Oct 18, 2015
zsxwing authored
SQLListener adds all stage infos to `_stageIdToStageMetrics`, but only removes stage infos belonging to SQL executions. This PR fixed it by ignoring stages that don't belong to SQL executions. Reported by Terry Hoo in https://www.mail-archive.com/userspark.apache.org/msg38810.html Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #9132 from zsxwing/SPARK-11126.
Mahmoud Lababidi authored
[SPARK-11158][SQL] Modified _verify_type() to be more informative on Errors by presenting the Object The _verify_type() function had Errors that were raised when there were Type conversion issues but left out the Object in question. The Object is now added in the Error to reduce the strain on the user to debug through to figure out the Object that failed the Type conversion. The use case for me was a Pandas DataFrame that contained 'nan' as values for columns of Strings. Author: Mahmoud Lababidi <mahmoud@thehumangeo.com> Author: Mahmoud Lababidi <lababidi@gmail.com> Closes #9149 from lababidi/master.
Patrick Wendell authored
This commit exists to close the following pull requests on Github: Closes #8737 (close requested by 'srowen') Closes #5323 (close requested by 'JoshRosen') Closes #6148 (close requested by 'JoshRosen') Closes #7557 (close requested by 'JoshRosen') Closes #7047 (close requested by 'srowen') Closes #8713 (close requested by 'marmbrus') Closes #5834 (close requested by 'srowen') Closes #7467 (close requested by 'tdas') Closes #8943 (close requested by 'xiaowen147') Closes #4434 (close requested by 'JoshRosen') Closes #8949 (close requested by 'srowen') Closes #5368 (close requested by 'JoshRosen') Closes #8186 (close requested by 'marmbrus') Closes #5147 (close requested by 'JoshRosen')
Reynold Xin authored
Our merge script now turns ``` [SPARK-1234][SPARK-1235][SPARK-1236][SQL] description ``` into ``` [SPARK-1234] [SPARK-1235] [SPARK-1236] [SQL] description ``` The extra spaces are more annoying in git since the first line of a git commit is supposed to be very short. Doctest passes with the following command: ``` python -m doctest merge_spark_pr.py ``` Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #9156 from rxin/SPARK-11169.
Lukasz Piepiora authored
This patch fixes a small typo in the GraphX programming guide Author: Lukasz Piepiora <lpiepiora@gmail.com> Closes #9160 from lpiepiora/11174-fix-typo-in-graphx-programming-guide.
tedyu authored
Author: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com> Closes #9157 from tedyu/master.