- Jul 15, 2014
Reynold Xin authored
(cherry picked from commit 401083be9f010f95110a819a49837ecae7d9c4ec) Signed-off-by:
Reynold Xin <rxin@apache.org>
DB Tsai authored
Instead of using prependOne currently in GeneralizedLinearAlgorithm, we would like to use appendBias for 1) keeping the indices of original training set unchanged by adding the intercept into the last element of vector and 2) using the same public API for consistently adding intercept. Author: DB Tsai <dbtsai@alpinenow.com> Closes #1410 from dbtsai/SPARK-2477_intercept_with_appendBias and squashes the following commits: 011432c [DB Tsai] From Alpine Data Labs
Reynold Xin authored
Based on Greg Bowyer's patch from JIRA https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2399 Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@apache.org> Closes #1416 from rxin/lz4 and squashes the following commits: 6c8fefe [Reynold Xin] Fixed typo. 8a14d38 [Reynold Xin] [SPARK-2399] Add support for LZ4 compression.
lianhuiwang authored
When completedDrivers number exceeds the threshold, the first Max(spark.deploy.retainedDrivers, 1) will be discarded. Author: lianhuiwang <lianhuiwang09@gmail.com> Closes #1114 from lianhuiwang/retained-drivers and squashes the following commits: 8789418 [lianhuiwang] discarded exceeded completedDrivers
Michael Armbrust authored
Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #1412 from marmbrus/lockHiveClient and squashes the following commits: 4bc9d5a [Michael Armbrust] protected[hive] 22e9177 [Michael Armbrust] Add comments. 7aa8554 [Michael Armbrust] Don't lock on hive's object. a6edc5f [Michael Armbrust] Lock usage of hive client.
Kousuke Saruta authored
When running jobs with YARN Cluster mode and using HistoryServer, the files in the Staging Directory (~/.sparkStaging on HDFS) cannot be deleted. HistoryServer uses directory where event log is written, and the directory is represented as a instance of o.a.h.f.FileSystem created by using FileSystem.get. On the other hand, ApplicationMaster has a instance named fs, which also created by using FileSystem.get. FileSystem.get returns cached same instance when URI passed to the method represents same file system and the method is called by same user. Because of the behavior, when the directory for event log is on HDFS, fs of ApplicationMaster and fileSystem of FileLogger is same instance. When shutting down ApplicationMaster, fileSystem.close is called in FileLogger#stop, which is invoked by SparkContext#stop indirectly. And ApplicationMaster#cleanupStagingDir also called by JVM shutdown hook. In this method, fs.delete(stagingDirPath) is invoked. Because fs.delete in ApplicationMaster is called after fileSystem.close in FileLogger, fs.delete fails and results not deleting files in the staging directory. I think, calling fileSystem.delete is not needed. Author: Kousuke Saruta <sarutak@oss.nttdata.co.jp> Closes #1326 from sarutak/SPARK-2390 and squashes the following commits: 10e1a88 [Kousuke Saruta] Removed fileSystem.close from FileLogger.scala not to prevent any other FileSystem operation
Aaron Davidson authored
groupBy()/groupByKey() is notorious for being a very convenient API that can lead to poor performance when used incorrectly. This PR just makes it clear that users should be cautious not to rely on this API when they really want a different (more performant) one, such as reduceByKey(). (Note that one source of confusion is the name; this groupBy() is not the same as a SQL GROUP-BY, which is used for aggregation and is more similar in nature to Spark's reduceByKey().) Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #1380 from aarondav/warning and squashes the following commits: f60da39 [Aaron Davidson] Give better advice d0afb68 [Aaron Davidson] Add/increase severity of warning in documentation of groupBy()
William Benton authored
When running Spark under certain instrumenting profilers, Utils.getCallSite could crash with an NPE. This commit makes it more resilient to failures occurring while inspecting stack frames. Author: William Benton <willb@redhat.com> Closes #1413 from willb/spark-2486 and squashes the following commits: b7c0274 [William Benton] Use explicit null checks instead of Try() 0f0c1ae [William Benton] Utils.getCallSite is now resilient to bogus frames
Takuya UESHIN authored
Author: Takuya UESHIN <ueshin@happy-camper.st> Closes #1398 from ueshin/issues/SPARK-2467 and squashes the following commits: 7f01d58 [Takuya UESHIN] Revert SparkBuild to publish-local to both .m2 and .ivy2.
- Jul 14, 2014
Takuya UESHIN authored
Note that this commit changes the semantics when loading in data that was created with prior versions of Spark SQL. Before, we were writing out strings as Binary data without adding any other annotations. Thus, when data is read in from prior versions, data that was StringType will now become BinaryType. Users that need strings can CAST that column to a String. It was decided that while this breaks compatibility, it does make us compatible with other systems (Hive, Thrift, etc) and adds support for Binary data, so this is the right decision long term. To support `BinaryType`, the following changes are needed: - Make `StringType` use `OriginalType.UTF8` - Add `BinaryType` using `PrimitiveTypeName.BINARY` without `OriginalType` Author: Takuya UESHIN <ueshin@happy-camper.st> Closes #1373 from ueshin/issues/SPARK-2446 and squashes the following commits: ecacb92 [Takuya UESHIN] Add BinaryType support to Parquet I/O. 616e04a [Takuya UESHIN] Make StringType use OriginalType.UTF8.
li-zhihui authored
Because submitting tasks and registering executors are asynchronous, in most situation, early stages' tasks run without preferred locality. A simple solution is sleeping few seconds in application, so that executors have enough time to register. The PR add 2 configuration properties to make TaskScheduler submit tasks after a few of executors have been registered. \# Submit tasks only after (registered executors / total executors) arrived the ratio, default value is 0 spark.scheduler.minRegisteredExecutorsRatio = 0.8 \# Whatever minRegisteredExecutorsRatio is arrived, submit tasks after the maxRegisteredWaitingTime(millisecond), default value is 30000 spark.scheduler.maxRegisteredExecutorsWaitingTime = 5000 Author: li-zhihui <zhihui.li@intel.com> Closes #900 from li-zhihui/master and squashes the following commits: b9f8326 [li-zhihui] Add logs & edit docs 1ac08b1 [li-zhihui] Add new configs to user docs 22ead12 [li-zhihui] Move waitBackendReady to postStartHook c6f0522 [li-zhihui] Bug fix: numExecutors wasn't set & use constant DEFAULT_NUMBER_EXECUTORS 4d6d847 [li-zhihui] Move waitBackendReady to TaskSchedulerImpl.start & some code refactor 0ecee9a [li-zhihui] Move waitBackendReady from DAGScheduler.submitStage to TaskSchedulerImpl.submitTasks 4261454 [li-zhihui] Add docs for new configs & code style ce0868a [li-zhihui] Code style, rename configuration property name of minRegisteredRatio & maxRegisteredWaitingTime 6cfb9ec [li-zhihui] Code style, revert default minRegisteredRatio of yarn to 0, driver get --num-executors in yarn/alpha 812c33c [li-zhihui] Fix driver lost --num-executors option in yarn-cluster mode e7b6272 [li-zhihui] support yarn-cluster 37f7dc2 [li-zhihui] support yarn mode(percentage style) 3f8c941 [li-zhihui] submit stage after (configured ratio of) executors have been registered
Zongheng Yang authored
This fix obtains a comparable performance boost as [PR #1390](https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1390) by moving an array update and deserializer initialization out of a potentially very long loop. Suggested by yhuai. The below results are updated for this fix. ## Benchmarks Generated a local text file with 10M rows of simple key-value pairs. The data is loaded as a table through Hive. Results are obtained on my local machine using hive/console. Without the fix: Type | Non-partitioned | Partitioned (1 part) ------------ | ------------ | ------------- First run | 9.52s end-to-end (1.64s Spark job) | 36.6s (28.3s) Stablized runs | 1.21s (1.18s) | 27.6s (27.5s) With this fix: Type | Non-partitioned | Partitioned (1 part) ------------ | ------------ | ------------- First run | 9.57s (1.46s) | 11.0s (1.69s) Stablized runs | 1.13s (1.10s) | 1.23s (1.19s) Author: Zongheng Yang <zongheng.y@gmail.com> Closes #1408 from concretevitamin/slow-read-2 and squashes the following commits: d86e437 [Zongheng Yang] Move update & initialization out of potentially long loop.
Daoyuan authored
Just move some test suite to corresponding package Author: Daoyuan <daoyuan.wang@intel.com> Closes #1401 from adrian-wang/movetestfiles and squashes the following commits: d1a6803 [Daoyuan] move some test file to match src code
Prashant Sharma authored
Author: Prashant Sharma <prashant.s@imaginea.com> Closes #1354 from ScrapCodes/pep8-comp-1 and squashes the following commits: 9858ea8 [Prashant Sharma] Code Review d8851b7 [Prashant Sharma] Found # noqa works even inside comment blocks. Not sure if it works with all versions of python. 10c0cef [Prashant Sharma] Made rdd.py pep8 complaint by using Autopep8 and a little manual tweaking.
- Jul 13, 2014
Sean Owen authored
(Just made a PR for this, mengxr was the reporter of:) MLlib has sample data under serveral folders: 1) data/mllib 2) data/ 3) mllib/data/* Per previous discussion with Matei Zaharia, we want to put them under `data/mllib` and clean outdated files. Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #1394 from srowen/SPARK-2363 and squashes the following commits: 54313dd [Sean Owen] Move ML example data from /mllib/data/ and /data/ into /data/mllib/
- Jul 12, 2014
Sandy Ryza authored
Apologies if there's an already-discussed reason I missed for why this doesn't make sense. Author: Sandy Ryza <sandy@cloudera.com> Closes #1389 from sryza/sandy-spark-2462 and squashes the following commits: 2e5e201 [Sandy Ryza] SPARK-2462. Make Vector.apply public.
Michael Armbrust authored
Reuse byte buffers when creating unique attributes for multiple instances of an InMemoryRelation in a single query plan. Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #1332 from marmbrus/doubleCache and squashes the following commits: 4a19609 [Michael Armbrust] Clean up concurrency story by calculating buffersn the constructor. b39c931 [Michael Armbrust] Allocations are kind of a side effect. f67eff7 [Michael Armbrust] Reusue same byte buffers when creating new instance of InMemoryRelation
Michael Armbrust authored
Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #1366 from marmbrus/partialDistinct and squashes the following commits: 12a31ab [Michael Armbrust] Add more efficient distinct operator.
Ankur Dave authored
VertexPartition and ShippableVertexPartition are contained in RDDs but are not marked Serializable, leading to NotSerializableExceptions when using Java serialization. The fix is simply to mark them as Serializable. This PR does that and adds a test for serializing them using Java and Kryo serialization. Author: Ankur Dave <ankurdave@gmail.com> Closes #1376 from ankurdave/SPARK-2455 and squashes the following commits: ed4a51b [Ankur Dave] Make (Shippable)VertexPartition serializable 1fd42c5 [Ankur Dave] Add failing tests for Java serialization
Daniel Darabos authored
This makes it possible to read classes from the object file which were specified in the user-provided jars. (By default ObjectInputStream uses latestUserDefinedLoader, which may or may not be the right one.) I created this because I ran into the following problem. I have x:RDD[X] with X being defined in the jar that I provide to SparkContext. I save it with x.saveAsObjectFile("x"). I try to load it with sc.objectFile\[X\]("x"). It fails with ClassNotFoundException. After a good while of debugging I figured out that Utils.deserialize() most likely uses the ClassLoader of Utils. This is the bootstrap ClassLoader, so it is not aware of the dynamically added jars. This patch fixes the issue. A more robust fix would be to always default to Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader. This would prevent this problem from biting anyone in the future. It would be a bit harder to test though. On the topic of testing, if you'd like to see tests for this, I will need some hand-holding. Thanks! Author: Daniel Darabos <darabos.daniel@gmail.com> Closes #181 from darabos/master and squashes the following commits: 45a011a [Daniel Darabos] Add test for SPARK-1877. (Fixed in 52eb54d0.) e13e090 [Daniel Darabos] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/apache/spark 61fe0d0 [Daniel Darabos] Fix style (line too long). 1b5df2c [Daniel Darabos] Use the Executor's ClassLoader in sc.objectFile(). This makes it possible to read classes from the object file which were specified in the user-provided jars. (By default ObjectInputStream uses latestUserDefinedLoader, which may or may not be the right one.)
Li Pu authored
After running some more tests on large matrix, found that the BV axpy (breeze/linalg/Vector.scala, axpy) is slower than the BSV axpy (breeze/linalg/operators/SparseVectorOps.scala, sv_dv_axpy), 8s v.s. 2s for each multiplication. The BV axpy operates on an iterator while BSV axpy directly operates on the underlying array. I think the overhead comes from creating the iterator (with a zip) and advancing the pointers. Author: Li Pu <lpu@twitter.com> Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Author: Li Pu <li.pu@outlook.com> Closes #1378 from vrilleup/master and squashes the following commits: 6fb01a3 [Li Pu] use specialized axpy in RowMatrix 5255f2a [Li Pu] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 7312ec1 [Li Pu] very minor comment fix 4c618e9 [Li Pu] Merge pull request #1 from mengxr/vrilleup-master a461082 [Xiangrui Meng] make superscript show up correctly in doc 861ec48 [Xiangrui Meng] simplify axpy 62969fa [Xiangrui Meng] use BDV directly in symmetricEigs change the computation mode to local-svd, local-eigs, and dist-eigs update tests and docs c273771 [Li Pu] automatically determine SVD compute mode and parameters 7148426 [Li Pu] improve RowMatrix multiply 5543cce [Li Pu] improve svd api 819824b [Li Pu] add flag for dense svd or sparse svd eb15100 [Li Pu] fix binary compatibility 4c7aec3 [Li Pu] improve comments e7850ed [Li Pu] use aggregate and axpy 827411b [Li Pu] fix EOF new line 9c80515 [Li Pu] use non-sparse implementation when k = n fe983b0 [Li Pu] improve scala style 96d2ecb [Li Pu] improve eigenvalue sorting e1db950 [Li Pu] SPARK-1782: svd for sparse matrix using ARPACK
DB Tsai authored
It basically moved the private ColumnStatisticsAggregator class from RowMatrix to public available DeveloperApi with documentation and unitests. Changes: 1) Moved the private implementation from org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.ColumnStatisticsAggregator to org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.MultivariateOnlineSummarizer 2) When creating OnlineSummarizer object, the number of columns is not needed in the constructor. It's determined when users add the first sample. 3) Added the APIs documentation for MultivariateOnlineSummarizer. 4) Added the unittests for MultivariateOnlineSummarizer. Author: DB Tsai <dbtsai@dbtsai.com> Closes #955 from dbtsai/dbtsai-summarizer and squashes the following commits: b13ac90 [DB Tsai] dbtsai-summarizer
- Jul 11, 2014
Kousuke Saruta authored
Now, we should use -Pyarn instead of SPARK_YARN when building but README says as follows. For Apache Hadoop 2.2.X, 2.1.X, 2.0.X, 0.23.x, Cloudera CDH MRv2, and other Hadoop versions with YARN, also set `SPARK_YARN=true`: # Apache Hadoop 2.0.5-alpha $ sbt/sbt -Dhadoop.version=2.0.5-alpha -Pyarn assembly # Cloudera CDH 4.2.0 with MapReduce v2 $ sbt/sbt -Dhadoop.version=2.0.0-cdh4.2.0 -Pyarn assembly # Apache Hadoop 2.2.X and newer $ sbt/sbt -Dhadoop.version=2.2.0 -Pyarn assembly Author: Kousuke Saruta <sarutak@oss.nttdata.co.jp> Closes #1382 from sarutak/SPARK-2457 and squashes the following commits: e7b2d64 [Kousuke Saruta] Replaced "SPARK_YARN=true" with "-Pyarn" in README
Prashant Sharma authored
NOTE: It is not possible to use both env variable `SBT_MAVEN_PROFILES` and `-P` flag at same time. `-P` if specified takes precedence. Author: Prashant Sharma <prashant.s@imaginea.com> Closes #1374 from ScrapCodes/SPARK-2437/rename-MAVEN_PROFILES and squashes the following commits: 8694bde [Prashant Sharma] [SPARK-2437] Rename MAVEN_PROFILES to SBT_MAVEN_PROFILES and add SBT_MAVEN_PROPERTIES
Andrew Or authored
Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Closes #1365 from andrewor14/master-fs and squashes the following commits: 497f100 [Andrew Or] Sneak in a space and hope no one will notice 05ba6da [Andrew Or] Remove unused val
CrazyJvm authored
Author: CrazyJvm <crazyjvm@gmail.com> Closes #1368 from CrazyJvm/graph-comment-1 and squashes the following commits: d47f3c5 [CrazyJvm] fix style e190d6f [CrazyJvm] fix Graph partitionStrategy comment
- Jul 10, 2014
Xiangrui Meng authored
It would be easy for users to include the netlib-java jniloader in the spark jar, which is LGPL-licensed. We can follow the same approach as ganglia support in Spark, which could be enabled by turning on "-Pganglia-lgpl" at build time. We can use "-Pnetlib-lgpl" flag for this. Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1295 from mengxr/netlib-lgpl and squashes the following commits: aebf001 [Xiangrui Meng] add a profile to optionally include native BLAS/LAPACK loader in mllib
Takuya UESHIN authored
Author: Takuya UESHIN <ueshin@happy-camper.st> Closes #1355 from ueshin/issues/SPARK-2428 and squashes the following commits: b6fa264 [Takuya UESHIN] Add except and intersect methods to SchemaRDD.
Takuya UESHIN authored
`RowWriteSupport` doesn't write empty `ArrayType` value, so the read value becomes `null`. It should write empty `ArrayType` value as it is. Author: Takuya UESHIN <ueshin@happy-camper.st> Closes #1339 from ueshin/issues/SPARK-2415 and squashes the following commits: 32afc87 [Takuya UESHIN] Merge branch 'master' into issues/SPARK-2415 2f05196 [Takuya UESHIN] Fix RowWriteSupport to handle empty ArrayType correctly.
Takuya UESHIN authored
Refine `StringComparison` and related codes as follows: - `StringComparison` could be similar to `StringRegexExpression` or `CaseConversionExpression`. - Nullability of `StringRegexExpression` could depend on children's nullabilities. - Add a case that the like condition includes no wildcard to `LikeSimplification`. Author: Takuya UESHIN <ueshin@happy-camper.st> Closes #1357 from ueshin/issues/SPARK-2431 and squashes the following commits: 77766f5 [Takuya UESHIN] Add a case that the like condition includes no wildcard to LikeSimplification. b9da9d2 [Takuya UESHIN] Fix nullability of StringRegexExpression. 680bb72 [Takuya UESHIN] Refine StringComparison.
Artjom-Metro authored
The Scala examples HBaseTest and HdfsTest don't use the correct indexes for the command line arguments. This due to to the fix of JIRA 1565, where these examples were not correctly adapted to the new usage of the submit script. Author: Artjom-Metro <Artjom-Metro@users.noreply.github.com> Author: Artjom-Metro <artjom31415@googlemail.com> Closes #1353 from Artjom-Metro/fix_examples and squashes the following commits: 6111801 [Artjom-Metro] Reduce the default number of iterations cfaa73c [Artjom-Metro] Fix some examples that use the wrong index to access the command line arguments
Issac Buenrostro authored
Author: Issac Buenrostro <buenrostro@ooyala.com> Closes #945 from ibuenros/SPARK-1341-throttle and squashes the following commits: 5514916 [Issac Buenrostro] Formatting changes, added documentation for streaming throttling, stricter unit tests for throttling. 62f395f [Issac Buenrostro] Add comments and license to streaming RateLimiter.scala 7066438 [Issac Buenrostro] Moved throttle code to RateLimiter class, smoother pushing when throttling active ccafe09 [Issac Buenrostro] Throttle BlockGenerator to limit rate of data consumption.
tmalaska authored
This is a modified version of this PR https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1168 done by @tmalaska Adds MIMA binary check exclusions. Author: tmalaska <ted.malaska@cloudera.com> Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #1347 from tdas/FLUME-1915 and squashes the following commits: 96065df [Tathagata Das] Added Mima exclusion for FlumeReceiver. 41d5338 [tmalaska] Address line 57 that was too long 12617e5 [tmalaska] SPARK-1478: Upgrade FlumeInputDStream's Flume...
Nicholas Chammas authored
Security groups created by `spark-ec2` do not prepend “spark-“ to the name. Since naming the instances themselves is new to `spark-ec2`, it’s better to change that pattern to match the existing naming pattern for the security groups, rather than the other way around. Author: Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.chammas@gmail.com> Author: nchammas <nicholas.chammas@gmail.com> Closes #1344 from nchammas/master and squashes the following commits: f7e4581 [Nicholas Chammas] unrelated pep8 fix a36eed0 [Nicholas Chammas] name ec2 instances and security groups consistently de7292a [nchammas] Merge pull request #4 from apache/master 2e4fe00 [nchammas] Merge pull request #3 from apache/master 89fde08 [nchammas] Merge pull request #2 from apache/master 69f6e22 [Nicholas Chammas] PEP8 fixes 2627247 [Nicholas Chammas] broke up lines before they hit 100 chars 6544b7e [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2065] give launched instances names 69da6cf [nchammas] Merge pull request #1 from apache/master
Patrick Wendell authored
Prashant Sharma authored
Patch introduces the new way of working also retaining the existing ways of doing things. For example build instruction for yarn in maven is `mvn -Pyarn -PHadoop2.2 clean package -DskipTests` in sbt it can become `MAVEN_PROFILES="yarn, hadoop-2.2" sbt/sbt clean assembly` Also supports `sbt/sbt -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.2 -Dhadoop.version=2.2.0 clean assembly` Author: Prashant Sharma <prashant.s@imaginea.com> Author: Patrick Wendell <pwendell@gmail.com> Closes #772 from ScrapCodes/sbt-maven and squashes the following commits: a8ac951 [Prashant Sharma] Updated sbt version. 62b09bb [Prashant Sharma] Improvements. fa6221d [Prashant Sharma] Excluding sql from mima 4b8875e [Prashant Sharma] Sbt assembly no longer builds tools by default. 72651ca [Prashant Sharma] Addresses code reivew comments. acab73d [Prashant Sharma] Revert "Small fix to run-examples script." ac4312c [Prashant Sharma] Revert "minor fix" 6af91ac [Prashant Sharma] Ported oldDeps back. + fixes issues with prev commit. 65cf06c [Prashant Sharma] Servelet API jars mess up with the other servlet jars on the class path. 446768e [Prashant Sharma] minor fix 89b9777 [Prashant Sharma] Merge conflicts d0a02f2 [Prashant Sharma] Bumped up pom versions, Since the build now depends on pom it is better updated there. + general cleanups. dccc8ac [Prashant Sharma] updated mima to check against 1.0 a49c61b [Prashant Sharma] Fix for tools jar a2f5ae1 [Prashant Sharma] Fixes a bug in dependencies. cf88758 [Prashant Sharma] cleanup 9439ea3 [Prashant Sharma] Small fix to run-examples script. 96cea1f [Prashant Sharma] SPARK-1776 Have Spark's SBT build read dependencies from Maven. 36efa62 [Patrick Wendell] Set project name in pom files and added eclipse/intellij plugins. 4973dbd [Patrick Wendell] Example build using pom reader.
Masayoshi TSUZUKI authored
Moved (kill) link to the right side. Add confirmation dialog when (kill) link is clicked. Author: Masayoshi TSUZUKI <tsudukim@oss.nttdata.co.jp> Closes #1350 from tsudukim/feature/SPARK-2115 and squashes the following commits: e2263b0 [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] Moved (kill) link to the right side. Add confirmation dialog when (kill) link is clicked.
Raymond Liu authored
remove unused code Author: Raymond Liu <raymond.liu@intel.com> Closes #1352 from colorant/kmeans and squashes the following commits: ddcd1dd [Raymond Liu] Clean up SparkKMeans example's code
- Jul 09, 2014
Patrick Wendell authored
Apparently this functionality is going to be removed soon anywyas.
Patrick Wendell authored
This reverts commit d4c30cd9.