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  1. Apr 27, 2017
    • Shixiong Zhu's avatar
      [SPARK-20452][SS][KAFKA] Fix a potential ConcurrentModificationException for batch Kafka DataFrame · 823baca2
      Shixiong Zhu authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Cancel a batch Kafka query but one of task cannot be cancelled, and rerun the same DataFrame may cause ConcurrentModificationException because it may launch two tasks sharing the same group id.
      This PR always create a new consumer when `reuseKafkaConsumer = false` to avoid ConcurrentModificationException. It also contains other minor fixes.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Author: Shixiong Zhu <>
      Closes #17752 from zsxwing/kafka-fix.
    • Shixiong Zhu's avatar
      [SPARK-20461][CORE][SS] Use UninterruptibleThread for Executor and fix the... · 01c999e7
      Shixiong Zhu authored
      [SPARK-20461][CORE][SS] Use UninterruptibleThread for Executor and fix the potential hang in CachedKafkaConsumer
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This PR changes Executor's threads to `UninterruptibleThread` so that we can use `runUninterruptibly` in `CachedKafkaConsumer`. However, this is just best effort to avoid hanging forever. If the user uses`CachedKafkaConsumer` in another thread (e.g., create a new thread or Future), the potential hang may still happen.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      The new added test.
      Author: Shixiong Zhu <>
      Closes #17761 from zsxwing/int.
    • Yanbo Liang's avatar
      [SPARK-20047][ML] Constrained Logistic Regression · 606432a1
      Yanbo Liang authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      MLlib ```LogisticRegression``` should support bound constrained optimization (only for L2 regularization). Users can add bound constraints to coefficients to make the solver produce solution in the specified range.
      Under the hood, we call Breeze [```L-BFGS-B```]( as the solver for bound constrained optimization. But in the current breeze implementation, there are some bugs in L-BFGS-B, and fixed them. We need to upgrade dependent breeze later, and currently we use the workaround L-BFGS-B in this PR temporary for reviewing.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Unit tests.
      Author: Yanbo Liang <>
      Closes #17715 from yanboliang/spark-20047.
    • Davis Shepherd's avatar
      [SPARK-20483][MINOR] Test for Mesos Coarse mode may starve other Mesos frameworks · 039e32ca
      Davis Shepherd authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Add test case for scenarios where executor.cores is set as a
      (non)divisor of spark.cores.max
      This tests the change in
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Ran the existing test suite with the new tests
      Author: Davis Shepherd <>
      Closes #17788 from dgshep/add_mesos_test.
    • Tejas Patil's avatar
      [SPARK-20487][SQL] `HiveTableScan` node is quite verbose in explained plan · a4aa4665
      Tejas Patil authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Changed `TreeNode.argString` to handle `CatalogTable` separately (otherwise it would call the default `toString` on the `CatalogTable`)
      ## How was this patch tested?
      - Expanded scope of existing unit test to ensure that verbose information is not present
      - Manual testing
      scala> hc.sql(" SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name = 'foo' ").explain(true)
      == Parsed Logical Plan ==
      'Project [*]
      +- 'Filter ('name = foo)
         +- 'UnresolvedRelation `my_table`
      == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
      user_id: bigint, name: string, ds: string
      Project [user_id#13L, name#14, ds#15]
      +- Filter (name#14 = foo)
         +- SubqueryAlias my_table
            +- CatalogRelation CatalogTable(
      Database: default
      Table: my_table
      Owner: tejasp
      Created: Fri Apr 14 17:05:50 PDT 2017
      Last Access: Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969
      Type: MANAGED
      Provider: hive
      Properties: [serialization.format=1]
      Statistics: 9223372036854775807 bytes
      Location: file:/tmp/warehouse/my_table
      Serde Library: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
      InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
      Partition Provider: Catalog
      Partition Columns: [`ds`]
      Schema: root
      -- user_id: long (nullable = true)
      -- name: string (nullable = true)
      -- ds: string (nullable = true)
      ), [user_id#13L, name#14], [ds#15]
      == Optimized Logical Plan ==
      Filter (isnotnull(name#14) && (name#14 = foo))
      +- CatalogRelation CatalogTable(
      Database: default
      Table: my_table
      Owner: tejasp
      Created: Fri Apr 14 17:05:50 PDT 2017
      Last Access: Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969
      Type: MANAGED
      Provider: hive
      Properties: [serialization.format=1]
      Statistics: 9223372036854775807 bytes
      Location: file:/tmp/warehouse/my_table
      Serde Library: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
      InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
      Partition Provider: Catalog
      Partition Columns: [`ds`]
      Schema: root
      -- user_id: long (nullable = true)
      -- name: string (nullable = true)
      -- ds: string (nullable = true)
      ), [user_id#13L, name#14], [ds#15]
      == Physical Plan ==
      *Filter (isnotnull(name#14) && (name#14 = foo))
      +- HiveTableScan [user_id#13L, name#14, ds#15], CatalogRelation CatalogTable(
      Database: default
      Table: my_table
      Owner: tejasp
      Created: Fri Apr 14 17:05:50 PDT 2017
      Last Access: Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969
      Type: MANAGED
      Provider: hive
      Properties: [serialization.format=1]
      Statistics: 9223372036854775807 bytes
      Location: file:/tmp/warehouse/my_table
      Serde Library: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
      InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
      Partition Provider: Catalog
      Partition Columns: [`ds`]
      Schema: root
      -- user_id: long (nullable = true)
      -- name: string (nullable = true)
      -- ds: string (nullable = true)
      ), [user_id#13L, name#14], [ds#15]
      scala> hc.sql(" SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name = 'foo' ").explain(true)
      == Parsed Logical Plan ==
      'Project [*]
      +- 'Filter ('name = foo)
         +- 'UnresolvedRelation `my_table`
      == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
      user_id: bigint, name: string, ds: string
      Project [user_id#13L, name#14, ds#15]
      +- Filter (name#14 = foo)
         +- SubqueryAlias my_table
            +- CatalogRelation `default`.`my_table`, [user_id#13L, name#14], [ds#15]
      == Optimized Logical Plan ==
      Filter (isnotnull(name#14) && (name#14 = foo))
      +- CatalogRelation `default`.`my_table`, [user_id#13L, name#14], [ds#15]
      == Physical Plan ==
      *Filter (isnotnull(name#14) && (name#14 = foo))
      +- HiveTableScan [user_id#13L, name#14, ds#15], CatalogRelation `default`.`my_table`, [user_id#13L, name#14], [ds#15]
      Author: Tejas Patil <>
      Closes #17780 from tejasapatil/SPARK-20487_verbose_plan.
    • Kris Mok's avatar
      [SPARK-20482][SQL] Resolving Casts is too strict on having time zone set · 26ac2ce0
      Kris Mok authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Relax the requirement that a `TimeZoneAwareExpression` has to have its `timeZoneId` set to be considered resolved.
      With this change, a `Cast` (which is a `TimeZoneAwareExpression`) can be considered resolved if the `(fromType, toType)` combination doesn't require time zone information.
      Also de-relaxed test cases in `CastSuite` so Casts in that test suite don't get a default`timeZoneId = Option("GMT")`.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Ran the de-relaxed`CastSuite` and it's passing. Also ran the SQL unit tests and they're passing too.
      Author: Kris Mok <>
      Closes #17777 from rednaxelafx/fix-catalyst-cast-timezone.
    • jinxing's avatar
      [SPARK-20426] Lazy initialization of FileSegmentManagedBuffer for shuffle service. · 85c6ce61
      jinxing authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      When application contains large amount of shuffle blocks. NodeManager requires lots of memory to keep metadata(`FileSegmentManagedBuffer`) in `StreamManager`. When the number of shuffle blocks is big enough. NodeManager can run OOM. This pr proposes to do lazy initialization of `FileSegmentManagedBuffer` in shuffle service.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Manually test.
      Author: jinxing <>
      Closes #17744 from jinxing64/SPARK-20426.
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-20421][CORE] Mark internal listeners as deprecated. · 561e9cc3
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      These listeners weren't really meant for external consumption, but they're
      public and marked with DeveloperApi. Adding the deprecated tag warns people
      that they may soon go away (as they will as part of the work for SPARK-18085).
      Note that not all types made public by
      are being deprecated. Some remaining types are still exposed through the
      SparkListener API.
      Also note the text for StorageStatus is a tiny bit different, since I'm not
      so sure I'll be able to remove it. But the effect for the users should be the
      same (they should stop trying to use it).
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #17766 from vanzin/SPARK-20421.
    • Davis Shepherd's avatar
      [SPARK-20483] Mesos Coarse mode may starve other Mesos frameworks · 7633933e
      Davis Shepherd authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Set maxCores to be a multiple of the smallest executor that can be launched. This ensures that we correctly detect the condition where no more executors will be launched when spark.cores.max is not a multiple of spark.executor.cores
      ## How was this patch tested?
      This was manually tested with other sample frameworks measuring their incoming offers to determine if starvation would occur.
      dbtsai mgummelt
      Author: Davis Shepherd <>
      Closes #17786 from dgshep/fix_mesos_max_cores.
    • zero323's avatar
      [SPARK-20208][DOCS][FOLLOW-UP] Add FP-Growth to SparkR programming guide · ba766627
      zero323 authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Add `spark.fpGrowth` to SparkR programming guide.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Manual tests.
      Author: zero323 <>
      Closes #17775 from zero323/SPARK-20208-FOLLOW-UP.
    • zero323's avatar
      [DOCS][MINOR] Add missing since to SparkR repeat_string note. · b58cf77c
      zero323 authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
          note repeat_string 2.3.0
          note repeat_string since 2.3.0
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Author: zero323 <>
      Closes #17779 from zero323/REPEAT-NOTE.
    • Takeshi Yamamuro's avatar
      [SPARK-20425][SQL] Support a vertical display mode for · b4724db1
      Takeshi Yamamuro authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This pr added a new display mode for `` to print output rows vertically (one line per column value). In the current master, when printing Dataset with many columns, the readability is low like;
      scala> val df = spark.range(100).selectExpr((0 until 100).map(i => s"rand() AS c$i"): _*)
      scala>, 0)
      |c0                |c1                |c2                |c3                 |c4                |c5                |c6                 |c7                |c8                |c9                |c10               |c11                |c12               |c13               |c14               |c15                |c16                |c17                |c18               |c19               |c20                |c21               |c22                |c23               |c24                |c25                |c26                |c27                 |c28                |c29               |c30                |c31                 |c32               |c33               |c34                |c35                |c36                |c37               |c38               |c39                |c40               |c41               |c42                |c43                |c44                |c45               |c46                 |c47                 |c48                |c49                |c50                |c51                |c52                |c53                |c54                 |c55                |c56                |c57                |c58                |c59               |c60               |c61                |c62                |c63               |c64                |c65               |c66               |c67              |c68                |c69                |c70               |c71                |c72               |c73                |c74                |c75                |c76               |c77                |c78               |c79                |c80                |c81                |c82                |c83                |c84                |c85                |c86                |c87               |c88                |c89                |c90               |c91               |c92               |c93                |c94               |c95                |c96               |c97                |c98                |c99                |
      |0.6306087152476858|0.9174349686288383|0.5511324165035159|0.3320844128641819 |0.7738486877101489|0.2154915886962553|0.4754997600674299 |0.922780639280355 |0.7136894772661909|0.2277580838165979|0.5926874459847249|0.40311408392226633|0.467830264333843 |0.8330466896984213|0.1893258482389527|0.6320849515511165 |0.7530911056912044 |0.06700254871955424|0.370528597355559 |0.2755437445193154|0.23704391110980128|0.8067400174905822|0.13597793616251852|0.1708888820162453|0.01672725007605702|0.983118121881555  |0.25040195628629924|0.060537253723083384|0.20000530582637488|0.3400572407133511|0.9375689433322597 |0.057039316954370256|0.8053269714347623|0.5247817572228813|0.28419308820527944|0.9798908885194533 |0.31805988175678146|0.7034448027077574|0.5400575751346084|0.25336322371116216|0.9361634546853429|0.6118681368289798|0.6295081549153907 |0.13417468943957422|0.41617137072255794|0.7267230869252035|0.023792726137561115|0.5776157058356362  |0.04884204913195467|0.26728716103441275|0.646680370807925  |0.9782712690657244 |0.16434031314818154|0.20985522381321275|0.24739842475440077 |0.26335189682977334|0.19604841662422068|0.10742950487300651|0.20283136488091502|0.3100312319723688|0.886959006630645 |0.25157102269776244|0.34428775168410786|0.3500506818575777|0.3781142441912052 |0.8560316444386715|0.4737104888956839|0.735903101602148|0.02236617130529006|0.8769074095835873 |0.2001426662503153|0.5534032319238532 |0.7289496620397098|0.41955191309992157|0.9337700133660436 |0.34059094378451005|0.6419144759403556|0.08167496930341167|0.9947099478497635|0.48010888605366586|0.22314796858167918|0.17786598882331306|0.7351521162297135 |0.5422057170020095 |0.9521927872726792 |0.7459825486368227 |0.40907708791990627|0.8903819313311575|0.7251413746923618 |0.2977174938745204 |0.9515209660203555|0.9375968604766713|0.5087851740042524|0.4255237544908751 |0.8023768698664653|0.48003189618006703|0.1775841829745185|0.09050775629268382|0.6743909291138167 |0.2498415755876865 |
      |0.6866473844170801|0.4774360641212433|0.631696201340726 |0.33979113021468343|0.5663049010847052|0.7280190472258865|0.41370958502324806|0.9977433873622218|0.7671957338989901|0.2788708556233931|0.3355106391656496|0.88478952319287   |0.0333974166999893|0.6061744715862606|0.9617779139652359|0.22484954822341863|0.12770906021550898|0.5577789629508672 |0.2877649024640704|0.5566577406549361|0.9334933255278052 |0.9166720585157266|0.9689249324600591 |0.6367502457478598|0.7993572745928459 |0.23213222324218108|0.11928284054154137|0.6173493362456599  |0.0505122058694798 |0.9050228629552983|0.17112767911121707|0.47395598348370005 |0.5820498657823081|0.6241124650645072|0.18587258258036776|0.14987593554122225|0.3079446253653946 |0.9414228822867968|0.8362276265462365|0.9155655305576353 |0.5121559807153562|0.8963362656525707|0.22765970274318037|0.8177039187132797 |0.8190326635933787 |0.5256005177032199|0.8167598457269669  |0.030936807130934496|0.6733006585281015 |0.4208049626816347 |0.24603085738518538|0.22719198954208153|0.1622280557565281 |0.22217325159218038|0.014684419513742553|0.08987111517447499|0.2157764759142622 |0.8223414104088321 |0.4868624404491777 |0.4016191733088167|0.6169281906889263|0.15603611040433385|0.18289285085714913|0.9538408988218972|0.15037154865295121|0.5364516961987454|0.8077254873163031|0.712600478545675|0.7277477241003857 |0.19822912960348305|0.8305051199208777|0.18631911396566114|0.8909532487898342|0.3470409226992506 |0.35306974180587636|0.9107058868891469 |0.3321327206004986|0.48952332459050607|0.3630403307479373|0.5400046826340376 |0.5387377194310529 |0.42860539421837585|0.23214101630985995|0.21438968839794847|0.15370603160082352|0.04355605642700022|0.6096006707067466 |0.6933354157094292|0.06302172470859002|0.03174631856164001|0.664243581650643 |0.7833239547446621|0.696884598352864 |0.34626385933237736|0.9263495598791336|0.404818892816584  |0.2085585394755507|0.6150004897990109 |0.05391193524302473|0.28188484028329097|
      only showing top 2 rows
      `psql`, CLI for PostgreSQL, supports a vertical display mode for this case like:
      -RECORD 0-------------------
       c0  | 0.6306087152476858
       c1  | 0.9174349686288383
       c2  | 0.5511324165035159
       c98 | 0.05391193524302473
       c99 | 0.28188484028329097
      -RECORD 1-------------------
       c0  | 0.6866473844170801
       c1  | 0.4774360641212433
       c2  | 0.631696201340726
       c98 | 0.05391193524302473
       c99 | 0.28188484028329097
      only showing top 2 rows
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Added tests in `DataFrameSuite`.
      Author: Takeshi Yamamuro <>
      Closes #17733 from maropu/SPARK-20425.
  2. Apr 26, 2017
    • Mark Grover's avatar
      [SPARK-20435][CORE] More thorough redaction of sensitive information · 66636ef0
      Mark Grover authored
      This change does a more thorough redaction of sensitive information from logs and UI
      Add unit tests that ensure that no regressions happen that leak sensitive information to the logs.
      The motivation for this change was appearance of password like so in `SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate` in event logs under some JVM configurations:
      `"":"org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit ... --conf spark.executorEnv.HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD=secret_password ..."
      Previously redaction logic was only checking if the key matched the secret regex pattern, it'd redact it's value. That worked for most cases. However, in the above case, the key ( doesn't tell much, so the value needs to be searched. This PR expands the check to check for values as well.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      New unit tests added that ensure that no sensitive information is present in the event logs or the yarn logs. Old unit test in UtilsSuite was modified because the test was asserting that a non-sensitive property's value won't be redacted. However, the non-sensitive value had the literal "secret" in it which was causing it to redact. Simply updating the non-sensitive property's value to another arbitrary value (that didn't have "secret" in it) fixed it.
      Author: Mark Grover <>
      Closes #17725 from markgrover/spark-20435.
    • Weiqing Yang's avatar
      [SPARK-12868][SQL] Allow adding jars from hdfs · 2ba1eba3
      Weiqing Yang authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Spark 2.2 is going to be cut, it'll be great if SPARK-12868 can be resolved before that. There have been several PRs for this like [PR#16324]( , but all of them are inactivity for a long time or have been closed.
      This PR added a SparkUrlStreamHandlerFactory, which relies on 'protocol' to choose the appropriate
      UrlStreamHandlerFactory like FsUrlStreamHandlerFactory to create URLStreamHandler.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      1. Add a new unit test.
      2. Check manually.
      Before: throw an exception with " failed unknown protocol: hdfs"
      <img width="914" alt="screen shot 2017-03-17 at 9 07 36 pm" src="">
      <img width="1148" alt="screen shot 2017-03-18 at 11 42 18 am" src="">
      Author: Weiqing Yang <>
      Closes #17342 from weiqingy/SPARK-18910.
    • Michal Szafranski's avatar
      [SPARK-20474] Fixing OnHeapColumnVector reallocation · a277ae80
      Michal Szafranski authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      OnHeapColumnVector reallocation copies to the new storage data up to 'elementsAppended'. This variable is only updated when using the ColumnVector.appendX API, while ColumnVector.putX is more commonly used.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Tested using existing unit tests.
      Author: Michal Szafranski <>
      Closes #17773 from michal-databricks/spark-20474.
    • Michal Szafranski's avatar
      [SPARK-20473] Enabling missing types in ColumnVector.Array · 99c6cf9e
      Michal Szafranski authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      ColumnVector implementations originally did not support some Catalyst types (float, short, and boolean). Now that they do, those types should be also added to the ColumnVector.Array.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Tested using existing unit tests.
      Author: Michal Szafranski <>
      Closes #17772 from michal-databricks/spark-20473.
    • jerryshao's avatar
      [SPARK-20391][CORE] Rename memory related fields in ExecutorSummay · 66dd5b83
      jerryshao authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This is a follow-up of #14617 to make the name of memory related fields more meaningful.
      Here  for the backward compatibility, I didn't change `maxMemory` and `memoryUsed` fields.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing UT and local verification.
      CC squito and tgravescs .
      Author: jerryshao <>
      Closes #17700 from jerryshao/SPARK-20391.
    • Yanbo Liang's avatar
      [MINOR][ML] Fix some PySpark & SparkR flaky tests · dbb06c68
      Yanbo Liang authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Some PySpark & SparkR tests run with tiny dataset and tiny ```maxIter```, which means they are not converged. I don’t think checking intermediate result during iteration make sense, and these intermediate result may vulnerable and not stable, so we should switch to check the converged result. We hit this issue at #17746 when we upgrade breeze to 0.13.1.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing tests.
      Author: Yanbo Liang <>
      Closes #17757 from yanboliang/flaky-test.
    • Tom Graves's avatar
      [SPARK-19812] YARN shuffle service fails to relocate recovery DB acro… · 7fecf513
      Tom Graves authored
      …ss NFS directories
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Change from using java Files.move to use Hadoop filesystem operations to move the directories.  The java Files.move does not work when moving directories across NFS mounts and in fact also says that if the directory has entries you should do a recursive move. We are already using Hadoop filesystem here so just use the local filesystem from there as it handles this properly.
      Note that the DB here is actually a directory of files and not just a single file, hence the change in the name of the local var.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Ran YarnShuffleServiceSuite unit tests.  Unfortunately couldn't easily add one here since involves NFS.
      Ran manual tests to verify that the DB directories were properly moved across NFS mounted directories. Have been running this internally for weeks.
      Author: Tom Graves <>
      Closes #17748 from tgravescs/SPARK-19812.
    • anabranch's avatar
      [SPARK-20400][DOCS] Remove References to 3rd Party Vendor Tools · 7a365257
      anabranch authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Simple documentation change to remove explicit vendor references.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Please review before opening a pull request.
      Author: anabranch <>
      Closes #17695 from anabranch/remove-vendor.
    • zero323's avatar
      [SPARK-20437][R] R wrappers for rollup and cube · df58a95a
      zero323 authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      - Add `rollup` and `cube` methods and corresponding generics.
      - Add short description to the vignette.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      - Existing unit tests.
      - Additional unit tests covering new features.
      - ``.
      Author: zero323 <>
      Closes #17728 from zero323/SPARK-20437.
  3. Apr 25, 2017
    • Eric Wasserman's avatar
      [SPARK-16548][SQL] Inconsistent error handling in JSON parsing SQL functions · 57e1da39
      Eric Wasserman authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      change to using Jackson's `com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory`
          public JsonParser createParser(String content)
      ## How was this patch tested?
      existing unit tests
      Please review before opening a pull request.
      Author: Eric Wasserman <>
      Closes #17693 from ewasserman/SPARK-20314.
    • Sameer Agarwal's avatar
      [SPARK-18127] Add hooks and extension points to Spark · caf39202
      Sameer Agarwal authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This patch adds support for customizing the spark session by injecting user-defined custom extensions. This allows a user to add custom analyzer rules/checks, optimizer rules, planning strategies or even a customized parser.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Unit Tests in SparkSessionExtensionSuite
      Author: Sameer Agarwal <>
      Closes #17724 from sameeragarwal/session-extensions.
    • ding's avatar
      [SPARK-5484][GRAPHX] Periodically do checkpoint in Pregel · 0a7f5f27
      ding authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Pregel-based iterative algorithms with more than ~50 iterations begin to slow down and eventually fail with a StackOverflowError due to Spark's lack of support for long lineage chains.
      This PR causes Pregel to checkpoint the graph periodically if the checkpoint directory is set.
      This PR moves PeriodicGraphCheckpointer.scala from mllib to graphx, moves PeriodicRDDCheckpointer.scala, PeriodicCheckpointer.scala from mllib to core
      ## How was this patch tested?
      unit tests, manual tests
      (Please explain how this patch was tested. E.g. unit tests, integration tests, manual tests)
      (If this patch involves UI changes, please attach a screenshot; otherwise, remove this)
      Author: ding <ding@localhost.localdomain>
      Author: dding3 <>
      Author: Michael Allman <>
      Closes #15125 from dding3/cp2_pregel.
    • Yanbo Liang's avatar
      [SPARK-20449][ML] Upgrade breeze version to 0.13.1 · 67eef47a
      Yanbo Liang authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Upgrade breeze version to 0.13.1, which fixed some critical bugs of L-BFGS-B.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing unit tests.
      Author: Yanbo Liang <>
      Closes #17746 from yanboliang/spark-20449.
    • wangmiao1981's avatar
      [SPARK-18901][FOLLOWUP][ML] Require in LR LogisticAggregator is redundant · 387565cf
      wangmiao1981 authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This is a follow-up PR of #17478.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing tests
      Author: wangmiao1981 <>
      Closes #17754 from wangmiao1981/followup.
    • Sergey Zhemzhitsky's avatar
      [SPARK-20404][CORE] Using Option(name) instead of Some(name) · 0bc7a902
      Sergey Zhemzhitsky authored
      Using Option(name) instead of Some(name) to prevent runtime failures when using accumulators created like the following
      sparkContext.accumulator(0, null)
      Author: Sergey Zhemzhitsky <>
      Closes #17740 from szhem/SPARK-20404-null-acc-names.
    • Armin Braun's avatar
      [SPARK-20455][DOCS] Fix Broken Docker IT Docs · c8f12195
      Armin Braun authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Just added the Maven `test`goal.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      No test needed, just a trivial documentation fix.
      Author: Armin Braun <>
      Closes #17756 from original-brownbear/SPARK-20455.
    • Sameer Agarwal's avatar
      [SPARK-20451] Filter out nested mapType datatypes from sort order in randomSplit · 31345fde
      Sameer Agarwal authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      In `randomSplit`, It is possible that the underlying dataset doesn't guarantee the ordering of rows in its constituent partitions each time a split is materialized which could result in overlapping
      To prevent this, as part of SPARK-12662, we explicitly sort each input partition to make the ordering deterministic. Given that `MapTypes` cannot be sorted this patch explicitly prunes them out from the sort order. Additionally, if the resulting sort order is empty, this patch then materializes the dataset to guarantee determinism.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Extended `randomSplit on reordered partitions` in `DataFrameStatSuite` to also test for dataframes with mapTypes nested mapTypes.
      Author: Sameer Agarwal <>
      Closes #17751 from sameeragarwal/randomsplit2.
  4. Apr 24, 2017
    • Josh Rosen's avatar
      [SPARK-20453] Bump master branch version to 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT · f44c8a84
      Josh Rosen authored
      This patch bumps the master branch version to `2.3.0-SNAPSHOT`.
      Author: Josh Rosen <>
      Closes #17753 from JoshRosen/SPARK-20453.
    • jerryshao's avatar
      [SPARK-20239][CORE] Improve HistoryServer's ACL mechanism · 5280d93e
      jerryshao authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Current SHS (Spark History Server) two different ACLs:
      * ACL of base URL, it is controlled by "spark.acls.enabled" or "spark.ui.acls.enabled", and with this enabled, only user configured with "spark.admin.acls" (or group) or "spark.ui.view.acls" (or group), or the user who started SHS could list all the applications, otherwise none of them can be listed. This will also affect REST APIs which listing the summary of all apps and one app.
      * Per application ACL. This is controlled by "spark.history.ui.acls.enabled". With this enabled only history admin user and user/group who ran this app can access the details of this app.
      With this two ACLs, we may encounter several unexpected behaviors:
      1. if base URL's ACL (`spark.acls.enable`) is enabled but user A has no view permission. User "A" cannot see the app list but could still access details of it's own app.
      2. if ACLs of base URL (`spark.acls.enable`) is disabled, then user "A" could download any application's event log, even it is not run by user "A".
      3. The changes of Live UI's ACL will affect History UI's ACL which share the same conf file.
      The unexpected behaviors is mainly because we have two different ACLs, ideally we should have only one to manage all.
      So to improve SHS's ACL mechanism, here in this PR proposed to:
      1. Disable "spark.acls.enable" and only use "spark.history.ui.acls.enable" for history server.
      2. Check permission for event-log download REST API.
      With this PR:
      1. Admin user could see/download the list of all applications, as well as application details.
      2. Normal user could see the list of all applications, but can only download and check the details of applications accessible to him.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      New UTs are added, also verified in real cluster.
      CC tgravescs vanzin please help to review, this PR changes the semantics you did previously. Thanks a lot.
      Author: jerryshao <>
      Closes #17582 from jerryshao/SPARK-20239.
    • zero323's avatar
      [SPARK-20438][R] SparkR wrappers for split and repeat · 8a272ddc
      zero323 authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Add wrappers for `o.a.s.sql.functions`:
      - `split` as `split_string`
      - `repeat` as `repeat_string`
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing tests, additional unit tests, ``
      Author: zero323 <>
      Closes #17729 from zero323/SPARK-20438.
    •'s avatar
      [SPARK-18901][ML] Require in LR LogisticAggregator is redundant · 90264ace authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      In MultivariateOnlineSummarizer,
      `add` and `merge` have check for weights and feature sizes. The checks in LR are redundant, which are removed from this PR.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Existing tests.
      Author: <>
      Closes #17478 from wangmiao1981/logit.
    • Xiao Li's avatar
      [SPARK-20439][SQL] Fix Catalog API listTables and getTable when failed to fetch table metadata · 776a2c0e
      Xiao Li authored
      ### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      `spark.catalog.listTables` and `spark.catalog.getTable` does not work if we are unable to retrieve table metadata due to any reason (e.g., table serde class is not accessible or the table type is not accepted by Spark SQL). After this PR, the APIs still return the corresponding Table without the description and tableType)
      ### How was this patch tested?
      Added a test case
      Author: Xiao Li <>
      Closes #17730 from gatorsmile/listTables.
    • Takeshi Yamamuro's avatar
      [BUILD] Close stale PRs · e9f97154
      Takeshi Yamamuro authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This pr proposed to close stale PRs. Currently, we have 400+ open PRs and there are some stale PRs whose JIRA tickets have been already closed and whose JIRA tickets does not exist (also, they seem not to be minor issues).
      // Open PRs whose JIRA tickets have been already closed
      Closes #11785
      Closes #13027
      Closes #13614
      Closes #13761
      Closes #15197
      Closes #14006
      Closes #12576
      Closes #15447
      Closes #13259
      Closes #15616
      Closes #14473
      Closes #16638
      Closes #16146
      Closes #17269
      Closes #17313
      Closes #17418
      Closes #17485
      Closes #17551
      Closes #17463
      Closes #17625
      // Open PRs whose JIRA tickets does not exist and they are not minor issues
      Closes #10739
      Closes #15193
      Closes #15344
      Closes #14804
      Closes #16993
      Closes #17040
      Closes #15180
      Closes #17238
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Author: Takeshi Yamamuro <>
      Closes #17734 from maropu/resolved_pr.
  5. Apr 23, 2017
    • 郭小龙 10207633's avatar
      [SPARK-20385][WEB-UI] Submitted Time' field, the date format needs to be... · 2eaf4f3f
      郭小龙 10207633 authored
      [SPARK-20385][WEB-UI] Submitted Time' field, the date format needs to be formatted, in running Drivers table or Completed Drivers table in master web ui.
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Submitted Time' field, the date format **needs to be formatted**, in running Drivers table or Completed Drivers table in master web ui.
      Before fix this problem  e.g.
      Completed Drivers
      Submission ID	             **Submitted Time**  	             Worker	                            State	   Cores	   Memory	       Main Class
      driver-20170419145755-0005	 **Wed Apr 19 14:57:55 CST 2017**	 worker-20170419145250-zdh120-40412	FAILED	   1	       1024.0 MB	   cn.zte.HdfsTest
      please see the  attachment:
      After fix this problem e.g.
      Completed Drivers
      Submission ID	             **Submitted Time**  	             Worker	                            State	   Cores	   Memory	       Main Class
      driver-20170419145755-0006	 **2017/04/19 16:01:25**	 worker-20170419145250-zdh120-40412	         FAILED	   1	       1024.0 MB	   cn.zte.HdfsTest
      please see the  attachment:
      'Submitted Time' field, the date format **has been formatted**, in running Applications table or Completed Applicationstable in master web ui, **it is correct.**
      Running Applications
      Application ID	                Name	                Cores	Memory per Executor	   **Submitted Time**	      User	   State	        Duration
      app-20170419160910-0000 (kill)	SparkSQL::	1	    5.0 GB	               **2017/04/19 16:09:10**	  root	   RUNNING	    53 s
      **Format after the time easier to observe, and consistent with the applications table,so I think it's worth fixing.**
      ## How was this patch tested?
      (Please explain how this patch was tested. E.g. unit tests, integration tests, manual tests)
      (If this patch involves UI changes, please attach a screenshot; otherwise, remove this)
      Please review before opening a pull request.
      Author: 郭小龙 10207633 <>
      Author: guoxiaolong <>
      Author: guoxiaolongzte <>
      Closes #17682 from guoxiaolongzte/SPARK-20385.
  6. Apr 22, 2017
    • Michael Patterson's avatar
      [SPARK-20132][DOCS] Add documentation for column string functions · 8765bc17
      Michael Patterson authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Add docstrings to for the Column functions `rlike`, `like`, `startswith`, and `endswith`. Pass these docstrings through `_bin_op`
      There may be a better place to put the docstrings. I put them immediately above the Column class.
      ## How was this patch tested?
      I ran `make html` on my local computer to remake the documentation, and verified that the html pages were displaying the docstrings correctly. I tried running `dev-tests`, and the formatting tests passed. However, my mvn build didn't work I think due to issues on my computer.
      These docstrings are my original work and free license.
      davies has done the most recent work reorganizing `_bin_op`
      Author: Michael Patterson <>
      Closes #17469 from map222/patterson-documentation.
    • Takeshi Yamamuro's avatar
      [SPARK-20430][SQL] Initialise RangeExec parameters in a driver side · b3c572a6
      Takeshi Yamamuro authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      This pr initialised `RangeExec` parameters in a driver side.
      In the current master, a query below throws `NullPointerException`;
      sql("SET spark.sql.codegen.wholeStage=false")
      sql("SELECT * FROM range(1)").show
      17/04/20 17:11:05 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0)
              at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan.sparkContext(SparkPlan.scala:54)
              at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RangeExec.numSlices(basicPhysicalOperators.scala:343)
              at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RangeExec$$anonfun$20.apply(basicPhysicalOperators.scala:506)
              at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RangeExec$$anonfun$20.apply(basicPhysicalOperators.scala:505)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsWithIndex$1$$anonfun$apply$26.apply(RDD.scala:844)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsWithIndex$1$$anonfun$apply$26.apply(RDD.scala:844)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:38)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:323)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:287)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:38)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:323)
              at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:287)
              at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(ResultTask.scala:87)
              at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$
              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
              at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Added a test in `DataFrameRangeSuite`.
      Author: Takeshi Yamamuro <>
      Closes #17717 from maropu/SPARK-20430.
    • eatoncys's avatar
      [SPARK-20386][SPARK CORE] modify the log info if the block exists on the slave already · 05a45149
      eatoncys authored
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Modify the added memory size to memSize-originalMemSize if the  block exists on the slave already
      since if the  block exists, the added memory size should be memSize-originalMemSize; if originalMemSize is bigger than memSize ,then the log info should be Removed memory, removed size should be originalMemSize-memSize
      ## How was this patch tested?
      Multiple runs on existing unit tests
      (Please explain how this patch was tested. E.g. unit tests, integration tests, manual tests)
      (If this patch involves UI changes, please attach a screenshot; otherwise, remove this)
      Please review before opening a pull request.
      Author: eatoncys <>
      Closes #17683 from eatoncys/SPARK-20386.
  7. Apr 21, 2017
    • 郭小龙 10207633's avatar
      [SPARK-20401][DOC] In the spark official configuration document, the... · ad290402
      郭小龙 10207633 authored
      [SPARK-20401][DOC] In the spark official configuration document, the 'spark.driver.supervise' configuration parameter specification and default values are necessary.
      ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
      Use the REST interface submits the spark job.
      curl -X  POST --header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" --data'{
          "action": "CreateSubmissionRequest",
          "appArgs": [
          "appResource": "/home/mr/gxl/test.jar",
          "clientSparkVersion": "2.2.0",
          "environmentVariables": {
              "SPARK_ENV_LOADED": "1"
          "mainClass": "cn.zte.HdfsTest",
          "sparkProperties": {
              "spark.jars": "/home/mr/gxl/test.jar",
              **"spark.driver.supervise": "true",**
              "": "HdfsTest",
              "spark.eventLog.enabled": "false",
              "spark.submit.deployMode": "cluster",
              "spark.master": "spark://"
      **I hope that make sure that the driver is automatically restarted if it fails with non-zero exit code.
      But I can not find the 'spark.driver.supervise' configuration parameter specification and default values from the spark official document.**
      ## How was this patch tested?
      manual tests
      Please review before opening a pull request.
      Author: 郭小龙 10207633 <>
      Author: guoxiaolong <>
      Author: guoxiaolongzte <>
      Closes #17696 from guoxiaolongzte/SPARK-20401.