- Nov 04, 2015
Josh Rosen authored
Spark should build against Scala 2.10.5, since that includes a fix for Scaladoc that will fix doc snapshot publishing: https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-8479 Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #9450 from JoshRosen/upgrade-to-scala-2.10.5.
- Sep 01, 2015
Sean Owen authored
Migrate Apache download closer.cgi refs to new closer.lua This is the bit of the change that affects the project docs; I'm implementing the changes to the Apache site separately. Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #8557 from srowen/SPARK-10398.
- Jul 13, 2015
yongtang authored
[SPARK-8954] [Build] 1. Remove unneeded deb repository from Dockerfile to fix build error in docker. 2. Remove unneeded /var/lib/apt/lists/* after install to reduce the docker image size (by ~30MB). Author: yongtang <yongtang@users.noreply.github.com> Closes #7346 from yongtang/SPARK-8954 and squashes the following commits: 36024a1 [yongtang] [SPARK-8954] [Build] Remove unneeded /var/lib/apt/lists/* after install to reduce the docker image size (by ~30MB) 7084941 [yongtang] [SPARK-8954] [Build] Remove unneeded deb repository from Dockerfile to fix build error in docker.
- May 01, 2015
Chris Heller authored
This patch adds partial support for running spark on mesos inside of a docker container. Only fine-grained mode is presently supported, and there is no checking done to ensure that the version of libmesos is recent enough to have a DockerInfo structure in the protobuf (other than pinning a mesos version in the pom.xml). Author: Chris Heller <hellertime@gmail.com> Closes #3074 from hellertime/SPARK-2691 and squashes the following commits: d504af6 [Chris Heller] Assist type inference f64885d [Chris Heller] Fix errant line length 17c41c0 [Chris Heller] Base Dockerfile on mesosphere/mesos image 8aebda4 [Chris Heller] Simplfy Docker image docs 1ae7f4f [Chris Heller] Style points 974bd56 [Chris Heller] Convert map to flatMap 5d8bdf7 [Chris Heller] Factor out the DockerInfo construction. 7b75a3d [Chris Heller] Align to styleguide 80108e7 [Chris Heller] Bend to the will of RAT ba77056 [Chris Heller] Explicit RAT exclude abda5e5 [Chris Heller] Wildcard .rat-excludes 2f2873c [Chris Heller] Exclude spark-mesos from RAT a589a5b [Chris Heller] Add example Dockerfile b6825ce [Chris Heller] Remove use of EasyMock eae1b86 [Chris Heller] Move properties under 'spark.mesos.' c184d00 [Chris Heller] Use map on Option to be consistent with non-coarse code fb9501a [Chris Heller] Bumped mesos version to current release fa11879 [Chris Heller] Add listenerBus to EasyMock 882151e [Chris Heller] Changes to scala style b22d42d [Chris Heller] Exclude template from RAT db536cf [Chris Heller] Remove unneeded mocks dea1bd5 [Chris Heller] Force default protocol 7dac042 [Chris Heller] Add test for DockerInfo 5456c0c [Chris Heller] Adjust syntax style 521c194 [Chris Heller] Adjust version info 6e38f70 [Chris Heller] Document Mesos Docker properties 29572ab [Chris Heller] Support all DockerInfo fields b8c0dea [Chris Heller] Support for mesos DockerInfo in coarse-mode. 482a9fd [Chris Heller] Support for mesos DockerInfo in fine-grained mode.
- Apr 01, 2014
Mark Hamstra authored
Just a Scala version increment Author: Mark Hamstra <markhamstra@gmail.com> Closes #259 from markhamstra/scala-2.10.4 and squashes the following commits: fbec547 [Mark Hamstra] [SPARK-1342] Bumped Scala version to 2.10.4
- Mar 07, 2014
Aaron Davidson authored
This patch allows the FaultToleranceTest to work in newer versions of Docker. See https://spark-project.atlassian.net/browse/SPARK-1136 for more details. Besides changing the Docker and FaultToleranceTest internals, this patch also changes the behavior of Master to accept new Workers which share an address with a Worker that we are currently trying to recover. This can only happen when the Worker itself was restarted and got the same IP address/port at the same time as a Master recovery occurs. Finally, this adds a good bit of ASCII art to the test to make failures, successes, and actions more apparent. This is very much needed. Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #5 from aarondav/zookeeper and squashes the following commits: 5d7a72a [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-1136: Fix FaultToleranceTest for Docker 0.8.1
- Feb 22, 2014
CodingCat authored
As reported in https://spark-project.atlassian.net/browse/SPARK-1055 "The used Spark version in the .../base/Dockerfile is stale on 0.8.1 and should be updated to 0.9.x to match the release." Author: CodingCat <zhunansjtu@gmail.com> Author: Nan Zhu <CodingCat@users.noreply.github.com> Closes #634 from CodingCat/SPARK-1055 and squashes the following commits: cb7330e [Nan Zhu] Update Dockerfile adf8259 [CodingCat] fix the SCALA_VERSION and SPARK_VERSION in docker file
- Oct 28, 2013
soulmachine authored
- Oct 26, 2013
soulmachine authored
- Oct 08, 2013
Aaron Davidson authored
- Oct 06, 2013
Aaron Davidson authored
Docker files drawn mostly from Matt Masse. Some updates from Andre Schumacher.