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  1. Nov 04, 2015
  2. Sep 01, 2015
  3. Jul 13, 2015
    • yongtang's avatar
      [SPARK-8954] [BUILD] Remove unneeded deb repository from Dockerfile to fix build error in docker. · 5c41691f
      yongtang authored
      [SPARK-8954] [Build]
      1. Remove unneeded deb repository from Dockerfile to fix build error in docker.
      2. Remove unneeded /var/lib/apt/lists/* after install to reduce the docker image size (by ~30MB).
      Author: yongtang <>
      Closes #7346 from yongtang/SPARK-8954 and squashes the following commits:
      36024a1 [yongtang] [SPARK-8954] [Build] Remove unneeded /var/lib/apt/lists/* after install to reduce the docker image size (by ~30MB)
      7084941 [yongtang] [SPARK-8954] [Build] Remove unneeded deb repository from Dockerfile to fix build error in docker.
  4. May 01, 2015
    • Chris Heller's avatar
      [SPARK-2691] [MESOS] Support for Mesos DockerInfo · 8f50a07d
      Chris Heller authored
      This patch adds partial support for running spark on mesos inside of a docker container. Only fine-grained mode is presently supported, and there is no checking done to ensure that the version of libmesos is recent enough to have a DockerInfo structure in the protobuf (other than pinning a mesos version in the pom.xml).
      Author: Chris Heller <>
      Closes #3074 from hellertime/SPARK-2691 and squashes the following commits:
      d504af6 [Chris Heller] Assist type inference
      f64885d [Chris Heller] Fix errant line length
      17c41c0 [Chris Heller] Base Dockerfile on mesosphere/mesos image
      8aebda4 [Chris Heller] Simplfy Docker image docs
      1ae7f4f [Chris Heller] Style points
      974bd56 [Chris Heller] Convert map to flatMap
      5d8bdf7 [Chris Heller] Factor out the DockerInfo construction.
      7b75a3d [Chris Heller] Align to styleguide
      80108e7 [Chris Heller] Bend to the will of RAT
      ba77056 [Chris Heller] Explicit RAT exclude
      abda5e5 [Chris Heller] Wildcard .rat-excludes
      2f2873c [Chris Heller] Exclude spark-mesos from RAT
      a589a5b [Chris Heller] Add example Dockerfile
      b6825ce [Chris Heller] Remove use of EasyMock
      eae1b86 [Chris Heller] Move properties under 'spark.mesos.'
      c184d00 [Chris Heller] Use map on Option to be consistent with non-coarse code
      fb9501a [Chris Heller] Bumped mesos version to current release
      fa11879 [Chris Heller] Add listenerBus to EasyMock
      882151e [Chris Heller] Changes to scala style
      b22d42d [Chris Heller] Exclude template from RAT
      db536cf [Chris Heller] Remove unneeded mocks
      dea1bd5 [Chris Heller] Force default protocol
      7dac042 [Chris Heller] Add test for DockerInfo
      5456c0c [Chris Heller] Adjust syntax style
      521c194 [Chris Heller] Adjust version info
      6e38f70 [Chris Heller] Document Mesos Docker properties
      29572ab [Chris Heller] Support all DockerInfo fields
      b8c0dea [Chris Heller] Support for mesos DockerInfo in coarse-mode.
      482a9fd [Chris Heller] Support for mesos DockerInfo in fine-grained mode.
  5. Apr 01, 2014
    • Mark Hamstra's avatar
      [SPARK-1342] Scala 2.10.4 · 764353d2
      Mark Hamstra authored
      Just a Scala version increment
      Author: Mark Hamstra <>
      Closes #259 from markhamstra/scala-2.10.4 and squashes the following commits:
      fbec547 [Mark Hamstra] [SPARK-1342] Bumped Scala version to 2.10.4
  6. Mar 07, 2014
    • Aaron Davidson's avatar
      SPARK-1136: Fix FaultToleranceTest for Docker 0.8.1 · dabeb6f1
      Aaron Davidson authored
      This patch allows the FaultToleranceTest to work in newer versions of Docker.
      See for more details.
      Besides changing the Docker and FaultToleranceTest internals, this patch also changes the behavior of Master to accept new Workers which share an address with a Worker that we are currently trying to recover. This can only happen when the Worker itself was restarted and got the same IP address/port at the same time as a Master recovery occurs.
      Finally, this adds a good bit of ASCII art to the test to make failures, successes, and actions more apparent. This is very much needed.
      Author: Aaron Davidson <>
      Closes #5 from aarondav/zookeeper and squashes the following commits:
      5d7a72a [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-1136: Fix FaultToleranceTest for Docker 0.8.1
  7. Feb 22, 2014
  8. Oct 28, 2013
  9. Oct 26, 2013
  10. Oct 08, 2013
  11. Oct 06, 2013