- Apr 25, 2017
Patrick Wendell authored
- Apr 14, 2017
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
- Mar 28, 2017
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
- Mar 21, 2017
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
- Dec 15, 2016
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
- Dec 08, 2016
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
- Nov 28, 2016
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
- Aug 26, 2016
Michael Gummelt authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Move Mesos code into a mvn module ## How was this patch tested? unit tests manually submitting a client mode and cluster mode job spark/mesos integration test suite Author: Michael Gummelt <mgummelt@mesosphere.io> Closes #14637 from mgummelt/mesos-module.
- Jul 19, 2016
Xin Ren authored
[SPARK-16535][BUILD] In pom.xml, remove groupId which is redundant definition and inherited from the parent https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-16535 ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? When I scan through the pom.xml of sub projects, I found this warning as below and attached screenshot ``` Definition of groupId is redundant, because it's inherited from the parent ```  I've tried to remove some of the lines with groupId definition, and the build on my local machine is still ok. ``` <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> ``` As I just find now `<maven.version>3.3.9</maven.version>` is being used in Spark 2.x, and Maven-3 supports versionless parent elements: Maven 3 will remove the need to specify the parent version in sub modules. THIS is great (in Maven 3.1). ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3157240/maven-3-worth-it/3166762#3166762 ## How was this patch tested? I've tested by re-building the project, and build succeeded. Author: Xin Ren <iamshrek@126.com> Closes #14189 from keypointt/SPARK-16535.
- Jul 11, 2016
Reynold Xin authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? After SPARK-16476 (committed earlier today as #14128), we can finally bump the version number. ## How was this patch tested? N/A Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #14130 from rxin/SPARK-16477.
- Apr 26, 2016
Josh Rosen authored
Spark's published POMs are supposed to be flattened and not contain variable substitution (see SPARK-3812), but the dummy dependency that was required for this was accidentally removed. We should re-introduce this dependency in order to fix an issue where the un-flattened POMs cause the wrong dependencies to be included in Scala 2.10 published POMs. Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #12706 from JoshRosen/SPARK-14925-published-poms-should-be-flattened.
- Apr 04, 2016
Marcelo Vanzin authored
This change modifies the "assembly/" module to just copy needed dependencies to its build directory, and modifies the packaging script to pick those up (and remove duplicate jars packages in the examples module). I also made some minor adjustments to dependencies to remove some test jars from the final packaging, and remove jars that conflict with each other when packaged separately (e.g. servlet api). Also note that this change restores guava in applications' classpaths, even though it's still shaded inside Spark. This is now needed for the Hadoop libraries that are packaged with Spark, which now are not processed by the shade plugin. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #11796 from vanzin/SPARK-13579.
- Jan 30, 2016
Josh Rosen authored
This patch changes Spark's build to make Scala 2.11 the default Scala version. To be clear, this does not mean that Spark will stop supporting Scala 2.10: users will still be able to compile Spark for Scala 2.10 by following the instructions on the "Building Spark" page; however, it does mean that Scala 2.11 will be the default Scala version used by our CI builds (including pull request builds). The Scala 2.11 compiler is faster than 2.10, so I think we'll be able to look forward to a slight speedup in our CI builds (it looks like it's about 2X faster for the Maven compile-only builds, for instance). After this patch is merged, I'll update Jenkins to add new compile-only jobs to ensure that Scala 2.10 compilation doesn't break. Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #10608 from JoshRosen/SPARK-6363.
- Dec 20, 2015
Reynold Xin authored
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #10395 from rxin/SPARK-11808.
- Dec 19, 2015
Reynold Xin authored
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #10387 from rxin/version-bump.
- Nov 30, 2015
Prashant Sharma authored
this is a trivial fix, discussed [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28500401/maven-assembly-plugin-warning-the-assembly-descriptor-contains-a-filesystem-roo/). Author: Prashant Sharma <scrapcodes@gmail.com> Closes #10014 from ScrapCodes/assembly-warning.
- Sep 15, 2015
Reynold Xin authored
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #8350 from rxin/1.6.
- Jun 03, 2015
Patrick Wendell authored
Author: Patrick Wendell <patrick@databricks.com> Closes #6328 from pwendell/spark-1.5-update and squashes the following commits: 2f42d02 [Patrick Wendell] A few more excludes 4bebcf0 [Patrick Wendell] Update to RC4 61aaf46 [Patrick Wendell] Using new release candidate 55f1610 [Patrick Wendell] Another exclude 04b4f04 [Patrick Wendell] More issues with transient 1.4 changes 36f549b [Patrick Wendell] [SPARK-7801] [BUILD] Updating versions to SPARK 1.5.0
- May 08, 2015
Lianhui Wang authored
Based on https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/5478 that provide a PYSPARK_ARCHIVES_PATH env. within this PR, we just should export PYSPARK_ARCHIVES_PATH=/user/spark/pyspark.zip,/user/spark/python/lib/py4j- in conf/spark-env.sh when we don't install PySpark on each node of Yarn. i run python application successfully on yarn-client and yarn-cluster with this PR. andrewor14 sryza Sephiroth-Lin Can you take a look at this?thanks. Author: Lianhui Wang <lianhuiwang09@gmail.com> Closes #5580 from lianhuiwang/SPARK-6869 and squashes the following commits: 66ffa43 [Lianhui Wang] Update Client.scala c2ad0f9 [Lianhui Wang] Update Client.scala 1c8f664 [Lianhui Wang] Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/apache/master' into SPARK-6869 008850a [Lianhui Wang] Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/apache/master' into SPARK-6869 f0b4ed8 [Lianhui Wang] Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/apache/master' into SPARK-6869 150907b [Lianhui Wang] Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/apache/master' into SPARK-6869 20402cd [Lianhui Wang] use ZipEntry 9d87c3f [Lianhui Wang] update scala style e7bd971 [Lianhui Wang] address vanzin's comments 4b8a3ed [Lianhui Wang] use pyArchivesEnvOpt e6b573b [Lianhui Wang] address vanzin's comments f11f84a [Lianhui Wang] zip pyspark archives 5192cca [Lianhui Wang] update import path 3b1e4c8 [Lianhui Wang] address tgravescs's comments 9396346 [Lianhui Wang] put zip to make-distribution.sh 0d2baf7 [Lianhui Wang] update import paths e0179be [Lianhui Wang] add zip pyspark archives in build or sparksubmit 31e8e06 [Lianhui Wang] update code style 9f31dac [Lianhui Wang] update code and add comments f72987c [Lianhui Wang] add archives path to PYTHONPATH
- Apr 28, 2015
Sean Owen authored
Update Maven build plugin versions and centralize plugin version management Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #5720 from srowen/SPARK-7168 and squashes the following commits: 98a8947 [Sean Owen] Make install, deploy plugin versions explicit 4ecf3b2 [Sean Owen] Update Maven build plugin versions and centralize plugin version management
- Apr 24, 2015
Calvin Jia authored
This is a reopening of #4867. A short summary of the issues resolved from the previous PR: 1. HTTPClient version mismatch: Selenium (used for UI tests) requires version 4.3.x, and Tachyon included 4.2.5 through a transitive dependency of its shaded thrift jar. To address this, Tachyon 0.6.3 will promote the transitive dependencies of the shaded jar so they can be excluded in spark. 2. Jackson-Mapper-ASL version mismatch: In lower versions of hadoop-client (ie. 1.0.4), version 1.0.1 is included. The parquet library used in spark sql requires version 1.8+. Its unclear to me why upgrading tachyon-client would cause this dependency to break. The solution was to exclude jackson-mapper-asl from hadoop-client. It seems that the dependency management in spark-parent will not work on transitive dependencies, one way to make sure jackson-mapper-asl is included with the correct version is to add it as a top level dependency. The best solution would be to exclude the dependency in the modules which require a higher version, but that did not fix the unit tests. Any suggestions on the best way to solve this would be appreciated! Author: Calvin Jia <jia.calvin@gmail.com> Closes #5354 from calvinjia/upgrade_tachyon_0.6.3 and squashes the following commits: 0eefe4d [Calvin Jia] Handle httpclient version in maven dependency management. Remove httpclient version setting from profiles. 7c00dfa [Calvin Jia] Set httpclient version to 4.3.2 for selenium. Specify version of httpclient for sql/hive (previously 4.2.5 transitive dependency of libthrift). 9263097 [Calvin Jia] Merge master to test latest changes dbfc1bd [Calvin Jia] Use Tachyon 0.6.4 for cleaner dependencies. e2ff80a [Calvin Jia] Exclude the jetty and curator promoted dependencies from tachyon-client. a3a29da [Calvin Jia] Update tachyon-client exclusions. 0ae6c97 [Calvin Jia] Change tachyon version to 0.6.3 a204df9 [Calvin Jia] Update make distribution tachyon version. a93c94f [Calvin Jia] Exclude jackson-mapper-asl from hadoop client since it has a lower version than spark's expected version. a8a923c [Calvin Jia] Exclude httpcomponents from Tachyon 910fabd [Calvin Jia] Update to master eed9230 [Calvin Jia] Update tachyon version to 0.6.1. 11907b3 [Calvin Jia] Use TachyonURI for tachyon paths instead of strings. 71bf441 [Calvin Jia] Upgrade Tachyon client version to 0.6.0.
- Mar 20, 2015
Marcelo Vanzin authored
Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #5056 from vanzin/SPARK-6371 and squashes the following commits: 63220df [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-6371 6506f75 [Marcelo Vanzin] Use more fine-grained exclusion. 178ba71 [Marcelo Vanzin] Oops. 75b2375 [Marcelo Vanzin] Exclude VertexRDD in MiMA. a45a62c [Marcelo Vanzin] Work around MIMA warning. 1d8a670 [Marcelo Vanzin] Re-group jetty exclusion. 0e8e909 [Marcelo Vanzin] Ignore ml, don't ignore graphx. cef4603 [Marcelo Vanzin] Indentation. 296cf82 [Marcelo Vanzin] [SPARK-6371] [build] Update version to 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.
- Mar 12, 2015
Xiangrui Meng authored
The issue is discussed in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-5669. Replacing all JBLAS usage by netlib-java gives us a simpler dependency tree and less license issues to worry about. I didn't touch the test scope in this PR. The user guide is not modified to avoid merge conflicts with branch-1.3. srowen ankurdave pwendell Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #4699 from mengxr/SPARK-5814 and squashes the following commits: 48635c6 [Xiangrui Meng] move netlib-java version to parent pom ca21c74 [Xiangrui Meng] remove jblas from ml-guide 5f7767a [Xiangrui Meng] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into SPARK-5814 c5c4183 [Xiangrui Meng] merge master 0f20cad [Xiangrui Meng] add mima excludes e53e9f4 [Xiangrui Meng] remove jblas from mllib runtime ceaa14d [Xiangrui Meng] replace jblas by netlib-java in graphx fa7c2ca [Xiangrui Meng] move jblas to test scope
- Mar 05, 2015
Sean Owen authored
Option 1 of 2: Convert spark-parent module name to spark-parent_2.10 / spark-parent_2.11 Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4912 from srowen/SPARK-6182.1 and squashes the following commits: eff60de [Sean Owen] Convert spark-parent module name to spark-parent_2.10 / spark-parent_2.11
- Feb 18, 2015
Sean Owen authored
SPARK-5669 [BUILD] [HOTFIX] Spark assembly includes incompatibly licensed libgfortran, libgcc code via JBLAS Correct exclusion path for JBLAS native libs. (More explanation coming soon on the mailing list re: 1.3.0 RC1) Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4673 from srowen/SPARK-5669.2 and squashes the following commits: e29693c [Sean Owen] Correct exclusion path for JBLAS native libs
- Feb 15, 2015
Sean Owen authored
Exclude libgfortran, libgcc bundled by JBLAS for Windows. This much is simple, and solves the essential license issue. But the more important question is whether MLlib works on Windows then. Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4453 from srowen/SPARK-5669 and squashes the following commits: 734dd86 [Sean Owen] Exclude libgfortran, libgcc bundled by JBLAS, affecting Windows / OS X / Linux 32-bit (not Linux 64-bit)
- Feb 12, 2015
Sean Owen authored
(for master / 1.4 only) Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4526 from srowen/SPARK-5727.2 and squashes the following commits: 83ba49c [Sean Owen] Remove Debian packaging
- Feb 11, 2015
Sean Owen authored
This just adds a deprecation message. It's intended for backporting to branch 1.3 but can go in master too, to be followed by another PR that removes it for 1.4. Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4516 from srowen/SPARK-5727.1 and squashes the following commits: d48989f [Sean Owen] Refer to Spark 1.4 6c1c8b3 [Sean Owen] Deprecate Debian packaging
- Feb 06, 2015
Nicholas Chammas authored
755 means the owner can read, write, and execute, and everyone else can just read and execute. I think that's what we want here since without execute permissions others cannot open directories. Inspired by [this comment on a separate PR](https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/3297#issuecomment-63286730). Author: Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.chammas@gmail.com> Closes #4277 from nchammas/patch-1 and squashes the following commits: da77fb0 [Nicholas Chammas] [Build] Set all Debian package permissions to 755