- Feb 28, 2015
Evan Yu authored
Fix TimSort bug which causes a ArrayOutOfBoundsException. Using the proposed fix here http://envisage-project.eu/proving-android-java-and-python-sorting-algorithm-is-broken-and-how-to-fix-it/ Author: Evan Yu <ehotou@gmail.com> Closes #4804 from hotou/SPARK-5984 and squashes the following commits: 3421b6c [Evan Yu] SPARK-5984: Add info to LICENSE e61c6b8 [Evan Yu] SPARK-5984: Fix license and document 6ccc280 [Evan Yu] SPARK-5984: Add License header to file e06c0d2 [Evan Yu] SPARK-5984: Add License header to file 4d95f75 [Evan Yu] SPARK-5984: Fix TimSort bug causes ArrayOutOfBoundsException 479a106 [Evan Yu] SPARK-5984: Fix TimSort bug causes ArrayOutOfBoundsException
Sean Owen authored
Don't throw NPE if appId is unknown. kayousterhout is this a decent enough band-aid for avoiding a full-blown NPE? it should just render empty content instead Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4777 from srowen/SPARK-1965 and squashes the following commits: 7e16590 [Sean Owen] Update app not found message cb878d6 [Sean Owen] Return basic "not found" page for unknown appId d8270da [Sean Owen] Don't throw NPE if appId is unknown
Sean Owen authored
Disallow TRACE HTTP method in servlets Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4765 from srowen/SPARK-5983 and squashes the following commits: 421b25b [Sean Owen] Disallow TRACE HTTP method in servlets
Michael Griffiths authored
Remove unicode characters from MLlib file. Author: Michael Griffiths <msjgriffiths@gmail.com> Author: Griffiths, Michael (NYC-RPM) <michael.griffiths@reprisemedia.com> Closes #4815 from msjgriffiths/SPARK-6063 and squashes the following commits: bcd7de1 [Griffiths, Michael (NYC-RPM)] Change \u201D quote marks around 'theta' to standard single apostrophe (\x27) 38eb535 [Michael Griffiths] Merge pull request #2 from apache/master b08e865 [Michael Griffiths] Merge pull request #1 from apache/master
Cheng Lian authored
[SPARK-5775] [SQL] BugFix: GenericRow cannot be cast to SpecificMutableRow when nested data and partitioned table This PR adapts anselmevignon's #4697 to master and branch-1.3. Please refer to PR description of #4697 for details. <!-- Reviewable:start --> [<img src="https://reviewable.io/review_button.png" height=40 alt="Review on Reviewable"/>](https://reviewable.io/reviews/apache/spark/4792) <!-- Reviewable:end --> Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Author: Cheng Lian <liancheng@users.noreply.github.com> Author: Yin Huai <yhuai@databricks.com> Closes #4792 from liancheng/spark-5775 and squashes the following commits: 538f506 [Cheng Lian] Addresses comments cee55cf [Cheng Lian] Merge pull request #4 from yhuai/spark-5775-yin b0b74fb [Yin Huai] Remove runtime pattern matching. ca6e038 [Cheng Lian] Fixes SPARK-5775
Patrick Wendell authored
This commit exists to close the following pull requests on Github: Closes #1128 (close requested by 'srowen') Closes #3425 (close requested by 'srowen') Closes #4770 (close requested by 'srowen') Closes #2813 (close requested by 'srowen')
Burak Yavuz authored
pwendell tdas This is the safer parts of PR #4754: - SPARK-5979: All dependencies with the groupId `org.apache.spark` passed through `--packages`, were being excluded from the dependency tree on the assumption that they would be in the assembly jar. This is not the case, therefore the exclusion rules had to be defined more explicitly. - SPARK-6032: Ivy prints a whole lot of logs while retrieving dependencies. These were printed to `System.out`. Moved the logging to `System.err`. Author: Burak Yavuz <brkyvz@gmail.com> Closes #4802 from brkyvz/simple-streaming-fix and squashes the following commits: e0f38cb [Burak Yavuz] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark into simple-streaming-fix bad921c [Burak Yavuz] [SPARK-5979][SPARK-6032] Smaller safer fix
Marcelo Vanzin authored
These may conflict with the classes already in the NM. We shouldn't be repackaging them. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #4820 from vanzin/SPARK-6070 and squashes the following commits: 871b566 [Marcelo Vanzin] The "d'oh how didn't I think of it before" solution. 3cba946 [Marcelo Vanzin] Use profile instead, so that dependencies don't need to be explicitly listed. 7a18a1b [Marcelo Vanzin] [SPARK-6070] [yarn] Remove unneeded classes from shuffle service jar.
- Feb 27, 2015
Davies Liu authored
The _eq_ of DataType is not correct, class cache is not use correctly (created class can not be find by dataType), then it will create lots of classes (saved in _cached_cls), never released. Also, all same DataType have same hash code, there will be many object in a dict with the same hash code, end with hash attach, it's very slow to access this dict (depends on the implementation of CPython). This PR also improve the performance of inferSchema (avoid the unnecessary converter of object). cc pwendell JoshRosen Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #4808 from davies/leak and squashes the following commits: 6a322a4 [Davies Liu] tests refactor 3da44fc [Davies Liu] fix __eq__ of Singleton 534ac90 [Davies Liu] add more checks 46999dc [Davies Liu] fix tests d9ae973 [Davies Liu] fix memory leak in sql
Cheng Lian authored
This is a follow-up of #4720. By default, `spark-daemon.sh` writes PID files under `/tmp`, which makes it impossible to start multiple server instances simultaneously. This PR sets `SPARK_PID_DIR` to Spark home directory to workaround this problem. Many thanks to chenghao-intel for pointing out this issue! <!-- Reviewable:start --> [<img src="https://reviewable.io/review_button.png" height=40 alt="Review on Reviewable"/>](https://reviewable.io/reviews/apache/spark/4758) <!-- Reviewable:end --> Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Closes #4758 from liancheng/thriftserver-pid-dir and squashes the following commits: 252fa0f [Cheng Lian] Uses temporary directory as Thrift server PID directory 1b3d1e3 [Cheng Lian] Sets SPARK_HOME as SPARK_PID_DIR when running Thrift server test suites
Saisai Shao authored
cc tdas . Author: Saisai Shao <saisai.shao@intel.com> Closes #4817 from jerryshao/signature-minor-fix and squashes the following commits: eebfaac [Saisai Shao] Remove useless type parameter
Joseph K. Bradley authored
Should pass spark context to save/load CC: mengxr Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph@databricks.com> Closes #4816 from jkbradley/ml-io-doc-fix and squashes the following commits: 83d369d [Joseph K. Bradley] added comment to save,load parts of ML guide examples 2841170 [Joseph K. Bradley] Fixed save,load calls in ML guide examples
zsxwing authored
`ApplicationMaster.reporterThread` and `ApplicationMaster.allocator` are accessed in multiple threads, so they should be marked as `volatile`. Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #4814 from zsxwing/SPARK-6059 and squashes the following commits: 17d9386 [zsxwing] Add volatile to ApplicationMaster's reporterThread and allocator
zsxwing authored
Because ApplicationMaster doesn't set SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler, the exception in the user class won't be logged. This PR added a `logError` for it. Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #4813 from zsxwing/SPARK-6058 and squashes the following commits: 806c932 [zsxwing] Log the user class exception
Zhang, Liye authored
For detail description, pls refer to [SPARK-6036](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6036). Author: Zhang, Liye <liye.zhang@intel.com> Closes #4785 from liyezhang556520/EventLogInProcess and squashes the following commits: 8b0b0a6 [Zhang, Liye] stop listener after DAGScheduler 79b15b3 [Zhang, Liye] SPARK-6036 avoid race condition between eventlogListener and akka actor system
许鹏 authored
jira case spark-6033 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6033 In standalone deploy mode, the cleanup will only remove the stopped application's directories. The original description about the cleanup behavior is incorrect. Author: 许鹏 <peng.xu@fraudmetrix.cn> Closes #4803 from hseagle/spark-6033 and squashes the following commits: 927a6a0 [许鹏] fix the incorrect description about the spark.worker.cleanup in standalone mode
Andrew Or authored
The warning of deprecated configs is actually done when the configs are set, not when they are get. As a result we don't need to explicitly call `translateConfKey` outside of `SparkConf` just to print the warning again in vain. Author: Andrew Or <andrew@databricks.com> Closes #4797 from andrewor14/warn-deprecated-config and squashes the following commits: 8fb43e6 [Andrew Or] Privatize SparkConf.translateConfKey
Lukasz Jastrzebski authored
As agreed in PR #1160 adding test to verify if history server generates relative links to applications. Author: Lukasz Jastrzebski <lukasz.jastrzebski@gmail.com> Closes #4778 from elyast/master and squashes the following commits: 0c07fab [Lukasz Jastrzebski] Incorporating comments for SPARK-2168 6d7866d [Lukasz Jastrzebski] Adjusting test for SPARK-2168 for master branch d6f4fbe [Lukasz Jastrzebski] Added test for SPARK-2168
jerryshao authored
Add application kill function in master web UI for standalone mode. Details can be seen in [SPARK-5495](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-5495). The snapshot of UI shows as below:  Please help to review, thanks a lot. Author: jerryshao <saisai.shao@intel.com> Closes #4288 from jerryshao/SPARK-5495 and squashes the following commits: fa3e486 [jerryshao] Add some conditions 9a7be93 [jerryshao] Add kill Driver function a239776 [jerryshao] Change the code format ff5195d [jerryshao] Add app kill function in master web UI
jerryshao authored
cc andrewor14, srowen. Author: jerryshao <saisai.shao@intel.com> Closes #4800 from jerryshao/SPARK-5771 and squashes the following commits: a2483c2 [jerryshao] Change the UI of Requested Cores into * if default cores is not set
- Feb 26, 2015
Yin Huai authored
[SPARK-6024][SQL] When a data source table has too many columns, it's schema cannot be stored in metastore. JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6024 Author: Yin Huai <yhuai@databricks.com> Closes #4795 from yhuai/wideSchema and squashes the following commits: 4882e6f [Yin Huai] Address comments. 73e71b4 [Yin Huai] Address comments. 143927a [Yin Huai] Simplify code. cc1d472 [Yin Huai] Make the schema wider. 12bacae [Yin Huai] If the JSON string of a schema is too large, split it before storing it in metastore. e9b4f70 [Yin Huai] Failed test.
Liang-Chi Hsieh authored
`FilteringParquetRowInputFormat` manually merges Parquet schemas before computing splits. However, it is duplicate because the schemas are already merged in `ParquetRelation2`. We don't need to re-merge them at `InputFormat`. Author: Liang-Chi Hsieh <viirya@gmail.com> Closes #4786 from viirya/dup_parquet_schemas_merge and squashes the following commits: ef78a5a [Liang-Chi Hsieh] Avoiding duplicate Parquet schema merging.
Hong Shen authored
If a blockManager has not send heartBeat more than 120s, BlockManagerMasterActor will remove it. But coarseGrainedSchedulerBackend can only remove executor after an DisassociatedEvent. We should expireDeadHosts at HeartbeatReceiver. Author: Hong Shen <hongshen@tencent.com> Closes #4363 from shenh062326/my_change3 and squashes the following commits: 2c9a46a [Hong Shen] Change some code style. 1a042ff [Hong Shen] Change some code style. 2dc456e [Hong Shen] Change some code style. d221493 [Hong Shen] Fix test failed 7448ac6 [Hong Shen] A minor change in sparkContext and heartbeatReceiver b904aed [Hong Shen] Fix failed test 52725af [Hong Shen] Remove assert in SparkContext.killExecutors 5bedcb8 [Hong Shen] Remove assert in SparkContext.killExecutors a858fb5 [Hong Shen] A minor change in HeartbeatReceiver 3e221d9 [Hong Shen] A minor change in HeartbeatReceiver 6bab7aa [Hong Shen] Change a code style. 07952f3 [Hong Shen] Change configs name and code style. ce9257e [Hong Shen] Fix test failed bccd515 [Hong Shen] Fix test failed 8e77408 [Hong Shen] Fix test failed c1dfda1 [Hong Shen] Fix test failed e197e20 [Hong Shen] Fix test failed fb5df97 [Hong Shen] Remove ExpireDeadHosts in BlockManagerMessages b5c0441 [Hong Shen] Remove expireDeadHosts in BlockManagerMasterActor c922cb0 [Hong Shen] Add expireDeadHosts in HeartbeatReceiver
Sean Owen authored
Ensure scheduler delay handles unfinished task case, and ensure delay is never negative even due to rounding Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4796 from srowen/SPARK-4579 and squashes the following commits: ad6713c [Sean Owen] Ensure scheduler delay handles unfinished task case, and ensure delay is never negative even due to rounding
tedyu authored
...ns#saveAsNewAPIHadoopDataset Author: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com> Closes #4794 from tedyu/master and squashes the following commits: 2632a57 [tedyu] SPARK-6045 RecordWriter should be checked against null in PairRDDFunctions#saveAsNewAPIHadoopDataset 2d8d4b1 [tedyu] SPARK-6045 RecordWriter should be checked against null in PairRDDFunctions#saveAsNewAPIHadoopDataset
mohit.goyal authored
Remove unreachable driver memory properties in yarn client mode Author: mohit.goyal <mohit.goyal@guavus.com> Closes #4730 from zuxqoj/master and squashes the following commits: 977dc96 [mohit.goyal] remove not rechable deprecated variables in yarn client mode
moussa taifi authored
The history server on Yarn only shows completed jobs. This adds a note concerning the needed explicit context termination at the end of a spark job which is a best practice anyway. Related to SPARK-2972 and SPARK-3458 Author: moussa taifi <moutai10@gmail.com> Closes #4721 from moutai/add-history-server-note-for-closing-the-spark-context and squashes the following commits: 9f5b6c3 [moussa taifi] Fix upper case typo for YARN 3ad3db4 [moussa taifi] Add context termination for History server on Yarn
Sean Owen authored
Close appender saving stdout/stderr before destroying process to avoid exception on reading closed input stream. (This also removes a redundant `waitFor()` although it was harmless) CC tdas since I think you wrote this method. Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4787 from srowen/SPARK-4300 and squashes the following commits: e0cdabf [Sean Owen] Close appender saving stdout/stderr before destroying process to avoid exception on reading closed input stream
Cheolsoo Park authored
Author: Cheolsoo Park <cheolsoop@netflix.com> Closes #4773 from piaozhexiu/SPARK-6018 and squashes the following commits: 2a919d5 [Cheolsoo Park] Rename e with cause to avoid duplicate names 1e71d2d [Cheolsoo Park] Replace placeholder with throwable eb5750d [Cheolsoo Park] NoSuchMethodError in Spark app is swallowed by YARN AM
Tathagata Das authored
[SPARK-6027][SPARK-5546] Fixed --jar and --packages not working for KafkaUtils and improved error message The problem with SPARK-6027 in short is that JARs like the kafka-assembly.jar does not work in python as the added JAR is not visible in the classloader used by Py4J. Py4J uses Class.forName(), which does not uses the systemclassloader, but the JARs are only visible in the Thread's contextclassloader. So this back uses the context class loader to create the KafkaUtils dstream object. This works for both cases where the Kafka libraries are added with --jars spark-streaming-kafka-assembly.jar or with --packages spark-streaming-kafka Also improves the error message. davies Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #4779 from tdas/kafka-python-fix and squashes the following commits: fb16b04 [Tathagata Das] Removed import c1fdf35 [Tathagata Das] Fixed long line and improved documentation 7b88be8 [Tathagata Das] Fixed --jar not working for KafkaUtils and improved error message
xukun 00228947 authored
Author: xukun 00228947 <xukun.xu@huawei.com> Closes #4214 from viper-kun/cleaneventlog and squashes the following commits: 7a5b9c5 [xukun 00228947] fix issue 31674ee [xukun 00228947] fix issue 6e3d06b [xukun 00228947] fix issue 373f3b9 [xukun 00228947] fix issue 71782b5 [xukun 00228947] fix issue 5b45035 [xukun 00228947] fix issue 70c28d6 [xukun 00228947] fix issues adcfe86 [xukun 00228947] Periodic cleanup event logs
Li Zhihui authored
The configuration is not supported in mesos mode now. See https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1462 Author: Li Zhihui <zhihui.li@intel.com> Closes #4781 from li-zhihui/fixdocconf and squashes the following commits: 63e7a44 [Li Zhihui] Modify default value description for spark.scheduler.minRegisteredResourcesRatio on docs.
Sean Owen authored
Join on output threads to make sure any lingering output from process reaches stdout, stderr before exiting CC andrewor14 since I believe he created this section of code Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #4788 from srowen/SPARK-4704 and squashes the following commits: ad7114e [Sean Owen] Join on output threads to make sure any lingering output from process reaches stdout, stderr before exiting
Davies Liu authored
Removing elements from a mutable HashSet while iterating over it can cause the iteration to incorrectly skip over entries that were not removed. If this happened, PythonRDD would write fewer broadcast variables than the Python worker was expecting to read, which would cause the Python worker to hang indefinitely. Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #4776 from davies/fix_hang and squashes the following commits: a4384a5 [Davies Liu] fix bug: remvoe() inside iterator is not safe
Liang-Chi Hsieh authored
Since the validation error does not change monotonically, in practice, it should be proper to pick the best model when training GradientBoostedTrees with validation instead of stopping it early. Author: Liang-Chi Hsieh <viirya@gmail.com> Closes #4763 from viirya/gbt_record_model and squashes the following commits: 452e049 [Liang-Chi Hsieh] Address comment. ea2fae2 [Liang-Chi Hsieh] Pick the best model when training GradientBoostedTrees with validation.
Jacky Li authored
It is useful to let the user decide the number of rows to show in DataFrame.show Author: Jacky Li <jacky.likun@huawei.com> Closes #4767 from jackylk/show and squashes the following commits: a0e0f4b [Jacky Li] fix testcase 7cdbe91 [Jacky Li] modify according to comment bb54537 [Jacky Li] for Java compatibility d7acc18 [Jacky Li] modify according to comments 981be52 [Jacky Li] add numRows param in DataFrame.show()
Marcelo Vanzin authored
Cache the value of the local root dirs to use for storing local data, so that the same directories are reused. Also, to avoid an extra level of nesting, use a different env variable to propagate the local dirs from the Worker to the executors. And make the executor directory use a different name. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #4747 from vanzin/SPARK-5801 and squashes the following commits: e0114e1 [Marcelo Vanzin] Update unit test. 18ee0a7 [Marcelo Vanzin] [SPARK-5801] [core] Avoid creating nested directories.
Yin Huai authored
[SPARK-6016][SQL] Cannot read the parquet table after overwriting the existing table when spark.sql.parquet.cacheMetadata=true Please see JIRA (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6016) for details of the bug. Author: Yin Huai <yhuai@databricks.com> Closes #4775 from yhuai/parquetFooterCache and squashes the following commits: 78787b1 [Yin Huai] Remove footerCache in FilteringParquetRowInputFormat. dff6fba [Yin Huai] Failed unit test.
Yin Huai authored
[SPARK-6023][SQL] ParquetConversions fails to replace the destination MetastoreRelation of an InsertIntoTable node to ParquetRelation2 JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6023 Author: Yin Huai <yhuai@databricks.com> Closes #4782 from yhuai/parquetInsertInto and squashes the following commits: ae7e806 [Yin Huai] Convert MetastoreRelation in InsertIntoTable and InsertIntoHiveTable. ba543cd [Yin Huai] More tests. 50b6d0f [Yin Huai] Update error messages. 346780c [Yin Huai] Failed test.
Judy Nash authored
Because windows on-default does not grant read permission to jars except to admin, spark-submit would fail with "ClassNotFound" exception if user runs slave service with only user permission. This fix is to add read permission to owner of the jar (which would be the slave service account in windows ) Author: Judy Nash <judynash@microsoft.com> Closes #4742 from judynash/SPARK-5914 and squashes the following commits: e288e56 [Judy Nash] Fix spacing and refactor code 1de3c0e [Judy Nash] [SPARK-5914] Enable spark-submit to run requiring only user permission on windows