- Jul 19, 2016
Xin Ren authored
[SPARK-16535][BUILD] In pom.xml, remove groupId which is redundant definition and inherited from the parent https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-16535 ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? When I scan through the pom.xml of sub projects, I found this warning as below and attached screenshot ``` Definition of groupId is redundant, because it's inherited from the parent ```  I've tried to remove some of the lines with groupId definition, and the build on my local machine is still ok. ``` <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> ``` As I just find now `<maven.version>3.3.9</maven.version>` is being used in Spark 2.x, and Maven-3 supports versionless parent elements: Maven 3 will remove the need to specify the parent version in sub modules. THIS is great (in Maven 3.1). ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3157240/maven-3-worth-it/3166762#3166762 ## How was this patch tested? I've tested by re-building the project, and build succeeded. Author: Xin Ren <iamshrek@126.com> Closes #14189 from keypointt/SPARK-16535.
Dongjoon Hyun authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR fixes four java linter `LineLength` errors. Those are all `LineLength` errors, but we had better remove all java linter errors before release. ## How was this patch tested? After pass the Jenkins, `./dev/lint-java`. Author: Dongjoon Hyun <dongjoon@apache.org> Closes #14255 from dongjoon-hyun/minor_java_linter.
Mortada Mehyar authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? doc change only ## How was this patch tested? doc change only Author: Mortada Mehyar <mortada.mehyar@gmail.com> Closes #14253 from mortada/histogram_typos.
Cheng Lian authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR moves one and the last hard-coded Scala example snippet from the SQL programming guide into `SparkSqlExample.scala`. It also renames all Scala/Java example files so that all "Sql" in the file names are updated to "SQL". ## How was this patch tested? Manually verified the generated HTML page. Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com> Closes #14245 from liancheng/minor-scala-example-update.
Zheng RuiFeng authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? The second arg in method `update()` is never used. So I delete it. ## How was this patch tested? local run with `./bin/spark-submit examples/src/main/python/als.py` Author: Zheng RuiFeng <ruifengz@foxmail.com> Closes #14247 from zhengruifeng/als_refine.
- Jul 18, 2016
Reynold Xin authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This patch removes the private[spark] qualifier for SparkSession.sqlContext, as discussed in http://apache-spark-developers-list.1001551.n3.nabble.com/Re-transtition-SQLContext-to-SparkSession-td18342.html ## How was this patch tested? N/A - this is a visibility change. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #14252 from rxin/SPARK-16615.
Reynold Xin authored
Dongjoon Hyun authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR improves `LogicalPlanToSQLSuite` to check the generated SQL directly by **structure**. So far, `LogicalPlanToSQLSuite` relies on `checkHiveQl` to ensure the **successful SQL generation** and **answer equality**. However, it does not guarantee the generated SQL is the same or will not be changed unnoticeably. ## How was this patch tested? Pass the Jenkins. This is only a testsuite change. Author: Dongjoon Hyun <dongjoon@apache.org> Closes #14235 from dongjoon-hyun/SPARK-16590.
Felix Cheung authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Fix code style from ad hoc review of RC4 doc ## How was this patch tested? manual shivaram Author: Felix Cheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #14250 from felixcheung/rdocs2rc4.
Daoyuan Wang authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? In ScriptInputOutputSchema, we read default RecordReader and RecordWriter from conf. Since Spark 2.0 has deleted those config keys from hive conf, we have to set default reader/writer class name by ourselves. Otherwise we will get None for LazySimpleSerde, the data written would not be able to read by script. The test case added worked fine with previous version of Spark, but would fail now. ## How was this patch tested? added a test case in SQLQuerySuite. Closes #14169 Author: Daoyuan Wang <daoyuan.wang@intel.com> Author: Yin Huai <yhuai@databricks.com> Closes #14249 from yhuai/scriptTransformation.
hyukjinkwon authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Currently, `JacksonGenerator.apply` is doing type-based dispatch for each row to write appropriate values. It might not have to be done like this because the schema is already kept. So, appropriate writers can be created first according to the schema once, and then apply them to each row. This approach is similar with `CatalystWriteSupport`. This PR corrects `JacksonGenerator` so that it creates all writers for the schema once and then applies them to each row rather than type dispatching for every row. Benchmark was proceeded with the codes below: ```scala test("Benchmark for JSON writer") { val N = 500 << 8 val row = """{"struct":{"field1": true, "field2": 92233720368547758070}, "structWithArrayFields":{"field1":[4, 5, 6], "field2":["str1", "str2"]}, "arrayOfString":["str1", "str2"], "arrayOfInteger":[1, 2147483647, -2147483648], "arrayOfLong":[21474836470, 9223372036854775807, -9223372036854775808], "arrayOfBigInteger":[922337203685477580700, -922337203685477580800], "arrayOfDouble":[1.2, 1.7976931348623157E308, 4.9E-324, 2.2250738585072014E-308], "arrayOfBoolean":[true, false, true], "arrayOfNull":[null, null, null, null], "arrayOfStruct":[{"field1": true, "field2": "str1"}, {"field1": false}, {"field3": null}], "arrayOfArray1":[[1, 2, 3], ["str1", "str2"]], "arrayOfArray2":[[1, 2, 3], [1.1, 2.1, 3.1]] }""" val df = spark.sqlContext.read.json(spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List.fill(N)(row))) val benchmark = new Benchmark("JSON writer", N) benchmark.addCase("writing JSON file", 10) { _ => withTempPath { path => df.write.format("json").save(path.getCanonicalPath) } } benchmark.run() } ``` This produced the results below - **Before** ``` JSON writer: Best/Avg Time(ms) Rate(M/s) Per Row(ns) Relative ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ writing JSON file 1675 / 1767 0.1 13087.5 1.0X ``` - **After** ``` JSON writer: Best/Avg Time(ms) Rate(M/s) Per Row(ns) Relative ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ writing JSON file 1597 / 1686 0.1 12477.1 1.0X ``` In addition, I ran this benchmark 10 times for each and calculated the average elapsed time as below: | **Before** | **After**| |---------------|------------| |17478ms |16669ms | It seems roughly ~5% is improved. ## How was this patch tested? Existing tests should cover this. Author: hyukjinkwon <gurwls223@gmail.com> Closes #14028 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-16351.
krishnakalyan3 authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-16055 sparkPackages - argument is passed and we detect that we are in the R script mode, we should print some warning like --packages flag should be used with with spark-submit ## How was this patch tested? In my system locally Author: krishnakalyan3 <krishnakalyan3@gmail.com> Closes #14179 from krishnakalyan3/spark-pkg.
WeichenXu authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? fininsh => finish ## How was this patch tested? N/A Author: WeichenXu <WeichenXu123@outlook.com> Closes #14238 from WeichenXu123/fix_fininsh_typo.
Reynold Xin authored
This patch deprecates monotonicallyIncreasingId in Scala/Java, as done in Python. This patch was originally written by HyukjinKwon. Closes #14236.
- Jul 17, 2016
Felix Cheung authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Fix R SparkSession init/stop, and warnings of reusing existing Spark Context ## How was this patch tested? unit tests shivaram Author: Felix Cheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #14177 from felixcheung/rsessiontest.
Reynold Xin authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This patch moves regexp related unit tests from StringExpressionsSuite to RegexpExpressionsSuite to match the file name for regexp expressions. ## How was this patch tested? This is a test only change. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #14230 from rxin/SPARK-16584.
- Jul 16, 2016
Shivaram Venkataraman authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Add a check-cran.sh script that runs `R CMD check` as CRAN. Also fixes a number of issues pointed out by the check. These include - Updating `DESCRIPTION` to be appropriate - Adding a .Rbuildignore to ignore lintr, src-native, html that are non-standard files / dirs - Adding aliases to all S4 methods in DataFrame, Column, GroupedData etc. This is required as stated in https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Documenting-S4-classes-and-methods - Other minor fixes ## How was this patch tested? SparkR unit tests, running the above mentioned script Author: Shivaram Venkataraman <shivaram@cs.berkeley.edu> Closes #14173 from shivaram/sparkr-cran-changes.
Narine Kokhlikyan authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Updates programming guide for spark.gapply/spark.gapplyCollect. Similar to other examples I used `faithful` dataset to demonstrate gapply's functionality. Please, let me know if you prefer another example. ## How was this patch tested? Existing test cases in R Author: Narine Kokhlikyan <narine@slice.com> Closes #14090 from NarineK/gapplyProgGuide.
Sean Owen authored
[SPARK-3359][DOCS] More changes to resolve javadoc 8 errors that will help unidoc/genjavadoc compatibility ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? These are yet more changes that resolve problems with unidoc/genjavadoc and Java 8. It does not fully resolve the problem, but gets rid of as many errors as we can from this end. ## How was this patch tested? Jenkins build of docs Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #14221 from srowen/SPARK-3359.3.
Sameer Agarwal authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This patch is just a slightly safer way to fix the issue we encountered in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/14168 should this pattern re-occur at other places in the code. ## How was this patch tested? Existing tests. Also, I manually tested that it fixes the problem in SPARK-16514 without having the proposed change in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/14168 Author: Sameer Agarwal <sameerag@cs.berkeley.edu> Closes #14227 from sameeragarwal/codegen.
- Jul 15, 2016
Tejas Patil authored
[SPARK-16230][CORE] CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend to self kill if there is an exception while creating an Executor ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? With the fix from SPARK-13112, I see that `LaunchTask` is always processed after `RegisteredExecutor` is done and so it gets chance to do all retries to startup an executor. There is still a problem that if `Executor` creation itself fails and there is some exception, it gets unnoticed and the executor is killed when it tries to process the `LaunchTask` as `executor` is null : https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/executor/CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend.scala#L88 So if one looks at the logs, it does not tell that there was problem during `Executor` creation and thats why it was killed. This PR explicitly catches exception in `Executor` creation, logs a proper message and then exits the JVM. Also, I have changed the `exitExecutor` method to accept `reason` so that backends can use that reason and do stuff like logging to a DB to get an aggregate of such exits at a cluster level ## How was this patch tested? I am relying on existing tests Author: Tejas Patil <tejasp@fb.com> Closes #14202 from tejasapatil/exit_executor_failure.
Felix Cheung authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? More tests I don't think this is critical for Spark 2.0.0 RC, maybe Spark 2.0.1 or 2.1.0. ## How was this patch tested? unit tests shivaram dongjoon-hyun Author: Felix Cheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #14206 from felixcheung/rroutetests.
Joseph K. Bradley authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Made DataFrame-based API primary * Spark doc menu bar and other places now link to ml-guide.html, not mllib-guide.html * mllib-guide.html keeps RDD-specific list of features, with a link at the top redirecting people to ml-guide.html * ml-guide.html includes a "maintenance mode" announcement about the RDD-based API * **Reviewers: please check this carefully** * (minor) Titles for DF API no longer include "- spark.ml" suffix. Titles for RDD API have "- RDD-based API" suffix * Moved migration guide to ml-guide from mllib-guide * Also moved past guides from mllib-migration-guides to ml-migration-guides, with a redirect link on mllib-migration-guides * **Reviewers**: I did not change any of the content of the migration guides. Reorganized DataFrame-based guide: * ml-guide.html mimics the old mllib-guide.html page in terms of content: overview, migration guide, etc. * Moved Pipeline description into ml-pipeline.html and moved tuning into ml-tuning.html * **Reviewers**: I did not change the content of these guides, except some intro text. * Sidebar remains the same, but with pipeline and tuning sections added Other: * ml-classification-regression.html: Moved text about linear methods to new section in page ## How was this patch tested? Generated docs locally Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph@databricks.com> Closes #14213 from jkbradley/ml-guide-2.0.
z001qdp authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Fixed a bug that caused `NaN`s in `IsotonicRegression`. The problem occurs when training rows with the same feature value but different labels end up on different partitions. This patch changes a `sortBy` call to a `partitionBy(RangePartitioner)` followed by a `mapPartitions(sortBy)` in order to ensure that all rows with the same feature value end up on the same partition. ## How was this patch tested? Added a unit test. Author: z001qdp <Nicholas.Eggert@target.com> Closes #14140 from neggert/SPARK-16426-isotonic-nan.
WeichenXu authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Make `dataframe.drop` API in python support multi-columns parameters, so that it is the same with scala API. ## How was this patch tested? The doc test. Author: WeichenXu <WeichenXu123@outlook.com> Closes #14203 from WeichenXu123/drop_python_api.
- Jul 14, 2016
Reynold Xin authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Most of the documentation in https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/sql/README.md is stale. It would be useful to keep the list of projects to explain what's going on, and everything else should be removed. ## How was this patch tested? N/A Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #14211 from rxin/SPARK-16557.
Josh Rosen authored
If a custom Jekyll template tag throws Ruby's equivalent of a "file not found" exception, then Jekyll will stop the doc building process but will exit with a successful status, causing our doc publishing jobs to silently fail. This is caused by https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/5104, a case of bad error-handling logic in Jekyll. This patch works around this by updating our `include_example.rb` plugin to catch the exception and exit rather than allowing it to bubble up and be ignored by Jekyll. I tested this manually with ``` rm ./examples/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/examples/sql/SparkSQLExample.scala cd docs SKIP_API=1 jekyll build echo $? ``` Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #14209 from JoshRosen/fix-doc-building.
Shivaram Venkataraman authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Fixes a typo in the sql programming guide ## How was this patch tested? Building docs locally (If this patch involves UI changes, please attach a screenshot; otherwise, remove this) Author: Shivaram Venkataraman <shivaram@cs.berkeley.edu> Closes #14208 from shivaram/spark-sql-doc-fix.
jerryshao authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Currently when running spark on yarn, jars specified with --jars, --packages will be added twice, one is Spark's own file server, another is yarn's distributed cache, this can be seen from log: for example: ``` ./bin/spark-shell --master yarn-client --jars examples/target/scala-2.11/jars/scopt_2.11-3.3.0.jar ``` If specified the jar to be added is scopt jar, it will added twice: ``` ... 16/07/14 15:06:48 INFO Server: Started 5603ms 16/07/14 15:06:48 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'SparkUI' on port 4040. 16/07/14 15:06:48 INFO SparkUI: Bound SparkUI to, and started at 16/07/14 15:06:48 INFO SparkContext: Added JAR file:/Users/sshao/projects/apache-spark/examples/target/scala-2.11/jars/scopt_2.11-3.3.0.jar at spark:// with timestamp 1468480008637 16/07/14 15:06:49 INFO RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at / 16/07/14 15:06:49 INFO Client: Requesting a new application from cluster with 1 NodeManagers 16/07/14 15:06:49 INFO Client: Verifying our application has not requested more than the maximum memory capability of the cluster (8192 MB per container) 16/07/14 15:06:49 INFO Client: Will allocate AM container, with 896 MB memory including 384 MB overhead 16/07/14 15:06:49 INFO Client: Setting up container launch context for our AM 16/07/14 15:06:49 INFO Client: Setting up the launch environment for our AM container 16/07/14 15:06:49 INFO Client: Preparing resources for our AM container 16/07/14 15:06:49 WARN Client: Neither spark.yarn.jars nor spark.yarn.archive is set, falling back to uploading libraries under SPARK_HOME. 16/07/14 15:06:50 INFO Client: Uploading resource file:/private/var/folders/tb/8pw1511s2q78mj7plnq8p9g40000gn/T/spark-a446300b-84bf-43ff-bfb1-3adfb0571a42/__spark_libs__6486179704064718817.zip -> hdfs://localhost:8020/user/sshao/.sparkStaging/application_1468468348998_0009/__spark_libs__6486179704064718817.zip 16/07/14 15:06:51 INFO Client: Uploading resource file:/Users/sshao/projects/apache-spark/examples/target/scala-2.11/jars/scopt_2.11-3.3.0.jar -> hdfs://localhost:8020/user/sshao/.sparkStaging/application_1468468348998_0009/scopt_2.11-3.3.0.jar 16/07/14 15:06:51 INFO Client: Uploading resource file:/private/var/folders/tb/8pw1511s2q78mj7plnq8p9g40000gn/T/spark-a446300b-84bf-43ff-bfb1-3adfb0571a42/__spark_conf__326416236462420861.zip -> hdfs://localhost:8020/user/sshao/.sparkStaging/application_1468468348998_0009/__spark_conf__.zip ... ``` So here try to avoid adding jars to Spark's fileserver unnecessarily. ## How was this patch tested? Manually verified both in yarn client and cluster mode, also in standalone mode. Author: jerryshao <sshao@hortonworks.com> Closes #14196 from jerryshao/SPARK-16540.
Jacek Lewandowski authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? There are some calls to methods or fields (getParameters, properties) which are then passed to Java/Scala collection converters. Unfortunately those fields can be null in some cases and then the conversions throws NPE. We fix it by wrapping calls to those fields and methods with option and then do the conversion. ## How was this patch tested? Manually tested with a custom Hive metastore. Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com> Closes #14200 from jacek-lewandowski/SPARK-16528.
Dongjoon Hyun authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? `SQLTestUtils.withTempDatabase` is a frequently used test harness to setup a temporary table and clean up finally. This issue improves like the following for usability. ```scala - try f(dbName) finally spark.sql(s"DROP DATABASE $dbName CASCADE") + try f(dbName) finally { + if (spark.catalog.currentDatabase == dbName) { + spark.sql(s"USE ${DEFAULT_DATABASE}") + } + spark.sql(s"DROP DATABASE $dbName CASCADE") + } ``` In case of forgetting to reset the databaes, `withTempDatabase` will not raise Exception. ## How was this patch tested? This improves test harness. Author: Dongjoon Hyun <dongjoon@apache.org> Closes #14184 from dongjoon-hyun/SPARK-16529.
Felix Cheung authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Fix function routing to work with and without namespace operator `SparkR::createDataFrame` ## How was this patch tested? manual, unit tests shivaram Author: Felix Cheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #14195 from felixcheung/rroutedefault.
Sun Rui authored
[SPARK-16509][SPARKR] Rename window.partitionBy and window.orderBy to windowPartitionBy and windowOrderBy. ## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Rename window.partitionBy and window.orderBy to windowPartitionBy and windowOrderBy to pass CRAN package check. ## How was this patch tested? SparkR unit tests. Author: Sun Rui <sunrui2016@gmail.com> Closes #14192 from sun-rui/SPARK-16509.
Dongjoon Hyun authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? This PR changes the name of columns returned by `SHOW PARTITION` and `SHOW COLUMNS` commands. Currently, both commands uses `result` as a column name. **Comparison: Column Name** Command|Spark(Before)|Spark(After)|Hive ----------|--------------|------------|----- SHOW PARTITIONS|result|partition|partition SHOW COLUMNS|result|col_name|field Note that Spark/Hive uses `col_name` in `DESC TABLES`. So, this PR chooses `col_name` for consistency among Spark commands. **Before** ```scala scala> sql("show partitions p").show() +------+ |result| +------+ | b=2| +------+ scala> sql("show columns in p").show() +------+ |result| +------+ | a| | b| +------+ ``` **After** ```scala scala> sql("show partitions p").show +---------+ |partition| +---------+ | b=2| +---------+ scala> sql("show columns in p").show +--------+ |col_name| +--------+ | a| | b| +--------+ ``` ## How was this patch tested? Manual. Author: Dongjoon Hyun <dongjoon@apache.org> Closes #14199 from dongjoon-hyun/SPARK-16543.
gatorsmile authored
#### What changes were proposed in this pull request? Based on the [Hive SQL syntax](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+DDL#LanguageManualDDL-ChangeColumnName/Type/Position/Comment), the command to change column name/type/position/comment is `ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN`. However, in our .g4 file, it is `ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMNS`. Because it is the last optional keyword, it does not take any effect. Thus, I put the issue as a Trivial level. cc hvanhovell #### How was this patch tested? Existing test cases Author: gatorsmile <gatorsmile@gmail.com> Closes #14186 from gatorsmile/changeColumns.
Marcelo Vanzin authored
This prevents the NM from starting when something is wrong, which would lead to later errors which are confusing and harder to debug. Added a unit test to verify startup fails if something is wrong. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #14162 from vanzin/SPARK-16505.
jerryshao authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Due to the changes of [SPARK-14963](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-14963), external shuffle recovery file name is changed mistakenly, so here change it back to the previous file name. This only affects the master branch, branch-2.0 is correct [here](https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/branch-2.0/common/network-yarn/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/network/yarn/YarnShuffleService.java#L195). ## How was this patch tested? N/A Author: jerryshao <sshao@hortonworks.com> Closes #14197 from jerryshao/fix-typo-file-name.
Bryan Cutler authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Cleanup of examples, mostly from PySpark-ML to fix minor issues: unused imports, style consistency, pipeline_example is a duplicate, use future print funciton, and a spelling error. * The "Pipeline Example" is duplicated by "Simple Text Classification Pipeline" in Scala, Python, and Java. * "Estimator Transformer Param Example" is duplicated by "Simple Params Example" in Scala, Python and Java * Synced random_forest_classifier_example.py with Scala by adding IndexToString label converted * Synced train_validation_split.py (in Scala ModelSelectionViaTrainValidationExample) by adjusting data split, adding grid for intercept. * RegexTokenizer was doing nothing in tokenizer_example.py and JavaTokenizerExample.java, synced with Scala version ## How was this patch tested? local tests and run modified examples Author: Bryan Cutler <cutlerb@gmail.com> Closes #14081 from BryanCutler/examples-cleanup-SPARK-16403.
WeichenXu authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? Add warning_for the following case when LBFGS training not actually convergence: 1) LogisticRegression 2) AFTSurvivalRegression 3) LBFGS algorithm wrapper in mllib package ## How was this patch tested? N/A Author: WeichenXu <WeichenXu123@outlook.com> Closes #14157 from WeichenXu123/add_lbfgs_convergence_warning_for_all_used_place.
Wenchen Fan authored
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? `Alias` with metadata is not a no-op and we should not strip it in `RemoveAliasOnlyProject` rule. This PR also did some improvement for this rule: 1. extend the semantic of `alias-only`. Now we allow the project list to be partially aliased. 2. add unit test for this rule. ## How was this patch tested? new `RemoveAliasOnlyProjectSuite` Author: Wenchen Fan <wenchen@databricks.com> Closes #14106 from cloud-fan/bug.