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[SPARK-19387][SPARKR] Tests do not run with SparkR source package in CRAN check
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? - this is cause by changes in SPARK-18444, SPARK-18643 that we no longer install Spark when `master = ""` (default), but also related to SPARK-18449 since the real `master` value is not known at the time the R code in `sparkR.session` is run. (`master` cannot default to "local" since it could be overridden by spark-submit commandline or spark config) - as a result, while running SparkR as a package in IDE is working fine, CRAN check is not as it is launching it via non-interactive script - fix is to add check to the beginning of each test and vignettes; the same would also work by changing `sparkR.session()` to `sparkR.session(master = "local")` in tests, but I think being more explicit is better. ## How was this patch tested? Tested this by reverting version to 2.1, since it needs to download the release jar with matching version. But since there are changes in 2.2 (specifically around SparkR ML) that are incompatible with 2.1, some tests are failing in this config. Will need to port this to branch-2.1 and retest with 2.1 release jar. manually as: ``` # modify DESCRIPTION to revert version to 2.1.0 SPARK_HOME=/usr/spark R CMD build pkg # run cran check without SPARK_HOME R CMD check --as-cran SparkR_2.1.0.tar.gz ``` Author: Felix Cheung <felixcheung_m@hotmail.com> Closes #16720 from felixcheung/rcranchecktest.
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