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GoodRead Crawler Manual Test
This is a manual test plan for cs242-sp21 assignment1: UNO game.
System Requirements
The following OS are appropriate system for running the UNO application and testing.
- Windows 7 or above
- Mac OS X
- Linux
Testing Prerequisites
Softwares/applications are required for running the test.
- Python 3
- Javascript
- React JS
Scenes for Testing
1.GET function
- test content: Test GET exist book data
- expect result: Successfully get book data and showing in table .png)
- test content: Test GET exist author data
- expect result: Successfully get author data and showing in table .png)
- test content: Test GET unexist book data
- expect result: Request failed .png)
- test content: Test GET unexist author data
- expect result: Request failed .png)