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  • whuie2/awg-control
  • xiyehu2/awg-control
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......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class AWG:
self.ch_amp = [0,0,0,0] # channel output amplitude
self.mode = "" # current mode AWG is running on
def open(self, remote=False):
def open(self, remote=False, id=b'/dev/spcm0'):
opens and initializes instance variables
:param remote: flag to determine remote connection, default is False
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class AWG:
if remote:
self.card = spcm_hOpen(create_string_buffer(b'TCPIP::'))
self.card = spcm_hOpen(create_string_buffer(b'/dev/spcm0'))
self.card = spcm_hOpen(create_string_buffer(id))
if self.card is None:
sys.stdout.write("no card found...\n")
......@@ -54,13 +54,14 @@ class AWG:
spcm_dwGetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_MIINST_MAXADCVALUE,
byref(self.full_scale)) # full scale value for data generation purpose
name = szTypeToName(self.card_type.value)
sys.stdout.write("Found: {0} sn {1:05d}\n".format(name, self.serial_number.value))
sys.stdout.write("Sample Rate: {:.1f} MHz\n".format(self.sample_rate.value / 1000000))
sys.stdout.write("Memory size: {:.0f} MBytes\n".format(self.mem_size.value / 1024 / 1024))
sys.stdout.write("Card: {0} sn {1:05d}\n".format(name, self.serial_number.value))
sys.stdout.write("Max sample Rate: {:.1f} MHz\n".format(self.sample_rate.value / 1000000))
sys.stdout.write("Memory size: {:.0f} MBytes\n\n".format(self.mem_size.value / 1024 / 1024))
# self.check_error()
def close(self):
print("AWG is closed")
def check_error(self, message="") -> bool:
......@@ -68,23 +69,21 @@ class AWG:
:param message: caller defined string for debugging purposes
:return: 1 if error is found, 0 otherwise
flag = 0
msg = "Checking error at " + message + " ... "
if message != "":
flag = 1
err_reg = uint32(0)
err_val = int32(0)
err_text = ''
err_text = ""
err_code = spcm_dwGetErrorInfo_i32(self.card, byref(err_reg), byref(err_val), err_text)
if err_code:
if flag:
sys.stdout.write(msg + err_text)
f"error code (see {hex(err_code)}\n"
# f"error text: {err_text}"
f"error register: {err_reg.value}\n"
f"error val: {err_val.value}\n"
return True
elif flag:
sys.stdout.write("no error\n")
return False
def run(self):
......@@ -93,27 +92,28 @@ class AWG:
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_M2CMD,
# self.check_error("Checking error at run")
def stop(self):
stop the card, this is different from closing the card
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_M2CMD, M2CMD_CARD_STOP)
# self.check_error("Checking error at stop")
def reset(self):
resets the board, this clears all onboard memory and settings
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_M2CMD, M2CMD_CARD_RESET)
# self.check_error("Checking error at reset")
def force_trigger(self):
force a trigger event, this completely mimics an actual trigger event
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_M2CMD, M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER)
# self.check_error("Checking error at force_trigger")
def set_sampling_rate(self, sr: int):
......@@ -122,9 +122,10 @@ class AWG:
self.sample_rate = int64(sr)
spcm_dwSetParam_i64(self.card, SPC_SAMPLERATE, sr)
# self.check_error("Checking error at set_sampling_rate")
print(f"Setting sampling rate to {self.sample_rate.value / 1e6} MHz")
def enable_channel(self, ch: int, amplitude: int=1000, stoplvl: str="ZERO"):
def toggle_channel(self, ch: int, amplitude: int=1000, stoplvl: str="ZERO"):
enable/disable individual channel and set its parameters
:param ch: enables channel 0-3.
......@@ -142,37 +143,12 @@ class AWG:
spcm_dwSetParam_i64(self.card, SPC_CHENABLE, int64(2**ch)) # see CHANNEL0-3 in for detail
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + ch * (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0), 1)
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_AMP0 + ch * (SPC_AMP1 - SPC_AMP0), amplitude)
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL + ch * (SPC_CH1_STOPLEVEL - SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL),
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL + ch * (SPC_CH1_STOPLEVEL - SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL), stopmask[stoplvl])
else:[ch] = 0
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + ch * (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0), 0)
# Deprecated
# def set_channel(self, ch: list, amplitude: list=(1000,1000,1000,1000), stoplvl: list=(16,16,16,16)):
# """
# set and enable channel outputs, max number of channel is 4
# :param ch: enables channel 0-3.
# Example: [0,1,0,1] enables channel 1 and 3.
# :param amplitude: sets output amplitude of each channel between 80-2500mV, default level is 1000mV.
# Example: [80,1000,0,0] sets output level for channel 0 and 1 to be 80 and 1000 mV.
# :param stoplvl: sets channels pause behavior, ZERO = 16, LOW = 2, HIGH = 4, HOLDLAST = 8.
# Example: [16, 2, 8, 8]
# """
# = ch
# mask = (CHANNEL0 & 1 * ch[0]) | \
# (CHANNEL1 & 2 * ch[1]) | \
# (CHANNEL2 & 4 * ch[2]) | \
# (CHANNEL3 & 8 * ch[3]) # create channel mask
# spcm_dwSetParam_i64(self.card, SPC_CHENABLE, int64(mask)) # activate channels
# for i in range(4):
# # enable channel outputs, set output amplitudes and pause behavior
# if ch[i] == 0: continue
# spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + i * (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0), 1)
# spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_AMP0 + i * (SPC_AMP1 - SPC_AMP0), amplitude[i])
# spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL + i * (SPC_CH1_STOPLEVEL - SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL), stoplvl[i])
# self.check_error()
# self.check_error("Checking error at enable_channel")
print("Channels enabled: ",
def set_trigger(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -188,19 +164,19 @@ class AWG:
if key == "EXT1":
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_TRIG_ORMASK, SPC_TMASK_EXT1) # using external channel 1 as trigger
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE, value)
# self.check_error("Checking error at set_trigger")
def get_aligned_array(self, size):
def get_aligned_buf(self, size):
returns a numpy array at a page-aligned memory location
:param size: number of samples used for data calculation
:return: numpy array starting at the correct location
data_length_bytes = uint32(size * 2 * np.sum(
data_length_bytes = int(size * 2 * np.sum(
buffer = pvAllocMemPageAligned(data_length_bytes) # buffer now holds a page-aligned location
buffer_data = cast(addressof(buffer), ptr16) # cast it to int16 array
array = np.frombuffer(buffer_data, dtype=int16)
return array
# array = np.frombuffer(buffer_data, dtype=int16)
return buffer, buffer_data
def set_sequence_mode(self, nseg: int):
......@@ -208,35 +184,42 @@ class AWG:
:param nseg: number of segments the memory is divided into, must be powers of 2.
self.mode = "Sequence Replay"
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_CARDMODE, SPC_REP_STD_SEQUENCE) # Sequence replay mode
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS,nseg) # set number of sequences the memory is divided into
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_CARDMODE, SPC_REP_STD_SEQUENCE) # Sequence replay mode
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS, nseg) # set number of sequences the memory is divided into
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP, 0) # set starting step to be 0
# self.check_error("Checking error at set_sequence_mode")
def write_segment(self, data: np.ndarray, segment: int):
write data onto a specified segment.
write data onto a specified segment in sequence replay mode
:param data: numpy array containing waveform data
:param segment: the segment to write on
if self.mode != "Sequence Replay":
print("Wrong method, current mode is: " + self.mode)
nch = np.sum( # number of activated channels
if data.dtype != int:
sys.stdout.write("data must be in int type\n")
if data.size > self.mem_size.value / np.sum( / SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS:
sys.stdout.write("data is big")
# if data.dtype != int:
# sys.stdout.write("data must be in int type\n")
# return
if data.size > self.mem_size.value / np.sum( / 2:
sys.stdout.write("data is too big")
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT, segment) # set current segment to write on
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE, data.size) # set size of segment in unit of samples
# data transfer
ptr = data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(int16))
buflength = data.size * 2 * nch # samples * (2 bytes/sample) * number of activated channels
spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card, SPCM_BUF_DATA, SPCM_DIR_PCTOCARD, int32(0), ptr, int64(0), buflength)
sample_len = data.size
buflength = uint32(sample_len * 2 * nch) # samples * (2 bytes/sample) * number of activated channels
data_ptr = data.ctypes.data_as(ptr16) # cast data array into a c-like array
buffer = pvAllocMemPageAligned(sample_len * 2) # buffer now holds a page-aligned location
buffer_data = cast(addressof(buffer), ptr16) # cast it to int16 array
memmove(buffer_data, data_ptr, sample_len * 2) # moving data into the page-aligned block
spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card, SPCM_BUF_DATA, SPCM_DIR_PCTOCARD, int32(0), buffer, int64(0), buflength)
spcm_dwSetParam_i32(self.card, SPC_M2CMD, M2CMD_DATA_STARTDMA | M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA)
# self.check_error("Checking error at write_segment")
def configure_step(self, step: int, segment: int, nextstep: int, loop: int, condition: int):
......@@ -253,5 +236,5 @@ class AWG:
mask = (condition << 32) | (loop << 32) | (nextstep << 16) | segment # 64-bit mask
spcm_dwSetParam_i64(self.card, SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0 + step, mask)
# self.check_error("Checking error at configure_step")
from waveform import *
import cupy as cp
from cupyx.profiler import benchmark
# data = np.load("data/rearrange_table_11.npz", allow_pickle=True)
# table = data['path_table']
# twzr = data['wfm'].item()
# t = np.zeros(11)
# t[:5] = 1
# t_idx = np.nonzero(t)[0]
# f = np.zeros(11)
# f[:6] = 1
# table_cp = cp.array(table)
# for i in range(1000):
# np.random.shuffle(f)
# f_idx = np.nonzero(f)[0]
# paths = cp.array(get_rearrange_paths(t_idx, f_idx))
# b = benchmark(create_moving_array_gpu, (table_cp, paths), n_repeat=1)
# print(b.gpu_times)
t = np.array([1,1,0,1,0])
f = np.array([0,1,0,1,1])
t = np.nonzero(t)[0]
f = np.nonzero(f)[0]
print(get_rearrange_paths(t, f))
from AWG import *
import code
import readline
import rlcompleter
def trigger():
global awg
print("forcing a trigger...")
def stop():
global awg
print("stopping awg output...")
def start():
global awg
print("starting awg output...")
def close():
global awg
print("closing awg and quitting...")
# load waveform data
wfm_data = np.load("data/single.npz", allow_pickle=True)
static_sig = wfm_data['signal']
empty = np.zeros(static_sig.shape)
wfm = wfm_data['wfm'].item()
sampling_rate = wfm.sample_rate
# AWG stuff
awg = AWG()'/dev/spcm1') # change this to b'/dev/spcm0' for top AWG
awg.toggle_channel(0, amplitude=2500)
awg.write_segment(static_sig, segment=0)
awg.write_segment(empty, segment=1)
awg.configure_step(step=0, segment=0, nextstep=1, loop=1, condition=SPCSEQ_ENDLOOPONTRIG)
awg.configure_step(step=1, segment=1, nextstep=0, loop=1, condition=SPCSEQ_ENDLOOPONTRIG)
# console
vars = globals()
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
import numpy as np
from waveform import *
from waveform_plots import *
cf = MEGA(105) # center frequency
df = MEGA(2.5) # delta frequency
n = 2 # number of tones to generate in either direction of cf, total number of tweezer is 2*n+1
nt = 2*n+1 # total number of tweezers
fr = KILO(10)
# # sampling_rate and sample_len must follow some relationship explained in the wiki page.
sampling_rate = int(614.4e6) # sampling rate
# sample_len = 512 * 600 # sample_len
twzr = Waveform(cf, df, n, sampling_rate, fr)
# amplitude uniformity adjustments, just make sure its called amps at the end
# scale = 2**12
# ampMax = scale/np.sqrt(nt)
# amps = ampMax * np.ones(nt)
# corr = np.array([1.53312825, 1.35073669, 1.252971, 1.06263741, 1.])
# amps *= np.sqrt(corr)
# phase adjustments
# phase = np.load("array_phase.npz")['phase'][:nt] # phase table from Caltech
# twzr.amplitude = amps
# twzr.phi = phase
# static_sig = create_static_array(twzr, sample_len)
# empty = np.zeros(sample_len)
# table = create_path_table(twzr, save=True)
# data = np.load("data/rearrange_table_11.npz", allow_pickle=True)
# table = data['path_table']
# twzr = data['wfm'].item()
# target = np.array([1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
# filled = np.array([1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0])
# target = np.array([1,0,1,1,0])
# filled = np.array([1,1,0,1,1])
# target = np.nonzero(target)[0]
# filled = np.nonzero(filled)[0]
# path = get_rearrange_paths(target, filled)
target = np.array([1,1,1,0,0])
filled = np.array([1,0,0,1,1])
t_idx = np.nonzero(target)[0]
f_idx = np.nonzero(filled)[0]
table, sig = create_path_table_reduced(twzr, t_idx)
# np.savez(
# "data/reduced_path_table.npz",
# path_table=table,
# static_sig=sig,
# wfm=twzr,
# target=target
# )
# data = np.load("data/reduced_path_table_5.npz", allow_pickle=True)
# table = data['path_table'].item()
# sig = data['static_sig']
# twzr = data['wfm'].item()
# target = data['target']
paths, off = get_rearrange_paths(f_idx, t_idx)
# #################################
# # end = 1930345 # dw = 1
# # end = 2730325 # dw = 2
# # end = 2729906 # dw = 2'
# end = 3343227 # dw = 3
# # end = 3343612 # dw = 3'
# # end = 3860640 # dw = 4
# # move = table[(1,0)] % (np.pi)
# # static = table[(0,0)] % (np.pi)
# move = np.sin(table[(3,0)])
# static = np.sin(table[(0,0)])
# r = 20
# m = np.arcsin(move[end-r:end+r])
# # s = np.arcsin(static[end-r:end+r])
# s = np.zeros(r*2)
# s[r:] = static[:r]
# # m = move[end-r:end+r]
# # s = static[end-r:end+r]
# # diff = move[end-10:end+10]-static[end-10:end+10]
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# x = np.arange(20)
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(m, '.-', label='move')
# plt.plot(s, '.-', label='static')
# plt.legend()
create_moving_array_reduced(sig, table, paths, off)
fname = "data/reduced_move_sig.npz"
np.savez(fname, signal=sig, wfm=twzr)
from waveform import *
# parameters to play around
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cf = MEGA(105) # center frequency
df = MEGA(2.5) # delta frequency
n = 2 # number of tones to generate in either direction of cf, total number of tweezer is 2*n+1
nt = 2*n+1 # total number of tweezers
# sampling_rate and sample_len must follow some relationship explained in the wiki page.
sampling_rate = int(614.4e6) # sampling rate
sample_len = 512 * 600 # sample_len
# amplitude uniformity adjustments, just make sure its called amps at the end
scale = 2**11
ampMax = scale/np.sqrt(nt)
amps = ampMax * np.ones(nt)
corr = np.array([1.53312825, 1.35073669, 1.252971, 1.06263741, 1.])
amps *= np.sqrt(corr)
# phase adjustments
phase = np.load("array_phase.npz")['phase'][:nt] # phase table from Caltech
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MAGIC DO NOT CHANGE. one day i will understand, maybe
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pvAllocMemPageAligned(sample_len * 2)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# setting up awg sequence, explained in wiki
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
awg = AWG()'/dev/spcm1') # change this to b'/dev/spcm0' for top AWG
awg.toggle_channel(0, amplitude=2500)
twzr = Waveform(cf, df, n, sampling_rate)
twzr.amplitude = amps
twzr.phi = phase
static_sig = create_static_array(twzr, sample_len)
empty = np.zeros(sample_len)
awg.write_segment(static_sig, segment=0)
awg.write_segment(empty, segment=1)
awg.configure_step(step=0, segment=0, nextstep=1, loop=1, condition=SPCSEQ_ENDLOOPONTRIG)
awg.configure_step(step=1, segment=1, nextstep=0, loop=1, condition=SPCSEQ_ENDLOOPONTRIG)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# running the awg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
awg.force_trigger() # this is equivalement to an actual hardware trigger
while True:
command = input("enter c to stop, s to switch sequence step: ")
if command == 'c':
elif command == 's':
print("switching sequence step")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
This diff is collapsed.
import scipy.signal as scisig
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import os
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
def plot_main(fname):
file = np.load(fname, allow_pickle=True)
signal = file['signal']
wfm = file['wfm'].item()
sr = wfm.sample_rate
f, t, Sxx = scisig.stft(signal, fs=sr, nperseg=256*100)
f /= 1e6
t *= 1e3
Sxx[abs(Sxx) < 0.001] = 0
step = int(f.size/18)
i = 4000
j = i + step
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.pcolormesh(t, f[i:j], np.abs(Sxx[i:j, :]), shading='gouraud')
plt.title("Signal Spectrogram Frequency")
plt.ylabel('Frequency [MHz]')
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]')
# plt.ylim(95,115)
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
if True:
plt.savefig("data/Spectrogram-frequency.png", dpi=1200)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.pcolormesh(t, f[i:j], np.angle(Sxx[i:j, :]), shading='gouraud')
plt.title("Signal Spectrogram Phase")
plt.ylabel('Frequency [MHz]')
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]')
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
if True:
plt.savefig("data/Spectrogram-phase.png", dpi=1200)
\ No newline at end of file