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  • from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    xiyehu2's avatar
    xiyehu2 committed
    from AWG import *
    class Waveform:
        def __init__(self, cf: int, df: int, n: int, sample_rate: int, freq_res):
    xiyehu2's avatar
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            helper class to store basic waveform information.
            :param cf: center frequency tone of tweezer array.
            :param df: differential frequency between neighboring tweezers.
            :param n: number of tweezers to the left/right of center frequency tone, total number of tweezer is 2n+1.
            :param sample_rate: sampling rate of the AWG to generate correct number of samples.
            # define some useful numbers
            scale = 2 ** 12  # sets the amplitude scale, max must not exceed 2**15-1
            num_tz = 2 * n + 1  # total number of tweezers to be generated
            max_amp = scale / np.sqrt(num_tz)  # scale down by number of tweezers
            self.amplitude = max_amp * np.ones(num_tz)
            # self.amplitude: np.ndarray = max_amp  # uniform amplitude
   = 2 * np.pi * np.linspace(cf - n * df, cf + n * df, num_tz)  # frequency tones
            self.phi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(num_tz)  # random initial phases from 0-2pi
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            self.sample_rate: int = sample_rate
            self.freq_res = freq_res
            # formula for minimum sample length
            # sample_len_min = 512 * m
            # m * 512 * freq_resolution / sampling_rate = k, k % 2 == 0
            self.sample_len_min = 2 * sample_rate / freq_res  # !!! this only works for sample_rate = 614.4e6 !!!
    def create_static_array(wfm: Waveform, full=False) -> np.ndarray:
    xiyehu2's avatar
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        create a static-array-generating waveform with user set number of samples
        :param wfm: waveform object already initialized with basic parameters.
        :return: returns a 1D array with static-array-generating waveform.
        # construct time axis, t_total(s) = sample_len / sample_rate, dt = t_total / sample_len
        t = np.arange(wfm.sample_len_min) / wfm.sample_rate
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        # calculate individual sin waves, sig_mat[i] corresponds to data for ith tweezer
        # sin_mat = wfm.amplitude * np.sin(np.outer(,t) + np.expand_dims(wfm.phi, axis=1))  # shape=(number of tweezers x sample_len)
        sin_mat = np.sin(
            np.outer(, t) + np.expand_dims(wfm.phi, axis=1)
            # shape=(number of tweezers x sample_len)
        sin_mat = (wfm.amplitude * sin_mat.T).T  # this works, trust me
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        # sum up all rows to get final signal
        sig = np.sum(sin_mat, axis=0)
        if np.max(sig) >= 2 ** 15 - 1:
            print("Signal amp exceeds maximum")
        if full:
            return sin_mat.astype(np.int16)
        return sig.astype(np.int16)
    def create_path_table(wfm: Waveform) -> any:
    xiyehu2's avatar
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        create a dim-3 look up table where the table[i,j] contains a sine wave to move tweezer i to tweezer j
        :param wfm: waveform object already initialized with basic parameters.
        :return: dim-3 ndarray
        # interpolate optimal amplitudes
        # data = np.load("data/optimal_amps.npz")
        w =
        a = wfm.amplitude
        omega_interp = interp1d(w, a, kind='cubic')
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        # setup basic variables
        twopi = 2 * np.pi
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        vmax = KILO(20) * MEGA(1)  # convert units, 20 kHz/us -> 20e3 * 1e6 Hz/s
        dw_max =[-1] -[0]  # Longest move in frequency
        t_max = 2 * dw_max / vmax  # Longest move sets the maximum moving time
        a_max = -vmax * 2 / t_max  # maximum acceleration, negative sign because of magic
        # get number of samples required for longest move,this sets the size of lookup table
        sample_len = int(np.ceil(t_max * wfm.sample_rate))
        # sample_len += (512 - sample_len % 512)  # make overall length a multiple of 512 so AWG doesn't freak out
        sample_len += wfm.sample_len_min - sample_len % wfm.sample_len_min
    xiyehu2's avatar
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        # now we calculate all possible trajectories, go to Group Notes/Projects/Rearrangement for detail
        n = len(  # total number of tweezers
        path_table = np.zeros((n, n, sample_len))  # lookup table to store all moves
        t = np.arange(sample_len) / wfm.sample_rate  # time series
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        # iterate! I think this part can be vectorized as well... but unnecessary.
        for i, omega_i in enumerate(
            for j, omega_j in enumerate(  # j is the target position, i is starting position
                    path_table[i, i] = wfm.amplitude[i] * np.sin(omega_i * t + wfm.phi[i])
                    continue  # skip diagonal entries
    xiyehu2's avatar
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                dw = omega_j - omega_i  # delta omega in the equation
                adw = abs(dw)
                # I advise reading through the notes page first before going further
                phi_j = wfm.phi[j] % twopi  # wrap around two pi
                phi_i = wfm.phi[i] % twopi
                dphi = phi_j - phi_i  # delta phi in the equation
                if dphi < 0: dphi = abs(dphi) + twopi - phi_i  # warp around for negative phase shift
                t_tot = np.sqrt(abs(4 * dw / a_max))  # calculate minimum time to complete move
                t_tot = ((t_tot - 6 * dphi / adw) // (
                        12 * np.pi / adw) + 1) * 12 * np.pi / adw  # extend move time to arrive at the correct phase
                a = 4 * dw / (t_tot ** 2)  # adjust acceleration accordingly to ensure we still get to omega_j
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                end = int(np.ceil(t_tot * wfm.sample_rate))  # convert to an index in samples
                half = int(end / 2)  # index of sample half-way through the move where equation changes
                # if end % 2 == 0: half += 1
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                t1 = t[:half]  # first half of the move, slicing to make life easier
                t2 = t[half:end] - t_tot / 2  # time series for second half of the move
                # interpolate amplitudes during the move
                amps = np.zeros(sample_len)
                inst_w = np.zeros(end)
                inst_w[0] = omega_i
                inst_w[-1] = omega_j
                inst_w[1:half] = omega_i + 0.5 * a * t1[1:] ** 2
                inst_w[half:end - 1] = omega_i + \
                                       a / 2 * (t_tot / 2) ** 2 + \
                                       a * t_tot / 2 * t2[:-1] - \
                                       a / 2 * t2[:-1] ** 2
                amps[:end] = omega_interp(inst_w)
                amps[end:] = wfm.amplitude[j]
                # calculate sine wave
                path_table[i, j, :half] = wfm.phi[i] + omega_i * t1 + a / 6 * t1 ** 3  # t<=T/2
                path_table[i, j, half:end] = path_table[i, j, half - 1] + \
                                             (omega_i + a / 2 * (t_tot / 2) ** 2) * t2 + \
                                             a / 2 * t_tot / 2 * t2 ** 2 - \
                                             a / 6 * t2 ** 3  # t>=T/2
                path_table[i, j, end:] = omega_j * t[end:] + (phi_j - omega_j * t_tot) % twopi
                path_table[i, j] = amps * np.sin(path_table[i, j])
    xiyehu2's avatar
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        # now compile everything into sine wave
        path_table = path_table.astype(np.int16)
        return path_table
        # return path_table.astype(int), np.sum(path_table.diagonal().T, axis=0, dtype=int)
    def create_path_table_reduced(
            wfm: Waveform, target_idx, max_dist=np.inf, save_path=None
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray], np.ndarray]:
    xiyehu2's avatar
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        create a dim-3 look up table where the table[i,j] contains a sine wave to move tweezer i to tweezer j
        :param save_path: file saving path
        :param target_idx: indices of target pattern
        :param max_dist: maximum move distance in indices
    xiyehu2's avatar
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        :param wfm: waveform object already initialized with basic parameters.
        :return: dictionary containing rearrange paths
    xiyehu2's avatar
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        # interpolate optimal amplitudes
        # data = np.load("data/optimal_amps.npz")
        w =
        a = wfm.amplitude
        omega_interp = interp1d(w, a, kind='cubic')
        # obtain all move combinations:
        n = len(  # total number of tweezers
        moves = []
        dw_max = 0  # longest move, this sets the size of path_table
        for i in range(n):
            for j in target_idx:
                if i < j and True:  # only allow uni-direction moves
                if abs(i - j) <= max_dist:
                    dw = abs([j] -[i])
                    if dw_max < dw: dw_max = dw
        # setup basic variables
        twopi = 2 * np.pi
        vmax = KILO(20) * MEGA(1)  # convert units, 20 kHz/us -> 20e3 * 1e6 Hz/s
        t_max = 2 * dw_max / vmax  # Longest move sets the maximum moving time
        a_max = vmax * 2 / t_max  # maximum acceleration, negative sign because of magic
        # get number of samples required for longest move,this sets the size of lookup table
        sample_len = int(np.ceil(t_max * wfm.sample_rate))
        # sample_len += (512 - sample_len % 512)  # make overall length a multiple of 512 so AWG doesn't freak out
        sample_len += wfm.sample_len_min - sample_len % wfm.sample_len_min
        sample_len = int(sample_len)
        # now we calculate all possible trajectories, go to Group Notes/Projects/Rearrangement for detail
        path_table = {}  # lookup table to store all moves
        static_sig = np.zeros(sample_len)  # for fast real-time waveform generation purposes
        t = np.arange(sample_len) / wfm.sample_rate  # time series
        # iterate!
        for i in range(n):
            omega_i =[i]
            for j in moves[i]:  # j is the target position, i is starting position
                omega_j =[j]
                if i == j:
                    path = (
                            wfm.amplitude[i] * np.sin(omega_i * t + wfm.phi[i])
                    # path = omega_i * t + wfm.phi[i]
                    path_table[(i, i)] = path
                    static_sig += path
                    continue  # skip diagonal entries
                path = np.zeros(sample_len)
                # I advise reading through the notes page first before going further
                dw = omega_j - omega_i  # delta omega in the equation
                adw = abs(dw)
                t_tot = np.sqrt(abs(4 * dw / a_max))  # calculate minimum time to complete move
                phi_j = wfm.phi[j] % twopi  # wrap around two pi
                phi_i = wfm.phi[i] % twopi
                dphi = (phi_j - phi_i) % twopi  # delta phi in the equation
                if dphi < 0: dphi = abs(dphi) + twopi - phi_i  # warp around for negative phase shift
                t_tot += 12 * np.pi / adw - (
                        (t_tot - 6 * dphi / adw) %
                        (12 * np.pi / adw))  # extend move time to arrive at the correct phase
    xiyehu2's avatar
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                a = 4 * (omega_i - omega_j) / (t_tot ** 2)  # adjust acceleration accordingly to ensure we still get to omega_j
                end = int(np.round(t_tot * wfm.sample_rate))  # convert to an index in samples
                # print(f'({i},{j}), {end}')
                half = int(end / 2) + 1  # index of sample half-way through the move where equation changes
                # t_tot = t[end]
                t1 = t[:half]  # first half of the move, slicing to make life easier
                t2 = t[half:end] - t_tot / 2  # time series for second half of the move
                # a = 4 * adw / (t_tot ** 2)  # adjust acceleration accordingly to ensure we still get to omega_j
                # interpolate amplitudes during the move
                amps = np.zeros(sample_len)
                inst_w = np.zeros(end)
                inst_w[0] = omega_i
                inst_w[-1] = omega_j
                inst_w[1:half] = omega_i - 0.5 * a * t1[1:] ** 2
                inst_w[half:end - 1] = omega_i - \
                                       a / 2 * (t_tot / 2) ** 2 - \
                                       a * t_tot / 2 * t2[:-1] + \
                                       a / 2 * t2[:-1] ** 2
                sw = omega_i
                bw = omega_j
                if omega_i > omega_j:
                    sw = omega_j
                    bw = omega_i
                inst_w[inst_w < sw] = sw
                inst_w[inst_w > bw] = bw
                amps[:end] = omega_interp(inst_w)
                amps[end:] = wfm.amplitude[j]
                # frequency/phase diagnostic
                # print(i,j)
                # print(inst_w[-2] - omega_j)
                # print(a*t_tot**3/24 % np.pi - dphi)
                # print(end)
                # print()
                # calculate sine wave
                path[:half] = wfm.phi[i] + omega_i * t1 - a / 6 * t1 ** 3  # t<=T/2
                # ph = wfm.phi[i] + omega_i * t_tot / 2 + a / 6 * (t_tot / 2) ** 3
                path[half:end] = path[half-1] + \
                                 (omega_i - a / 2 * (t_tot / 2) ** 2) * t2 - \
                                 a / 2 * t_tot / 2 * t2 ** 2 + \
                                 a / 6 * t2 ** 3  # t>=T/2
                path[end:] = path[end-1] + omega_j * (t[end:] - t[end-1])
                path = (amps * np.sin(path)).astype(np.int16)
                path_table[(i, j)] = path
        for key in path_table:
            if key[0] != key[1]:
                path_table[key] -= path_table[(key[1], key[1])]  # for fast real-time generation
            # path_table[key] = path_table[key].astype(np.int16)
        # save stuff if prompted
        if save_path is not None:
            np.savez(save_path, table=path_table, static_sig=static_sig, wfm=wfm, target=target_idx)
        return path_table, static_sig.astype(np.int16)
    def get_rearrange_paths(
            filled_idx: np.ndarray,
            target_idx: np.ndarray,
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    xiyehu2's avatar
    xiyehu2 committed
        Calculate rearranging paths.
        :param filled_idx: indices of tweezer positions filled with atoms.
        :param target_idx: indices of tweezer positions in target pattern.
        :returns: 2d array containing rearranging paths. 1d array containing tweezer positions to be turned off.
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        n = 0
        t_size = target_idx.size
        f_size = filled_idx.size
        reserve = f_size - t_size
        # move_paths = []
        # static_paths = []
        paths = []
        i = 0
        j = 0
        while i < f_size:
            if j == t_size: break
            if filled_idx[i] == target_idx[j]:
                # paths.append((filled_idx[i], filled_idx[i]))
                j += 1
                i = j
            elif (reserve > 0
                  and filled_idx[i] < target_idx[j]
                  and abs(filled_idx[i + 1] - target_idx[j]) < abs(filled_idx[i + 1] - target_idx[j])):
                i += 1
                reserve -= 1
                paths.append((filled_idx[i], target_idx[j]))
                i += 1
                j += 1
        off = []
        if reserve < 0:
            for i in range(abs(reserve)):
                off.append(target_idx[-1 - i])
        return np.array(paths), np.array(off)
    def create_moving_array(path_table: np.ndarray, paths: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        create a rearranging signal that moves tweezers as specified by paths
        :param path_table: lookup table returned from create_path_table().
        :param paths: 2d array with moving trajectories, [:,0] stores start pos, [:,1] stores end pos.
        return np.sum(path_table[paths[:, 0], paths[:, 1]], axis=0)
    def create_moving_array_reduced(
            path_table: Dict,
            sig: np.ndarray,
            filled_idx: np.ndarray,
            target_idx: np.ndarray,
            # paths: np.ndarray,
            # off: np.ndarray
        create a rearranging signal that moves tweezers as specified by paths.
        :param sig: initially a static-array-generating waveform.
        :param path_table: lookup table returned from create_path_table_reduced().
        :param filled_idx: see get_rearrange_paths for detail.
        :param target_idx: see get_rearrange_paths for detail.
        :param paths: 2d array with moving trajectories, [:,0] stores start pos, [:,1] stores end pos.
        :param off: 1d array with tweezer indices that need to be set to 0.
        paths, off = get_rearrange_paths(filled_idx, target_idx)
        for i, j in paths:
            if i == j:
            if (i, j) in path_table:
                sig += path_table[(i, j)]
            # else:
            #     print((i, j), "not in path table")
        for i in off:
            sig -= path_table[(i, i)]
    def create_moving_signal_single(omega_i, omega_f, sample_rate, signal_time):
        min_len = 2 * sample_rate / (10e3)
        sample_len = sample_rate * signal_time
        sample_len += min_len - sample_len % min_len
        sample_len = int(sample_len)
        t = np.arange(sample_len) / sample_rate
        t_tot = sample_len / sample_rate
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        a = 4 * (omega_i - omega_f) / (t_tot ** 2)
        end = sample_len
        half = int(end / 2) + 1
        t1 = t[:half]
        t2 = t[half:end] - t_tot / 2
        amps = 2**12
        signal = np.zeros(sample_len)
        signal[:half] = omega_i * t1 - a / 6 * t1 ** 3  # t<=T/2
        # ph = wfm.phi[i] + omega_i * t_tot / 2 + a / 6 * (t_tot / 2) ** 3
        signal[half:end] = signal[half - 1] + \
                         (omega_i - a / 2 * (t_tot / 2) ** 2) * t2 - \
                         a / 2 * t_tot / 2 * t2 ** 2 + \
                         a / 6 * t2 ** 3  # t>=T/2
        signal[end:] = signal[end - 1] + omega_f * (t[end:] - t[end - 1])
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        signal = (amps * np.sin(signal)).astype(np.int16)
        return signal