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Commit 95bd81b5 authored by whooie's avatar whooie
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small python testing scripts

parent 50e74042
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import numpy as np
import lib.pyplotdefs as pd
import sys
trials = 100000
p = 1.0
s = 1 - p
pdf = lambda p, s, th: (
p * 3 / 8 / np.pi * np.sin(th)**2
+ s * 3 / 16 / np.pi * (1 + np.cos(th)**2)
cdf = lambda p, s, th: (
- (2 * p + s) * 3 / 8 * np.cos(th)
+ (2 * p - s) / 8 * np.cos(th)**3
xplot = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi, 1000)
pdfplot = pdf(p, s, xplot)
cdfplot = cdf(p, s, xplot)
# (pd.Plotter()
# .plot(xplot, pdfplot)
# .plot(xplot, cdfplot)
# .ggrid()
# .show()
# .close()
# )
# sys.exit(0)
def newton_raphson(p: float, s: float, r: float) -> float:
th = r * np.pi
th = np.pi / 2
dth = np.inf
for _ in range(1000):
dth = (cdf(p, s, th) - r) / (pdf(p, s, th) * 2 * np.pi * np.sin(th))
th -= dth
if abs(dth) < 1e-6:
return th
# th = min(max(th, 1e-6), np.pi * (1 - 1e-6))
.plot(xplot, pdfplot)
.plot(xplot, cdfplot)
.plot(th, r, marker="o", linestyle="", color="r")
raise Exception(f"didn't converge: {p=:.3f}; {s=:.3f}; {r=:.3f}")
data = np.zeros((trials, 2), dtype=np.float64)
for k in range(trials):
print(f"\r {k = :5.0f} ", end="", flush=True)
r = np.random.random()
th = newton_raphson(p, s, r)
data[k, :] = (th, r)
xplot, cdfplot,
marker="", linestyle="-", color="k"
data[:, 0], data[:, 1],
marker="o", linestyle="", color="C0", alpha=0.35
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
import lib.pyplotdefs as pd
saturation = 10.0
detuning = 1.0
linewidth = 5.0
def pop_excited(saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> float:
return (
saturation / 2.0
/ (1.0 + saturation + (2.0 * detuning / linewidth)**2)
def rho_ee(t: float, saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> float:
W = np.sqrt(linewidth / 2.0 * saturation)
w = np.sqrt(W**2 - (linewidth / 4.0)**2 + detuning**2)
return (
pop_excited(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
* (1.0 - np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t) * np.cos(w * t))
def drho_ee(t: float, saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> float:
W = np.sqrt(linewidth / 2.0 * saturation)
w = np.sqrt(W**2 - (linewidth / 4.0)**2 + detuning**2)
return (
pop_excited(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
* (
0.75 * linewidth * np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t) * np.cos(w * t)
+ w * np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t) * np.sin(w * t)
def rho_ee_max(saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> (float, float):
W = np.sqrt(linewidth / 2.0 * saturation)
w = np.sqrt(W**2 - (linewidth / 4.0)**2 + detuning**2)
t0 = (
2.0 / w
* np.arctan(
4.0 * w / 3.0 / linewidth
+ np.sqrt(1.0 + (4.0 * w / 3.0 / linewidth)**2)
rho0 = (
pop_excited(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
* (1.0 - np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t0) * np.cos(w * t0))
return (t0, rho0)
W = np.sqrt(linewidth / 2.0 * saturation)
w = np.sqrt(W**2 + (linewidth / 4.0)**2 + detuning**2)
t0, rho0 = rho_ee_max(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
K1 = np.exp(0.75 * linewidth * t0) - np.cos(w * t0)
K2 = 9.0 * linewidth**2 + 16.0 * w**2
tbar_anl = (
12.0 * linewidth * K1
- K2 * t0 * np.cos(w * t0)
+ 16.0 * w * np.sin(w * t0)
) / (K1 * K2)
t = np.linspace(0.0, t0, 10000)
tbar_num = np.trapz(
t * drho_ee(t, saturation, detuning, linewidth) / rho0
dx=t[1] - t[0]
print(f"{{Y: {linewidth}, w: {w}, t1: {t0}}}")
.plot(t, rho_ee(t, saturation, detuning, linewidth) / rho0, color="k")
.plot(t, drho_ee(t, saturation, detuning, linewidth) / rho0, color="0.5")
.axvline(tbar_anl, color="b")
.axvline(tbar_num, color="r")
import numpy as np
import lib.pyplotdefs as pd
def pop_excited(saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> float:
return (
saturation / 2.0
/ (1.0 + saturation + (2.0 * detuning / linewidth)**2)
def rho_ee(t: float, saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> float:
W = np.sqrt(linewidth / 2.0 * saturation)
w = np.sqrt(W**2 - (linewidth / 4.0)**2 + detuning**2)
return (
pop_excited(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
* (1.0 - np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t) * np.cos(w * t))
def drho_ee(t: float, saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> float:
W = np.sqrt(linewidth / 2.0 * saturation)
w = np.sqrt(W**2 - (linewidth / 4.0)**2 + detuning**2)
return (
pop_excited(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
* (
0.75 * linewidth * np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t) * np.cos(w * t)
+ w * np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t) * np.sin(w * t)
def rho_ee_max(saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float) -> (float, float):
W = np.sqrt(linewidth / 2.0 * saturation)
w = np.sqrt(W**2 - (linewidth / 4.0)**2 + detuning**2)
t0 = (
2.0 / w
* np.arctan(
4.0 * w / 3.0 / linewidth
+ np.sqrt(1.0 + (4.0 * w / 3.0 / linewidth)**2)
rho0 = (
pop_excited(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
* (1.0 - np.exp(-0.75 * linewidth * t0) * np.cos(w * t0))
return (t0, rho0)
def rho_ee_inv(saturation: float, detuning: float, linewidth: float, r: float) -> float:
if r < 0.0 or r > 1.0:
raise Exception("rho_ee_inv: encountered invalid probability value")
t0, rho0 = rho_ee_max(saturation, detuning, linewidth)
if r > rho0:
# return t0
return np.inf
t = t0 / 2.0
for _ in range(1000):
dt = (
(rho_ee(t, saturation, detuning, linewidth) - r)
/ drho_ee(t, saturation, detuning, linewidth)
t -= dt
if abs(dt) < 1e-6:
return t
t = max(0.0, min(t, t0))
raise Exception("rho_ee_inv: failed to converge")
s = 5.0
d = 5.0
y = 2.0
N = 10000
r = np.random.random(size=N)
t = np.array([rho_ee_inv(s, d, y, rk) for rk in r])
t_finite = t[np.where(np.isfinite(t))]
t_mean = t_finite.mean()
t0, rho0 = rho_ee_max(s, d, y)
print(t_mean, t0, t0 / t_mean)
xplot = np.linspace(0.0, t0 * 10, 1000)
yplot = np.array([rho_ee(x, s, d, y) for x in xplot])
.plot(xplot, yplot, marker="", linestyle="-", color="k")
.plot(t, r, marker="o", linestyle="", color="C0", alpha=0.35)
import numpy as np
import lib.pyplotdefs as pd
# def cdf_inv(r: float, rho: float, sigma: float) -> float:
# Mp = 2 * rho + sigma
# Mm = 2 * rho - sigma
# p = -3 * Mp / Mm
# q = -8 * (r - 0.5) / Mm
# if 4 * p**3 + 27 * q**2 > 0 and p < 0:
# branch = True
# t = (
# -2 * (q / abs(q)) * np.sqrt(-p / 3)
# * np.cosh(
# np.acosh((-3 * abs(q)) / (2 * p) * np.sqrt(-3 / p)) / 3
# )
# )
# else:
# branch = False
# p = complex(p, 0.0)
# q = complex(q, 0.0)
# x0 = 2 * np.sqrt(-p / 3)
# x1 = np.arccos((3 * q) / (2 * p) * np.sqrt(-3 / p)) / 3
# for k in range(3):
# tk = x0 * np.cos(x1 - 2 * np.pi * k / 3)
# if tk.imag < 1e-6:
# break
# t = tk.real
# if tk.imag < 1e-6:
# if tk.real >= -1 and tk.real <= 1:
# t = tk.real
# elif abs(tk.real + 1.0) < 1e-6:
# t = -1.0
# elif abs(tk.real - 1.0) < 1e-6:
# t = 1.0
# else:
# raise Exception(
# f"cubic root is out of bounds\n"
# f"{r=} ; {rho=} ; {sigma=}\n"
# f"{tk=}"
# )
# else:
# raise Exception(
# f"cubic root is out of bounds\n"
# f"{r=} ; {rho=} ; {sigma=}\n"
# f"{tk=}"
# )
# return np.arccos(t), branch
def cdf_inv(r: float, rho: float, sigma: float) -> float:
Mp = 2 * rho + sigma
Mm = 2 * rho - sigma
a = Mm / 8
b = 0
c = -3 * Mp / 8
d = 0.5 - r
D0 = complex(b**2 - 3 * a * c, 0.0)
D1 = complex(2 * b**3 - 9 * a * b * c + 27 * a**2 * d, 0.0)
Cp = pow((D1 + np.sqrt(D1**2 - 4 * D0**3)) / 2, 1 / 3)
Cm = pow((D1 - np.sqrt(D1**2 - 4 * D0**3)) / 2, 1 / 3)
if abs(Cp) > 1e-6:
C = Cp
elif abs(Cm) > 1e-6:
C = Cm
return -b / 3 / a
xi = (-1 + np.sqrt(3) * 1j) / 2
for k in [0, 1, 2]:
x = -(b + xi**k * C + D0 / (xi**k * C)) / (3 * a)
if abs(x.imag) < 1e-6:
if abs(x.imag) < 1e-6:
if abs(x.real) <= 1.0:
return np.arccos(x.real), k
elif abs(x.real + 1.0) < 1e-6:
return np.arccos(-1.0), k
elif abs(x.real - 1.0) < 1e-6:
return np.arccos(+1.0), k
raise Exception(
"cubic root is out of bounds\n"
f"{r=} ; {rho=} ; {sigma=}\n"
raise Exception(
"cubic root is out of bounds\n"
f"{r=} ; {rho=} ; {sigma=}\n"
def testpq(r: float, rho: float, sigma: float) -> float:
Mp = 2 * rho + sigma
Mm = 2 * rho - sigma
p = -3 * Mp / Mm
q = -8 * (r - 0.5) / Mm
return 4 * p**3 + 27 * q**2, p
r_test = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 51)
rho_test = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 51)
# B = np.zeros((51, 51), dtype=np.float64)
# p = np.zeros((51, 51), dtype=np.float64)
# for i, r_t in enumerate(r_test):
# for j, rho_t in enumerate(rho_test):
# B[i, j], p[i, j] = testpq(r_t, rho_t, 1 - rho_t)
# pd.Plotter().imshow(B > 0).colorbar()
# pd.Plotter().imshow(p < 0).colorbar()
theta = np.zeros((51, 51), dtype=np.float64)
branch = np.zeros((51, 51), dtype=np.int8)
for i, r_t in enumerate(r_test):
for j, rho_t in enumerate(rho_test):
theta[i, j], branch[i, j] = cdf_inv(r_t, rho_t, 1 - rho_t)
pd.Plotter().imshow(branch, cmap="gray").colorbar()
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