Hello World in different languages:
For examples of hello-world in different programming languages see inside the BaseFunctions folder:
Demo functions from closing keynote @ Dockercon
- Demo functions - fass-dockercon
- Video recording from Dockercon on YouTube
Sample functions from the FaaS stack
Also see the community page for functions created by FaaS users and contributors.
Here is a list of some of the sample functions included this repository.
Name | Details |
AlpineFunction | BusyBox - a useful base image with busybox utilities pre-installed |
apikey-secret | Example in Golang showing how to read a secret from a HTTP header and validate with a Swarm/Kubernetes secret |
CaptainsIntent | Alexa skill - find the count of Docker Captains |
ChangeColorIntent | Alexa skill - change the colour of IoT-connected lights |
CHelloWorld | Use C to build a function |
echo | Uses cat from BusyBox to provide an echo function |
DockerHubStats | Golang function gives the count of repos a user has on the Docker hub |
figlet | Generate ascii logos through the use of a binary |
git-maker | Use gifsicle and ffmpeg packages from Alpine Linux to make gifs from video |
HostnameIntent | Prints the hostname of a container |
MarkdownRender | Use a Go function with vendoring to convert Markdown to HTML |
Nmap | The network scanning tool as a binary-based function |
NodeInfo | Node.js - gives CPU/network info on the current container |
Phantomjs | Use Phantomjs to scrape/automate web-pages |
ResizeImageMagick | Resizes an image using the imagemagick binary |
SentimentAnalysis | Perform sentiment analysis with the TextBlob library |
WebhookStash | Golang function provides way to capture webhooks - JSON/text/binary into the container filesystem |
WordCountFunction | BusyBox wc is exposed as a function / service through FaaS |