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Created with Raphaël 2.2.04Jan2130Dec2925191165429Nov2624222119171614121198754128Oct2625212019151312943230Sep282625232019181716151412108653231Aug3029282423222116151311972131Jul30262524232120161310963230Jun292827232120191817161295430May282524232221201711128Apr26252016141211106543231Mar29282726242322212018171514131098753127Feb25242322211915141076543128Jan272419141311109732130Dec292822212016151312111065432130Nov2927262524232221201816151411986543231Oct3029Updates from PR comments:Secrets iteration:Initial support for secrets in gw:Fix fwatchdog timer memory leak issueAdd blog post about running bash functions as a serviceCompress lines in community fileAdd 2019 to ToC for community fileAdding more blogs and a 2019 event found via TwitterAdd tracing your functions blog postAdd Serverless Architecture Conf April 2019 talkBump gorilla mux to 1.6.2When firing, newReplicas should be greater than currentReplicasRound up value of newReplicasRemove the differentiation between currentReplicas==1 and notFix TestInitialScale expectationTest scaled up from 1Enable basic auth for armhf stackConsolidate filesUndo early return in updateData callbackRefresh function image during ui update loopadd link to blog describing how to write serverless crystal functionsMove perf page to docsDownload vendor cdn files for gatewayUpdate gateway to golang:1.10.4Update arm64 build of gateway Bump the faas-swarm version in the compose ymlAdd csharp mongodb template to community fileAdd OpenFest and IstaCon events in NovemberAdd 2x micro-tutorialsAdd CODEOWNERSAdd pr_description_requiredFix scale from zero to be true by defaultAdd PHPConference BrazilBump gw to 0.9.11Add note on YagniAdd DevOpsDDay and Capitole du Libre conferences from FranceBump files to use alpine:3.8Add VMworld 2018 Speaking SessionAdd sha256 hashgen for watchdog to ci configBump gateway to 0.9.10