| [GitOps meets Serverless with OpenFaaS and Flux ](https://www.meetup.com/Weave-User-Group/events/269899027/) | Alex Ellis | Weave Online User Group | 29-Apr-2020 |
| [GitOps meets Serverless with OpenFaaS and Flux ](https://www.meetup.com/Weave-User-Group/events/269899027/) | Alex Ellis | Weave Online User Group | 29-Apr-2020 |
| [Service Mesh and Serverless Chatbots with Linkerd, K8s and OpenFaaS](https://sg.com.mx/sgvirtual/sessions/service-mesh-and-serverless-chatbots-with-linkerd-k8s-and-openfaas/) | Sergio Méndez | SG Virtual Conference | 21-Apr-2020 |
| [Service Mesh and Serverless Chatbots with Linkerd, K8s and OpenFaaS](https://sg.com.mx/sgvirtual/sessions/service-mesh-and-serverless-chatbots-with-linkerd-k8s-and-openfaas/) | Sergio Méndez | SG Virtual Conference | 21-Apr-2020 |
| [Serverless for Kubernetes with NATS and PLONK](https://youtu.be/J0zbYbvYiM8?t=1135) | Alex Ellis | NATS Connect | 16-Apr-2020 |
| [The Need for a Cloud Native Tunnel](https://virtual.rejekts.io) | Alex Ellis | Virtual Cloud Native Rejekts | 1-Apr-2020 |
| [The Need for a Cloud Native Tunnel](https://virtual.rejekts.io) | Alex Ellis | Virtual Cloud Native Rejekts | 1-Apr-2020 |
| [TBS[13] Crossplane and OpenFaaS livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XphQgB87U-s&feature=youtu.be)| Daniel Mangum & Alex Ellis | YouTube | 26-Mar-2020 |
| [TBS[13] Crossplane and OpenFaaS livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XphQgB87U-s&feature=youtu.be)| Daniel Mangum & Alex Ellis | YouTube | 26-Mar-2020 |
| [Kubernetes the easy way with k3sup, OpenFaaS and inlets](https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UEhl9ieUT52BVQlhrSdZQw) | Alex Ellis & Alistair Hey | Online Webinar for Traefik | 12-Mar-2020 |
| [Kubernetes the easy way with k3sup, OpenFaaS and inlets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4mEF8rtXWo) | Alex Ellis & Alistair Hey | Online Webinar for Traefik | 12-Mar-2020 |
| [Service Mesh and Serverless Chatbots with Linkerd, K8s and OpenFaaS](https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/cloud-native-plus-gt/events/269147693/) | Sergio M. | Zoom | 12-Mar-2020 |
| [Service Mesh and Serverless Chatbots with Linkerd, K8s and OpenFaaS](https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/cloud-native-plus-gt/events/269147693/) | Sergio M. | Zoom | 12-Mar-2020 |