#### This is a Quickstart guide for the [FaaS functions as a Service](https://github.com/alexellis/faas/) project
The guide makes use of a free testing/cloud service, but if you want to try it on your own laptop just follow the guide in the README file on Github. There is also a [blog post](http://blog.alexellis.io/functions-as-a-service/) that goes into the background of the project.
* So let's head over to http://play-with-docker.com/ and start a new session.
* Click "Add new Instance" to create a Docker host, more can be added later.
This one-shot script clones the code, initialises Docker swarm mode and then deploys the FaaS sample stack.
* Head over to the README to see how to invoke the sample function for Docker Hub Stats via the `curl` commands.
#### The sample functions are:
* Webhook stasher function (webhookstash) - saves webhook body into container's filesystem (Golang)
* Docker Hub Stats function (hubstats) - queries the count of images for a user on the Docker Hub (Golang)
* Node Info (nodeinfo) function - gives you the OS architecture and detailled info about the CPUS (Node.js)
#### Invoke the sample functions with curl or Postman:
Head over to the Github repo now for the quick-start to test out the sample functions:
[Quickstart documentation with `docker-stack deploy`](https://github.com/alexellis/faas/tree/stack_1#quickstart-with-docker-stack-deploy)
Once you're up and running checkout the `gateway_functions_count` metrics on your Prometheus endpoint on *port 9090*.
#### Would you prefer a video overview?
See how to deploy FaaS onto play-with-docker.com and Docker Swarm in 1-2 minutes. See the sample functions in action and watch the graphs in Prometheus as we ramp up the amount of requests.
*[Deep Dive into Functions as a Service (FaaS) on Docker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp1B7l5mEzc)