| [Goto conf - Serverless Beyond the Hype](https://gotocph.com/2018/sessions/592) | Alex Ellis | Copenhagen, DK | 19-Nov-2018 |
| [FaaS and Furious – 0 to Serverless in 60 Seconds, Anywhere](https://serverlesscomputing.london/sessions/faas-furious-0-serverless-60-seconds-anywhere/) | Alex Ellis | London, UK | 12-Nov-2018 |
| [Introducing OpenFaaS Cloud, a Developer-Friendly CI/CD Pipeline for Serverless](https://osseu18.sched.com/event/FxXx/introducing-openfaas-cloud-a-developer-friendly-cicd-pipeline-for-serverless-alex-ellis-openfaas-project-vmware) | Alex Ellis | Edinburgh, Scotland | 22-Oct-2018 |
| [GOTO Copenhagen: Serverless Beyond the Hype](https://gotocph.com/2018/sessions/592) | Alex Ellis | Copenhagen, DK | 19-Nov-2018 |
| [ Serverless Computing London: FaaS and Furious – 0 to Serverless in 60 Seconds, Anywhere](https://serverlesscomputing.london/sessions/faas-furious-0-serverless-60-seconds-anywhere/) | Alex Ellis | London, UK | 12-Nov-2018 |
| [Open Source Summit Europe: Introducing OpenFaaS Cloud, a Developer-Friendly CI/CD Pipeline for Serverless](https://osseu18.sched.com/event/FxXx/introducing-openfaas-cloud-a-developer-friendly-cicd-pipeline-for-serverless-alex-ellis-openfaas-project-vmware) | Alex Ellis | Edinburgh, Scotland | 22-Oct-2018 |
| [DevOpenSpace - Mühelos Serverless mit GitOps](https://github.com/fpommerening/DevOpenSpace2018) | Frank Pommerening | Leipzig, Germany | 12-Oct-2018 |
| [Building Cloud-Native Apps - FaaS: The Swiss Army Knife of Cloud Native](https://www.meetup.com/Cloud_Native_Meetup/events/254232936/) | James McAfee | Sydney, Australia | 12-Sep-2018 |
| [ John Callaway: .NET Core on a Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker and OpenFaaS](https://secure.meetup.com/register/?ctx=ref) | John Callaway | Orlando, FL, USA |16-Aug-2018 |