@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ This project provides a way to run Docker containers as functions on Swarm Mode.
* Each container has a watchdog process that hosts a web server allowing a JSON post request to be forwarded to a desired process via STDIN. The respose is sent to the caller via STDOUT.
* A gateway provides a view to the containers/functions to the public Internet and collects metrics for Prometheus and in a future version will manage replicas and scale as throughput increases.
## Quickstart
Minimum requirements:
## Minimum requirements:
* Docker 1.13-RC (to support attachable overlay networks)
* At least a single host in Swarm Mode. (run `docker swarm init`)
@@ -16,6 +13,30 @@ Minimum requirements:
Check your `docker version` and upgrade to one of the latest 1.13-RCs from the [Docker Releases page](https://github.com/docker/docker/releases). This is already available through the Beta channel in Docker for Mac.
## Quickstart with `docker stack deploy`
For a complete stack of Prometheus, the gateway and the DockerHubStats function:
* Simply run `./deploy_stack.sh`.
* Then head over to http://localhost:9090 for your Prometheus metrics
* Your function can be accessed via the gateway like this:
# curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/function/func_hubstats -d "alexellis2"
The organisation or user alexellis2 has 99 repositories on the Docker hub.
# curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/function/func_hubstats -d "library"
The organisation or user library has 128 repositories on the Docker hub.
The `-d` value passes in the argument for your function. This is read via STDIN and used to query the Docker Hub to see how many images you've created/pushed.
If you're looking for a UI checkout the [Postman plugin for Chrome](https://www.getpostman.com) where you can send POSTs without needing `curl`.
## Manual quickstart
#### Create an attachable network for the gateway and functions to join