In this guide we will be using the `docker-machine` tool to provision a number of Docker Swarm nodes then we'll connect them together and deploy OpenFaaS. Before you get started - sign up to [Digital Ocean here to get free credits]( Once you've signed up come back to the tutorial.
## Create DigitalOcean API Access Token
Follow DigitalOceans instructions to create a Personal Access Token with **Read** and **Write** permissions, give the token a descriptive name for example `openfaas-getting-started`.
Set an environment variable with your token value.
Follow the [DigitalOcean instructions here]( to create a Personal Access Token with **Read** and **Write** permissions, give the token a descriptive name for example `openfaas-getting-started`.
Now set an environment variable with the new token value.
export DOTOKEN=738cb0cd2jfhu84c33hu...
$ export DOTOKEN=738cb0cd2jfhu84c33hu...
> If you want to make this permanent, you can insert the value into your `~/.bash_profile` file.
## Install Docker Machine
Follow Dockers instructions to install Docker Machine on your laptop/desktop.
Type in `docker-machine` to see if you already have the tool installed this is normally bundled with Docker for Mac/Windows. If not then you can download [Docker Machine here](
## Create Docker Nodes
Use Docker Machine to create Docker nodes, the example below creates 3 droplets in the NYC3 zone, if you want to deploy only one Droplet change `"1 2 3"` to `"1"`.
Use Docker Machine to create Docker hosts or nodes. On Digital Ocean your hosts or VMs (Virtual Machines) are called *Droplets* and will run a full version of Linux. Note: you'll be able to connect to any of your droplets with `ssh` later on.
The example below creates 3 droplets in the NYC3 zone, if you want to deploy only one Droplet change `"1 2 3"` to `"1"`.
This process will take a few minutes as Droplets are created and Docker installed.
Refer to the [documentation]( for more detailed information on the DigitalOcean options for docker-machine.
# Initialize Docker Swarm
# Create your Docker Swarm
A Docker Swarm can contain as little as a single master node and begins by running the `docker swarm init` command. It's important if you have more than one node that you specify an `--advertise-addr` value.
Run this command each time you open a new shell, this tells Docker where your remote Swarm is.
eval $(docker-machine env node-1)
## Deploy the OpenFaaS Stack
This command clones the OpenFaaS Github repository then checkouts out a stable release before deploying a Docker stack. Docker Swarm will automatically distribute your functions and OpenFaaS services across the cluster.
Within a few seconds (or minutes if on a poor WiFi connection) the API gateway and sample functions will be deployed to the Swarm cluster running on DigitalOcean.
Access the Gateway UI via the IP address returned by `docker-machine ip node-1` (you can also access via `node-2` and `node-3`):
echo http://$(docker-machine ip node-1):8080
$ echo http://$(docker-machine ip node-1):8080
Prometheus metrics can be viewed at:
Prometheus metrics can be viewed on port 9090 on a master. Fetch the IP like this:
echo http://$(docker-machine ip node-1):9090
$ echo http://$(docker-machine ip node-1):9090
## Deleting OpenFaaS Droplets
You can use `docker-machine` to delete any created Droplets if are finished with your OpenFaaS deployment.
docker-machine rm node-1 node-2 node-3
## Creating a Load Balancer
Rather than address each node individually it can be preferrable to run behind a load balancer.
## Advanced
### Create a Load Balancer
Digital Ocean provide their own *Load Balancers* which mean you only need to share or map one IP address to your DNS records or internal applications. They can also apply health-checks which ensure traffic is only routed to healthy nodes.
From the DigitalOcean console Networking page, open the Load Balancers tab and click *Create Load Balancer*.