Welcome to the FaaS community page where you can find:
* Events
* Blog posts and write-ups
* Repos - projects / samples / use cases
> It would be great to hear from you espcially if you have any of the above and want to share it with the rest of the community. Pull Request or submit a Github Issue.
### Events 2017
### Events 2017
| Event name and description | Speaker | Location | Date |
| Event name and description | Speaker | Location | Date |
| [Zero to Serverless in 60 secs - Open Source Summit North America](http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-source-summit-north-america/program/schedule) | Alex Ellis | LA, USA | 11-14 Sept 2017 |
| [From Zero to Serverless with FaaS - Fusion meet-up](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fusion-meetup-birmingham-june-2017-tickets-35370655583?aff=es2) | Alex Ellis | Birmingham, UK | 20 June 2017 |
| [From Zero to Serverless with FaaS - Fusion meet-up](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fusion-meetup-birmingham-june-2017-tickets-35370655583?aff=es2) | Alex Ellis | Birmingham, UK | 20 June 2017 |
| [TechXLR8 - XLR8 your cloud with Docker and Serverless FaaS](https://www.slideshare.net/AlexEllis11/techxlr8-xlr8-your-cloud-with-docker-and-serverless-faas) | Alex Ellis | London, UK | 13-June-2017 |
| [TechXLR8 - XLR8 your cloud with Docker and Serverless FaaS](https://www.slideshare.net/AlexEllis11/techxlr8-xlr8-your-cloud-with-docker-and-serverless-faas) | Alex Ellis | London, UK | 13-June-2017 |
| [Whaleless!](http://gluecon.com/#agenda)([slides](https://speakerdeck.com/amirmc/whaleless-doing-serverless-with-docker)) | Amir Chaudhry | GlueCon, CO | 26-May-2017 |
| [Whaleless!](http://gluecon.com/#agenda)([slides](https://speakerdeck.com/amirmc/whaleless-doing-serverless-with-docker)) | Amir Chaudhry | GlueCon, CO | 26-May-2017 |
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| [Functions as a Service (FaaS)](http://blog.alexellis.io/functions-as-a-service/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 4-Jan-2017 |
| [Functions as a Service (FaaS)](http://blog.alexellis.io/functions-as-a-service/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 4-Jan-2017 |
### Projects / Use cases
### Repos - projects / samples / use cases
| Project name and description | Author | Site | Date |
| Project name and description | Author | Site | Date |