@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ There are three main Github repos
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ There are three main Github repos
| [Deploying Kubernetes On-Premise with RKE and deploying OpenFaaS on it — Part 1](https://medium.com/@kenfdev/deploying-kubernetes-on-premise-with-rke-and-deploying-openfaas-on-it-part-1-69a35ddfa507) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 10-Dec-2017
| [Deploying Kubernetes On-Premise with RKE and deploying OpenFaaS on it — Part 1](https://medium.com/@kenfdev/deploying-kubernetes-on-premise-with-rke-and-deploying-openfaas-on-it-part-1-69a35ddfa507) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 10-Dec-2017
| [Deploying Kubernetes On-Premise with RKE and deploying OpenFaaS on it — Part 2](https://medium.com/@kenfdev/deploying-kubernetes-on-premise-with-rke-and-deploying-openfaas-on-it-part-2-cc14004e7007) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 10-Dec-2017
| [Deploying Kubernetes On-Premise with RKE and deploying OpenFaaS on it — Part 2](https://medium.com/@kenfdev/deploying-kubernetes-on-premise-with-rke-and-deploying-openfaas-on-it-part-2-cc14004e7007) | Ken Fukuyama | medium.com/@kenfdev | 10-Dec-2017
| [Overview of Functions as a Service with OpenFaas](https://mfarache.github.io/mfarache/Functions-As-A-Service-OpenFaas/) | Mauricio Farache | github.io | 06-Dec-2017
| [Overview of Functions as a Service with OpenFaas](https://mfarache.github.io/mfarache/Functions-As-A-Service-OpenFaas/) | Mauricio Farache | github.io | 06-Dec-2017
| [How to secure OpenFaaS with Let's Encrypt and basic auth on Google Kubernetes Engine](https://stefanprodan.com/2017/openfaas-kubernetes-ingress-ssl-gke/) | Stefan Prodan | stefanprodan.com | 04-Dec-2017
| [Running OpenFaaS on GKE - a step by step guide](https://www.weave.works/blog/openfaas-gke) | Stefan Prodan | weave.works | 04-Dec-2017
| [Deploying OpenFaaS on Kubernetes - AWS](https://medium.com/@ericstoekl/deploying-openfaas-on-kubernetes-aws-259ec9515e3c) | Eric Stoekl | medium.com/ | 03-Dec-2017
| [Deploying OpenFaaS on Kubernetes - AWS](https://medium.com/@ericstoekl/deploying-openfaas-on-kubernetes-aws-259ec9515e3c) | Eric Stoekl | medium.com/ | 03-Dec-2017
| [Unleash the Artist within you with Docker, Tensorflow and OpenFaaS](http://jmkhael.io/unleash-the-artist-within-tensorflow-and-openfaas/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 22-Nov-2017
| [Unleash the Artist within you with Docker, Tensorflow and OpenFaaS](http://jmkhael.io/unleash-the-artist-within-tensorflow-and-openfaas/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 22-Nov-2017
| [How to Deploy OpenFaaS Serverless PHP Functions](http://blog.gaiterjones.com/how-to-deploy-open-faas-serverless-php-functions/) | Gaiter Jones | gaiterjones.com | 20-Nov-2017
| [How to Deploy OpenFaaS Serverless PHP Functions](http://blog.gaiterjones.com/how-to-deploy-open-faas-serverless-php-functions/) | Gaiter Jones | gaiterjones.com | 20-Nov-2017