@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ It would be great to hear from you especially if you have any of the above and w
| [The explosive growth of CNCF, what is Kubernetes and independent open source](https://blog.newrelic.com/engineering/observy-mcobservface-episode-no-2-alex-ellis/) | Observy McObservface | 29-07-2020 |
| [How OpenFaaS Found its groove with arm](https://www.worksonarm.com/blog/how-openfaas-found-its-groove-with-arm/) | WorksOnArm | 20-04-2020 |
| [POPCAST Episode 5 - Going independent and Cloud Native Open Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66mMC9w-dM4) | Popcast | 09-04-2020 |
| [Serverless, FaaS, and Kubernetes Tools with Alex Ellis of OpenFaaS DevOps and Docker Talk](https://podcast.bretfisher.com/episodes/serverless-faas-and-kubernetes-tools-with-alex-ellis-of-openfaas) | Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps Talk| 24-Apr-2020 |
| [Serverless Functions with Alex Ellis of OpenFaaS: DevOps and Docker Live Show (Ep 68)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zDvjIkMf9I) | Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps | 16-Jan-2020 |
| [Serverless, FaaS, and Kubernetes Tools with Alex Ellis of OpenFaaS DevOps and Docker Talk](https://podcast.bretfisher.com/episodes/serverless-faas-and-kubernetes-tools-with-alex-ellis-of-openfaas) | Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps Talk| 24-Apr-2020 |
| [Serverless Functions with Alex Ellis of OpenFaaS: DevOps and Docker Live Show (Ep 68)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zDvjIkMf9I) | Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps | 16-Jan-2020 |
| [Serverless and OpenFaas with Alex Ellis](https://hanselminutes.com/612/serverless-and-openfaas-with-alex-ellis) | The Hanselminutes Podcast | 29-Dec-2019 |
| [OpenFaaS Creator on Open Source’s Community-Funding Model](https://thenewstack.io/openfaas-creator-on-open-sources-community-funding-model/) | The New Stack | 11-Jul-2019 |
| [Running functions anywhere with OpenFaaS - featuring Alex Ellis](https://changelog.com/podcast/343) | The Changelog | 25-Apr-2019 |
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ It would be great to hear from you especially if you have any of the above and w
| [Cloud Native Tools for Developers with Alex Ellis and Alistair Hey](https://youtu.be/r4mEF8rtXWo) | Alex Ellis and Alistair Hey | 13-Mar-2019 |
| [Getting Beyond FaaS: The PLONK Stack for Kubernetes Developers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NckMekZXRt8) | Alex Ellis | 21-Nov-2019 |
| [OpenFaaS Cloud + Linkerd: A Secure, Multi-Tenant Serverless Platform](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD7hCwq3Gw0) | Charles Pretzer & Alex Ellis | 20-Nov-2019 |
| [How LivePerson is Tailoring its Conversational Platform Using OpenFaaS - ](https://youtu.be/bt06Z28uzPA) | Simon Pelczer & Ivana Yovcheva | 23-May-2019 |
| [How LivePerson is Tailoring its Conversational Platform Using OpenFaaS - ](https://youtu.be/bt06Z28uzPA) | Simon Pelczer & Ivana Yovcheva | 23-May-2019 |
| [OpenFaaS Community Call - December OpenFaaS is 3!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXnYx-wD4Zk) | Various | 18-Dec-2019 |
| [OpenFaaS Cloud in 100 seconds (ofc-bootstrap)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa1VBSfVpK0&index=21&list=PLlIapFDp305DiIRhJFNzMuJXoBnzKdtpi) | Alex Ellis | 31-Jan-2019 |
| [GOTO 2018, Serverless Beyond the Hype, Alex Ellis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOpYYYRuDQ0) | Alex Ellis | 30-Jan-2019 |
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ It would be great to hear from you especially if you have any of the above and w
| Blog/repo name and description | Author | Site | Date |
| [Personal Discovery Journey the FaaS-World: FaaSD and OpenFaaS](https://releasecandidate.dev/posts/2021/discovery-faasd-and-openfaas/) | Peter Thaleikis | releasecandidate.dev | 05-01-2021 |
| [How I discovered faas and what it changed for me](https://releasecandidate.dev/posts/2021/discovery-faasd-and-openfaas/) | Peter Thaleikis | releasecandidate.dev | 05-01-2021 |
### 2020
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ Postponed events for 2020
| [Get storage for your functions with Python and MongoDB](https://www.openfaas.com/blog/get-started-with-python-mongo/) | Alex Ellis | openfaas.com | 12-Feb-2020 |
| [Build a Serverless appliance with faasd](https://blog.alexellis.io/deploy-serverless-faasd-with-cloud-init/) | Alex Ellis | alexellis.io | 06-Feb-2020 |
| [Painless Serverless Development with Kubernetes, OpenFaaS and Okteto](https://www.openfaas.com/blog/painless-serverless-development/) | Ramiro Berrelleza | alexellis.io | 24-Jan-2020 |
| [Introduction to OpenFaaS: Serverless made accessible](https://www.objectif-libre.com/en/blog/2020/01/17/openfaas-made-accessible/) | Florian Davasse | www.objectif-libre.com | 17-Jan-2020|
| [Applying GitOps to OpenFaaS with Flux Helm Operator](https://www.openfaas.com/blog/openfaas-flux/) | Stefan Prodan | openfaas.com| 16-Jan-2020|