| [5 tips and tricks for the OpenFaaS CLI](https://www.openfaas.com/blog/five-cli-tips/) | Alex Ellis | openfaas.com | 21-Aug-2018 |
| [5 tips and tricks for the OpenFaaS CLI](https://www.openfaas.com/blog/five-cli-tips/) | Alex Ellis | openfaas.com | 21-Aug-2018 |
| [Multi-stage Serverless on Kubernetes with OpenFaaS and GKE](https://www.openfaas.com/blog/gke-multi-stage/) | Stefan Prodan | openfaas.com | 14-Aug-2018 |
| [Multi-stage Serverless on Kubernetes with OpenFaaS and GKE](https://www.openfaas.com/blog/gke-multi-stage/) | Stefan Prodan | openfaas.com | 14-Aug-2018 |
| [Managing state for Serverless Functions with Minio](https://blog.lapw.at/stateful-serverless-stack-openfaas-minio/) | Quentin Lapointe | lapw.at | 16-Aug-2018 |
| [Managing state for Serverless Functions with Minio](https://blog.lapw.at/stateful-serverless-stack-openfaas-minio/) | Quentin Lapointe | lapw.at | 16-Aug-2018 |