| [Serverlessconf Tokyo 2018 Contributor Day](https://serverless.connpass.com/event/103404/) | Ken Fukuyama | Tokyo, JP | 13-Oct-2018 |
| [DevOpenSpace - Mühelos Serverless mit GitOps](https://github.com/fpommerening/DevOpenSpace2018) | Frank Pommerening | Leipzig, Germany | 12-Oct-2018 |
| [ScotlandPHP - Starting your Serverless Journey with OpenFaaS](https://conference.scotlandphp.co.uk/) | John McCabe | Edinburgh, Scotland | 6-Oct-2018 |
| [VMUG Ireland - Serverless, OpenFaaS and GitOps on Kubernetes](https://community.vmug.com/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=081889a6-3ea0-451b-b5df-e3985fbe8256&CommunityKey=8c80c6de-4f79-4717-b7d1-55a43ba44624) | John McCabe | Dublin, Ireland | 4-Oct-2018 |
| [Serverlessconf Tokyo 2018 OpenFaaS Workshop](http://tokyo.serverlessconf.io/workshops.html) | Ken Fukuyama | Tokyo, JP | 28-Sep-2018 |
| [Building Cloud-Native Apps - FaaS: The Swiss Army Knife of Cloud Native](https://www.meetup.com/Cloud_Native_Meetup/events/254232936/) | James McAfee | Sydney, Australia | 12-Sep-2018 |
| [ John Callaway: .NET Core on a Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker and OpenFaaS](https://secure.meetup.com/register/?ctx=ref) | John Callaway | Orlando, FL, USA |16-Aug-2018 |