| [Serverless Functions Frameworks : OpenFaaS e Fn Project](https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Computing-Belo-Horizonte/events/262637344/) | Paulo Alberto Simoes | Belo Horizonte, Brazil | 04-Jul-2019 |
| [Serverless Functions Frameworks : OpenFaaS Day](https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Computing-Belo-Horizonte/events/262637344/) | Paulo Alberto Simoes | Belo Horizonte, Brazil | 04-Jul-2019 |
| [ContainerDays EU: Kubernetes and AWS Lambda can play nicely together with OpenFaaS](https://www.containerdays.io/program/) | Edward Wilde | ContainerDays | 25-June-2019 |
| [Blockchain as a Service at Scale](https://devweeksea2019.sched.com/event/PVpz) | Dean Shelton | Seattle, USA | 31-May-2019 |
| [OpenFaaS - mit Docker einfach Serverless](https://www.xing.com/events/openfaas-docker-einfach-serverless-2104708) | Frank Pommerening | Ratingen, Germany | 29-May-2019 |