| [Serverless Functions with Alex Ellis of OpenFaaS: DevOps and Docker Live Show (Ep 68)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zDvjIkMf9I) | Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps | 16-Jan-2020 |
| [OpenFaaS Creator on Open Source’s Community-Funding Model](https://thenewstack.io/openfaas-creator-on-open-sources-community-funding-model/) | The New Stack | 11-Jul-2019 |
| [Running functions anywhere with OpenFaaS - featuring Alex Ellis](https://changelog.com/podcast/343) | The Changelog | 25-Apr-2019 |
| [Episode 022 – OpenFaaS with Docker Captain](https://changelog.com/podcast/343) | The 6 Figure Developer Podcast | 15-Jan-2018 |
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