| [Create a Morse Code serverless FaaS function in Quick Basic](http://jmkhael.io/code-a-morse-serverless-function-in-quick-basic-with-faas-and-docker/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 8 May 2017 |
| ["Serverless"? On my own servers?](http://jmkhael.io/serverless-and-on-my-own-servers/) | Johnny Mkhael | jmkhael.io | 4 May 2017 |
[Ship Serverless Functions to your Docker Swarm with FaaS](https://finnian.io/blog/ship-serverless-functions-to-your-docker-swarm-with-faas/) | Finnian Anderson | finnian.io | 2 May 2017 |
| [Serverless for private clouds](https://medium.com/@pfernandom/serverless-for-private-clouds-or-managing-the-server-for-a-serverless-app-f9321e45a910) | Pedro Fernando Marquez Soto | medium.com | 30-Apr-2017 |
| [O’Reilly Systems Engineering and Operations newsletter](http://post.oreilly.com/form/oreilly/viewhtml/9z1zlu60fomtoiq41cigtigddvnejvh4vjjfm0i1sh8) | O'Reilly | oreilly.com | 11-Apr-2017 |
| [Test Driving Docker Functions as a Service (FaaS)](https://www.brianchristner.io/test-driving-docker-function-as-a-service-faas/) | Brian Christner | brianchristner.io | 10-Apr-2017 |
| [[cncf-toc] The Cloud-Nativity of Serverless](https://lists.cncf.io/pipermail/cncf-toc/2017-March/000781.html) | CNCF mailing-list | cncf.io | 31-May 2017