| [Managing state for Serverless Functions with Minio](https://blog.lapw.at/stateful-serverless-stack-openfaas-minio/) | Quentin Lapointe | lapw.at | 16-Aug-2018 |
| [Monitor Arista Cloud vision network devices with OpenFaaS](https://github.com/burnyd/cvp-serverless-openfaas) | Daniel Hertzberg | github.com | 13-Aug-2018 |
| [Serverless email sender using OpenFaaS and .NET Core](https://medium.com/@paulius.juozelskis/serverless-email-sender-using-openfaas-and-net-core-afdef152359) | Paulius Juozelskis | medium.com | 13-Aug-2018 |
| [VMware CodeHouse: A Great Insight into the Future of Software Engineering](https://blogs.vmware.com/opensource/2018/08/07/vmware-codehouse-empowers-women/) | Jonas Rosland | blogs.vmware.com | 7-Aug-2018 |
| [How to run Rust in OpenFaaS](https://booyaa.wtf/2018/run-rust-in-openfaas/) | Mark Sta Ana | booyaa.wtf | 4-Aug-2018 |