| [Docker and serverless: meetup](https://events.docker.com/events/details/docker-randstad-presents-docker-and-serverless/#/) | Edward Wilde | Utrecht, Netherlands | 24-Jan-2019 |
| [Serverless Architecture Conf: OpenFaaS - Keeping Serverless Simple](https://serverless-architecture.io/serverless-platforms-technology) | John McCabe | The Hague, Netherlands | 9-Apr-2019 |
| [Jax - Serverless and Functions as a Service mit Java, Docker und OpenFaaS](https://jax.de/cloud-container-serverless/serverless-und-functions-as-a-service-mit-java-docker-und-openfaas/) | Dr. Halil-Cem Gürsoy | Mainz, Germany | 6-May-2019 |
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| Event name and description | Speaker | Location | Date |
| [Serverless, KubeCon and Kubernetes the easy way](https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Computing-Paris/events/257113168/) | Edward Wilde | Paris | 19-Dec-2018 |
| [KubeCon + CloudNativeCon: Digital Transformation of Vision Banco Paraguay with Serverless Functions](https://sched.co/GraO) | Alex Ellis & Patricio Diaz | Seattle, WA | 13-Dec-2018 |
| [Serverless com OpenFaaS e PHP @ PHP Conference Brazil](https://phpconference.com.br) | Fernando Silva | Porto Alegre, BR | 07-Dec-2018 |