*[Dragonchain](https://dragonchain.com/) - "At Dragonchain, we focus on creating a hybrid blockchain-as-a-service product, with integrations of OpenFaaS as our 'smart contract' platform, to be able to automatically run customer code based on interactions that occur on the blockchain. This allows us to be extremely flexible, as customers only have to create a docker container and give it to us in order to create a 'smart contract' which can have deep integrations with our blockchain itself.". Blog: [Dragonchain & OpenFaaS](https://dragonchain.com/blog/blockchain-as-a-service-at-scale-for-enterprise)
*[Edgedelta](https://www.edgedelta.com/) - "OpenFaaS powers parts of the "edge observability platform"
*[Edge Delta](https://www.edgedelta.com/) - "OpenFaaS powers parts of the "edge observability platform"
*[First Baptist Church Carrollton](https://www.fbcc.us) - "We use faasd as the backend for a Slack bot connected to our internal Slack workspace. The bot was initially created to facilitate remote question and answer sessions at our church by allowing viewers of our live stream to text or email questions in, have a staff member ask their question in the room, and then allow the staff member to send a response back to the sender. The texting is facilitated by Twilio while the email is done by interacting with a Gmail account via IMAP and SMTP."
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*[GMO Internet](https://www.gmo.jp/en/)
*[HPE](https://www.hpe.com/) - HPE Ezmeral is a purpose-built, hybrid cloud platform for data science and analytics workloads.
*[HM Planning Inspectorate](http://www.planninginspectorate.gov.uk) - HM Planning Inspectorate is the UK Government body responsible for dealing with planning appeals, national infrastructure planning applications, examinations of local plans and other specialist casework in England and Wales. OpenFaaS eased the communication between the new planning appeals website and the monolithic back-office application and allowed easy retries in the event of network failure.
*[Iconscout](https://iconscout.com) - e-commerce site for stock photography and icons. OpenFaaS is used to resize images and to bundle assets for customers.
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*[Traversals](https://traversals.com/) - At Traversals, we use OpenFaaS for processing of incoming data. We take benefit from various programming languages available in OpenFaaS.
*[T-Mobile](https://www.t-mobile.com/) - T-Mobile is a global mobile network that provides mobile data, voice and text services to consumers and businesses.
*[UStore](http://ustore.com.br/) - "We're using OpenFaaS in production"
*[Very Good Security](https://www.verygoodsecurity.com) - VGS uses OpenFaaS to build a solid foundation for the development, deployment, and execution of custom logic on customer payloads as part of their secure compute platform.