> Note: The best place to start is the README file in the faas or faas-netes repo.
This guide is for deployment to a vanilla Kubernetes 1.8 cluster running on Linux hosts.
## Kubernetes
OpenFaaS is Kubernetes-native and uses *Deployments* and *Services*. For more detail check out the ["faas-netes" repository](https://github.com/openfaas/faas-netes).
OpenFaaS is Kubernetes-native and uses *Deployments*, *Service*s and *Secret*s. For more detail check out the ["faas-netes" repository](https://github.com/openfaas/faas-netes).
> For deploying on a cloud that supports Kubernetes *LoadBalancers* you may also want to apply the configuration in: `cloud/lb.yml`.
### Build a cluster
### 1.0 Build a cluster
You can start evaluating FaaS and building functions on your laptop or on a VM (cloud or on-prem).
*[10 minute guides for minikube / kubeadm](https://blog.alexellis.io/tag/k8s/)
*[10 minute guides for minikube / kubeadm](https://blog.alexellis.io/tag/learn-k8s/)