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FaaS Community

Welcome to the FaaS community page where you can find:

  • Events
  • Blog posts and write-ups
  • Repos - projects / samples / use cases

It would be great to hear from you espcially if you have any of the above and want to share it with the rest of the community. Pull Request or submit a Github Issue.

Events 2017

Event name and description Speaker Location Date
Zero to Serverless in 60 secs - Open Source Summit North America Alex Ellis LA, USA 11-14 Sept 2017
From Zero to Serverless with FaaS - Fusion meet-up Alex Ellis Birmingham, UK 20 June 2017
TechXLR8 - XLR8 your cloud with Docker and Serverless FaaS Alex Ellis London, UK 13-June-2017
Whaleless! (slides) Amir Chaudhry GlueCon, CO 26-May-2017
MakerShift: Build Your own Serverless functions w/ FaaS Austin Frey Harrisburg, PA 6-May-2017
Dockercon closing keynote - Cool Hacks Alex Ellis Dockercon, Austin 20-April-2017
TechLancaster Austin Frey Lancaster, PA 18-April-2017
ETH Polymese Brian Christner Zürich 4-April-2017
Operationalizing Containers Brian Christner Zürich 5-April-2017
FaaS on Hacker News Alex Ellis Online 22-Mar-2017

Blog posts and write-ups

Blog/repo name and description Author Site Date
Old and new - ASCII art and serverless Johnny Mkhael 29-Jun-2017
Sysdig newsletter Sysdig 28-Jun-2017
Ship Serverless FaaS functions with ease Alex Ellis 25-Jun-2017
Functions as a Service - deploying functions to Docker Swarm via CLI Finnian Anderson 18 May 2017
Create a Morse Code serverless FaaS function in Quick Basic Johnny Mkhael 8 May 2017
"Serverless"? On my own servers? Johnny Mkhael 4 May 2017
Ship Serverless Functions to your Docker Swarm with FaaS Finnian Anderson 2 May 2017
Docker + Serverless = FaaS (Functions As A Service) Luke Angel 28-Apr-2017
Serverless for private clouds Pedro Fernando Marquez Soto 30-Apr-2017
O’Reilly Systems Engineering and Operations newsletter O'Reilly 11-Apr-2017
Test Driving Docker Functions as a Service (FaaS) Brian Christner 10-Apr-2017
[cncf-toc] The Cloud-Nativity of Serverless CNCF mailing-list 31-May 2017
Open source project uses Docker for serverless computing Serdar Yegulalp 27-Mar-2017
Docker-awesome curated projects Julien Bisconti 23-Mar-2017
Functions as a Service (FaaS) in French Alex Ellis 13-Jan-2017
Functions as a Service (FaaS) Alex Ellis 4-Jan-2017

Repos - projects / samples / use cases

Project name and description Author Site Date
Twitter, Elastic Search and Alexa stack of functions Alex Ellis 24-Apr-2017
Dockercon FaaS demos including Alexa/Github Alex Ellis 14-Apr-2017
Docker Birthday voting app ported to FaaS Alex Ellis 14-Apr-2017
Github-Airtable Bug Tracker integration Austin Frey 10-April-2017
Github - ascii art generator Finnian Anderson developius/faas-node-ascii 17-April-2017
Github - URL Shortener Finnian Anderson developius/faas-node-url-shortener 19-April-2017
Github - fibonacci numbers up to N Finnian Anderson developius/faas-python-fib/ 19-April-2017