ExpOCR Terms and Privacy Policy
This document is used to inform users that ExpOCR derives from course project in UIUC and is currently under beta-testing. Transactions records in this application represents informal financial communications. Though ExpOCR has lived through small-scale alpha test by developers, please contact us if you find anything inappropriate or not working well. We are always trying to offer best support to you, and are pleasant to hear from you about any suggestions about this app or the project. We will modify this terms and privacy policy for ExpOCR regularly and post it on this document in project gitlab page in the near future. Here follows basics for Privacy Policy and terms of use.
Privacy Policy Basics
- We won't sell or give away your email address or any other personal records in any way. The password is encryptedly stored in database, thus no one knows your password except yourself.
- Your transactions histories are only used to provide you with summaries and trends of past transactions.
- We won't tamper your email address, password or any other personal records unless with your demand and permission.
- Once you delete a friend, group or a transaction in ExpOCR, all the related transactions (between friends, within groups) will be deleted and will not be hold up at any place.
- Literally, every user can only see transactions he/she is involved in. We will keep refining ExpOCR to prevent your personal records from viewed or tampered by others (other users, 3rd parties).
- ExpOCR request your android phone of permission to use camera. Camera will only be used when you try to take a photo of receipt and send into to OCR server for text recognition, or when you choose to change your avatar by taking a new photo.
- OCR support in ExpOCR is provided by Computer Vision API of Microsoft Cognitive Services. Photos of receipt uploaded by users will be stored in our server for later processing (including machine learning) to improve accuracy of recognized receipt texts. As the photos of receipts are eventually sent to be processed by Microsoft OCR API, we provide no guarantee of types of processing the Microsoft OCR API will do on your receipt photos.
- ExpOCR also requests from your android phone of permissions to read your contacts. This is to convenient suggestions in ExpOCR of new friends to add. Your contact information will only be used at android app for new friend suggestions, and will not be stored in server or be given to any others.
- If you live outside the US, you should notice that all your personal records are stored on servers in US and are regulated under US laws.
Basic terms of use
- Description: ExpOCR is a free application designed to help you record transactions between friends and within groups. It also utilize user transaction histories to offer summary or trends of transactions in a specific period.
- Informal financial records: Transactions show in ExpOCR are added by users and only records financial communications between users, which are not supposed to be used as proofs of debts or payments.
- Conditions of use: By installing ExpOCR, users agree to only use the app for personal financial recording purpose, and will not use ExpOCR in financial communications with great commercial/political amounts, or any illegal operations.
- Authenticity: ExpOCR provides no guarantee of the reliability of inter-personal transactions. Users are responsible to keep their transactions records compliant among related users, and needs personal negotiation when encountering inconsistency of financial records among multiple users.
- Termination and Refusal of Service: Your access to personal records in ExpOCR may be temporarily stalled due to server maintenance or unknonw network error. Your access to your account may also be terminated at any time at ExpOCR's discretion.
- Modifications to the Agreement: You agree that ExpOCR may modify this agreement at any time.
- Entire agreement: These terms basics represent entire agreement between you and ExpOCR currently, which will be refined periodically.
For any problems and suggestions towards ExpOCR or this Privacy Policy, please contact us via email expocr428@gmail.com. Thank you.