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  • SegmentedLG
  • master default protected
  • noCADMesh
3 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.04May330Apr282625222119151476531Mar292523109824Feb2323Dec26May18523Apr28Mar2320616Jan4Nov26Sep5330Aug28262215141231Jul3026Re-enabled CADmodel macro commandmastermasterSwitched parabolic reflector back to original geometry.Third test of secondary refelctors; new geometry.Second test of secondary reflectors; new geometry.Test of new parabolic reflector design w/secondary reflectors.Changed hist.mac distribution such that the integral of the GPS light output is normalized to untiy.Adjusted size of photodiode SD & size of GPS.Set photodiode SD to kill all photons that touch it.Removed LED placeholder from .stl to prevent interferences w/GPS output.Re-seized & re-positioned photodioded SD.Added solid LED part back into LED-GMS-light-guide.stl and added height to the isolating walls surrounding the light guide entrance at the top of the detector.Fixed scaling issue w/hist.mac & re-sized GPS (LED) in beam.mac.Added tertiary intermediate SD above the parabolic refelctor, in order to account for photons that artificially escape through the photodiode gap then ricochet directly back downwards off of the roof of the RPD.Fixed issue w/orientation of GPS in beam.mac + fixed new overlap in due to new wall in .stl model.Added buffer/reflector into light guide CAD model to prevetnphotons from becoming trapped between the PCB & the RPD front cover.Removed extraneous features from light guide STL model.Adjustments to LED GMS light guide STL file. Adjustments to beam.mac to remove x-asymmetry of photon distribution seen in IntSD1.Attempted to fix empty IntSD #2 issue.Updated light guide CAD model (.stl) with adjustments to parabolic reflector. Also adjusted position of GPS in beam.mac.Modified hist & beam macros to incorporate realistic LED theta-distribution from datasheet.Re-inserted fibers - removing them did not improve efficiency.Temporarily removed fiber definition & placement from to test whether this improves light guide efficiency (i.e. LG is now 100% air).Repositioned GPS plane (LED) to correct location w.r.t. updated parabolic reflector.Merge branch 'master' of .stl file for LED system light guide: added parameterized parabolic reflector model + accurate representation of the SMD LED we will use.Updated beam.mac: GPS geometry set to match newly selected SMD LED.Fixed overlaps of intermediate SDs w/the light guide structure. Re-sized SDs & better aligned upper SD (#1) with the fiber array.Resized intermediate SDs for overlap testing; has to push to rebuild on differet machine (UI does not run on lab desktop).Added check to only record photons with negative y momentum in intermediate SDsAdded nTuple numbers to create nTuple column callsFixed error w/CHECK_OVERLAPS flag(s) added to intermediate sensitive detectors (flag was not declared in scope).Set CHECK_OVERLAPS flag to 'true' & added CHECK_OVERLAPS flag to placement commands of all three sensitive detectors.Merge branch 'master' of intermediate detector #2, set CHECK_OVERLAPS flag to 'true'.Merge branch 'master' of G4GDMLEdits to LED system ligth guide: removed fibeer support-strcture card & extraneous Al walls.Cleared vectors for each eventAdded loop over all nTuples to add rows. Reduced interval on event number print statements.Reduced SD thicknesses to avoid counting bounces off light guide walls adjacent to the SD