Forked from
Chad Lantz / zdcLG
This fork has diverged from the upstream repository.
PhysicsList.hh 3.27 KiB
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/// \file /include/PhysicsList.hh
/// \brief Definition of the PhysicsList class
#ifndef PhysicsList_h
#define PhysicsList_h 1
#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4VUserPhysicsList.hh"
class PhysicsListMessenger;
class G4Cerenkov;
class G4Scintillation;
class G4OpAbsorption;
class G4OpRayleigh;
class G4OpMieHG;
class G4OpBoundaryProcess;
class PhysicsList : public G4VUserPhysicsList
virtual ~PhysicsList();
virtual void ConstructParticle();
virtual void ConstructProcess();
virtual void SetCuts();
//these methods Construct physics processes and register them
void ConstructDecay();
void ConstructEM();
void ConstructOp();
//for the Messenger
void SetVerbose(G4int);
void SetNbOfPhotonsCerenkov(G4int);
PhysicsListMessenger* fMessenger;
static G4ThreadLocal G4int fVerboseLevel;
static G4ThreadLocal G4int fMaxNumPhotonStep;
static G4ThreadLocal G4Cerenkov* fCerenkovProcess;
static G4ThreadLocal G4Scintillation* fScintillationProcess;
static G4ThreadLocal G4OpAbsorption* fAbsorptionProcess;
static G4ThreadLocal G4OpRayleigh* fRayleighScatteringProcess;
static G4ThreadLocal G4OpMieHG* fMieHGScatteringProcess;
static G4ThreadLocal G4OpBoundaryProcess* fBoundaryProcess;
#endif /* PhysicsList_h */