# Macro file for lightGuide
# To be run preferably in batch, without graphics:
# Initialize kernel
/control/verbose 0
/run/verbose 0
/run/printProgress 0
/tracking/verbose 0
/run/particle/verbose 0
/hits/verbose 0
#Lightguide selection and properties can be set with geom.mac
/control/execute geom.mac
#Uncomment to generate events from ASCII file, set the file path here.
#make sure to set beamOn # to the number of events contained in the ASCII file (Have to figure out how to automatically handle this)
/Input/FileName test.txt
#Uncomment to use gps style of setting the beam profile
#/control/execute beam.mac
#set number of photons per event
#/gps/number 10
# number of events
/run/beamOn 10