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Josh Rosen authored
This patch significantly refactors CatalystTypeConverters to both clean up the code and enable these conversions to work with future Project Tungsten features.

At a high level, I've reorganized the code so that all functions dealing with the same type are grouped together into type-specific subclasses of `CatalystTypeConveter`.  In addition, I've added new methods that allow the Catalyst Row -> Scala Row conversions to access the Catalyst row's fields through type-specific `getTYPE()` methods rather than the generic `get()` / `Row.apply` methods.  This refactoring is a blocker to being able to unit test new operators that I'm developing as part of Project Tungsten, since those operators may output `UnsafeRow` instances which don't support the generic `get()`.

The stricter type usage of types here has uncovered some bugs in other parts of Spark SQL:

- #6217: DescribeCommand is assigned wrong output attributes in SparkStrategies
- #6218: DataFrame.describe() should cast all aggregates to String
- #6400: Use output schema, not relation schema, for data source input conversion

Spark SQL current has undefined behavior for what happens when you try to create a DataFrame from user-specified rows whose values don't match the declared schema.  According to the `createDataFrame()` Scaladoc:

>  It is important to make sure that the structure of every [[Row]] of the provided RDD matches the provided schema. Otherwise, there will be runtime exception.

Given this, it sounds like it's technically not a break of our API contract to fail-fast when the data types don't match. However, there appear to be many cases where we don't fail even though the types don't match. For example, `JavaHashingTFSuite.hasingTF` passes a column of integers values for a "label" column which is supposed to contain floats.  This column isn't actually read or modified as part of query processing, so its actual concrete type doesn't seem to matter. In other cases, there could be situations where we have generic numeric aggregates that tolerate being called with different numeric types than the schema specified, but this can be okay due to numeric conversions.

In the long run, we will probably want to come up with precise semantics for implicit type conversions / widening when converting Java / Scala rows to Catalyst rows.  Until then, though, I think that failing fast with a ClassCastException is a reasonable behavior; this is the approach taken in this patch.  Note that certain optimizations in the inbound conversion functions for primitive types mean that we'll probably preserve the old undefined behavior in a majority of cases.

Author: Josh Rosen <>

Closes #6222 from JoshRosen/catalyst-converters-refactoring and squashes the following commits:

740341b [Josh Rosen] Optimize method dispatch for primitive type conversions
befc613 [Josh Rosen] Add tests to document Option-handling behavior.
5989593 [Josh Rosen] Use new SparkFunSuite base in CatalystTypeConvertersSuite
6edf7f8 [Josh Rosen] Re-add convertToScala(), since a Hive test still needs it
3f7b2d8 [Josh Rosen] Initialize converters lazily so that the attributes are resolved first
6ad0ebb [Josh Rosen] Fix JavaHashingTFSuite ClassCastException
677ff27 [Josh Rosen] Fix null handling bug; add tests.
8033d4c [Josh Rosen] Fix serialization error in UserDefinedGenerator.
85bba9d [Josh Rosen] Fix wrong input data in InMemoryColumnarQuerySuite
9c0e4e1 [Josh Rosen] Remove last use of convertToScala().
ae3278d [Josh Rosen] Throw ClassCastException errors during inbound conversions.
7ca7fcb [Josh Rosen] Comments and cleanup
1e87a45 [Josh Rosen] WIP refactoring of CatalystTypeConverters
Name Last commit Last update

Spark SQL

This module provides support for executing relational queries expressed in either SQL or a LINQ-like Scala DSL.

Spark SQL is broken up into four subprojects:

  • Catalyst (sql/catalyst) - An implementation-agnostic framework for manipulating trees of relational operators and expressions.
  • Execution (sql/core) - A query planner / execution engine for translating Catalyst’s logical query plans into Spark RDDs. This component also includes a new public interface, SQLContext, that allows users to execute SQL or LINQ statements against existing RDDs and Parquet files.
  • Hive Support (sql/hive) - Includes an extension of SQLContext called HiveContext that allows users to write queries using a subset of HiveQL and access data from a Hive Metastore using Hive SerDes. There are also wrappers that allows users to run queries that include Hive UDFs, UDAFs, and UDTFs.
  • HiveServer and CLI support (sql/hive-thriftserver) - Includes support for the SQL CLI (bin/spark-sql) and a HiveServer2 (for JDBC/ODBC) compatible server.

Other dependencies for developers

In order to create new hive test cases (i.e. a test suite based on HiveComparisonTest), you will need to setup your development environment based on the following instructions.

If you are working with Hive 0.12.0, you will need to set several environmental variables as follows.

export HIVE_HOME="<path to>/hive/build/dist"
export HIVE_DEV_HOME="<path to>/hive/"
export HADOOP_HOME="<path to>/hadoop-1.0.4"

If you are working with Hive 0.13.1, the following steps are needed:

  1. Download Hive's 0.13.1 and set HIVE_HOME with export HIVE_HOME="<path to hive>". Please do not set HIVE_DEV_HOME (See SPARK-4119).
  2. Set HADOOP_HOME with export HADOOP_HOME="<path to hadoop>"
  3. Download all Hive 0.13.1a jars (Hive jars actually used by Spark) from here and replace corresponding original 0.13.1 jars in $HIVE_HOME/lib.
  4. Download Kryo 2.21 jar (Note: 2.22 jar does not work) and Javolution 5.5.1 jar to $HIVE_HOME/lib.
  5. This step is optional. But, when generating golden answer files, if a Hive query fails and you find that Hive tries to talk to HDFS or you find weird runtime NPEs, set the following in your test suite...
val testTempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
// We have to use kryo to let Hive correctly serialize some plans.
sql("set hive.plan.serialization.format=kryo")
// Explicitly set fs to local fs.
// Ask Hive to run jobs in-process as a single map and reduce task.
sql("set mapred.job.tracker=local")

Using the console

An interactive scala console can be invoked by running build/sbt hive/console. From here you can execute queries with HiveQl and manipulate DataFrame by using DSL.

catalyst$ build/sbt hive/console

[info] Starting scala interpreter...
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive._
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHive._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> val query = sql("SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM src) a")
query: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame@74448eed

Query results are DataFrames and can be operated as such.

scala> query.collect()
res2: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([238,val_238], [86,val_86], [311,val_311], [27,val_27]...

You can also build further queries on top of these DataFrames using the query DSL.

scala> query.where(query("key") > 30).select(avg(query("key"))).collect()
res3: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([274.79025423728814])