This is an assembly module for Spark project. It creates a single tar.gz file that includes all needed dependency of the project except for org.apache.hadoop.* jars that are supposed to be available from the deployed Hadoop cluster. This module is off by default. To activate it specify the profile in the command line -Pbigtop-dist If you need to build an assembly for a different version of Hadoop the hadoop-version system property needs to be set as in this example: -Dhadoop.version=2.0.6-alpha
Elmer Garduno
Fixes problems with incorrect method signatures related to shaded classes. For discussion see the jira issue. Author: Elmer Garduno <> Closes #3874 from elmer-garduno/fix_guava_signatures and squashes the following commits: aa5d8e0 [Elmer Garduno] Unshade common/base[Function|Supplier] classes to fix guava methods signatures.