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  • baesline-eviction-with-logging
  • evict-by-size
  • master default protected
  • working
  • v2.3.0
  • v2.3.0-rc4
  • v2.3.0-rc3
  • v2.3.0-rc2
  • v2.3.0-rc1
  • v2.2.1
  • v2.2.1-rc2
  • v2.2.1-rc1
  • v2.1.2
  • v2.1.2-rc4
  • v2.1.2-rc3
  • v2.1.2-rc2
  • v2.1.2-rc1
  • v2.2.0
  • v2.1.1
  • v2.1.0
  • v2.0.2
  • v1.6.3
  • v2.0.1
  • v2.0.0
24 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Aug543212131Jul303130292827262524232120191817181715141312111091098987878767676545432130Jun1Jul30Jun2930293029282928292827282726252423242322212221201920191819181615161516141514151413141312131213121112111098765432131May[SPARK-21574][SQL] Point out user to set hive config before SparkSession is initialized[SPARKR][BUILD] AppVeyor change to latest R version[SPARK-21588][SQL] SQLContext.getConf(key, null) should return null[SPARK-21588][SQL] SQLContext.getConf(key, null) should return null[SPARK-21588][SQL] SQLContext.getConf(key, null) should return null[SPARK-20963][SQL] Support column aliases for join relations in FROM clause[SPARK-21637][SPARK-21451][SQL] get `spark.hadoop.*` properties from sysProps to hiveconf[SPARK-21640] Add errorifexists as a valid string for ErrorIfExists save mode[SPARK-21485][FOLLOWUP][SQL][DOCS] Describes examples and arguments separately, and note/since in SQL built-in function documentation[INFRA] Close stale PRs[SPARK-21580][SQL] Integers in aggregation expressions are wrongly taken as group-by ordinal[SPARK-21580][SQL] Integers in aggregation expressions are wrongly taken as group-by ordinal[SPARK-21374][CORE] Fix reading globbed paths from S3 into DF with disabled FS cache[SPARK-21634][SQL] Change OneRowRelation from a case object to case class[SPARK-21205][SQL] pmod(number, 0) should be null.[SPARK-21633][ML][PYTHON] UnaryTransformer in Python[SPARK-21330][SQL] Bad partitioning does not allow to read a JDBC table with extreme values on the partition column[SPARK-21330][SQL] Bad partitioning does not allow to read a JDBC table with extreme values on the partition column[SPARK-21330][SQL] Bad partitioning does not allow to read a JDBC table with extreme values on the partition column[SPARK-21254][WEBUI] History UI performance fixesFix Java SimpleApp spark applicationFix Java SimpleApp spark application[SPARK-20713][SPARK CORE] Convert CommitDenied to TaskKilled.[SPARK-21599][SQL] Collecting column statistics for datasource tables may fail with java.util.NoSuchElementException[SPARK-21602][R] Add map_keys and map_values functions to R[SPARK-21605][BUILD] Let IntelliJ IDEA correctly detect Language level and Target byte code version[SPARK-21611][SQL] Error class name for log in several classes.[SPARK-21604][SQL] if the object extends Logging, i suggest to remove the var LOG which is useless.[SPARK-21615][ML][MLLIB][DOCS] Fix broken redirect in collaborative filtering docs to databricks training repo[SPARK-12717][PYTHON][BRANCH-2.1] Adding thread-safe broadcast pickle registry[SPARK-12717][PYTHON][BRANCH-2.2] Adding thread-safe broadcast pickle registry[SPARK-21546][SS] dropDuplicates should ignore watermark when it's not a key[SPARK-21546][SS] dropDuplicates should ignore watermark when it's not a key[SPARK-21490][CORE] Make sure SparkLauncher redirects needed streams.[SPARK-21597][SS] Fix a potential overflow issue in EventTimeStats[SPARK-21597][SS] Fix a potential overflow issue in EventTimeStats[SPARK-20601][ML] Python API for Constrained Logistic Regression[SPARK-21578][CORE] Add JavaSparkContextSuite[CORE][MINOR] Improve the error message of checkpoint RDD verification[SPARK-12717][PYTHON] Adding thread-safe broadcast pickle registry