- Aug 07, 2014
Sean Owen authored
.. and use canonical repo1.maven.org Maven Central repo. (And make sure snapshots are disabled for plugins from Maven Central.) Author: Sean Owen <srowen@gmail.com> Closes #1828 from srowen/SPARK-2879.2 and squashes the following commits: 639f495 [Sean Owen] .. and use canonical repo1.maven.org Maven Central repo. (And make sure snapshots are disabled for plugins from Maven Central.)
Joseph K. Bradley authored
Added 6 static train methods to match Python API, but without default arguments (but with Python default args noted in docs). Added factory classes for Algo and Impurity, but made private[mllib]. CC: mengxr dorx Please let me know if there are other changes which would help with API consistency---thanks! Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph.kurata.bradley@gmail.com> Closes #1798 from jkbradley/dt-python-consistency and squashes the following commits: 6f7edf8 [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into dt-python-consistency a0d7dbe [Joseph K. Bradley] DecisionTree: In Java-friendly train* methods, changed to use JavaRDD instead of RDD. ee1d236 [Joseph K. Bradley] DecisionTree API updates: * Removed train() function in Python API (tree.py) ** Removed corresponding function in Scala/Java API (the ones taking basic types) 00f820e [Joseph K. Bradley] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into dt-python-consistency fe6dbfa [Joseph K. Bradley] removed unnecessary imports e358661 [Joseph K. Bradley] DecisionTree API change: * Added 6 static train methods to match Python API, but without default arguments (but with Python default args noted in docs). c699850 [Joseph K. Bradley] a few doc comments eaf84c0 [Joseph K. Bradley] Added DecisionTree static train() methods API to match Python, but without default parameters
- Aug 06, 2014
Davies Liu authored
fix bug of countApproxDistinct() when have more than one partition Author: Davies Liu <davies.liu@gmail.com> Closes #1812 from davies/approx and squashes the following commits: bf757ce [Davies Liu] fix bug of countApproxDistinct() when have more than one partition
Patrick Wendell authored
Sean Owen authored
Maven Central has just now enabled HTTPS access for everyone to Maven Central (http://central.sonatype.org/articles/2014/Aug/03/https-support-launching-now/) This is timely, as a reminder of how easily an attacker can slip malicious code into a build that's downloading artifacts over HTTP (http://blog.ontoillogical.com/blog/2014/07/28/how-to-take-over-any-java-developer/). In the meantime, it looks like the Spring repo also now supports HTTPS, so can be used this way too. I propose to use HTTPS to access these repos. Author: Sean Owen <srowen@gmail.com> Closes #1805 from srowen/SPARK-2879 and squashes the following commits: 7043a8e [Sean Owen] Use HTTPS for Maven Central libs and plugins; use id 'central' to override parent properly; use HTTPS for Spring repo
Kousuke Saruta authored
This patch modifies the ConnectionManager so that error messages are sent in reply when uncaught exceptions occur during message processing. This prevents message senders from hanging while waiting for an acknowledgment if the remote message processing failed. This is an updated version of sarutak's PR, #1490. The main change is to use Futures / Promises to signal errors. Author: Kousuke Saruta <sarutak@oss.nttdata.co.jp> Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@apache.org> Closes #1758 from JoshRosen/connection-manager-fixes and squashes the following commits: 68620cb [Josh Rosen] Fix test in BlockFetcherIteratorSuite: 83673de [Josh Rosen] Error ACKs should trigger IOExceptions, so catch only those exceptions in the test. b8bb4d4 [Josh Rosen] Fix manager.id vs managerServer.id typo that broke security tests. 659521f [Josh Rosen] Include previous exception when throwing new one a2f745c [Josh Rosen] Remove sendMessageReliablySync; callers can wait themselves. c01c450 [Josh Rosen] Return Try[Message] from sendMessageReliablySync. f1cd1bb [Josh Rosen] Clean up @sarutak's PR #1490 for [SPARK-2583]: ConnectionManager error reporting 7399c6b [Josh Rosen] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/1490' into connection-manager-fixes ee91bb7 [Kousuke Saruta] Modified BufferMessage.scala to keep the spark code style 9dfd0d8 [Kousuke Saruta] Merge branch 'master' of git://git.apache.org/spark into SPARK-2583 e7d9aa6 [Kousuke Saruta] rebase to master 326a17f [Kousuke Saruta] Add test cases to ConnectionManagerSuite.scala for SPARK-2583 2a18d6b [Kousuke Saruta] Merge branch 'master' of git://git.apache.org/spark into SPARK-2583 22d7ebd [Kousuke Saruta] Add test cases to BlockManagerSuite for SPARK-2583 e579302 [Kousuke Saruta] Merge branch 'master' of git://git.apache.org/spark into SPARK-2583 281589c [Kousuke Saruta] Add a test case to BlockFetcherIteratorSuite.scala for fetching block from remote from successfully 0654128 [Kousuke Saruta] Merge branch 'master' of git://git.apache.org/spark into SPARK-2583 ffaa83d [Kousuke Saruta] Merge branch 'master' of git://git.apache.org/spark into SPARK-2583 12d3de8 [Kousuke Saruta] Added BlockFetcherIteratorSuite.scala 4117b8f [Kousuke Saruta] Modified ConnectionManager to be alble to handle error during processing message 717c9c3 [Kousuke Saruta] Merge branch 'master' of git://git.apache.org/spark into SPARK-2583 6635467 [Kousuke Saruta] Merge branch 'master' of git://git.apache.org/spark into SPARK-2583 e2b8c4a [Kousuke Saruta] Modify to propagete error using ConnectionManager
Gregory Owen authored
Fixes [SPARK-2882](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2882) Author: Gregory Owen <greowen@gmail.com> Closes #1818 from GregOwen/spark-2882 and squashes the following commits: 294446d [Gregory Owen] SPARK-2882: Spark build now checks local maven cache for dependencies
Andrew Or authored
This is failing my tests in #1777. @tdas Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Closes #1803 from andrewor14/fix-flaky-streaming-test and squashes the following commits: ea11a03 [Andrew Or] Catch all exceptions caused by BindExceptions 54a0ca0 [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark into fix-flaky-streaming-test 664095c [Andrew Or] Tone down bind exception message af3ddc9 [Andrew Or] Handle port collisions in flume polling test
RJ Nowling authored
Author: RJ Nowling <rnowling@gmail.com> Closes #1808 from rnowling/pyspark_docs and squashes the following commits: c06d774 [RJ Nowling] Add blanklines to Python docstrings so example code renders correctly
Xiangrui Meng authored
This is part of SPARK-2828: 1. added a Java-friendly fit method to Word2Vec with tests 2. change DeveloperApi to Experimental for Normalizer & StandardScaler 3. change default feature dimension to 2^20 in HashingTF Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1807 from mengxr/feature-api-check and squashes the following commits: 773c1a9 [Xiangrui Meng] change default numFeatures to 2^20 in HashingTF change annotation from DeveloperApi to Experimental in Normalizer and StandardScaler 883e122 [Xiangrui Meng] add @Experimental to Word2VecModel add a Java-friendly method to Word2Vec.fit with tests
Sandy Ryza authored
I haven't tested this out on a cluster yet, but wanted to make sure the approach (passing ShuffleWriteMetrics down to DiskBlockObjectWriter) was ok Author: Sandy Ryza <sandy@cloudera.com> Closes #1481 from sryza/sandy-spark-2566 and squashes the following commits: 8090d88 [Sandy Ryza] Fix ExternalSorter b2a62ed [Sandy Ryza] Fix more test failures 8be6218 [Sandy Ryza] Fix test failures and mark a couple variables private c5e68e5 [Sandy Ryza] SPARK-2566. Update ShuffleWriteMetrics incrementally
Nicholas Chammas authored
As described in [SPARK-2627](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2627), we'd like Python code to automatically be checked for PEP 8 compliance by Jenkins. This pull request aims to do that. Notes: * We may need to install [`pep8`](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8) on the build server. * I'm expecting tests to fail now that PEP 8 compliance is being checked as part of the build. I'm fine with cleaning up any remaining PEP 8 violations as part of this pull request. * I did not understand why the RAT and scalastyle reports are saved to text files. I did the same for the PEP 8 check, but only so that the console output style can match those for the RAT and scalastyle checks. The PEP 8 report is removed right after the check is complete. * Updates to the ["Contributing to Spark"](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SPARK/Contributing+to+Spark) guide will be submitted elsewhere, as I don't believe that text is part of the Spark repo. Author: Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.chammas@gmail.com> Author: nchammas <nicholas.chammas@gmail.com> Closes #1744 from nchammas/master and squashes the following commits: 274b238 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] [PySpark] minor indentation changes 983d963 [nchammas] Merge pull request #5 from apache/master 1db5314 [nchammas] Merge pull request #4 from apache/master 0e0245f [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] undo erroneous whitespace fixes bf30942 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] PEP8: comment spacing 6db9a44 [nchammas] Merge pull request #3 from apache/master 7b4750e [Nicholas Chammas] merge upstream changes 91b7584 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] undo unnecessary line breaks 44e3e56 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] use tox.ini to exclude files b09fae2 [Nicholas Chammas] don't wrap comments unnecessarily bfb9f9f [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] keep up with the PEP 8 fixes 9da347f [nchammas] Merge pull request #2 from apache/master aa5b4b5 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] follow Spark bash style for if blocks d0a83b9 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] check that pep8 downloaded fine dffb5dd [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] download pep8 at runtime a1ce7ae [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] space out test report sections 21da538 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] it's PEP 8, not PEP8 6f4900b [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] more misc PEP 8 fixes fe57ed0 [Nicholas Chammas] removing merge conflict backups 9c01d4c [nchammas] Merge pull request #1 from apache/master 9a66cb0 [Nicholas Chammas] resolving merge conflicts a31ccc4 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] miscellaneous PEP 8 fixes beaa9ac [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] fail check on non-zero status 723ed39 [Nicholas Chammas] always delete the report file 0541ebb [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] call Python linter from run-tests 12440fa [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] add Scala linter 61c07b9 [Nicholas Chammas] [SPARK-2627] add Python linter 75ad552 [Nicholas Chammas] make check output style consistent
Cheng Lian authored
JIRA issues: - Main: [SPARK-2678](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2678) - Related: [SPARK-2874](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2874) Related PR: - #1715 This PR is both a fix for SPARK-2874 and a workaround for SPARK-2678. Fixing SPARK-2678 completely requires some API level changes that need further discussion, and we decided not to include it in Spark 1.1 release. As currently SPARK-2678 only affects Spark SQL scripts, this workaround is enough for Spark 1.1. Command line option handling logic in bash scripts looks somewhat dirty and duplicated, but it helps to provide a cleaner user interface as well as retain full downward compatibility for now. Author: Cheng Lian <lian.cs.zju@gmail.com> Closes #1801 from liancheng/spark-2874 and squashes the following commits: 8045d7a [Cheng Lian] Make sure test suites pass 8493a9e [Cheng Lian] Using eval to retain quoted arguments aed523f [Cheng Lian] Fixed typo in bin/spark-sql f12a0b1 [Cheng Lian] Worked arount SPARK-2678 daee105 [Cheng Lian] Fixed usage messages of all Spark SQL related scripts
Davies Liu authored
Handle null in schemaRDD during converting them into Python. Author: Davies Liu <davies.liu@gmail.com> Closes #1802 from davies/json and squashes the following commits: 88e6b1f [Davies Liu] handle null in schemaRDD()
Andrew Or authored
The goal of this PR is to allow users of Spark to write tight firewall rules for their clusters. This is currently not possible because Spark uses random ports in many places, notably the communication between executors and drivers. The changes in this PR are based on top of ash211's changes in #1107. The list covered here may or may not be the complete set of port needed for Spark to operate perfectly. However, as of the latest commit there are no known sources of random ports (except in tests). I have not documented a few of the more obscure configs. My spark-env.sh looks like this: ``` export SPARK_MASTER_PORT=6060 export SPARK_WORKER_PORT=7070 export SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT=9090 export SPARK_WORKER_WEBUI_PORT=9091 ``` and my spark-defaults.conf looks like this: ``` spark.master spark://andrews-mbp:6060 spark.driver.port 5001 spark.fileserver.port 5011 spark.broadcast.port 5021 spark.replClassServer.port 5031 spark.blockManager.port 5041 spark.executor.port 5051 ``` Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Author: Andrew Ash <andrew@andrewash.com> Closes #1777 from andrewor14/configure-ports and squashes the following commits: 621267b [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark into configure-ports 8a6b820 [Andrew Or] Use a random UI port during tests 7da0493 [Andrew Or] Fix tests 523c30e [Andrew Or] Add test for isBindCollision b97b02a [Andrew Or] Minor fixes c22ad00 [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark into configure-ports 93d359f [Andrew Or] Executors connect to wrong port when collision occurs d502e5f [Andrew Or] Handle port collisions when creating Akka systems a2dd05c [Andrew Or] Patrick's comment nit 86461e2 [Andrew Or] Remove spark.executor.env.port and spark.standalone.client.port 1d2d5c6 [Andrew Or] Fix ports for standalone cluster mode cb3be88 [Andrew Or] Various doc fixes (broken link, format etc.) e837cde [Andrew Or] Remove outdated TODOs bfbab28 [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark into configure-ports de1b207 [Andrew Or] Update docs to reflect new ports b565079 [Andrew Or] Add spark.ports.maxRetries 2551eb2 [Andrew Or] Remove spark.worker.watcher.port 151327a [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark into configure-ports 9868358 [Andrew Or] Add a few miscellaneous ports 6016e77 [Andrew Or] Add spark.executor.port 8d836e6 [Andrew Or] Also document SPARK_{MASTER/WORKER}_WEBUI_PORT 4d9e6f3 [Andrew Or] Fix super subtle bug 3f8e51b [Andrew Or] Correct erroneous docs... e111d08 [Andrew Or] Add names for UI services 470f38c [Andrew Or] Special case non-"Address already in use" exceptions 1d7e408 [Andrew Or] Treat 0 ports specially + return correct ConnectionManager port ba32280 [Andrew Or] Minor fixes 6b550b0 [Andrew Or] Assorted fixes 73fbe89 [Andrew Or] Move start service logic to Utils ec676f4 [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'SPARK-2157' of github.com:ash211/spark into configure-ports 038a579 [Andrew Ash] Trust the server start function to report the port the service started on 7c5bdc4 [Andrew Ash] Fix style issue 0347aef [Andrew Ash] Unify port fallback logic to a single place 24a4c32 [Andrew Ash] Remove type on val to match surrounding style 9e4ad96 [Andrew Ash] Reformat for style checker 5d84e0e [Andrew Ash] Document new port configuration options 066dc7a [Andrew Ash] Fix up HttpServer port increments cad16da [Andrew Ash] Add fallover increment logic for HttpServer c5a0568 [Andrew Ash] Fix ConnectionManager to retry with increment b80d2fd [Andrew Ash] Make Spark's block manager port configurable 17c79bb [Andrew Ash] Add a configuration option for spark-shell's class server f34115d [Andrew Ash] SPARK-1176 Add port configuration for HttpBroadcast 49ee29b [Andrew Ash] SPARK-1174 Add port configuration for HttpFileServer 1c0981a [Andrew Ash] Make port in HttpServer configurable
Tathagata Das authored
https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1751 caused maven builds to fail. ``` ~/Apache/spark(branch-1.1|
) ➤ mvn -U -DskipTests clean install . . . [error] Apache/spark/external/kafka/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/kafka/KafkaStreamSuite.scala:36: object NIOServerCnxnFactory is not a member of package org.apache.zookeeper.server [error] import org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory [error] ^ [error] Apache/spark/external/kafka/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/kafka/KafkaStreamSuite.scala:199: not found: type NIOServerCnxnFactory [error] val factory = new NIOServerCnxnFactory() [error] ^ [error] two errors found [error] Compile failed at Aug 5, 2014 1:42:36 PM [0.503s] ``` The problem is how SBT and Maven resolves multiple versions of the same library, which in this case, is Zookeeper. Observing and comparing the dependency trees from Maven and SBT showed this. Spark depends on ZK 3.4.5 whereas Apache Kafka transitively depends on upon ZK 3.3.4. SBT decides to evict 3.3.4 and use the higher version 3.4.5. But Maven decides to stick to the closest (in the tree) dependent version of 3.3.4. And 3.3.4 does not have NIOServerCnxnFactory. The solution in this patch excludes zookeeper from the apache-kafka dependency in streaming-kafka module so that it just inherits zookeeper from Spark core. Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #1797 from tdas/kafka-zk-fix and squashes the following commits: 94b3931 [Tathagata Das] Fixed zookeeper dependency of Kafka -
DB Tsai authored
to ensure that the return object is itself. Author: DB Tsai <dbtsai@alpinenow.com> Closes #1796 from dbtsai/dbtsai-kmeans and squashes the following commits: 658989e [DB Tsai] Alpine Data Labs
CodingCat authored
copied from original JIRA (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2294): If an executor E is free, a task may be speculatively assigned to E when there are other tasks in the job that have not been launched (at all) yet. Similarly, a task without any locality preferences may be assigned to E when there was another NODE_LOCAL task that could have been scheduled. This happens because TaskSchedulerImpl calls TaskSetManager.resourceOffer (which in turn calls TaskSetManager.findTask) with increasing locality levels, beginning with PROCESS_LOCAL, followed by NODE_LOCAL, and so on until the highest currently allowed level. Now, supposed NODE_LOCAL is the highest currently allowed locality level. The first time findTask is called, it will be called with max level PROCESS_LOCAL; if it cannot find any PROCESS_LOCAL tasks, it will try to schedule tasks with no locality preferences or speculative tasks. As a result, speculative tasks or tasks with no preferences may be scheduled instead of NODE_LOCAL tasks. ---- I added an additional parameter in resourceOffer and findTask, maxLocality, indicating when we should consider the tasks without locality preference Author: CodingCat <zhunansjtu@gmail.com> Closes #1313 from CodingCat/SPARK-2294 and squashes the following commits: bf3f13b [CodingCat] rollback some forgotten changes 89f9bc0 [CodingCat] address matei's comments 18cae02 [CodingCat] add test case for node-local tasks 2ba6195 [CodingCat] fix failed test cases 87dd09e [CodingCat] fix style 9b9432f [CodingCat] remove hasNodeLocalOnlyTasks fdd1573 [CodingCat] fix failed test cases 941a4fd [CodingCat] see my shocked face.......... f600085 [CodingCat] remove hasNodeLocalOnlyTasks checking 0b8a46b [CodingCat] test whether hasNodeLocalOnlyTasks affect the results 73ceda8 [CodingCat] style fix b3a430b [CodingCat] remove fine granularity tracking for node-local only tasks f9a2ad8 [CodingCat] simplify the logic in TaskSchedulerImpl c8c1de4 [CodingCat] simplify the patch be652ed [CodingCat] avoid unnecessary delay when we only have nopref tasks dee9e22 [CodingCat] fix locality inversion bug in TaskManager by moving nopref branch
Michael Armbrust authored
Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #1800 from marmbrus/warning and squashes the following commits: 8ea9cf1 [Michael Armbrust] [SQL] Fix logging warn -> debug.
Reynold Xin authored
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@apache.org> Closes #1794 from rxin/sql-conf and squashes the following commits: 3ac11ef [Reynold Xin] getAllConfs return an immutable Map instead of an Array. 4b19d6c [Reynold Xin] Tighten the visibility of various SQLConf methods and renamed setter/getters.
- Aug 05, 2014
Anand Avati authored
Scala 2.11 packages not available for the current version (3.2.6) Signed-off-by: Anand Avati <avatiredhat.com> Author: Anand Avati <avati@redhat.com> Closes #1702 from avati/SPARK-1812-json4s-jackson-3.2.10 and squashes the following commits: 7be8324 [Anand Avati] SPARK-1812: core - upgrade to json4s 3.2.10
Michael Armbrust authored
Minor refactoring to allow resolution either using a nodes input or output. Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #1795 from marmbrus/ordering and squashes the following commits: 237f580 [Michael Armbrust] style 74d833b [Michael Armbrust] newline 705d963 [Michael Armbrust] Add a rule for resolving ORDER BY expressions that reference attributes not present in the SELECT clause. 82cabda [Michael Armbrust] Generalize attribute resolution.
Yin Huai authored
This PR aims to finalize accepted data value types in Python RDDs provided to Python `applySchema`. JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2854 Author: Yin Huai <huai@cse.ohio-state.edu> Closes #1793 from yhuai/SPARK-2854 and squashes the following commits: 32f0708 [Yin Huai] LongType only accepts long values. c2b23dd [Yin Huai] Do data type conversions based on the specified Spark SQL data type.
Cheng Lian authored
[SPARK-2650][SQL] Try to partially fix SPARK-2650 by adjusting initial buffer size and reducing memory allocation JIRA issue: [SPARK-2650](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2650) Please refer to [comments](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2650?focusedCommentId=14084397&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-14084397) of SPARK-2650 for some other details. This PR adjusts the initial in-memory columnar buffer size to 1MB, same as the default value of Shark's `shark.column.partitionSize.mb` property when running in local mode. Will add Shark style partition size estimation in another PR. Also, before this PR, `NullableColumnBuilder` copies the whole buffer to add the null positions section, and then `CompressibleColumnBuilder` copies and compresses the buffer again, even if compression is disabled (`PassThrough` compression scheme is used to disable compression). In this PR the first buffer copy is eliminated to reduce memory consumption. Author: Cheng Lian <lian.cs.zju@gmail.com> Closes #1769 from liancheng/spark-2650 and squashes the following commits: 88a042e [Cheng Lian] Fixed method visibility and removed dead code 001f2e5 [Cheng Lian] Try fixing SPARK-2650 by adjusting initial buffer size and reducing memory allocation
wangfei authored
module spark-hive-thriftserver_2.10 and spark-hive_2.10 both named "Spark Project Hive" in pom.xml, so rename spark-hive-thriftserver_2.10 project name to "Spark Project Hive Thrift Server" Author: wangfei <wangfei1@huawei.com> Closes #1789 from scwf/patch-1 and squashes the following commits: ca1f5e9 [wangfei] [sql] rename module name of hive-thriftserver
Stephen Boesch authored
I inquired on dev mailing list about the motivation for checking the jdbc statement instead of the connection in the close() logic of JdbcRDD. Ted Yu believes there essentially is none- it is a simple cut and paste issue. So here is the tiny fix to patch it. Author: Stephen Boesch <javadba> Author: Stephen Boesch <javadba@gmail.com> Closes #1792 from javadba/closejdbc and squashes the following commits: 363be4f [Stephen Boesch] SPARK-2869 - Fix tiny bug in JdbcRdd for closing jdbc connection (reformat with braces) 6518d36 [Stephen Boesch] SPARK-2689 Fix tiny bug in JdbcRdd for closing jdbc connection 3fb23ed [Stephen Boesch] SPARK-2689 Fix potential leak of connection/PreparedStatement in case of error in JdbcRDD 095b2c9 [Stephen Boesch] Fix tiny bug (likely copy and paste error) in closing jdbc connection
Michael Giannakopoulos authored
Related to Jira Issue: [SPARK-2550](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2550?jql=project%20%3D%20SPARK%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20priority%20%3D%20Major%20ORDER%20BY%20key%20DESC) Author: Michael Giannakopoulos <miccagiann@gmail.com> Closes #1775 from miccagiann/linearMethodsReg and squashes the following commits: cb774c3 [Michael Giannakopoulos] MiniBatchFraction added in related PythonMLLibAPI java stubs. 81fcbc6 [Michael Giannakopoulos] Fixing a typo-error. 8ad263e [Michael Giannakopoulos] Adding regularizer type and intercept parameters to LogisticRegressionWithSGD and SVMWithSGD.
Reynold Xin authored
This can substantially reduce memory usage during shuffle. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@apache.org> Closes #1781 from rxin/SPARK-2503-spark.shuffle.file.buffer.kb and squashes the following commits: 104b8d8 [Reynold Xin] [SPARK-2503] Lower shuffle output buffer (spark.shuffle.file.buffer.kb) to 32KB.
Xiangrui Meng authored
It also moves the model to local in order to map `RDD[String]` to `RDD[Vector]`. Ishiihara Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #1790 from mengxr/word2vec-fix and squashes the following commits: a87146c [Xiangrui Meng] add setters and make a default constructor e5c923b [Xiangrui Meng] fix random seed in word2vec; move model to local
Thomas Graves authored
Note that this also documents spark.executorEnv.* which to me means its public. If we don't want that please speak up. Author: Thomas Graves <tgraves@apache.org> Closes #1512 from tgravescs/SPARK-1680 and squashes the following commits: 11525df [Thomas Graves] more doc changes 553bad0 [Thomas Graves] fix documentation 152bf7c [Thomas Graves] fix docs 5382326 [Thomas Graves] try fix docs 32f86a4 [Thomas Graves] use configs for specifying environment variables on YARN
Patrick Wendell authored
This patch adds support for giving accumulators user-visible names and displaying accumulator values in the web UI. This allows users to create custom counters that can display in the UI. The current approach displays both the accumulator deltas caused by each task and a "current" value of the accumulator totals for each stage, which gets update as tasks finish. Currently in Spark developers have been extending the `TaskMetrics` functionality to provide custom instrumentation for RDD's. This provides a potentially nicer alternative of going through the existing accumulator framework (actually `TaskMetrics` and accumulators are on an awkward collision course as we add more features to the former). The current patch demo's how we can use the feature to provide instrumentation for RDD input sizes. The nice thing about going through accumulators is that users can read the current value of the data being tracked in their programs. This could be useful to e.g. decide to short-circuit a Spark stage depending on how things are going.  Author: Patrick Wendell <pwendell@gmail.com> Closes #1309 from pwendell/metrics and squashes the following commits: 8815308 [Patrick Wendell] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into HEAD 93fbe0f [Patrick Wendell] Other minor fixes cc43f68 [Patrick Wendell] Updating unit tests c991b1b [Patrick Wendell] Moving some code into the Accumulators class 9a9ba3c [Patrick Wendell] More merge fixes c5ace9e [Patrick Wendell] More merge conflicts 1da15e3 [Patrick Wendell] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into metrics 9860c55 [Patrick Wendell] Potential solution to posting listener events 0bb0e33 [Patrick Wendell] Remove "display" variable and assume display = name.isDefined 0ec4ac7 [Patrick Wendell] Java API's e95bf69 [Patrick Wendell] Stash be97261 [Patrick Wendell] Style fix 8407308 [Patrick Wendell] Removing examples in Hadoop and RDD class 64d405f [Patrick Wendell] Adding missing file 5d8b156 [Patrick Wendell] Changes based on Kay's review. 9f18bad [Patrick Wendell] Minor style changes and tests 7a63abc [Patrick Wendell] Adding Json serialization and responding to Reynold's feedback ad85076 [Patrick Wendell] Example of using named accumulators for custom RDD metrics. 0b72660 [Patrick Wendell] Initial WIP example of supporing globally named accumulators.
Guancheng (G.C.) Chen authored
JIRA Issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2859 Kryo project has been migrated from googlecode to github, hence we need to update its URL in related docs such as tuning.md. Author: Guancheng (G.C.) Chen <chenguancheng@gmail.com> Closes #1782 from gchen/kryo-docs and squashes the following commits: b62543c [Guancheng (G.C.) Chen] update url of Kryo project
Michael Armbrust authored
Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #1785 from marmbrus/caseNull and squashes the following commits: 126006d [Michael Armbrust] better error message 2fe357f [Michael Armbrust] Fix coercion of CASE WHEN.
Thomas Graves authored
It was easier to combine these 2 jira since they touch many of the same places. This pr adds the following: - adds modify acls - adds admin acls (list of admins/users that get added to both view and modify acls) - modify Kill button on UI to take modify acls into account - changes config name of spark.ui.acls.enable to spark.acls.enable since I choose poorly in original name. We keep backwards compatibility so people can still use spark.ui.acls.enable. The acls should apply to any web ui as well as any CLI interfaces. - send view and modify acls information on to YARN so that YARN interfaces can use (yarn cli for killing applications for example). Author: Thomas Graves <tgraves@apache.org> Closes #1196 from tgravescs/SPARK-1890 and squashes the following commits: 8292eb1 [Thomas Graves] review comments b92ec89 [Thomas Graves] remove unneeded variable from applistener 4c765f4 [Thomas Graves] Add in admin acls 72eb0ac [Thomas Graves] Add modify acls
Thomas Graves authored
Add a config (spark.yarn.access.namenodes) to allow applications running on yarn to access other secure HDFS cluster. User just specifies the namenodes of the other clusters and we get Tokens for those and ship them with the spark application. Author: Thomas Graves <tgraves@apache.org> Closes #1159 from tgravescs/spark-1528 and squashes the following commits: ddbcd16 [Thomas Graves] review comments 0ac8501 [Thomas Graves] SPARK-1528 - add support for accessing remote HDFS
jerryshao authored
This PR is a updated version of (https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/557) to actually test sending and receiving data through Kafka, and fix previous flaky issues. @tdas, would you mind reviewing this PR? Thanks a lot. Author: jerryshao <saisai.shao@intel.com> Closes #1751 from jerryshao/kafka-unit-test and squashes the following commits: b6a505f [jerryshao] code refactor according to comments 5222330 [jerryshao] Change JavaKafkaStreamSuite to better test it 5525f10 [jerryshao] Fix flaky issue of Kafka real unit test 4559310 [jerryshao] Minor changes for Kafka unit test 860f649 [jerryshao] Minor style changes, and tests ignored due to flakiness 796d4ca [jerryshao] Add real Kafka streaming test
Reynold Xin authored
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@apache.org> Closes #1780 from rxin/kryo-init-size and squashes the following commits: 551b935 [Reynold Xin] [SPARK-2856] Decrease initial buffer size for Kryo to 64KB.
wangfei authored
Author: wangfei <scnbwf@yeah.net> Author: wangfei <wangfei1@huawei.com> Closes #714 from scwf/memoryFraction and squashes the following commits: 6e385b9 [wangfei] Update SparkConf.scala da6ee59 [wangfei] add configs 829a195 [wangfei] add indent 717c0ca [wangfei] updated to make more concise fc45476 [wangfei] validate memoryfraction in sparkconf 2e79b3d [wangfei] && => || 43621bd [wangfei] && => || cf38bcf [wangfei] throw IllegalArgumentException 14d18ac [wangfei] throw IllegalArgumentException dff1f0f [wangfei] Update BlockManager.scala 764965f [wangfei] Update ExternalAppendOnlyMap.scala a59d76b [wangfei] Throw exception when memoryFracton is out of range 7b899c2 [wangfei] 【SPARK-1779】
Andrew Or authored
`master.ui.port` and `worker.ui.port` were never picked up by SparkConf, simply because they are not prefixed with "spark." Unfortunately, this is also currently the documented way of setting these values. Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Closes #1779 from andrewor14/master-worker-port and squashes the following commits: 8475e95 [Andrew Or] Update docs to reflect changes in configs 4db3d5d [Andrew Or] Stop using configs that don't actually work
Matei Zaharia authored
This tracks memory properly if there are multiple spilling collections in the same task (which was a problem before), and also implements an algorithm that lets each thread grow up to 1 / 2N of the memory pool (where N is the number of threads) before spilling, which avoids an inefficiency with small spills we had before (some threads would spill many times at 0-1 MB because the pool was allocated elsewhere). Author: Matei Zaharia <matei@databricks.com> Closes #1707 from mateiz/spark-2711 and squashes the following commits: debf75b [Matei Zaharia] Review comments 24f28f3 [Matei Zaharia] Small rename c8f3a8b [Matei Zaharia] Update ShuffleMemoryManager to be able to partially grant requests 315e3a5 [Matei Zaharia] Some review comments b810120 [Matei Zaharia] Create central manager to track memory for all spilling collections