- Apr 25, 2014
Sean Owen authored
Octal literals like "0700" are deprecated in Scala 2.10, generating a warning. They have been removed entirely in 2.11. See https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-7618 This change simply replaces two uses of octals with hex literals, which seemed the next-best representation since they express a bit mask (file permission in particular) Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #529 from srowen/SPARK-1607 and squashes the following commits: 1ee0e67 [Sean Owen] Use Integer.parseInt(...,8) for octal literal instead of hex equivalent 0102f3d [Sean Owen] Replace octal literals, removed in Scala 2.11, with hex literals
Aaron Davidson authored
Oopsie in #504. Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #527 from aarondav/stop and squashes the following commits: 8d1446a [Aaron Davidson] Call correct stop().
Holden Karau authored
Author: Holden Karau <holden@pigscanfly.ca> Closes #139 from holdenk/add_aggregate_to_python_api and squashes the following commits: 0f39ae3 [Holden Karau] Merge in master 4879c75 [Holden Karau] CR feedback, fix issue with empty RDDs in aggregate 70b4724 [Holden Karau] Style fixes from code review 96b047b [Holden Karau] Add aggregate to python rdd
- Apr 24, 2014
Sandeep authored
Remove the Unnecessary lift-json dependency from pom.xml Author: Sandeep <sandeep@techaddict.me> Closes #536 from techaddict/FIX-SPARK-1078 and squashes the following commits: bd0fd1d [Sandeep] Fix [SPARK-1078]: Replace lift-json with json4s-jackson. Remove the Unnecessary lift-json dependency from pom.xml
Andrew Or authored
Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Closes #548 from andrewor14/doc-typo and squashes the following commits: 3eaf4c4 [Andrew Or] chd -> cdh
Michael Armbrust authored
This will be helpful for [SPARK-1495](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1495) and other cases where we want to have custom hash join implementations but don't want to repeat the logic for finding the join keys. Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #418 from marmbrus/hashFilter and squashes the following commits: d5cc79b [Michael Armbrust] Address @rxin 's comments. 366b6d9 [Michael Armbrust] style fixes 14560eb [Michael Armbrust] Generalize pattern for planning hash joins. f4809c1 [Michael Armbrust] Move common functions to PredicateHelper.
Tathagata Das authored
1617: These changes expose the receiver state (active or inactive) and last error in the UI 1618: If the socket receiver cannot connect in the first attempt, it should try to restart after a delay. That was broken, as the thread that restarts (hence, stops) the receiver waited on Thread.join on itself! Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #540 from tdas/streaming-ui-fix and squashes the following commits: e469434 [Tathagata Das] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache-github/master' into streaming-ui-fix dbddf75 [Tathagata Das] Style fix. 66df1a5 [Tathagata Das] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into streaming-ui-fix ad98bc9 [Tathagata Das] Refactored streaming listener to use ReceiverInfo. d7f849c [Tathagata Das] Revert "Moved BatchInfo from streaming.scheduler to streaming.ui" 5c80919 [Tathagata Das] Moved BatchInfo from streaming.scheduler to streaming.ui da244f6 [Tathagata Das] Fixed socket receiver as well as made receiver state and error visible in the streamign UI.
Mridul Muralidharan authored
Unfortunately, this is not exhaustive - particularly hive tests still fail due to path issues. Author: Mridul Muralidharan <mridulm80@apache.org> This patch had conflicts when merged, resolved by Committer: Matei Zaharia <matei@databricks.com> Closes #505 from mridulm/windows_fixes and squashes the following commits: ef12283 [Mridul Muralidharan] Move to org.apache.commons.lang3 for StringEscapeUtils. Earlier version was buggy appparently cdae406 [Mridul Muralidharan] Remove leaked changes from > 2G fix branch 3267f4b [Mridul Muralidharan] Fix build failures 35b277a [Mridul Muralidharan] Fix Scalastyle failures bc69d14 [Mridul Muralidharan] Change from hardcoded path separator 10c4d78 [Mridul Muralidharan] Use explicit encoding while using getBytes 1337abd [Mridul Muralidharan] fix classpath while running in windows
tmalaska authored
Updated the Flume dependency in the maven pom file and the scala build file. Author: tmalaska <ted.malaska@cloudera.com> Closes #507 from tmalaska/master and squashes the following commits: 79492c8 [tmalaska] excluded all thrift 159c3f1 [tmalaska] fixed the flume pom file issues 5bf56a7 [tmalaska] Upgrade flume version
Ahir Reddy authored
* Additions to the PySpark API to cancel jobs * Monitor Thread in PythonRDD to kill Python workers if a task is interrupted Author: Ahir Reddy <ahirreddy@gmail.com> Closes #541 from ahirreddy/python-cancel and squashes the following commits: dfdf447 [Ahir Reddy] Changed success -> completed and made logging message clearer 6c860ab [Ahir Reddy] PR Comments 4b4100a [Ahir Reddy] Success flag adba6ed [Ahir Reddy] Destroy python workers 27a2f8f [Ahir Reddy] Start the writer thread... d422f7b [Ahir Reddy] Remove unnecesssary vals adda337 [Ahir Reddy] Busy wait on the ocntext.interrupted flag, and then kill the python worker d9e472f [Ahir Reddy] Revert "removed unnecessary vals" 5b9cae5 [Ahir Reddy] removed unnecessary vals 07b54d9 [Ahir Reddy] Fix canceling unit test 8ae9681 [Ahir Reddy] Don't interrupt worker 7722342 [Ahir Reddy] Monitor Thread for python workers db04e16 [Ahir Reddy] Added canceling api to PySpark
Andrew Or authored
Original poster is @zsxwing, who reported this bug in #516. Much of SparkListenerSuite relies on LiveListenerBus's `waitUntilEmpty()` method. As the name suggests, this waits until the event queue is empty. However, the following race condition could happen: (1) We dequeue an event (2) The queue is empty, we return true (even though the event has not been processed) (3) The test asserts something assuming that all listeners have finished executing (and fails) (4) The listeners receive and process the event This PR makes (1) and (4) atomic by synchronizing around it. To do that, however, we must avoid using `eventQueue.take`, which is blocking and will cause a deadlock if we synchronize around it. As a workaround, we use the non-blocking `eventQueue.poll` + a semaphore to provide the same semantics. This has been a possible race condition for a long time, but for some reason we've never run into it. Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Closes #544 from andrewor14/stage-info-test-fix and squashes the following commits: 3cbe40c [Andrew Or] Merge github.com:apache/spark into stage-info-test-fix 56dbbcb [Andrew Or] Check if event is actually added before releasing semaphore eb486ae [Andrew Or] Synchronize accesses to the LiveListenerBus' event queue
jerryshao authored
This pulls in changes made by @jerryshao in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/424 and merges with the master. Author: jerryshao <saisai.shao@intel.com> Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #545 from tdas/streaming-metrics and squashes the following commits: 034b443 [Tathagata Das] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache-github/master' into streaming-metrics fb3b0a5 [jerryshao] Modify according master update 21939f5 [jerryshao] Style changes according to style check error 976116b [jerryshao] Add StreamSource in StreamingContext for better monitoring through metrics system
Thomas Graves authored
This allows the view acls set by the user to be enforced by the history server. It also fixes filters being applied properly. Author: Thomas Graves <tgraves@apache.org> Closes #509 from tgravescs/SPARK-1489 and squashes the following commits: 869c186 [Thomas Graves] change to either acls enabled or disabled 0d8333c [Thomas Graves] Add history ui policy to allow acls to either use application set, history server force acls on, or off 65148b5 [Thomas Graves] SPARK-1489 Fix the HistoryServer view acls
Michael Armbrust authored
Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #518 from marmbrus/parseArrayIndex and squashes the following commits: afd2d6b [Michael Armbrust] 100 chars c3d6026 [Michael Armbrust] Add support for parsing indexing into arrays in SQL.
Tathagata Das authored
The raw input data is stored as blocks in BlockManagers. Earlier they were cleared by cleaner ttl. Now since streaming does not require cleaner TTL to be set, the block would not get cleared. This increases up the Spark's memory usage, which is not even accounted and shown in the Spark storage UI. It may cause the data blocks to spill over to disk, which eventually slows down the receiving of data (persisting to memory become bottlenecked by writing to disk). The solution in this PR is to automatically remove those blocks. The mechanism to keep track of which BlockRDDs (which has presents the raw data blocks as a RDD) can be safely cleared already exists. Just use it to explicitly remove blocks from BlockRDDs. Author: Tathagata Das <tathagata.das1565@gmail.com> Closes #512 from tdas/block-rdd-unpersist and squashes the following commits: d25e610 [Tathagata Das] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into block-rdd-unpersist 5f46d69 [Tathagata Das] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into block-rdd-unpersist 2c320cd [Tathagata Das] Updated configuration with spark.streaming.unpersist setting. 2d4b2fd [Tathagata Das] Automatically removed input blocks
Arun Ramakrishnan authored
copying form previous pull request https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/462 Its probably better to let the underlying language implementation take care of the default . This was easier to do with python as the default value for seed in random and numpy random is None. In Scala/Java side it might mean propagating an Option or null(oh no!) down the chain until where the Random is constructed. But, looks like the convention in some other methods was to use System.nanoTime. So, followed that convention. Conflict with overloaded method in sql.SchemaRDD.sample which also defines default params. sample(fraction, withReplacement=false, seed=math.random) Scala does not allow more than one overloaded to have default params. I believe the author intended to override the RDD.sample method and not overload it. So, changed it. If backward compatible is important, 3 new method can be introduced (without default params) like this sample(fraction) sample(fraction, withReplacement) sample(fraction, withReplacement, seed) Added some tests for the scala RDD takeSample method. Author: Arun Ramakrishnan <smartnut007@gmail.com> This patch had conflicts when merged, resolved by Committer: Matei Zaharia <matei@databricks.com> Closes #477 from smartnut007/master and squashes the following commits: 07bb06e [Arun Ramakrishnan] SPARK-1438 fixing more space formatting issues b9ebfe2 [Arun Ramakrishnan] SPARK-1438 removing redundant import of random in python rddsampler 8d05b1a [Arun Ramakrishnan] SPARK-1438 RDD . Replace System.nanoTime with a Random generated number. python: use a separate instance of Random instead of seeding language api global Random instance. 69619c6 [Arun Ramakrishnan] SPARK-1438 fix spacing issue 0c247db [Arun Ramakrishnan] SPARK-1438 RDD language apis to support optional seed in RDD methods sample/takeSample
CodingCat authored
As reported in https://spark-project.atlassian.net/browse/SPARK-1104 By @pwendell: "Sometimes due to large shuffles executors will take a long time shutting down. In particular this can happen if large numbers of shuffle files are around (this will be alleviated by SPARK-1103, but nonetheless...). The symptom is you have DEAD workers sitting around in the UI and the existing workers keep trying to re-register but can't because they've been assumed dead." In this patch, I add lines in the handler of InterruptedException in workerThread of executorRunner, so that the process.destroy() and process.waitFor() can only block the workerThread instead of blocking the worker Actor... --------- analysis: process.destroy() is a blocking method, i.e. it only returns when all shutdownHook threads return...so calling it in Worker thread will make Worker block for a long while.... about what will happen on the shutdown hooks when the JVM process is killed: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/lang/runtime_addshutdownhook.htm Author: CodingCat <zhunansjtu@gmail.com> Closes #35 from CodingCat/SPARK-1104 and squashes the following commits: 85767da [CodingCat] add null checking and remove unnecessary killProce 3107aeb [CodingCat] address Aaron's comments eb615ba [CodingCat] kill the process when the error happens 0accf2f [CodingCat] set process to null after killed it 1d511c8 [CodingCat] kill Process in workerThread
Sandeep authored
Any comments are welcome Author: Sandeep <sandeep@techaddict.me> Closes #531 from techaddict/stylefix-1 and squashes the following commits: 7492730 [Sandeep] Pass 4 98b2428 [Sandeep] fix rxin suggestions b5e2e6f [Sandeep] Pass 3 05932d7 [Sandeep] fix if else styling 2 08690e5 [Sandeep] fix if else styling
Michael Armbrust authored
[WIP] Looks like scala reflection was invoking the static initializer: ``` ... at org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestSQLContext$.<init>(TestSQLContext.scala:25) at org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestSQLContext$.<clinit>(TestSQLContext.scala) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:270) at scala.reflect.runtime.JavaMirrors$JavaMirror.javaClass(JavaMirrors.scala:500) at scala.reflect.runtime.JavaMirrors$JavaMirror.tryJavaClass(JavaMirrors.scala:505) at scala.reflect.runtime.SymbolLoaders$PackageScope.lookupEntry(SymbolLoaders.scala:109) ... ``` Need to make sure that this doesn't change the exclusion semantics before merging. Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #526 from marmbrus/mima and squashes the following commits: 8168dea [Michael Armbrust] Spurious change afba262 [Michael Armbrust] Prevent Scala reflection from running static class initializer.
Thomas Graves authored
Here I've added the ability for the History server to login from a kerberos keytab file so that the history server can be run as a super user and stay up for along period of time while reading the history files from HDFS. Author: Thomas Graves <tgraves@apache.org> Closes #513 from tgravescs/SPARK-1490 and squashes the following commits: e204a99 [Thomas Graves] remove extra logging 5418daa [Thomas Graves] fix typo in config 0076b99 [Thomas Graves] Update docs 4d76545 [Thomas Graves] SPARK-1490 Add kerberos support to the HistoryServer
zsxwing authored
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1611 Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #534 from zsxwing/SPARK-1611 and squashes the following commits: 96af089 [zsxwing] SPARK-1611: Fix incorrect initialization order in AppendOnlyMap
Sean Owen authored
A recent commit reintroduced some of the same warnings that SPARK-1488 resolved. These are just a few more of the same changes to remove these warnings. Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #528 from srowen/SPARK-1488.2 and squashes the following commits: 62d592c [Sean Owen] More feature warnings in tests 4e2e94b [Sean Owen] Squash more language feature warnings in new commits by importing implicitConversion
Patrick Wendell authored
Takuya UESHIN authored
...pe. `Cast` from `BooleanType` to `NumericType` are all using `Int` value. But it causes `ClassCastException` when the casted value is used by the following evaluation like the code below: ``` scala scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst._ scala> import types._ import types._ scala> import expressions._ import expressions._ scala> Add(Cast(Literal(true), ShortType), Literal(1.toShort)).eval() java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Short at scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToShort(BoxesRunTime.java:102) at scala.math.Numeric$ShortIsIntegral$.plus(Numeric.scala:72) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Add$$anonfun$eval$2.apply(arithmetic.scala:58) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Add$$anonfun$eval$2.apply(arithmetic.scala:58) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression.n2(Expression.scala:114) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Add.eval(arithmetic.scala:58) at .<init>(<console>:17) at .<clinit>(<console>) at .<init>(<console>:7) at .<clinit>(<console>) at $print(<console>) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$ReadEvalPrint.call(IMain.scala:734) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$Request.loadAndRun(IMain.scala:983) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.loadAndRunReq$1(IMain.scala:573) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:604) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:568) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.reallyInterpret$1(ILoop.scala:760) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.interpretStartingWith(ILoop.scala:805) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.command(ILoop.scala:717) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.processLine$1(ILoop.scala:581) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.innerLoop$1(ILoop.scala:588) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.loop(ILoop.scala:591) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop$$anonfun$process$1.apply$mcZ$sp(ILoop.scala:882) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop$$anonfun$process$1.apply(ILoop.scala:837) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop$$anonfun$process$1.apply(ILoop.scala:837) at scala.tools.nsc.util.ScalaClassLoader$.savingContextLoader(ScalaClassLoader.scala:135) at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.process(ILoop.scala:837) at scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner.runTarget$1(MainGenericRunner.scala:83) at scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner.process(MainGenericRunner.scala:96) at scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner$.main(MainGenericRunner.scala:105) at scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner.main(MainGenericRunner.scala) ``` Author: Takuya UESHIN <ueshin@happy-camper.st> Closes #533 from ueshin/issues/SPARK-1610 and squashes the following commits: 70f36e8 [Takuya UESHIN] Fix Cast to use exact type value when cast from BooleanType to NumericType.
Reynold Xin authored
This should go into 1.0 since it would return wrong data when the bug happens (which is pretty likely if cancellation is used). Test case attached. 1. Do not put partially executed partitions into cache (in task killing). 2. Iterator returned by CacheManager#getOrCompute was not an InterruptibleIterator, and was thus leading to uninterruptible jobs. Thanks @aarondav and @ahirreddy for reporting and helping debug. Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@apache.org> Closes #521 from rxin/kill and squashes the following commits: 401033f [Reynold Xin] Merge branch 'master' of https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/spark into kill 7a7bdd2 [Reynold Xin] Add a new line in the end of JobCancellationSuite.scala. 35cd9f7 [Reynold Xin] Fixed a bug that partially executed partitions can be put into cache (in task killing).
Mridul Muralidharan authored
mvn test fails (intermittently) due to thread leak - since scalatest runs all tests in same vm. Author: Mridul Muralidharan <mridulm80@apache.org> Closes #504 from mridulm/resource_leak_fixes and squashes the following commits: a5d10d0 [Mridul Muralidharan] Prevent thread leaks while running tests : cleanup all threads when SparkContext.stop is invoked. Causes tests to fail 7b5e19c [Mridul Muralidharan] Prevent NPE while running tests
Sandeep authored
Author: Sandeep <sandeep@techaddict.me> Closes #503 from techaddict/fix-79 and squashes the following commits: e3f6746 [Sandeep] Style changes 07a4f6b [Sandeep] for loop to While loop 0a6d8e9 [Sandeep] Breakable for loop to While loop
zsxwing authored
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1589 Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #508 from zsxwing/SPARK-1589 and squashes the following commits: 570c67a [zsxwing] SPARK-1589: Fix the incorrect compare
Ankur Dave authored
These classes are only serializable to work around closure capture, so their fields should all be marked `@transient` to avoid wasteful serialization. This PR supersedes apache/spark#519 and fixes the same bug. Author: Ankur Dave <ankurdave@gmail.com> Closes #520 from ankurdave/graphx-transient and squashes the following commits: 6431760 [Ankur Dave] Mark all fields of EdgePartition, Graph, and GraphOps `@transient`
Aaron Davidson authored
Also adds a unit test. Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #522 from aarondav/cancel2 and squashes the following commits: 565c253 [Aaron Davidson] Update Java api for setJobGroup with interruptOnCancel 65b33d8 [Aaron Davidson] Add unit test for Thread interruption on cancellation
- Apr 23, 2014
Andrew Or authored
The two modified tests may fail if the race condition does not bid in our favor... Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Closes #516 from andrewor14/stage-info-test-fix and squashes the following commits: b4b6100 [Andrew Or] Add/replace missing waitUntilEmpty() calls to listener bus
Matei Zaharia authored
In https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1540 we'd like to look at Spark's API to see if we can take advantage of Comparable keys in more places, which will make external spilling more efficient. This PR is a first step towards that that shows how to pass an Ordering when available and still continue functioning otherwise. It does this using a new implicit parameter with a default value of null. The API is currently only in Scala -- in Java we'd have to add new versions of mapToPair and such that take a Comparator, or a new method to add a "type hint" to an RDD. We can address those later though. Unfortunately requiring all keys to be Comparable would not work without requiring RDDs in general to contain only Comparable types. The reason is that methods such as distinct() and intersection() do a shuffle, but should be usable on RDDs of any type. So ordering will have to remain an optimization for the types that can be ordered. I think this isn't a horrible outcome though because one of the nice things about Spark's API is that it works on objects of *any* type, without requiring you to specify a schema or implement Writable or stuff like that. Author: Matei Zaharia <matei@databricks.com> This patch had conflicts when merged, resolved by Committer: Reynold Xin <rxin@apache.org> Closes #487 from mateiz/ordered-keys and squashes the following commits: bd565f6 [Matei Zaharia] Pass an Ordering to only one version of groupBy because the Scala language spec doesn't allow having an optional parameter on all of them (this was only compiling in Scala 2.10 due to a bug). 4629965 [Matei Zaharia] Add tests for other versions of groupBy 3beae85 [Matei Zaharia] Added a test for implicit orderings 80b7a3b [Matei Zaharia] Add an optional Ordering parameter to PairRDDFunctions.
Aaron Davidson authored
Sometimes executor threads are blocked waiting for IO or monitors, and the current implementation of job cancellation may never recover these threads. By simply invoking Thread.interrupt() during cancellation, we can often safely unblock the threads and use them for subsequent work. Note that this feature must remain optional for now because of a bug in HDFS where Thread.interrupt() may cause nodes to be marked as permanently dead (as the InterruptedException is reinterpreted as an IOException during communication with some node). Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #498 from aarondav/cancel and squashes the following commits: e52b829 [Aaron Davidson] Don't use job.properties when null 82f78bb [Aaron Davidson] Update DAGSchedulerSuite b67f472 [Aaron Davidson] Add comment on why interruptOnCancel is in setJobGroup 4cb9fd6 [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-1582 Invoke Thread.interrupt() when cancelling jobs
Marcelo Vanzin authored
This is related to SPARK-1459 / PR #375. Without this fix, FileLogger.createLogDir() may try to create the log dir on HDFS, while createWriter() will try to open the log file on the local file system, leading to interesting errors and confusion. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #450 from vanzin/event-file-2 and squashes the following commits: 592cdb3 [Marcelo Vanzin] Honor default fs name when initializing event logger.
Aaron Davidson authored
Previously, the behavior was that if the parent RDD threw any exception other than IOException or FileNotFoundException (which is quite possible for Hadoop input sources), the entire Executor would crash, because the default thread a uncaught exception handler calls System.exit(). This patch avoids two related issues: 1. Always catch exceptions in this reader thread. 2. Don't mask readerException when Python throws an EOFError after worker.shutdownOutput() is called. Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #486 from aarondav/pyspark and squashes the following commits: fbb11e9 [Aaron Davidson] Make sure FileNotFoundExceptions are handled same as before b9acb3e [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-1572 Don't kill Executor if PythonRDD fails while computing parent
zsxwing authored
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-1583 Does anyone know why using `java.util.HashMap` rather than `mutable.HashMap`? Some methods of `java.util.HashMap` are not generics and compiler can not help us find similar problems. Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #500 from zsxwing/SPARK-1583 and squashes the following commits: 7bfd74d [zsxwing] SPARK-1583: Fix a bug that using java.util.HashMap by mistake
Patrick Wendell authored
1. Makes assembly and examples jar naming consistent in maven/sbt. 2. Updates make-distribution.sh to use Maven and fixes some bugs. 3. Updates the create-release script to call make-distribution script. Author: Patrick Wendell <pwendell@gmail.com> Closes #502 from pwendell/make-distribution and squashes the following commits: 1a97f0d [Patrick Wendell] SPARK-1119 and other build improvements
Michael Armbrust authored
Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #496 from marmbrus/javaBeanBug and squashes the following commits: 644fedd [Michael Armbrust] Bean methods must be public.
Michael Armbrust authored
[WIP] Just seeing how Jenkins likes this... Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #494 from marmbrus/mima and squashes the following commits: 6eec616 [Michael Armbrust] Force hive tests to run. acaf682 [Michael Armbrust] Don't initialize loaded classes.
- Apr 22, 2014
Michael Armbrust authored
Author: Michael Armbrust <michael@databricks.com> Closes #489 from marmbrus/sqlDocFixes and squashes the following commits: acee4f3 [Michael Armbrust] Fix visibility / annotation of Spark SQL APIs