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  1. Mar 09, 2014
    • Aaron Davidson's avatar
      SPARK-929: Fully deprecate usage of SPARK_MEM · 52834d76
      Aaron Davidson authored
      (Continued from old repo, prior discussion at
      This patch cements our deprecation of the SPARK_MEM environment variable by replacing it with three more specialized variables:
      The creation of the latter two variables means that we can safely set driver/job memory without accidentally setting the executor memory. Neither is public.
      SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY is only used by the Mesos scheduler (and set within SparkContext). The proper way of configuring executor memory is through the "spark.executor.memory" property.
      SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY is the new way of specifying the amount of memory run by jobs launched by spark-class, without possibly affecting executor memory.
      Other memory considerations:
      - The repl's memory can be set through the "--drivermem" command-line option, which really just sets SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY.
      - run-example doesn't use spark-class, so the only way to modify examples' memory is actually an unusual use of SPARK_JAVA_OPTS (which is normally overriden in all cases by spark-class).
      This patch also fixes a lurking bug where spark-shell misused spark-class (the first argument is supposed to be the main class name, not java options), as well as a bug in the Windows spark-class2.cmd. I have not yet tested this patch on either Windows or Mesos, however.
      Author: Aaron Davidson <>
      Closes #99 from aarondav/sparkmem and squashes the following commits:
      9df4c68 [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-929: Fully deprecate usage of SPARK_MEM
  2. Mar 08, 2014
    • Patrick Wendell's avatar
      SPARK-1190: Do not initialize log4j if slf4j log4j backend is not being used · e59a3b6c
      Patrick Wendell authored
      Author: Patrick Wendell <>
      Closes #107 from pwendell/logging and squashes the following commits:
      be21c11 [Patrick Wendell] Logging fix
    • Reynold Xin's avatar
      Update junitxml plugin to the latest version to avoid recompilation in every SBT command. · c2834ec0
      Reynold Xin authored
      Author: Reynold Xin <>
      Closes #104 from rxin/junitxml and squashes the following commits:
      67ef7bf [Reynold Xin] Update junitxml plugin to the latest version to avoid recompilation in every SBT command.
    • Cheng Lian's avatar
      [SPARK-1194] Fix the same-RDD rule for cache replacement · 0b7b7fd4
      Cheng Lian authored
      In the current implementation, when selecting candidate blocks to be swapped out, once we find a block from the same RDD that the block to be stored belongs to, cache eviction fails  and aborts.
      In this PR, we keep selecting blocks *not* from the RDD that the block to be stored belongs to until either enough free space can be ensured (cache eviction succeeds) or all such blocks are checked (cache eviction fails).
      Author: Cheng Lian <>
      Closes #96 from liancheng/fix-spark-1194 and squashes the following commits:
      2524ab9 [Cheng Lian] Added regression test case for SPARK-1194
      6e40c22 [Cheng Lian] Remove redundant comments
      40cdcb2 [Cheng Lian] Bug fix, and addressed PR comments from @mridulm
      62c92ac [Cheng Lian] Fixed SPARK-1194
    • Reynold Xin's avatar
      Allow sbt to use more than 1G of heap. · 8ad486ad
      Reynold Xin authored
      There was a mistake in sbt build file ( introduced by 012bd5fb ) in which we set the default to 2048 and the immediately reset it to 1024.
      Without this, building Spark can run out of permgen space on my machine.
      Author: Reynold Xin <>
      Closes #103 from rxin/sbt and squashes the following commits:
      8829c34 [Reynold Xin] Allow sbt to use more than 1G of heap.
    • Sandy Ryza's avatar
      SPARK-1193. Fix indentation in pom.xmls · a99fb374
      Sandy Ryza authored
      Author: Sandy Ryza <>
      Closes #91 from sryza/sandy-spark-1193 and squashes the following commits:
      a878124 [Sandy Ryza] SPARK-1193. Fix indentation in pom.xmls
  3. Mar 07, 2014
    • Prashant Sharma's avatar
      Spark 1165 rdd.intersection in python and java · 6e730edc
      Prashant Sharma authored
      Author: Prashant Sharma <>
      Author: Prashant Sharma <>
      Closes #80 from ScrapCodes/SPARK-1165/RDD.intersection and squashes the following commits:
      9b015e9 [Prashant Sharma] Added a note, shuffle is required for intersection.
      1fea813 [Prashant Sharma] correct the lines wrapping
      d0c71f3 [Prashant Sharma] SPARK-1165 RDD.intersection in java
      d6effee [Prashant Sharma] SPARK-1165 Implemented RDD.intersection in python.
    • Thomas Graves's avatar
      SPARK-1195: set map_input_file environment variable in PipedRDD · b7cd9e99
      Thomas Graves authored
      Hadoop uses the config to indicate the input filename to the map when the input split is of type FileSplit. Some of the hadoop input and output formats set or use this config. This config can also be used by user code.
      PipedRDD runs an external process and the configs aren't available to that process. Hadoop Streaming does something very similar and the way they make configs available is exporting them into the environment replacing '.' with '_'. Spark should also export this variable when launching the pipe command so the user code has access to that config.
      Note that the config is the new one, the old one which is deprecated but not yet removed is map.input.file. So we should handle both.
      Perhaps it would be better to abstract this out somehow so it goes into the HadoopParition code?
      Author: Thomas Graves <>
      Closes #94 from tgravescs/map_input_file and squashes the following commits:
      cc97a6a [Thomas Graves] Update test to check for existence of command, add a getPipeEnvVars function to HadoopRDD
      e3401dc [Thomas Graves] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into map_input_file
      2ba805e [Thomas Graves] set map_input_file environment variable in PipedRDD
    • Aaron Davidson's avatar
      SPARK-1136: Fix FaultToleranceTest for Docker 0.8.1 · dabeb6f1
      Aaron Davidson authored
      This patch allows the FaultToleranceTest to work in newer versions of Docker.
      See for more details.
      Besides changing the Docker and FaultToleranceTest internals, this patch also changes the behavior of Master to accept new Workers which share an address with a Worker that we are currently trying to recover. This can only happen when the Worker itself was restarted and got the same IP address/port at the same time as a Master recovery occurs.
      Finally, this adds a good bit of ASCII art to the test to make failures, successes, and actions more apparent. This is very much needed.
      Author: Aaron Davidson <>
      Closes #5 from aarondav/zookeeper and squashes the following commits:
      5d7a72a [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-1136: Fix FaultToleranceTest for Docker 0.8.1
  4. Mar 06, 2014
    • Patrick Wendell's avatar
      Small clean-up to flatmap tests · 33baf14b
      Patrick Wendell authored
    • anitatailor's avatar
      Example for cassandra CQL read/write from spark · 9ae919c0
      anitatailor authored
      Cassandra read/write using CqlPagingInputFormat/CqlOutputFormat
      Author: anitatailor <>
      Closes #87 from anitatailor/master and squashes the following commits:
      3493f81 [anitatailor] Fixed scala style as per review
      19480b7 [anitatailor] Example for cassandra CQL read/write from spark
    • Sandy Ryza's avatar
      SPARK-1197. Change yarn-standalone to yarn-cluster and fix up running on YARN docs · 328c73d0
      Sandy Ryza authored
      This patch changes "yarn-standalone" to "yarn-cluster" (but still supports the former).  It also cleans up the Running on YARN docs and adds a section on how to view logs.
      Author: Sandy Ryza <>
      Closes #95 from sryza/sandy-spark-1197 and squashes the following commits:
      563ef3a [Sandy Ryza] Review feedback
      6ad06d4 [Sandy Ryza] Change yarn-standalone to yarn-cluster and fix up running on YARN docs
    • Thomas Graves's avatar
      SPARK-1189: Add Security to Spark - Akka, Http, ConnectionManager, UI use servlets · 7edbea41
      Thomas Graves authored
      resubmit pull request.  was
      Author: Thomas Graves <>
      Closes #33 from tgravescs/security-branch-0.9-with-client-rebase and squashes the following commits:
      dfe3918 [Thomas Graves] Fix merge conflict since startUserClass now using runAsUser
      05eebed [Thomas Graves] Fix dependency lost in upmerge
      d1040ec [Thomas Graves] Fix up various imports
      05ff5e0 [Thomas Graves] Fix up imports after upmerging to master
      ac046b3 [Thomas Graves] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into security-branch-0.9-with-client-rebase
      13733e1 [Thomas Graves] Pass securityManager and SparkConf around where we can. Switch to use sparkConf for reading config whereever possible. Added ConnectionManagerSuite unit tests.
      4a57acc [Thomas Graves] Change UI createHandler routines to createServlet since they now return servlets
      2f77147 [Thomas Graves] Rework from comments
      50dd9f2 [Thomas Graves] fix header in SecurityManager
      ecbfb65 [Thomas Graves] Fix spacing and formatting
      b514bec [Thomas Graves] Fix reference to config
      ed3d1c1 [Thomas Graves] Add
      6f7ddf3 [Thomas Graves] Convert SaslClient and SaslServer to scala, change spark.authenticate.ui to spark.ui.acls.enable, and fix up various other things from review comments
      2d9e23e [Thomas Graves] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into security-branch-0.9-with-client-rebase_rework
      5721c5a [Thomas Graves] update AkkaUtilsSuite test for the actorSelection changes, fix typos based on comments, and remove extra lines I missed in rebase from AkkaUtils
      f351763 [Thomas Graves] Add Security to Spark - Akka, Http, ConnectionManager, UI to use servlets
    • Kyle Ellrott's avatar
      SPARK-942: Do not materialize partitions when DISK_ONLY storage level is used · 40566e10
      Kyle Ellrott authored
      This is a port of a pull request original targeted at incubator-spark:
      Essentially if a user returns a generative iterator (from a flatMap operation), when trying to persist the data, Spark would first unroll the iterator into an ArrayBuffer, and then try to figure out if it could store the data. In cases where the user provided an iterator that generated more data then available memory, this would case a crash. With this patch, if the user requests a persist with a 'StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY', the iterator will be unrolled as it is inputed into the serializer.
      To do this, two changes where made:
      1) The type of the 'values' argument in the putValues method of the BlockStore interface was changed from ArrayBuffer to Iterator (and all code interfacing with this method was modified to connect correctly.
      2) The JavaSerializer now calls the ObjectOutputStream 'reset' method every 1000 objects. This was done because the ObjectOutputStream caches objects (thus preventing them from being GC'd) to write more compact serialization. If reset is never called, eventually the memory fills up, if it is called too often then the serialization streams become much larger because of redundant class descriptions.
      Author: Kyle Ellrott <>
      Closes #50 from kellrott/iterator-to-disk and squashes the following commits:
      9ef7cb8 [Kyle Ellrott] Fixing formatting issues.
      60e0c57 [Kyle Ellrott] Fixing issues (formatting, variable names, etc.) from review comments
      8aa31cd [Kyle Ellrott] Merge ../incubator-spark into iterator-to-disk
      33ac390 [Kyle Ellrott] Merge branch 'iterator-to-disk' of into iterator-to-disk
      2f684ea [Kyle Ellrott] Refactoring the BlockManager to replace the Either[Either[A,B]] usage. Now using trait 'Values'. Also modified BlockStore.putBytes call to return PutResult, so that it behaves like putValues.
      f70d069 [Kyle Ellrott] Adding docs for spark.serializer.objectStreamReset configuration
      7ccc74b [Kyle Ellrott] Moving the 'LargeIteratorSuite' to simply test persistance of iterators. It doesn't try to invoke a OOM error any more
      16a4cea [Kyle Ellrott] Streamlined the LargeIteratorSuite unit test. It should now run in ~25 seconds. Confirmed that it still crashes an unpatched copy of Spark.
      c2fb430 [Kyle Ellrott] Removing more un-needed array-buffer to iterator conversions
      627a8b7 [Kyle Ellrott] Wrapping a few long lines
      0f28ec7 [Kyle Ellrott] Adding second putValues to BlockStore interface that accepts an ArrayBuffer (rather then an Iterator). This will allow BlockStores to have slightly different behaviors dependent on whether they get an Iterator or ArrayBuffer. In the case of the MemoryStore, it needs to duplicate and cache an Iterator into an ArrayBuffer, but if handed a ArrayBuffer, it can skip the duplication.
      656c33e [Kyle Ellrott] Fixing the JavaSerializer to read from the SparkConf rather then the System property.
      8644ee8 [Kyle Ellrott] Merge branch 'master' into iterator-to-disk
      00c98e0 [Kyle Ellrott] Making the Java ObjectStreamSerializer reset rate configurable by the system variable 'spark.serializer.objectStreamReset', default is not 10000.
      40fe1d7 [Kyle Ellrott] Removing rouge space
      31fe08e [Kyle Ellrott] Removing un-needed semi-colons
      9df0276 [Kyle Ellrott] Added check to make sure that streamed-to-dist RDD actually returns good data in the LargeIteratorSuite
      a6424ba [Kyle Ellrott] Wrapping long line
      2eeda75 [Kyle Ellrott] Fixing dumb mistake ("||" instead of "&&")
      0e6f808 [Kyle Ellrott] Deleting temp output directory when done
      95c7f67 [Kyle Ellrott] Simplifying StorageLevel checks
      56f71cd [Kyle Ellrott] Merge branch 'master' into iterator-to-disk
      44ec35a [Kyle Ellrott] Adding some comments.
      5eb2b7e [Kyle Ellrott] Changing the JavaSerializer reset to occur every 1000 objects.
      f403826 [Kyle Ellrott] Merge branch 'master' into iterator-to-disk
      81d670c [Kyle Ellrott] Adding unit test for straight to disk iterator methods.
      d32992f [Kyle Ellrott] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into iterator-to-disk
      cac1fad [Kyle Ellrott] Fixing MemoryStore, so that it converts incoming iterators to ArrayBuffer objects. This was previously done higher up the stack.
      efe1102 [Kyle Ellrott] Changing CacheManager and BlockManager to pass iterators directly to the serializer when a 'DISK_ONLY' persist is called. This is in response to SPARK-942.
    • Prabin Banka's avatar
      SPARK-1187, Added missing Python APIs · 3d3acef0
      Prabin Banka authored
      The following Python APIs are added,
      was raised earlier as a part of  apache/incubator-spark#486
      Author: Prabin Banka <>
      Closes #75 from prabinb/python-api-backup and squashes the following commits:
      cc3c6cd [Prabin Banka] Added missing Python APIs
  5. Mar 05, 2014
    • CodingCat's avatar
      SPARK-1156: allow user to login into a cluster without slaves · 3eb009f3
      CodingCat authored
      Reported in
      The current spark-ec2 script doesn't allow user to login to a cluster without slaves. One of the issues brought by this behaviour is that when all the worker died, the user cannot even login to the cluster for debugging, etc.
      Author: CodingCat <>
      Closes #58 from CodingCat/SPARK-1156 and squashes the following commits:
      104af07 [CodingCat] output ERROR to stderr
      9a71769 [CodingCat] do not allow user to start 0-slave cluster
      24a7c79 [CodingCat] allow user to login into a cluster without slaves
    • Mark Grover's avatar
      SPARK-1184: Update the distribution tar.gz to include spark-assembly jar · cda381f8
      Mark Grover authored
      See JIRA for details.
      Author: Mark Grover <>
      Closes #78 from markgrover/SPARK-1184 and squashes the following commits:
      12b78e6 [Mark Grover] SPARK-1184: Update the distribution tar.gz to include spark-assembly jar
    • liguoqiang's avatar
      Improve building with maven docs · 51ca7bd7
      liguoqiang authored
           mvn -Dhadoop.version=... -Dsuites=spark.repl.ReplSuite test
           mvn -Dhadoop.version=... -Dsuites=org.apache.spark.repl.ReplSuite test
      Author: liguoqiang <>
      Closes #70 from witgo/building_with_maven and squashes the following commits:
      6ec8a54 [liguoqiang] spark.repl.ReplSuite to org.apache.spark.repl.ReplSuite
    • CodingCat's avatar
      SPARK-1171: when executor is removed, we should minus totalCores instead of... · a3da5088
      CodingCat authored
      SPARK-1171: when executor is removed, we should minus totalCores instead of just freeCores on that executor
      When the executor is removed, the current implementation will only minus the freeCores of that executor. Actually we should minus the totalCores...
      Author: CodingCat <>
      Author: Nan Zhu <>
      Closes #63 from CodingCat/simplify_CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend and squashes the following commits:
      f6bf93f [Nan Zhu] code clean
      19c2bb4 [CodingCat] use copy idiom to reconstruct the workerOffers
      43c13e9 [CodingCat] keep WorkerOffer immutable
      af470d3 [CodingCat] style fix
      0c0e409 [CodingCat] simplify the implementation of CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend
  6. Mar 04, 2014
  7. Mar 03, 2014
    • Kay Ousterhout's avatar
      Remove broken/unused Connection.getChunkFIFO method. · b14ede78
      Kay Ousterhout authored
      This method appears to be broken -- since it never removes
      anything from messages, and it adds new messages to it,
      the while loop is an infinite loop.  The method also does not appear
      to have ever been used since the code was added in 2012, so
      this commit removes it.
      cc @mateiz who originally added this method in case there's a reason it should be here! (
      Author: Kay Ousterhout <>
      Closes #69 from kayousterhout/remove_get_fifo and squashes the following commits:
      053bc59 [Kay Ousterhout] Remove broken/unused Connection.getChunkFIFO method.
    • Reynold Xin's avatar
      SPARK-1158: Fix flaky RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite. · f5ae38af
      Reynold Xin authored
      There was actually a problem with the RateLimitedOutputStream implementation where the first second doesn't write anything because of integer rounding.
      So RateLimitedOutputStream was overly aggressive in throttling.
      Author: Reynold Xin <>
      Closes #55 from rxin/ratelimitest and squashes the following commits:
      52ce1b7 [Reynold Xin] SPARK-1158: Fix flaky RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite.
    • Bryn Keller's avatar
      Added a unit test for PairRDDFunctions.lookup · 923dba50
      Bryn Keller authored
      Lookup didn't have a unit test. Added two tests, one for with a partitioner, and one for without.
      Author: Bryn Keller <>
      Closes #36 from xoltar/lookup and squashes the following commits:
      3bc0d44 [Bryn Keller] Added a unit test for PairRDDFunctions.lookup
    • Kay Ousterhout's avatar
      Remove the remoteFetchTime metric. · b55cade8
      Kay Ousterhout authored
      This metric is confusing: it adds up all of the time to fetch
      shuffle inputs, but fetches often happen in parallel, so
      remoteFetchTime can be much longer than the task execution time.
      @squito it looks like you added this metric -- do you have a use case for it?
      cc @shivaram -- I know you've looked at the shuffle performance a lot so chime in here if this metric has turned out to be useful for you!
      Author: Kay Ousterhout <>
      Closes #62 from kayousterhout/remove_fetch_variable and squashes the following commits:
      43341eb [Kay Ousterhout] Remote the remoteFetchTime metric.
    • Chen Chao's avatar
      update proportion of memory · 9d225a91
      Chen Chao authored
      The default value of "" has been changed from 0.66 to 0.6 . So it should be 60% of the memory to cache while 40% used for task execution.
      Author: Chen Chao <>
      Closes #66 from CrazyJvm/master and squashes the following commits:
      0f84d86 [Chen Chao] update proportion of memory
    • Kay Ousterhout's avatar
      Removed accidentally checked in comment · 369aad6f
      Kay Ousterhout authored
      It looks like this comment was added a while ago by @mridulm as part of a merge and was accidentally checked in.  We should remove it.
      Author: Kay Ousterhout <>
      Closes #61 from kayousterhout/remove_comment and squashes the following commits:
      0b2b3f2 [Kay Ousterhout] Removed accidentally checked in comment
    • Aaron Kimball's avatar
      SPARK-1173. (#2) Fix typo in Java streaming example. · f65c1f38
      Aaron Kimball authored
      Companion commit to pull request #64, fix the typo on the Java side of the docs.
      Author: Aaron Kimball <>
      Closes #65 from kimballa/spark-1173-java-doc-update and squashes the following commits:
      8ce11d3 [Aaron Kimball] SPARK-1173. (#2) Fix typo in Java streaming example.
    • Aaron Kimball's avatar
      SPARK-1173. Improve scala streaming docs. · 2b53447f
      Aaron Kimball authored
      Clarify imports to add implicit conversions to DStream and
      fix other small typos in the streaming intro documentation.
      Tested by inspecting output via a local jekyll server, c&p'ing the scala commands into a spark terminal.
      Author: Aaron Kimball <>
      Closes #64 from kimballa/spark-1173-streaming-docs and squashes the following commits:
      6fbff0e [Aaron Kimball] SPARK-1173. Improve scala streaming docs.
  8. Mar 02, 2014
    • Patrick Wendell's avatar
      Add Jekyll tag to isolate "production-only" doc components. · 55a4f11b
      Patrick Wendell authored
      Author: Patrick Wendell <>
      Closes #56 from pwendell/jekyll-prod and squashes the following commits:
      1bdc3a8 [Patrick Wendell] Add Jekyll tag to isolate "production-only" doc components.
    • Patrick Wendell's avatar
      SPARK-1121: Include avro for yarn-alpha builds · c3f5e075
      Patrick Wendell authored
      This lets us explicitly include Avro based on a profile for 0.23.X
      builds. It makes me sad how convoluted it is to express this logic
      in Maven. @tgraves and @sryza curious if this works for you.
      I'm also considering just reverting to how it was before. The only
      real problem was that Spark advertised a dependency on Avro
      even though it only really depends transitively on Avro through
      other deps.
      Author: Patrick Wendell <>
      Closes #49 from pwendell/avro-build-fix and squashes the following commits:
      8d6ee92 [Patrick Wendell] SPARK-1121: Add avro to yarn-alpha profile
    • Sean Owen's avatar
      SPARK-1084.2 (resubmitted) · fd31adbf
      Sean Owen authored
      (Ported from )
      This adds one more change though, to fix the scala version warning introduced by json4s recently.
      Author: Sean Owen <>
      Closes #32 from srowen/SPARK-1084.2 and squashes the following commits:
      9240abd [Sean Owen] Avoid scala version conflict in scalap induced by json4s dependency
      1561cec [Sean Owen] Remove "exclude *" dependencies that are causing Maven warnings, and that are apparently unneeded anyway
    • Reynold Xin's avatar
      Ignore RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite for now. · 353ac6b4
      Reynold Xin authored
      This test has been flaky. We can re-enable it after @tdas has a chance to look at it.
      Author: Reynold Xin <>
      Closes #54 from rxin/ratelimit and squashes the following commits:
      1a12198 [Reynold Xin] Ignore RateLimitedOutputStreamSuite for now.
    • Aaron Davidson's avatar
      SPARK-1137: Make ZK PersistenceEngine not crash for wrong serialVersionUID · 46bcb955
      Aaron Davidson authored
      Previously, ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine would crash the whole Master process if
      there was stored data from a prior Spark version. Now, we just delete these files.
      Author: Aaron Davidson <>
      Closes #4 from aarondav/zookeeper2 and squashes the following commits:
      fa8b40f [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-1137: Make ZK PersistenceEngine not crash for wrong serialVersionUID
    • Patrick Wendell's avatar
      Remove remaining references to incubation · 1fd2bfd3
      Patrick Wendell authored
      This removes some loose ends not caught by the other (incubating -> tlp) patches. @markhamstra this updates the version as you mentioned earlier.
      Author: Patrick Wendell <>
      Closes #51 from pwendell/tlp and squashes the following commits:
      d553b1b [Patrick Wendell] Remove remaining references to incubation
    • Binh Nguyen's avatar
      Update io.netty from 4.0.13 Final to 4.0.17.Final · b70823c9
      Binh Nguyen authored
      This update contains a lot of bug fixes and some new perf improvements.
      It is also binary compatible with the current 4.0.13.Final
      For more information:
      Author: Binh Nguyen <>
      Author: Binh Nguyen <>
      Closes #41 from ngbinh/master and squashes the following commits:
      a9498f4 [Binh Nguyen] update io.netty to 4.0.17.Final
    • Michael Armbrust's avatar
      Merge the old sbt-launch-lib.bash with the new sbt-launcher jar downloading logic. · 012bd5fb
      Michael Armbrust authored
      This allows developers to pass options (such as -D) to sbt.  I also modified the SparkBuild to ensure spark specific properties are propagated to forked test JVMs.
      Author: Michael Armbrust <>
      Closes #14 from marmbrus/sbtScripts and squashes the following commits:
      c008b18 [Michael Armbrust] Merge the old sbt-launch-lib.bash with the new sbt-launcher jar downloading logic.
    • DB Tsai's avatar
      Initialized the regVal for first iteration in SGD optimizer · 6fc76e49
      DB Tsai authored
      Ported from
      In runMiniBatchSGD, the regVal (for 1st iter) should be initialized
      as sum of sqrt of weights if it's L2 update; for L1 update, the same logic is followed.
      It maybe not be important here for SGD since the updater doesn't take the loss
      as parameter to find the new weights. But it will give us the correct history of loss.
      However, for LBFGS optimizer we implemented, the correct loss with regVal is crucial to
      find the new weights.
      Author: DB Tsai <>
      Closes #40 from dbtsai/dbtsai-smallRegValFix and squashes the following commits:
      77d47da [DB Tsai] In runMiniBatchSGD, the regVal (for 1st iter) should be initialized as sum of sqrt of weights if it's L2 update; for L1 update, the same logic is followed.